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  • 标题:Employment effects of the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 reconsidered.
  • 作者:Feddersen, Arne ; Maennig, Wolfgang
  • 期刊名称:International Journal of Sport Finance
  • 印刷版ISSN:1558-6235
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Fitness Information Technology Inc.
  • 关键词:Employment

Employment effects of the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 reconsidered.

Feddersen, Arne ; Maennig, Wolfgang


In their SEJ (2003) contribution, Hotchkiss, Moore, and Zobay (HMZ) found significant positive employment effects of a major sporting event, namely, the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. Their contribution is notable because it is one of the very few econometric ex-post studies that have found such positive effects. Research on the economic impact of professional sport franchises, sport facilities, and sport events have been performed for more than 20 years--starting with the studies by Baade (1987) and Baade and Dye (1988)--and the results of this literature are strikingly consistent. Studies of this nature have always come to the same conclusion, no matter what geographical units (e.g., cities, counties, metropolitan statistical areas, or states) are examined, no matter what model specification, estimation method, or dependent variables (e.g., employment, wages, or taxable sales) are used, and no matter which part of the world is considered (e.g., USA or Europe); historically, these scholarly analyses contain almost no evidence that professional franchises, sport facilities, or mega-events have a measurable impact on the economy. (1) Other studies, particularly those by Coates and Humphreys (1999, 2001, 2003) and Teigland (1999), have even indicated significant negative effects. Besides the original HMZ study, only some few positive exceptions exist including Jasmand and Maennig (2008) for the Olympic Summer Games in Munich 1972, who find significant long-term income effects, but exclusively for selected periods of analysis. Baumann, Engelhardt, and Matheson (2012) analyze the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics and find a small effect of some additional 4,000-7,000 jobs, concentrated in the leisure industry, but little to no effect on employment after 12 months. Rose and Spiegel (2011) found a 20-40% growth of exports for Olympic host countries, but Maennig and Richter (2012) demonstrate that this result is due to a comparison of non-matching countries. Loosely connected to mega-events, Tu (2005) found significant positive effects from the FedEx Field (Washington) on real estate prices in the surrounding neighbourhood, as did Ahlfeldt and Maennig (2008) for three arenas in Berlin, Germany. Finally, Carlino and Coulson (2004) examined the 60 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in the USA and found that having a National Football League (NFL) team allowed the cities to enjoy rents that were 8% higher but not higher wages. (2)

To test whether the Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta affected the (regional) economy in Georgia, HMZ used difference-in-difference (DD) estimation to compare the differences in outcome before and after an intervention for groups affected and unaffected by the intervention (Bertrand, Duflo, & Mullainathan, 2004). More precisely, they used two variants of the DD approach to analyze (1) a pure level shift ("DD in the intercept") and (2) a pure trend shift ("DD in the slope") initiated by the Olympics. As a key result, which is prominently highlighted in their abstract and conclusion, they found a tremendous boost of employment by 17.2% in Georgia counties (equals roughly 293,000 additional jobs) that were affiliated with and close to Olympic activity. (3) As the HMZ model is semi-logarithmic, the coefficients of the dummy variables are biased. Accounting for this bias, the employment boost estimated by HMZ is even higher (18.8%), which could be translated into 324,000 additional jobs in the Olympic county areas. (4) Furthermore, as a second key result, they attest to a positive and significant trend shift of an additional 0.2 percentage points in their Olympic treatment group as compared with other counties in Georgia as a result of the 1996 Olympics. The HMZ estimate exceeds by a wide margin Baade and Matheson's (2002) ex-post estimate of employment gains for the same event that ranged from 3,500 to 42,500 added jobs or the 29,000 jobs added exclusively to some sectors and limited to the month of the staging of the Olympic Games, as estimated by Feddersen and Maennig (2012a). (5)

Confronted with the lack of publications indicating substantial positive economic impacts of such events, one might ask what reasons might be responsible for the contrasting results obtained in the HMZ study. To find a rational explanation for the divergent data regarding the 1996 Olympic Games and the Atlanta metropolitan area as compared to other sporting mega events analyzed in the literature, we accounted for several potential sources of bias and reanalyzed the data according to the methodology of HMZ. That is, we used the same time span (the first quarter of 1985 until the third quarter of 2000), used the same industry mix, and followed an endogenous method to determine the "true" point in time of the intervention. We gratefully acknowledge Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, and Stephanie M. Zobay for providing the original aggregated data and the SAS code.

