Human capital productivity: a new concept for productivity analysis.
Fraumeni, Barbara M.
MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN about labour productivity, but little about
human capital productivity which is defined as the ratio between an
index of discounted future output and an index of human capital. The two
concepts are related, but not the same and have until now not been
previously brought together. Labour productivity considers only present
or current labour productivity; human capital productivity implicitly
considers both present and future labour productivity. The productivity
of an individual may change in the future; indeed, the productivity of
most individuals notably improves due to education and training,
physical capital intensity and multifactor productivity growth.
Alternatively, the productivity of an individual may decrease in the
future, for example if an individual's skills become obsolete, or
they work less due to ill-health; or becomes zero if they decide to
retire. For all of these reasons, when human capital productivity
changes, labour productivity may not have changed in the same way or may
not have changed at all.
A similar present versus present and future differentiation
characterizes productive capital stock compared to wealth capital stock.
Productive capital stock depends upon the efficiency of today's
stock in the present; wealth capital stock depends upon the efficiency
of today's capital stock in the present and in the future.
Background: Human Capital
In his seminal article on investment in human capital, Theodore W.
Schultz (1961) emphasized the importance of human capital as a
contributor to national wealth. The press release announcing his
selection as a Nobel prize laureate in economics illustrated the
importance of human capital when it stated "Schultz and his
students have shown that, for a long time, there has been a considerably
higher yield on "human capital" than on physical capital in
the American economy" (Nobel Foundation, 1979). Human capital is
broadly defined in an OECD publication (Keeley, 2007) as "the
knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes embodied in individuals
that facilitate the creation of personal, social and economic
well-being." It is clear that human capital is critical to
sustainability, productivity, and the current and future health of a
country. (2) Accordingly, estimates of human capital and human capital
productivity can provide valuable insights to government officials and
others involved in policy-making and research.
Human capital varies across countries. The OECD human capital
project (Liu, 2011) has generated estimates of human capital for 15 OECD
countries using the Jorgenson-Fraumeni methodology (Jorgenson and
Fraumeni, 1989, 1992a, and 1992b). A China Center for Labor Force and
Human Capital (CHLR) project has done the same for China (Liu et al.,
forthcoming). Chart 1 shows the ratio of the value of working age human
capital, expressed in monetary units, to nominal GDP for these countries
and for China for 2006. (3) For most countries, the ratio varies around
a fairly narrow band, from 8 to 12. The exceptions are South Korea at
16.3 and China at 18.5.
Chart 2 shows the ratio of the stock of working age human capital
to physical capital. Estimates of physical (nonhuman) capital are only
available for 10 of the OECD consortium countries and China (Liu, 2011
and Holz, 2006). The rate ranges from a low of around 4 in Italy to a
high of around 8 in China.
It is considerably more difficult to estimate market human capital
productivity than to estimate labour productivity. In any time period,
labour productivity can be defined as that period's net output
divided by that period's labour input. Labour input can be measured
in the current period by the number of workers, hours worked, or an
index derived from labour compensation and hours worked. Labour
productivity is often the preferred productivity measure as its
construction requires much less data than multifactor productivity.
Different decompositions have been developed to identify the
sources of labour productivity growth. For example, the rate of change
in labour productivity can be related to capital intensity and
multifactor productivity by the following equation:
ln(O(t)/L(t)) = [V.sub.K] (t)*ln(K(t)/L(t)) + ln(MFP(t)), where O
is net output, L is labour input, [V.sub.K] is the nominal share of
capital input in value
added, K is capital input, MFP is multifactor productivity, and t
is time. (4) The first term to the right of the equal sign is the
contribution of capital deepening. This equation shows that labour
productivity depends on other factors besides the quality of labour
input. (5)
The definition of human capital productivity depends on how human
capital is defined. One often used definition of human capital is
educational attainment, e.g. the average educational attainment of the
adult population or the percentage of adults who have completed some
level of education. If this approach is taken, the numerator of human
capital productivity might be current output. However, this would not
consider the future potential of human capital that would increase due
to further education as a contributor to a country's wealth.
