Historical geography of Estonian cattle breeds.
Pae, Taavi ; Tammiksaar, Erki ; Soovali-Sepping, Helen 等
1. Introduction
The geographical distribution of cattle breeds is a topic not given
much attention by the international research community. While there are
some general studies and encyclopaedias that provide general data about
the distribution of breeds, no real detailed research exists (see e.g.
Frahm 1982). However, during the last decade, much work has been done in
the evaluation of the genetic material of cattle herds and the resultant
variations within them (Kantanen et al. 2000, Torok 1995, Lenstra 2006).
Studying the genetic material of cattle undoubtedly adds a new
perspective to the history of European agriculture and sheds light on
the geographical distribution of cattle breeds. This article, utilising
the methods of historical geography, studies and analyses data from
different cattle pedigree books, information about the distribution of
cattle, and facts about the historical conditions of cattle breeding in
The territory of the present-day Republic of Estonia has been
subjected to occupations of several foreign powers throughout its
history. Estonians have been ruled by the Danes, the Poles and the
Russians; its territory has been divided, sometimes even simultaneously,
between the aforementioned nations into several parts (see Pistohlkors
2002, Palmer 2005). The longest rulers though were the Germans, who
became local aristocracy over the centuries, even during the reign of
other nations over Estonia. This complicated political history has left
its mark on the development of administrative areas within the country.
Estonia was relatively homogeneous in its population and landscape until
its conversion to Christianity at the beginning of the 13th century, at
which point it was divided into North-Estonia, which belonged to the
Danes, and South-Estonia, that belonged to the Livonian Order (branch of
the Teutonic Order) and the Bishop of Riga. This border between North
and South was determined by the natural geographical characteristics of
Estonian territory--specifically bogs. This border area was, and still
is, traversed by an East-West directional zone of bogs (Kulvik et al.
2000). This eventually became a permanent administrative border as
knighthoods developed in the region. The German-speaking aristocracy
formed one knighthood in North-Estonia (Estonia Province, capital in
Tallinn), while South-Estonia together with North-Latvia (Livonia
Province, capital in Riga) had their own knighthood. Additionally,
Saaremaa had its own knighthood separate from the others (see Figure 1).
The governors of these separate provinces had their own privileges,
laws, currency and units of measure. Although Estonia became a part of
Tsarist a Russia after the Great Northern War (1700-21), its tight
connections with Western Europe, the original founders of the northern
and southern provinces, were sustained. While formally belonging to the
Russian Empire, the Baltic Provinces enjoyed the Baltic Landesstaat (1)
and the large population of Baltic Germans that lived in the region kept
close contacts with their native land. These close connections
facilitated the rapid transfer of cultural and economic developments
that were taking place in Western European countries at the time to the
eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Compared to other regions of the
Russian Empire, the Baltic Provinces were more advanced in terms of
economic and cultural development, including cattle breeding. (2) This
historical border and connections with Western Europe would eventually
play an important part in the development of cattle breeding in Estonia.
2. Historical development of Estonian cattle breeds, historiography
While the history of cattle breeding in Estonia has been examined
by researchers (e.g., see Keyserling 1894, Stegmann 1923, Kivimae 1994,
Kutti et al. 1965, Molder 1949, Pung 1985), the geographical
distribution of cattle breeds has been of little interest . Estonia has
been an agricultural country throughout its entire history. At the
beginning of the Common Era, agriculture became a significant source of
subsistence. By the end of the 19th century, it had become the most
important source of industry and remained the leading industry within
the Republic of Estonia during the 1930s. The first written records of
cattle breeding in Estonian territory originate from the Livonian
Chronicle written by Henry of Livonia at the beginning of the 13th
century (The chronicle of Henry of Livonia 1961). The Chronicle
indicates that Estonians already had many cattle at that time and that
from a campaign to Soontagana in 1210/11, four thousand cattle were
taken as plunder.3 The sizes of herds were also praised by other
chroniclers, like the Russow Chronicle from the 16th century (The
Chronicle of Balthasar Russow 1988). The first known data that confirms
the search for a cattle breed suitable for the territory of Estonia
dates all the way back to the 17th century. There are records indicating
that Dutch cattle were bred in Purtse manor, Viru County, Estonia in
1624 (Karelson 1981). Furthermore, in the first thorough description of
the territory of Estonia--"Topographische Nachrichten von Lief- und
Ehstland" by August Wilhelm Hupel--the author mentions that cattle
were bred quite extensively in Estonia and that the animals were smaller
than those in other Russian provinces, Germany, and Denmark (Hupel
1777). Unfortunately, the text did not mention the breeds of cattle.