Methodological Problems of the HMZ Study

DD in the Intercept: Correcting for Underlying Trends The specification of the level shift DD model of HMZ is as follows:

lnEMP[U.sub.it] = [[beta].sub.1][X.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.2]VN[V.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.3] POS[T.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.4] VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (1)

Here, ln EM[P.sub.it]is log employment in county i of Georgia in quarter t. [X.sub.i] is a vector of covariates including an intercept, quarterly dummies, the industry mix displayed by the employee shares of industry classes, and the population of each county. As the last two variables should cover observable differences in the basic endowments of the counties, they are fixed to values from the year 1990. POS[T.sub.t] is the intervention variable for all counties. The intervention variable has a value of zero before the intervention and a value of one following the intervention. The variable VN[V.sub.i] ("venue and near venue counties") controls for permanent level differences between the treatment group and the control group. According to HMZ, the variable takes a value of one if a county is a venue or near-venue county and zero otherwise. VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] is an interactive variable and takes a value of one for the post-intervention period of the treatment group. This variable should capture in comparison to the overall post-period level shift POS[T.sub.t]--an additional level shift affecting the treatment group. Here, and in the following, [[epsilon].sub.it] is the disturbance term, while other Greek letters denote coefficients to be estimated.

Dachis, Duranton, and Turner (2011) demonstrate the importance of controlling for spatial and temporal variation. If the model is estimated without an adequate control for time-invariant, unit-specific effects (or unit-invariant, time-specific effects), then these effects are part of the residuals, and VN[V.sub.i] (POS[T.sub.t]) is endogenous. Regarding Equation (1), all elements of the vector of covariates ([X.sub.i]) are fixed to their 1990 values and thus time-invariant, acting as county quasi-fixed effects. To align the regression model with standard DD models (e.g., Bertrand et al., 2004), the covariate vector will be replaced by time-invariant effects, which does not affect the estimated coefficient of interest (VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t]). Because the treatment group definition is based on county boundaries, the venue and near venue county effects and the county-fixed effects cannot be isolated separately. Thus, the variable VN[V.sub.i] must be omitted in favor of county fixed effects. Similarly, a general post-Olympic effect, POS[T.sub.t], and quarterly fixed effects cannot be separately identified. Additionally, the three indicator variables based on isolating seasonal effects, which are introduced by HMZ as part of the covariate vector, [X.sub.i], are similarly captured by the quarterly fixed effects. Thus, including county fixed effects and quarterly fixed effects while dropping VN[V.sub.i], POS[T.sub.t], Quarter2, Quarter3, and Quarter4 leads to the following equation, which is--with respect to the variable of interest--equivalent to the original HMZ equation.

ln EM[P.sub.it] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[phi].sub.t] + [[lambda].sub.it]VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (2)

Furthermore, Dachis, Duranton, and Turner (2011) show that, after controlling non-parametrically for all purely temporal and purely spatial variation, this type of DD model requires that there be no different trends in the growth of employment in the treatment group and in the control group. In the presence of different employment trends between the two groups, confounded estimates of the impact of the Olympic Games might occur if these trends are correlated with the variable of interest, VN[V.sub.j] * POS[T.sub.t]. To obtain unbiased estimates of [[lambda].sub.it] using equation (4), the following constraint must hold:

Cov([[epsilon].sub.it], VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t]) = 0 (3)

Figure 1, which is a redraw of Figure 2 from the HMZ paper (p. 695), shows that the sequences of the VNV group and the non-VNV group are explicitly characterized by an overall trend. If one tests a level shift after an intervention point for a sequence which is characterized by a stable trend for the whole observation period, it is unavoidable that the mean for the post-period will be (significantly) higher than for the preperiod. Moreover, if the overall treatment group trend is higher than the control group trend, that is, if the groups are moving apart, then the pre-period level shift for the treatment group must be even higher. Thus, it is not surprising that HMZ found a significantly positive level shift of about 19.6% for the control group and an additional significantly positive level shift of another 18.8 percentage points for the treatment group.