In this article, human capital is represented by Jorgenson-Fraumeni
market human capital (Jorgenson and Fraumeni, 1989, 1992a and 1992b) to
include this future potential component. Jorgenson-Fraumeni market human
capital is defined as current and future lifetime income, which is
estimated under assumptions about future annual income and discounted to
the present. (6) Accordingly, to define market human capital
productivity, output, the numerator, with an index of Jorgenson-Fraumeni
human capital as the denominator, should be estimated with assumptions
about the path of future output and discounted to the present in the
same way that lifetime income is estimated to be consistent. (7) The
need for future period projections of output and labour income increases
the effort required to estimate market human capital productivity
compared to that required to estimate labour productivity. In addition,
in all likelihood estimates of human capital productivity can only be
estimated for an aggregate or on an industry basis because of the
difficulty of assigning output to individuals grouped by relevant
Illustrative Empirical Estimates from the OECD Human Capital
Project for the United States
The easiest way to illustrate the difference between labour
productivity and human capital productivity is to give examples of how
market human capital can change without labour productivity (however
measured) changing or changing in the same way as human capital
productivity. The OECD human capital project (Liu, 2011) is the source
for estimates of Jorgenson-Fraumeni market human capital for the United
States, which are used to illustrate arguments presented in this
section. (8) The Jorgenson-Fraumeni market human capital estimates
developed by the OECD depend on the expected market lifetime income of
all individuals aged 15 through 64 in a particular year. In this
article, it is assumed that groups or categories of individuals of the
same gender, age group, and educational attainment have the same labour
productivity in the same year. Their market human capital will differ
depending upon whether or not they achieve a higher level of education
in the future, how many hours they work per year, and for how many years
they work in the future. The missing piece is the numerator of the
market human capital productivity ratio, namely discounted future
The OECD human capital estimates use International Standard
Classification of Education (ISCED) categories which are described in
Table 1. ISCED categories consistently covered in the OECD human capital
estimates for the United States include ISCED 2, 3, 5A, 5AI, 5B and 6.
It is reasonable to assume that in 1997 the labour productivity of
all males who are 15 years of age and whose highest level of education
is ISCED 2 is identical, as is the case for females. (9) When estimating
labour productivity the story goes no further than the present. In the
OECD human capital project, the market human capital of all individuals
who are age 15 in 1997 depends on the probability that they will obtain
future education, their future employment, and survival rate.
OECD estimates of market human capital for the United States are
available from 1997 to 2007, with the exception of 2001. Empirical
estimates in Table 2 rely on the earlier years to avoid recession bias.
In order to make comparisons between the market lifetime income of
an individual who ends his formal education at the ISCED 2 level with
someone who continues on, two assumptions are made. First, it is assumed
that individuals who continue their education will do so without a
break. (10) Second, it is assumed that individuals begin ISCED 3 at age
15. If individuals take the normal three years to complete ISCED 3, they
will be 18 in 2000 when they enter ISCED 5, 20 when they complete ISCED
5B in 2002 and 22 when they complete ISCED 5A in 2004. These assumptions
have little impact on the nature of the comparative results.
The ratios of market lifetime income for higher levels of education
to market lifetime income by gender for ISCED 2 are shown in Table 2.
(11) An ISCED 6 comparison is not made because the number of years it
can take to complete a graduate research program (e.g. a masters or a
doctorate) can vary tremendously depending upon the degree pursued.
From these ratios, it is clear that market human capital of an
individual at age 15 will vary significantly depending upon whether they
are expected to continue on with their education and what will be the
highest level of education attained. Unless the output numerator of a
market human capital productivity estimate varies in the same way as the
market lifetime income denominator shown above, human capital
productivity will differ from labour productivity among individuals who
do, or do not, continue on with their education.
In some countries during certain time periods the probability that
individuals will continue on with their education has changed
significantly. China experienced a very significant upward shift in the
educational attainment distribution of its population over a period of
25 years. In 1985, among the categories: no schooling, primary school,
junior middle school, senior middle school, and college and above, the
first and second categories were almost equal in size and dominated the
distribution. By 2009, the category junior middle school dominated the
distribution (Li, 2011:36-7). In many countries, the percentage of
younger individuals (those aged 25-34) who have achieved tertiary
education is significantly higher than the percentage of older
individuals (those aged 55-64) who have achieved tertiary education. For
example in 2009, the overall OECD countries' percentage of younger
individuals who have achieved tertiary education is just below 40 per
cent, but is less than 25 per cent for the older group (OECD, 2011).