Individual reports on the breeding of different cattle breeds in the
manors of Estonia originate from the 18th century and from the beginning
of the 19th century (see e.g. Stegmann 1924). According to Meinhard
Karelson (1981), an expert on the history of Estonian cattle breeding,
almost all popular Western European cattle breeds existed in Estonia in
the 1850s. However, unlike in other European countries, no systematic
breeding work with cattle was practised. Many cattle breeds were not
suitable for the climatic conditions of Estonia and Livonia, as they
originated from areas with different climatic and nutritional
conditions. Consequently, the oldest agricultural society in the Baltic
Provinces--the Livonian Benefit and Economic Society (established in
1792)--failed in improving the Estonian native cattle with Arshire oxen
because the climatic conditions of Estonia were unsuitable for cattle
from the Scottish highlands (Lepajoe and Oll 1998).
Cattle breeding eventually became more systematic in the Baltic
Provinces under the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th
century, mainly because of increasing competition in the European market
of agricultural products. In order to ensure a market for their
agricultural production, the Baltic German landlords had no other choice
than to increase production and find ways to improve the native cattle.
Alexander Theodor von Middendorff (1815-1894), a Baltic German
scientist, was the most notable cattle breeder during this period in
Livonia. His Baltic German background was somewhat interesting as his
father was a nobleman, while his mother was an Estonian peasant.
Middendorff was born in St. Petersburg and attended school there at an
early age, but later moved to Tartu and attended Tartu University to
study natural sciences under the Faculty of Medicine. Since his
childhood, Middendorff had been an enthusiastic hunter and always very
interested in rural life, as he was very active in the management of his
father's estate in Livonia. During an expedition to northern and
eastern Siberia, which lasted from 1842 to 1845, he made significant
observations on agricultural practices and taxation systems employed in
the regions. The expedition expanded his scientific reputation, but had
negative effects on his health and physical condition. Middendorff
eventually bought his own estate in Livonia in 1850 and continued to
pursue his interest in the complex issues of Livonian agricultural
policy, the regulations of which were mainly in favour of the interests
of Baltic German landlords. A reform plan launched in 1840 suggested a
shift from corvee to personal freedom and the selling of land to
peasants; however, it was not binding for the landlords to follow this
plan. Middendorff, who was a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of
Sciences and an elected member of the Academy of Zoology, travelled
extensively in Russia and Western Europe, and as a result, obtained
extensive knowledge on the overall practices in agricultural policy. He
observed that various European countries gradually introduced common
agricultural regulations similar to each other, which leaned towards
large farms with intensive production. Russia, including Livonia, still
followed old agricultural practices. Middendorff realised that Livonia
might lose its agricultural market and suggested that new scientific
methods should be applied, both by landlords and peasants, in order to
compete with other European and Ukrainian producers, who lived in more
favourable climates. In 1861, Middendorff returned to Livonia from St.
Petersburg due to health problems and became head of the Livonian
Benefit and Economic Society (1862-1882). Its membership was not
accessible to everyone, it had little authority to introduce new
practices to the public. Middendorff made an effort to open the Society
to all interested parties with the intention of providing everyone with
information about new methods in agricultural production. This would
enable Livonia, as a whole, to become agriculturally more fruitful. The
key issue to improving Livonia's agricultural development,
Middendorff believed, was the improvement of dairy production. He
considered the raising of dairy cattle to be more favourable than beef
cattle (Tammiksaar 2006, Sukhova and Tammiksaar 2005).
Even though many of the leading Livonian manor farms were
qualitatively, as well as quantitatively, productive, Middendorff
claimed their outputs were not enough to guarantee the competitiveness
of Livonia's agricultural products. He once stated:
The isolated endeavours of our landlords to achieve eminent
position in the world market with their production fail, because
they are never capable of it on their own. To gain success, the
whole country has to have the same ambitions and goals, because the
quality [of the merchandise] in massive quantities is the only
thing that counts in world markets. If we do not wish to be left
aside, our most urgent task is to produce and trade more than up to
the present [underlining by Middendorff]. (4)
Although he claimed that dairy farming was the basis for a boom in
agriculture, Middendorff considered the intensification of agricultural
production in all strata to be important for the development of Livonia.