Thus, our first goal was to test whether controlling for group-specific trends would change the results shown by HMZ. As the original model contained variables capturing two different level shifts (control group and treatment group), we must address the problem of the existence of different trends in the two groups. A basic parametric trend variable and the non-parametric, time-specific effects cannot be identified separately, and thus, no general time trend is included in the model. However, inspired by Figure 1, we control for a different trend in the treatment group by adding a linear time trend for the venue and near venue counties, [T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i]. [T.sub.t] is a time trend starting with a value of 85 in the year 1985 and increasing by 0.25 each quarter, and VN[V.sub.i] identifies the Olympic host counties. Equation (2) contains our first modified regression equation, where all other variables are defined as above.

ln EM[P.sub.it] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[phi].sub.t] + [[lambda].sub.it]VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[rho].sub.it][T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (4)

The determination of the intervention point is crucial. In the best case, the intervention point is clearly exogenously fixed by an (unexpected) intervention (e.g., a natural disaster, a war, a revolution, the implementation of a law, etc.). (6) In other cases, the point in time when the initial impact occurs is not obvious. Two different cases are possible. First, ahead of the announcement of the intervention, remarkable anticipation effects can be found. Second, the starting date of the measures that are causal for an economic impact might not be congruent with the announcement date. Furthermore, it might be possible that the start of several Olympic measures would be widespread in time. Thus, the starting point of the intervention cannot be located in time explicitly. The second case might apply to the Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta (i.e., the intervention point was not defined clearly). Particularly, it is not clear which facts might have caused the intervention effect. The investment in infrastructure and the staging of the Games including the spending of foreign visitors as well as growth effects from improved infrastructure or improved image might be identified as sources of an "Olympic effect" As is self-evident, many reasonable points in time can be identified, and, thus, the choice of the exact non-exogenous intervention point is always debatable. To address this point, we used (according to HMZ) an endogenous method for all regressions. The models were first estimated using each year from 1991 to 1998 as the starting points for the intervention indicator, POS[T.sub.t]. Then, in the next step, the model with the best fit was chosen. We used the F statistic as the selection criterion, as in the HMZ study. Here, the endogenously determined procedure reveals 1994 as the best fit, as in the original HMZ level shift setup. (7)

Last, as Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004) pointed out, DD models tend to overestimate the significance of the intervention due to serial correlations, which might lead to an overestimate of the significance of the "intervention" dummy. To check for such problems, we performed an LM test for serial correlation in a fixed-effects model, as suggested by Baltagi (2001). (8) Note that the test clearly rejects the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, and as a result, the standard errors are corrected using an arbitrary variance-covariance matrix, as recommended by Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004) in all estimations.

Column 2 in Table 1 displays the results from Equation (2). The coefficient of interest is identical to the original HMZ paper, while the intercept deviates from the original results due to the different setup of the county and time fixed effects. This column is shown to demonstrate that our econometric results are equivalent. Regarding the modified estimation of Equation (4) presented in the third column, the inclusion of the basic treatment group trend is justified because the corresponding coefficient is positive and highly significant. Using the above-mentioned Halvorsen and Palmquist (1980) transformation of coefficients, the basic trend for the VNV treatment group was 2.4%. Obviously, the VNV counties have different characteristics, and seem to have been more economically active--already before the Games. After controlling for the basic trend within the employment figures, the coefficient of the Olympic effect (VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t]) became insignificant (and negative). Thus, the main result of the original HMZ paper (an employment boost of 18% or 324,000 additional jobs) appears to have been based on neglecting fundamental trends in the employment data for Georgia.

DD in the Slope: Allowing for Spline Knots and Simultaneous Level and Trend Effects In a second regression, HMZ used a DD model to check for Olympic-related changes in the growth rate of employment for the treatment group and the control group. The regression equation of the HMZ paper is as follows:

ln EM[P.sub.it] = [[alpha].sub.i] [X.sub.i] + [[alpha].sub.2][T.sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.3] [T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] + [[alpha].sub.4][T.sub.t] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[alpha].sub.5][T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (5)

where all variables are described above. The interacted term [T.sub.t] * POS[T.sub.t] indicates changes in the trend for all counties in the aftermath of the intervention. Finally, the model contained an interacted term for trend differences for the treatment group during the post period ([T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t]). Positive economic effects of the Olympic Games should lead to a significant coefficient of this variable. In a first step, as described above, we replace the covariate vector [X.sub.i] by county fixed effects. Attributable to the inclusion of the unit-specific and time-specific effects, some original variables could not be identified separately and, thus, have been omitted. In the case of the HMZ trend regression, this involves [T.sub.t] and [T.sub.t] * POS[T.sub.t]. Furthermore, HMZ included a variable that relates the population in 1990 with the time trend, [T.sub.t] * ln(population 1990), which also cannot be separated from the time-specific effects and has thus been omitted.