Current labour productivity levels for those who could still be
continuing in school do not reflect these changes; human capital
productivity levels will, if and when these changes are anticipated.
Labour productivity and human capital productivity are related, but
represent different concepts. The former considers only the present
while the latter considers both the present and the future. There is no
reason to assume that there is a correspondence between the level of
labour productivity and the level of human capital productivity at the
individual or total population level. Individuals who attain a higher
level of education will have higher human capital than others who do not
obtain this education. There are numerous other scenarios that could
demonstrate this same point. For example, individuals in the future
could live longer, retire earlier, work more or less, or become more or
less productive because of changes in production processes or
productivity. As such, labour productivity is far easier to estimate.
However, human capital productivity is a valuable measure as it captures
the future potential of the population of a country. Indeed, while still
in its very early stages of conceptual development and without empirical
estimates, the concept of human capital productivity may contribute
significantly to our understanding of the role human capital plays in
potential output growth.
Holz, Carsten A. (2006), "New Capital Estimates for
China," China Economic Review, No. 17, pp. 142-185.
Joint UNECE/OECD/Eurostat Task Force for Measuring Sustainable
Development (2012) "Draft Report," July.
Jorgenson, Dale W. and Barbara M. Fraumeni (1989) "The
Accumulation of Human and Non-Human Capital, 1948-1984," in R.
Lipsey and H. Tice (eds.) The Measurement of Saving, Investment and
Wealth, NBER (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp. 227-82.
Jorgenson, Dale W. and Barbara M. Fraumeni (1992a) "Investment
in Education and U.S. Economic Growth," Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, Vol. 94, Supplement, pp. S51-70.
Jorgenson, Dale W. and Barbara M. Fraumeni (1992b) "The Output
of the Education Sector," in Z. Griliches, T. Breshnahan, M.
Manser, and E. Berndt (eds.) The Output of the Service Sector, NBER
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp. 303-41.
Keeley, Brian (2007) "Human Capital, How What You Know Shapes
Your Life," OECD Insights, Paris.
Li, Haizheng, Li, Haizheng, Yunling Liang, Barbara M. Fraumeni,
Zhiqiang Liu, and Xiaojun Wang (forthcoming) "Human Capital in
China , 1985-2008," Review of Income and Wealth.
Li, Haizheng, Principal Investigator (2011) Human Capital in China
2011, China Human Capital Report Series, China Center for Human Capital
and Labor Market Research, Central University of Finance and Economics,
Beijing, China, October.
Liu, Gang (2011) "Measuring the Stock of Human Capital for
Comparative Analysis: An Application of the Lifetime Income Approach to
Selected Countries," OECD Statistics Directorate, Working Paper
#41, STD/DOC(2011)6, October 10. Selected data underlying the estimates
in this working paper are available online with the working paper at std/publicationsdocuments/workingpapers/.
Nobel Foundation (1979) "Press Release: This Year's
Economics Prize Awarded To DevelopingCountry Research," The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, October 16.
OECD (2006) "Annex 3: Sources, Methods, and Technical
Notes" in Education at a Glance 2006, OECD Publishing, Paris,
available at
OECD (2011) Education at a Glance 2011: OECD Indicators, OECD
Publishing, Paris.
OECD (undated) "OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms,
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)," at glossary/detail.asp?ID=1436.
Oliner, Stephen D., and Daniel E. Sichel (2000) "The
Resurgence of Growth in the Late 1990s: Is Information Technology the
Story?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 3-22.
Schultz, Theodore W. (1961) "Investment in Human
Capital," American Economic Review, Vol. LI, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
Barbara M. Fraumeni (1)
University of Southern Maine China Center for Human Capital and
Labor Market Research
(1) The author is Professor of Public Policy, Muskie School of
Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. She is also
Special-term Professor, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market
Research, Central University for Finance and Economics in Beijing, China
and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
[email protected]
(2) In recognition of the importance of human capital to
sustainability, a recent UNECE/OECD/Eurostat task force draft report
includes a section on human capital (Joint UNECE/OECD/Eurostat Task
Force for Measuring Sustainable Development, 2012).