However, development would not flourish without systematic breeding work
with native cattle, as cattle breeding was the way to stay competitive
in the dairy market. To improve the pedigree of native Estonian cattle,
a suitable breed accustomed to similar climatic conditions had to be
found. In the late summer of 1862, Middendorff found several candidates
from among the Red Angler cattle breed in Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark
and chose 31 Anglers from among 880 in the area of Tondern and the Lugum
Monastery in Denmark to begin breeding. (5) With these animals, his aim
was to breed cattle that could produce a high milk yield and could adapt
to living in the natural conditions of Livonia. By 1863, he had achieved
very positive results with the Angler breed (Baltische ... 1863,
Verhandlungen ... 1864) and the new cattle became quite popular among
the landlords of Livonia. The import of a new cattle breed and the
uncontrolled improvements of the local breed led Middendorff to begin
identifying the characteristics of the native cattle breed in order to
control the improvements. To do this, accurate data on the origin, age,
calving, milk yield, milk quality, and provender of the cattle had to be
gathered (Baltische ... 1871). Landlords and peasants followed
Middendorff's data collection instructions and by 1879, Livonia had
achieved notable advancements in improving the breed (Baltische ...
1879). The next step in raising the breed value of the new cattle was
recording the individual breed characteristics of the best specimens
into pedigree books. In 1884, Middendorff proposed to start recording
the breed characteristics and in 1885 the Baltic Cattle Breeders
Association was founded, which kept strict records of different cattle
breeds in pedigree books (Baltisches ..., 1886). The Breeders
Association decided that the weight of the new developing breed needed
to be increased and so the import of larger Danish Red Funen cattle to
Livonia began in 1892 (Magi 1924). The mixing of the two imported Danish
breeds and the native cattle served as a basis for the creation of a new
Livonian Red cattle breed and, subsequently, was responsible for a dairy
farming boom in Livonia. By the end of the 19th century, the Province of
Livonia had become the most advanced agricultural area in the entire
Russian Empire.
North-Estonia (the Province of Estonia) began developing its own
breed of cattle in the middle of the 1880s, considerably later than the
cross-breeding efforts in South-Estonia (the Province of Livonia).
Whereas Angler and Funen breeds were brought to Livonia, the Holstein
and the East-Friesland cattle breeds, which also produced high milk
yields, were imported to Estonia (Bodisco 1894). The instigator of
agricultural progress in Estonia was the Estonian Agricultural
Association, which was founded in 1844. The association's first
real leader was Alexander von Keyserling (1815-1891), a palaeontologist
from Kurland, who took control of the organization in the 1850s. He
originally studied at Berlin University and was later employed in Russia
as a civil servant. In the early 1840s, he organized three expeditions
into the European part of the Russian Empire (two of them with Sir
Roderick Murchison). Keyserling's academic career did not last long
as his wife frequently suffered from poor health and his family decided
to move to Estonia where his father-in-law, Feodor Cancrin--the Minister
of Financial Affairs of Russia, had given them several manor estates as
a wedding present. Keyserling was very active with the agricultural
success of his estates and successfully intertwined them with the
activities of the Estonian Agricultural Association.
Count Leo von Keyserling (1849-1895), the son of Alexander von
Keyserling, had even more influence in the promotion of agricultural
policy within the Estonian Agricultural Association. Having a
wide-ranging knowledge of agricultural practices, he continued his
father's responsibilities both in management of his estates and
leading the Association in 1893. Although both father and son had much
respect for Middendorff, they believed the introduction of the Holstein
cattle to the region would bring about better economic prosperity as the
Holstein produced a higher milk yield than Middendorff's Red
cattle. Count Keyserling dedicated all his energy to improving the breed
of Estonian dairy cattle (Kivimae 1994). As a result of cross-breeding
the Holstein and the East-Friesland cattle with the native cattle, the
Estonian Black-and-White (also known as Estonian Holstein) cattle breed
was created. Just like the Red cattle breed of Livonia, the
characteristics of the Estonian Black-and-White cattle were recorded in
pedigree books.