Although the idea of modifying the DD approach to capture changes in the slope is often embraced, the HMZ model is potentially erroneous because it forced the regression line of the non-treatment and treatment groups to have the same intercept, both for the pre-intervention and post-intervention periods. To address these shortcomings, a spline DD model or a combined spline and level shift DD model seem to be appropriate.

In a spline model, two regression lines are joined together. The turning point of the intervention is represented by a spline knot, which joins the differently-sloped regression lines at a defined point (Greene, 2003; Marsh & Cormier, 2001)

ln EM[P.sub.it] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[phi].sub.t] + [[rho].sub.it][T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] + [[delta].sub.it] ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (6)

The newly included variable p takes the value of the year of the (endogenously estimated) intervention. Consequently, prior to the intervention point, the term ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] is zero because POS[T.sub.t] = 0. At the intervention point, the term ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] is still zero due to [T.sub.t] - p = 0. After the intervention, the term ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] gradually increases to 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, and continues in this manner. Thereby, the term captures the difference in employment growth within the Olympic host counties from their long-run growth path conditional on the overall growth pattern measured by the time fixed effects. All variables are defined as above. Here, the coefficient of interest is [[delta].sub.it].

Equation (6) only allows for changes in the slopes while the regression lines are knotted together. However, it is imaginable that the start of investment in the sports venues and in general infrastructure led to an immediate "jump" in the growth of the employment figures in the corresponding counties. Because this kind of effect is neither modeled in the pure level shift model nor in the linear spline DD model, a combined level shift and spline DD model should be tested. (9) This model accounts for both changes in the intercept and changes in the slope without causing a pseudo level shift while modeling the trend shift.

ln EM[P.sub.it] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[phi].sub.t] + [[rho].sub.it][T.sub.t] * VN[V.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.it]VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[delta].sub.it] ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.it] (7)

Again, all variables are the same as before.

In both columns of Table 2, the coefficients of the control variables are comparable to those of the original HMZ regressions and to the results shown in Table 1. The basic treatment group trend is 1.9% for the pure spline specification (Equation (6)) and 2.3% for the spline and level shift specification (Equation (7)). Both coefficients are significant at the 1% level. Regarding Equation (6), the variable of interest, the post-intervention treatment trend ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t], is insignificant. Following the same procedure for determining the intervention point in time, as employed by HMZ--using each year from 1991 to 1998 as starting points for the intervention indicator--1992 is the preferred intervention data for our setup. This endogenously determined the intervention point differs from the original HMZ study, which uses 1994 as the starting point of the intervention. If we also choose 1994 as the starting point of the intervention, the coefficient of interest ([[delta].sub.it]) becomes weakly significant at the 10% level. After allowing for adjustments to the intercept and the slope in Equation (7), a weakly significant and negative level shift can be found. After the endogenously estimated intervention point, no significant post-Olympics trend was found for the treatment group. (10)

In sum, when selecting the starting point of the intervention endogenously, the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta have no significant growth effect in the venue and near venue counties. With a starting point at 1994 instead of the endogenous selection of the starting point, weak evidence confirming the findings of the HMZ trend shift model can be found. There is hardly any reliable evidence for a growth boost caused by the 1996 Olympics.

Methodological Extension

The standard DD methodology, as employed in the previous section, has been exposed to some critique. In particular, the inflexibility of the method with regard to the functional form of the intervention can be seen as a weakness of the standard approach. Recently, more flexible approaches to identify treatment effects have been developed. (11)

As in most studies of the impact of policy measures or other interventions, we are confronted with a two-dimensional identification problem. First, we cannot rule out the possibility of a gradual adjustment starting with the announcement of the Olympic host city, e.g., due to the construction of Olympic facilities and related infrastructure. (12) However, even if significant adjustments take place, it will not be known a priori when the adjustment process starts and ends. Second, and even more fundamentally, the treatment might not be discrete in terms of space. The counties within Georgia might be affected differently by the 1996 Olympics, as we expect the economic response to vary with the frequency of Olympic events staged within a county and the distance of a county with respect to the center of Olympic activities.

Thus, our empirical strategy should be designed to cope with unknown functional form, unknown spatial responses, and an unknown starting date of the Olympic effect. Thus far, some studies have attempted to deal with more or less flexible treatment definitions. For example, Ahlfeldt and Wendland (2009) and Gibbons and Machin (2005) model continuous treatments, whereas McMillen and McDonald (2004) allow for gradual adjustments. To our knowledge, only a few studies have allowed for complex continuous patterns with respect to both space and time (Ahlfeldt, 2010; Ahlfeldt & Feddersen, 2010). Applying such treatments implies a flexible test of the effect of the 1996 Olympics in Georgia, as it isolates any underlying relative trends, in addition to potential anticipation or adjustment processes, and not only compares areas that are subject to treatment to control areas but also takes into account the degree to which locations are affected.

Assuming that our outcome variable (employment) can be described as a "surface" along the dimensions i (location) and t (time), Dachis, Duranton, and Turner (2011) show that this surface can be described by a Taylor series expansion. This function, in turn, can then be decomposed into five parts: (1) a latent employment surface that is constant in i and t; (2) variation that depends solely on location; (3) variation that depends solely on time; (4) an interaction effect of both variations; (5) a zero-mean error term. Clearly, we are mostly interested in the fourth component, as it reveals the economic impact and possible adjustments. To detect such an adjustment empirically, we translate this idea into the following regression-based identification strategy:


Again, [[alpha].sub.i] denotes county fixed effects, [[phi].sub.t] quarterly fixed effects, [T.sub.t] a linear time trend, [[epsilon].sub.it] and the error term. The values of [[gamma].sub.it] and [[psi].sub.it] are series of coefficients to be estimated. Here, the county fixed effects capture non-parametrically the proportion of variation in the employment surface that is solely attributable to location, while the quarterly fixed effects control non-parametrically for all variation that depends solely on time. As mentioned before, we are mostly interested in the vector of interaction variables of the quarterly fixed effects and the treatment measure ([[phi].sub.t] * [X.sub.i]). However, after controlling for location-specific and time-specific effects, estimates of the interaction effects can also be biased. In particular, if different county-specific employment trends exist, confounded estimates of the impact of the Olympic Games might occur if these trends are correlated with, but not caused by, the Olympics. Therefore, we introduce a set of interactive terms of county fixed effects ([[alpha].sub.i]) and a quarterly trend variable ([T.sub.t]).

The sequence of the coefficients forms an index of relative employment within the Olympic treatment area relative to the initial period, the second quarter of 1990. Following Ahlfeldt (2010), they provide difference-in-difference estimates, as they differentiate the (conditional) mean employment over space and time. More formally, Equation (8) tests for significant deviations from a hypothetical linear relative growth path, whereas a significant (positive) economic adjustment should be reflected by a positive deviation from the long-run path after the treatment becomes effective.

HMZ defined counties in which Olympic venues were located ("venue counties") and counties adjacent to these venue counties ("near venue counties") as the treatment group ("venue and near venue counties" or "VNV"). In the following discussion, the HMZ treatment measure will be denoted as [x.sup.[alpha].sub.i] .


where the vector VNV is composed of 37 elements, which are identified by their county codes within the state of Georgia according to the FIPS system. Thus, VNV can be identified by the elements: 011, 013, 029, 045, 051, 053, 057, 059, 063, 067, 077, 085, 089, 097, 103, 111, 113, 117, 121, 135, 137, 139, 145, 151, 157, 187, 195, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 247, 255, 263, 297, 311.

As an alternative treatment variable, we delineate a more conservative indicator variable, which includes only the ten venue counties and not the near venue counties. For this purpose, a vector VEN is defined containing the elements 051, 059, 063, 067, 089, 121, 135, 139, 215, 247.


Table 3 shows that the distribution of the Olympic events is unequally distributed among the ten venue counties. For example, nearly 80% of the capacity-weighted Olympic events took place in the City of Atlanta ("Fulton County"), followed by Clark County with approximately 11%. The other counties each hosted between 0.5% and 3.5% of the capacity-weighted events.