By the end of the 19th century, most Estonian (the Estonian
Province and Northern part of Livonian Province) households were still
raising native cattle. However, due to rapid economic development within
the Russian Empire, by the beginning of the 20th century, the new
distinct cattle breeds had replaced the native cows and had become
prevalent in both provinces (Lepajoe and Oll 1998). After Estonia gained
its independence in 1918, cattle breeding activities continued to
flourish and dairy products became the country's most important
items of export (primarily to Denmark and England). The Breeders
Associations of Estonian Angler and the Breeders Association of Estonian
Black-and-White Dairy Cattle were both established in 1919, and a
Breeders Association of Estonian Native Cattle was established in 1920.
Whereas breeding activities during the previous years were mainly the
responsibility of individual landlords, these new associations worked
with each other to improve cattle breeding within the entire country. A
network of test stations was developed during the 1920s and 1930s, which
organized breed shows and conducted artificial inseminations on cattle
in order to help the breeds proliferate (Saveli 2006). These efforts
ensured the stable development of all three breeds of dairy cattle in
During the Soviet period, animal breeding was reorganized in
Estonia with the creation of the Research Institute of Animal Breeding
and Veterinary Medicine at the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian
Soviet Socialist Republic in 1947. The work of the institute was
controlled by the government, mainly based on the guidelines set forth
in the "Means for developing agriculture in the post-war
period" from the Central Committees of Estonian Communist Party XVI
plenary session (5th of April 1947). According to this decree, the
improvement in the quality of the breed of farm animals was of the
utmost importance and should be an actively targeted goal. Organizations
coordinating the breeding of cattle were founded and work with the
Estonian Red cattle began in 1947 and with the Estonian Holstein cattle
in 1948 (Polluaar 2004, Bulitko et al. 2004). These organizations became
centres for cattle breeding; however, the main difference from the
pre-war period was that now breeding was done mainly in collective
farms. The organization promoting native cattle was not re-established
in the Soviet period and thus might be the reason why the number of
native cattle decreased drastically after the Second World War. In 1956,
agricultural institutes were placed under the supervision of the
Ministry of Agriculture in each of the Soviet republics, including
Estonia. That same year, the Estonian Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Institute (ELVI) was established, which became the main centre for
animal breeding until Estonia regained its independence in 1991, at
which point the ELVI was joined with the Estonian Agricultural
University (now Estonian University of Life Sciences). After the second
independence in 1991, cattle breeding continued to take place in
breeding organizations, except this time, the Estonian Native Cattle
Association was re-established to coordinate the breeding of native
cattle. Today, Estonian native cattle are on the endangered breeds list
of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) (Kalamees 2004, Kalamees
2007). In addition to the mentioned breeding organizations, an Estonian
Beef Breeders Association was established in 2003 and all of these
organizations were united under the umbrella of the Animal Breeders
Association of Estonia in 1993.
3. Data and methodology
This article analyzes the geographical and numerical distributions
of Estonian cattle breeds and the conditions that have caused the
particular distributions from the 1860s until today. Moreover, we wish
to check the claims of previous researchers that the Estonian Red cattle
is bred mainly in South-Estonia and the Estonian Holstein cattle mainly
in North-Estonia (e.g., see Kukk 2002, Jaanhold 1927, Eesti
rahvaleksikon (1937-40). Early statistical data used in this research
paper has been obtained from an article on the development of dairy
farming before 1918 by Kivimae (1994) and from books on agricultural
statistics until 1940. The sources of data from the Soviet period are
productivity control reports of cattle in 1976 (Idarand 1978). The most
recent data come from the database of Estonian cattle breeds by the
Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) from
November 2005. The data from 1976 has been processed to be comparable
with the contemporary administrative system and, because of this, some
imprecision may occur on the distribution map of the cattle. However,
this does not affect the overall picture of distribution. The
distribution map of the cattle from 1976 does not cover the cattle bred
in households; it covers only the cattle bred in collective farms, on
which only the official data is available. Information about the borders
between the Soviet rural municipalities originates from a CD of Estonian
Geography (Roosaare et al. 2000).