We allow for differences in the magnitude of the effect for the different venue counties by using a third alternative Olympic treatment: a dummy, of which the magnitude is set equal to a county's percentage share of the overall spectator capacity. Consequently, the indicator variable [x.sup.c.sub.i] is defined as follows:


Finally, geographic spillover effects should be analyzed. As Atlanta could be referred to as a quintessential suburban U.S. city, the majority of its people do not live near the city center but in the suburbs. Often, these suburbs are located in neighboring counties, as counties in Georgia are rather small. Thus, it could be expected that regions surrounding the Olympic core region would benefit from its primary impact. The treatment measure [x.sup.a.sub.i] can be seen as an effort to capture spillover effects by declaring venue and near venue counties to be equally weighted as a treatment group.

In a fourth alternative Olympic treatment, we consider the idea that positive effects occur in the Olympic center and spread into the neighboring regions, gradually decreasing with increasing distance from the event area.

We measure distance as the straight-line distance in kilometers between the geographic centroid of Fulton County and the centroid of county i, dj 121. For Fulton County, we follow studies from economic geography (Crafts, 2005; Keeble, Owens, & Thompson, 1982) and generate an area's internal distance measure based on the surface area,

[d.sub.int] = 1/3 [square root of ([area.sub.121]/[pi])] (12)

where [d.sub.int] is Fulton county's internal distance, equal to one-third of the radius of a circle of the same area as Fulton county in square kilometers ([area.sub.121]).

Following the gravity equation literature in international trade, we model the spatial depreciation of the spillover effects as a power function of the distance from Fulton County to county i, that is, [d.sup.[tau].sub.i,121]. We apply a distance elasticity of [tau]=1, which is in the center of the range of values estimated in empirical economic geography (Anderson & van Wincoop, 2003; Redding & Venables, 2004) and is commonly used in applied research (e.g., Redding & Sturm, 2008). Thus, the fourth alternative treatment measure [X.sup.d.sub.i] takes the following form:


where [d.sup.-1.sub.int] is the inverse of the internal distance of Fulton county calculated according to equation (12), and [d.sup.-1.sub.i,121] denotes the inverse of the distance from county i to Fulton County (FIPS 121).

The estimation results for the y t index are presented in Figure 3. Additionally, the corresponding 90% confidence intervals are displayed as well as a linear and a smoothed lowess (locally weighted regression) trend. Note that the non-linear trends are generated as a smoothed function of the estimated time-varying non-parametric treatment coefficients. These non-linear trend lines are, according to Ahlfeldt (2010), similar to an alternative approach by McMillen and Thorsnes (2000, 2003) using semiparametric regression techniques. The results depicted in panel [a] relate to the treatment measure [x.sup.a.sub.i], which corresponds to the original HMZ treatment group definition. Panel [b] refers to the narrower treatment group definition of venue counties only ([x.sup.b.sub.i]). Panel [c] represents a treatment group definition ([x.sup.c.sub.i]) based on the percentage of session-weighted capacity, and panel [d] shows the coefficient index of the continuous treatment measure [x.sup.d.sub.i] based on distances to the Olympic center. As we assume that no considerable anticipation effects occurred before the announcement, the quarter prior to the election of the 1996 Olympic as the host (1990Q2) has been assigned as the base treatment period. Moreover, previous quarters are not considered here because, due to the flexible nature of this approach, they are not needed to differentiate the pre- and post-effects, such as in a standard DD approach.


Panel [a], which is based on the original HMZ treatment group definition, displays an index of the estimated coefficients of the "treatment measure"-"time dummy" interactive. Until the beginning of 1995, the non-linear trend line shows a negative trend in the effect series. From that date on, the trend line turns into a positive sloped trend but is still negative compared with the linear relative growth path. Regarding the 90% confidence interval, the estimated coefficients are significant between 1993 and 1999. The results depicted in the other panels show a similar pattern, whereas the use of the venue county treatment measure [x.sup.b.sub.i] presented in panel [b] reveals mostly positive but small and insignificant coefficients of the [[psi].sub.it] index. Common to all panels of Figure 3, but revealing a different sharpness of the effect, is that starting near the beginning of 1995, the clear negative slope of the coefficient index turns into a positive slope. This effect ends near the end of 1996 for all four panels. Taking into account that the estimated coefficients are mostly negative and sometimes also insignificant at the 10% level, hardly any evidence for a short-term Olympic effect can be found.