4. The number and location of Estonian cattle breeds--analysis and
As it appears from Table 1, the ratio between the Estonian Holstein
and the Estonian Red--the two most widespread breeds--was relatively
equal throughout the territory of Estonia at the end of the 19th
century. However, differences between cattle breeds due to location are
notable. It has to be mentioned that most of the cattle in Estonia were
not necessarily pedigree at the beginning of the 20th century. Even in
the control year 1938/39, pedigree cattle formed only 11 percent of the
total number of cattle. However, this percentage reflects only the
number of pure pedigree cattle; the number of cattle having pedigree
characteristics was certainly much larger. As the 20th century
progressed, the ratio balance shifted in favour of the Estonian Red
cattle breed. For example, in 1939, 73 percent of all cattle controlled
were Estonian Red (Eesti karjakontoll ... 1940); the reason for this
being that South-Estonia was the most prosperous part of Estonia in
those years (Kant 1935) and the cattle bred there were set as a good
model for what cattle should be bred in other regions. Thus, the
Estonian Red cattle breed expanded its area of distribution during the
first half of the 20th century.
After the Second World War, the Estonian Red breed started to lose
its superiority in distribution to the Estonian Black-and-White breed
(Holstein) and after 1970, the ratio between the two breeds changed
dramatically. The main reason for the change is that the Estonian
Holstein breed is more productive as a dairy cow (6) and that Estonian
cattle breeding is predominantly dairy farming oriented. The analysis of
the protocols of the Academy of Sciences from the Second World War on
the development of agriculture in Estonia during the second half of
1940s shows that a significant amount of attention was paid to the
breeding of pure-bred cattle, but no preference in breed was made. The
protocols set forth that the main purpose of breeding was to increase
the milk yield and the amount of fat in milk, to improve the meat
output, and to breed the three most common cattle breeds in Estonia,
including the native cattle. The regionalization of breeds was also
mentioned as it was planned to breed Estonian Black-and-White cattle in
the districts of industrial centres and holiday resorts and breed
Estonian Red cattle in areas further from markets (Central and
South-Estonia), where butter and cheese was produced. In more widespread
areas, there existed a possibility to raise Estonian native cattle,
which were ideal for producing milk with high fat content, in the form
of micro-regions (Pung 1947). These protocols set a benchmark for the
growth of Estonian Holstein cattle, as compared to Estonian Red cattle,
simply because it was more productive as dairy cattle. Figure 2 shows
that this growth was quite constant without major fluctuations. As of
2005, 70 percent of cattle in Estonia were of the Estonian Holstein
When analyzing the distribution of cattle breeds in greater detail,
it can be noted that the historical-provincial distribution of cattle
breeds between North and South-Estonia still exists today (see Figure
3). The only exception among the counties of the former territory of
Livonia is that of Parnu County, where Estonian Holstein cattle were
predominant until the end of the 20th century. In the other counties of
South-Estonia, Red cattle were traditionally more common until the
1990s. There is no simple explanation for the popularity of the Estonian
Holstein breed in Parnu County. Even though its location and historical
roots to Livonia make Parnu County part of South-Estonia, its landscape,
cultural, economic, and geographical characteristics, as well as
dialect, are more similar to those of North-Estonia. This might account
for why the development patterns of cattle breeds in Parnu County have
been different from that of the rest of South-Estonia. Preference for
the Estonian Holstein breed in Parnu County may also be connected to
historical persons involved with cattle breeding in the area. When the
Livonian Dutch Friesian Cattle Breeders Association was established in
1901, Otto Hoffmann, the landholder of Sauga Manor (near Parnu), was
elected as the breeding inspector. Coincidentally, Hoffmann had worked
for the Estonian Province Dutch Friesian Cattle Breeders Association;
thus, the reason behind the popularity of the Black-and-White cattle in
Parnu County, over the Red cattle, could be attributed to the personal
influence of Hoffmann. Upon the analysis of the data in the first
Livonian Pedigree Book of the Dutch Friesian Cattle Breed, it stands out
that this breed was represented in all the biggest manors of Parnu
County; in the manors of Taali, Sindi and Uulu (Stammbuch ... 1902).