In panel [c], which is based on a treatment measure according to the percentage of session-weighted capacity, a peak can be observed in the third quarter of 1996--the quarter in which the Olympic Games were held. The coefficient is positive but insignificant. In conclusion, no clear evidence for the existence of a lasting effect of the 1996 Olympic Games can be found using a very flexible non-parametric identification strategy. Furthermore, only weak evidence of a rebound effect of the slope of a nonlinear trend between the beginning of 1995 and the end of 1996 can be attested.


This paper investigated the regional economic impact of the 1996 Olympic Games in Georgia. Our starting point was the analysis of Hotchkiss, Moore, and Zobay (2003) in the SEJ, which, contrary to many regional impact analyses of sports facilities, sports franchises, and sporting-events, found significant and outstandingly strong employment effects caused by the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.

In our view, the original HMZ analysis is subject to two problems. First, the level shift DD model used in the HMZ paper did not take underlying trends into account. Second, the trend shift DD specification of the original paper was characterized by an unintentional pseudo-level shift. After addressing the first concern, we were unable to reject the hypothesis that there was not a significant level shift in the employment figures caused by the 1996 Olympics. In particular, the prominently highlighted key result of HMZ, a tremendous boost of employment by more than 17% in counties that were affiliated with and close to Olympic activity, disappears completely after the introduction of differing trends. Second, after modifying the HMZ trend shift regression to control for time fixed effects and spline trend shifts, no significant growth effect of the 1996 Olympics can be found in the venue and near venue counties. Weak evidence confirming the findings of the HMZ trend shift model can only be found if we do not apply the endogenous selection criteria for the starting point introduced by HMZ in the original paper. By fixing the start of the treatment period to 1994, a positive trend effect of less than 1%, which is only significant at the 10% level, can be identified. Finally, we test on the basis of four non-parametric models, which consider different complex continuous treatment patterns with respect to space and time, to take into account criticisms of the standard DD approach used in section 2 and in the original HMZ study. Once again, we have to reject the hypothesis of a long-term and persistent employment boost caused by the Olympics. Only statistically weak evidence for a small rebound effect in Olympic venues between the beginning of 1995 and the end of 1996 can be attested.

As a general conclusion, no persistent and significant level shifting or trend shifting impact of the 1996 Olympics on the regional economic development in Georgia can be confirmed by using any of three different standard DD specifications and four different flexible non-parametric DD specifications.

Thus, in light of the presented findings, the economic effects of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games are in line with almost all other scholarly ex-post analyses of mega sporting events, which have never found any positive economic effects comparable to those reported by HMZ in the original study. (13)


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Authors' Note

We thank two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.


(1) Cf. Matheson (2006) or Coates and Humphreys (2008) for an overview.

(2) In a comment, Coates, Humphreys, and Zimbalist (2006) showed that these results are not robust, for example, to the exclusion of extreme outliers. However, see also the reply to this comment by Carlino and Coulson (2006).

(3) Because HMZ found that the evidence for a wage effect of the 1996 Olympics is unclear (p. 703), we will concentrate on the employment effects in the following.

(4) In a semi-logarithmic model, for a dummy parameter b the percentage effect is equal to e-1 (Halvorsen & Palmquist, 1980). In the following analysis, all coefficients in tables are uncorrected, while coefficients interpreted in the text are corrected accordingly.

(5) It should be mentioned, however, that these estimates are based on diverging geographical areas. For example, the HMZ study is based on 37 counties in Georgia, whereas the study by Baade and Matheson (2002) is based on the Atlanta MSA, which reflects 20 counties within Georgia. The HMZ estimate also exceeds the ex-ante projections of the Olympic organizers of the 77,000 added jobs.

(6) Examples for exogenous interventions analyzed in other research contexts are the German division and re-unification (Redding & Sturm, 2008), the allied strategic bombing during World War II (Brakman, Garretsen, & Schramm, 2004; Davis & Weinstein, 2002, 2008), and earthquakes (Imaizumi, Ito, & Okazaki, 2008).

(7) An anonymous referee pointed out that choosing a specification that maximizes fit tends to maximize the chance to find an effect that is statistically significant. Note that our conclusions do not change for alternative intervention points. Using the HMZ setup the post intervention VNV effect is highly significant for all intervention points. Furthermore, using altering intervention points together with our setup controlling for the trend differences in equation (4) reveals insignificant coefficients for our variable of interest except for 1991 as intervention point. For this year, this coefficient is weakly significant on the 10%-level but negative.

(8) The LM test statistic is L[M.sub.5] = [square root of (N[T.sup.2]/(T-1)[??][[??].sub.-1]/[??][??])], which is asymptotically distributed as N(0,1).

(9) For a comparable DD approach, see Galster, Tatian, and Pettit (2004).

(10) If we again replace this endogenously determined intervention point by the intervention year 1994 from the original HMZ study, the variable of interest ([T.sub.t] - p) * VN[V.sub.i] * POS[T.sub.t] becomes weakly significant at the 10% level and positive, but at the same time, the post-intervention level shift for the treatment group becomes significantly negative, counteracting the positive trend effect.

(11) For examples, see, e.g., Ahlfeldt (2010), Ahlfeldt and Feddersen (2010), Dachis, Duranton, & Turner (2011), Feddersen and Maennig (2012b), and McMillen and Thorsnes (2000, 2003).

(12) Due to the difficult-to-predict host city election process by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), we assume that no considerable anticipation effects have occurred.

(13) Note that some studies found sports events to have an impact on individual's behavior (Edmans, Garcia, & Norli, 2007; Lozano, 2011; Skogman Thoursie, 2004). We owe this comment to an anonymous referee.

Arne Feddersen [1] and Wolfgang Maennig [2]

[1] University of Southern Denmark

[2] University of Hamburg

Arne Feddersen is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental and Business Economics at campus Esbjerg. His research interests include sports economics, applied regional economics, and media economics.

Wolfgang Maennig is a professor and the chair for Economic Policy in the Department of Economics. His research interests include sports economics, transportation economics, and real estate economics.
Table 1. Difference-in-Difference in the Intercept

                    Equation (2)   Equation (4)

Intercept           8.4269 ***     7.9294 ***
                    (0.0141)       (0.0943)
T x VNV             --             0.0239 ***
#VNV x POST         0.1719 ***     -0.0160
                    (0.0361)       (0.0153)
[R.sup.2]           0.9929         0.9932
adj. [R.sup.2]      0.9927         0.9930
L[M.sub.5]          88.3557        88.36278
Intervention year   1994           1994
F statistic         19.4133 ***    20.0372 ***

Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10. Robust standard errors,
which are computed using an arbitrary variance-covariance matrix,
as suggested by Bertrand, Duflo, & Mullainathan (2004, pp. 270-272),
are provided in parentheses.

Table 2. Difference-in-Difference in the Slope

                       Equation (6)   Equation (7)

Intercept              8.0411 ***     7.9503 ***
                       (0.1083)       (0.1128)
T x VNV                0.0185 ***     0.0229 ***
                       (0.0051)       (0.0053)
#VNV x POST            -              -0.0357 *
#VNV x (T-p) x POST    0.0068         0.0050
                       (0.0056)       (0.0057)
[R.sup.2]              0.9932         0.9932
adj. [R.sup.2]         0.9930         0.9930
L[M.sub.5]             88.3526        88.3371
Intervention year      1992           1992
F statistic            20.1217 ***    19.8968 ***

Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10. Robust standard errors,
which are computed using an arbitrary variance-covariance matrix,
as suggested by Bertrand, Duflo, & Mullainathan (2004, pp. 270-272),
are provided in parentheses.

Table 3. Frequencies of Olympic Sporting Events in Venue Counties

County          FIPS   Overall      Number of           % of Overall
                       Capacity     Ticketed Sessions   Capacity

Fulton, GA      121    11,273,100   411                 78.7%
Clayton, GA     63     105,600      11                  0.7%
Rockdale, GA    247    480,000      15                  3.4%
Muscogee, GA    215    140,800      16                  1.0%
Hall, GA        139    276,800      16                  1.9%
Clark, GA       59     1,537,600    32                  10.7%
DeKalb, GA      89     72,000       12                  0.5%
Gwinnett, GA    135    440,000      16                  3.1%
SUM                    14,325,900   529                 100.0%

Notes: Overall capacity is calculated by multiplying stadium
capacity by the number of ticket sessions. Calculations based
on Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (1997, pp. 539-544).