Lastly, at the beginning of the 20th century, focusing on one certain
cattle breed might have been set as an example by the bigger and more
progressive farms, like the Piistaoja farm of the Pool family in Tori
parish (Parnu County) where, again, Estonian Black-and-White were bred
(Keevallik and Metsaalt 1981, Pool 1941). It is apparent that the
favouring of the Estonian Holstein cattle breed in Parnu County
(especially in the areas surrounding the town of Parnu) dates back to
the very beginnings of cattle breeding there.
In North-Estonia, where mainly Estonian Holstein cattle are bred,
the regions that differ from the norm are Ida-Viru County (eastern part
of Estonian Province), Laane County and the Island of Hiiumaa (western
part of Estonian Province). While the popularity of the Estonian Red
cattle breed in Laane County and the Island of Hiiumaa can be explained
by the compatibility of the cattle with the natural conditions there,
their presence in Ida-Viru County remains unexplained.
Undoubtedly, the geographical distribution of cattle breeds in
Estonia has been influenced by the so-called pedigree districts that
were established in 1924 and divided the whole of Estonia into pedigree
districts. Areas where several cattle breeds had been bred equally at
the same time were named mixed districts. Prior to the establishment of
these districts, farms that bred all three different steers could
operate and receive state aid. Once districts were determined, farms
were limited to only breeding specific breeds and exhibitions of young
animals could be held only with approval of the district. If someone
wanted to raise a different breed of cattle in a specific pedigree
district, it had to be done at his own expense (Magiste 1939). According
to a map of pedigree districts in 1939, the distribution area of the
Estonian Red cattle breed covered the counties of Valga, Voru, Tartu,
Viljandi and Petseri and partially covered the counties of Parnu, Jarva
and Viru; the core areas of the Estonian Black-and-White where Harju and
Jarva (Magiste 1939). Estonia was also divided into breed regions during
the Soviet period and these areas were decided by whether the area
belonged to any industrial region or not. (7) The districts of the
Estonian Black-and-White cattle breed in Soviet times were the counties
of Harju and Rapla. The counties of Paide, Parnu and Rakvere were mixed
districts and the rest of the counties were the districts of the
Estonian Red cattle breed (Kutti et al. 1965). Estonian native cattle
were not favoured during this period because its milk yield was
insufficient and thus its number quickly decreased and it was usually
replaced by the Estonian Red cattle breed that had managed to adjust to
the natural conditions.
In general, the map of pedigree districts of 1939 agrees quite well
with a map of pedigree districts of 1976. Thus, it can be concluded that
preferring certain breeds in certain districts of Estonia remained
almost unchanged for almost 40 years. Noticeable differences occurred
only in Saaremaa and in West-Estonia. According to the map of pedigree
districts of 1939, there were either only Estonian native cattle breed
districts or mixed districts in West-Estonia. Nevertheless, by 1976, the
Estonian Red cattle had gained a majority in West-Estonia and on the
islands. Hence, it can be concluded that the Estonian Red cattle became
dominant in West-Estonia and on the islands only after the Second World
After monitoring the changes in the geographical distribution of
the cattle breeds over the last couple of decades (see Figures 3), it
becomes evident that the Estonian Holstein cattle breed has expanded its
'area of influence' to a great extent. Saaremaa seems to be
the only county where the Estonian Red cattle breed is still
predominant. This can be explained by the conservative tendencies of the
islanders; many elements of Estonian folk culture have been best
preserved on the islands too (Viires 2004). The natural conditions of
Saaremaa could also be considered an important factor for the Red
cattle's presence. Due to its thin soil, the ground of Saaremaa is
quite infertile and lacks suitable meadows and grasslands, which would
require breeding a relatively small-sized and less nourishment demanding
cattle there. Even though Estonian native cattle originally dominated
the area of Saaremaa, the Estonian Red cattle had moved in and taken
command by the end of the 1930s (Pung 1947). As demonstrated in the data
from 1976, by that time, Saaremaa had clearly become an area full of
Estonian Red cattle.
In the traditional Estonian Red cattle breeding counties of
Southeast-Estonia, the Estonian Holstein cattle breed has taken over.
This is most noticeable around the town of Polva, where the biggest
Holstein dairy cattle herds of South-Estonia are located (there are
approximately 2,100 Holstein cattle in Polva Agro LLC). From Table 2, it
appears that from among the ten counties with the highest number of
cattle, only the counties of Poltsamaa and Vandra have a noteworthy
number of the Estonian Red cattle breed.
From the data of 2005, we can draw various conclusions from the
sizes of cattle herds. While the average size of an Estonian Holstein
cattle herd is 22, the average number of an Estonian Red cattle herd is
11; half the size. Thus, it appears that Estonian Red cattle are bred in
small-sized herds and farms. The size differences of cattle herds may be
influenced by landscape conditions because the hilly landscapes of
South-Estonia are usually more suitable for smaller herds, whereas the
large plains of North-Estonia are more suitable for bigger herds. Most
of the big herds in Estonia are of the Estonian Holstein breed (8) and
are located, as mentioned before, in North-Estonia. During the last
decade, the breed diversity of cattle has increased greatly.
Traditionally there have been three main cattle breeds in Estonia
(Black-and-White, Red, and native cattle), but nowadays, there are
altogether 15 different cattle breeds represented in Estonia (see Table
3). These new breeds are mainly beef cattle. The first Hereford beef
cattle were imported in 1978 (Suurmaa and Toi 2004) and have become the
most numerous among beef cattle breeds in Estonia. It is an interesting
fact that in three parishes (Korgessaare, Noarootsi and Taheva), there
were more Hereford beef cattle than traditional Estonian native cattle
breeds in 2005.
According to the distribution map of Estonian folk culture, Estonia
is culturally divided into North-Estonia, South-Estonia, and
West-Estonia together with its islands (Viires 2004). The traditional
distribution of cattle breeds re-emphasises this cultural-geographical
division within the country. Besides differences of folk culture and
cattle breeds, there are other historical differences, mainly in church
history, within Estonia that also originate from administrative
divisions (Schmidt 1991, Pae 2006). Additionally, resembling the old
administrative border, an East-West directional boundary of Silurian
limestone and Devonian sandstone runs through Estonia (Mander and Palang
1994). Due to this geological border, traditional building materials of
North-Estonia have always differed from those of South-Estonia.
Likewise, regional dialects have separated North and South-Estonia for
centuries. As we can see, the current research on geographical
distribution of Estonian cattle breeds is just one more indicator of the
cultural-geographical differences of North and South-Estonia
5. Summary
The following conclusions can be drawn from the current research on
the geographical distribution of Estonian cattle breeds. As a result of
the historical administrative division of Estonia between two provinces,
the Estonian cattle breeds were geographically distributed into clearly
defined districts until the 1900s. Systematic breeding work with cattle
began in the second half of the 19th century and thus, responsibility
for the coordination of cattle breeding was divided between provincial
associations. Slight deviations from the provincially favoured cattle
breeds occurred mainly in the counties of Ida-Viru and Parnu. Besides
the border between the two provinces determining the geographical
distribution of cattle breeds, their distribution can be attached to
regional political, cultural, natural, personal and economic conditions
as well. The current research also discovered that the numerical
distribution of cattle breeds has changed greatly during the last half
of the 20th century. While the Estonian Red cattle breed was dominant in
Estonia until 1900, the Estonian Holstein breed eventually took over and
has gained a majority due to its ability to produce a higher milk yield
than other breeds. (9) The Estonian Red cattle's level of relative
importance has fallen over time and it now only constitutes
approximately 1/4 of the total cattle in Estonia. During the last 50
years, the number of Estonian native cattle, that has a low milk yield,
has diminished to an extent where its survival has become questionable
and it has been entered onto the endangered breeds list of FAO. Although
cattle have been mainly used for dairy production, the number of beef
cattle has increased in Estonia since its re-independence. As one can
clearly see, the distribution, variety, and use of cattle breeds within
Estonia has changed dramatically over the past several hundred years and
these changes can be linked to the administrative borders that have
existed throughout Estonia's history.
The writing of this paper was supported by the European Union
through the European Regional Development Fund (CECT), the Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research target funded research programme no
SF0130033s07 'Landscape Practice and Heritage', no
SF0180052s07 'Factors influencing spatial mobility of population
and the impact on the regional development', and no SF0180049s09
'Landscape changes in Estonia related to global climate warming and
human activity', and Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 6856
'Estonian National Landscape Imagery'.
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(1) The Baltic Landesstaat was an administrative policy in the
Estonian and Livonian provinces, which belonged to Tsarist Russia after
the Great Northern War. The Baltic Landesstaat was based on specific
laws governing this region, which differed from the rest of Russia.
(2) For example, the first higher school of agriculture in Tsarist
Russia--The Agricultural Institute of Vana-Kuuste--was founded in
Tartumaa, Livonia, in 1834 by professor Johann Friedrich Leberecht
Scmaltz (1781-1874) in order to train the students of Tartu University
specialized in agriculture how to conduct field work.
(3) Though the data from Henry of Livonia was probably exaggerated,
it is surprising that there are much less cattle in that area (Koonga
Parish) nowadays (1445 cattle) (ARIB 2005).
(4) Estonian Historical Archive: 1185-1-372, l. 5 p.
(5) Estonian Historical Archive: 1185-1-372, l. 2-5.
(6) E.g. in 2003, the average milk yield of the Estonian Holstein
was 5,906 litres and of the Estonian Red 5,119 litres yearly (Pentjarv
and Uba 2004).
(7) The majority of industrial regions were located in North
Estonia. The main areas were in Tallinn and Ida-Viru County, where oil
shale mines and electrical power generators were located.
(8) The biggest Holstein cattle herd in Estonia is located in
Vaatsa Parish in Jarva County (Vaatsa Agro LLC). The biggest Red cattle
herd in Estonia is located in Vandra Parish (Vandra LLC).
(9) The changeover of dominant cattle breed in Estonia has notably
modified the overall imagery of cows. Thinking of a cow, first of all,
brings to an Estonians' mind the black-and white cow of today
instead of an image of the red cow that was so prevalent a couple of
decades ago. The best illustrations of this today are the packages of
milk products that frequently depict Holstein-type cows.
Taavi Pae [1], Erki Tammiksaar [1,2], and Helen Soovali-Sepping [3]
[1] University of Tartu, [2] Estonian University of Life Sciences,
and [3] Tallinn University
Taavi Pae
University of Tartu
Department of Geography
Vanemuise 46
51014 Tartu, Estonia
[email protected]
Erki Tammiksaar
Centre for Science Studies
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Veski 4
51005 Tartu, Estonia
[email protected]
Helen Soovali-Sepping
Estonian Institute of Humanities
Tallinn University
Uus Sadama 5
10120 Tallinn, Estonia
[email protected]
Table 1. Distribution of cattle breeds in Estonian manor herds in
1898 (Kivimae 1994)
County (Holstein) Angler-Funen (Red)
Harju County 4912 1085
Viru County 5617 2495
Jarva County 2167 590
Laane County 3869 1970
Total North-Estonia 16565 6140
Tartu County 867 7858
Voru County 1141 5007
Viljandi County 1144 4800
Parnu County 1507 2178
Total South-Estonia 4659 19843
Saaremaa County 1209 781
Total Estonia 22433 26764
Table 2. 10 parishes in Estonia with the biggest amount of cattle
in 2005 (ARIB 2005)
Parish Estonian Estonian Estonian Amount
Holstein Red Native
Turi (Jarva County) 8,182 390 22 8,690
Poltsamaa (Jogeva County) 4,489 1,267 3 5,779
Vaatsa (Jarva County) 5,530 64 0 5,601
Kehtna (Rapla County) 4,870 74 28 5,235
Vaike-Maarja (West-Viru County) 4,493 501 2 5,096
Marjamaa (Rapla County) 3,841 41 107 4,615
Vandra Parnu County) 2,149 2,154 99 4,492
Polva (Polva County) 3,723 501 3 4,308
Vinni (West-Viru County) 3,541 399 8 4,232
Ambla (Jarva County) 4,074 55 0 4,134
Table 3. Cattle breeds in Estonia (ARIB 2005)
Breed Number of cattle
Estonian Holstein 181,064
Estonian Red 62,248
Hereford 4,709
Limousin 4,224
Aberdeen Angus 4,215
Estonian native 1,754
Charolais 412
Highland Cattle 269
Blonde d'Acquitaine 210
Piedmontese 204
Simmental 129
Belgian Blue 122
Jersey 23
Dexter 8
Schwyz 2
Total number of cattle 259,593