(3) The estimates for Australia are for 2001; those for Denmark for
2002 (Liu, 2011). The estimates for China are from Li (2011). The
working age is defined as 15-64 in OECD countries and in China as 15-59
for men and 15-54 for women.
(4) Oliner and Sichel (2000) use this equation in their analysis of
the resurgence in post-1995 U.S. economic growth.
(5) To show the simplest case, changes in the composition or
quality of capital and labour are ignored in this equation.
(6) Liu (2011:11) points out that the lifetime income approach is
not immune from drawbacks. He notes three criticisms: 1) to calculate
lifetime incomes, judgments must be made about discount rates and the
real income growth that people currently living may expect in the
future; 2) labour markets do not always function in a perfect manner,
which means that the wage rates by education used as a proxy for the
monetary benefits provided by additional schooling will differ from the
marginal productivity of a particular type of worker; and 3) by relying
on observed market wages, the monetary stock of human capital may
increase when the composition of employment shifts towards higher paid
workers (e.g. from women to men, from migrants to natives) independent
of the skill levels of those workers. Despite these conceptual
drawbacks, many share the view that, compared to other methods, the
lifetime income approach provides the most practical way to derive a
monetary measure of human capital that is consistent with both economic
theory and accounting standards.
(7) Jorgenson-Fraumeni estimates of human capital typically assume
that future school enrollment, income, age of retirement, and survival
rate are best represented by the situation of the contemporaneous, but
older, population. For example, in a specific year for which human
capital is being estimated, say the year 2000, the probability that an
18 year old male enrolls in school in the future is taken from males who
are 19, 20, 21, etc. in the year 2000. There are some exceptions, e.g.
estimates of Jorgenson-Fraumeni human capital for China incorporate
information about future enrollment from data for later years as
educational attainment in China changed very significantly from the
mid-1980's to the present (Li et al., forthcoming).
(8) The most appropriate comparison between labour productivity and
human capital productivity is between labour productivity and market
human capital productivity. Non-market human capital productivity values
nonmarket time.
(9) Age 15 is chosen for the example as age 15 or 16 is the typical
age at which someone attending high school in the United States begins
the 10th grade (ISCED 3) and is described in the OECD glossary of
statistical terms as the typical age at which an individual begins ISCED
3 (OECD, undated).
(10) Individuals who finish an ISCED category in less than the
normal time or whose programs are shorter than the normal length will be
included in the OECD estimates of market lifetime income.
(11) These are ratios of nominal lifetime income in the specified
Table 1
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Definitions
Level 2, Lower secondary Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
or second stage of basic generally continues the basic
education; programmes of the primary level,
although teaching is typically more
subject-focused, often employing
more specialised
teachers who conduct classes in
their field of specialisation.
Level 3, Upper secondary Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
education; corresponds to the final stage of
secondary education in most
OECD countries.
Instruction is often more
organised along subject-matter
lines than at ISCED level 2 and
teachers typically need to have a higher
level, or more subject-
specific, qualifications than at
ISCED 2. The entrance age to this
level is typically 15 or 16 years.
Level 5, First stage Tertiary-type A programmes (ISCED 5A)
of tertiary are largely theory-based and are
education. designed to provide sufficient
qualifications for entry to advanced
research programmes and professions
with high skill requirements, such
as medicine, dentistry or architecture.
They have a minimum cumulative
theoretical duration (at tertiary
level) of three years' full-time
equivalent, although they typically
last four or more years. The "I"
in ISCED 5AI stands for intermediate.
Tertiary-type B programmes (ISCED 5B)
are typically shorter than those
of tertiary-type A and focus on
practical, technical or occupational
skills for direct entry into the
labour market, although some
theoretical foundations may be covered
in the respective programmes.
They have a minimum duration of two
years full-time equivalent at the
tertiary level.
Sources: OECD (undated and 2006).
Table 2
ISCED Highest Level Attained: Ratio of ISCED Higher Level
to ISCED 2 in the United States
Market Lifetime Income
Age 18 in 2000 Age 20 in 2002 Age 22 in 2004
Male 1.4 1.2 3.4
Female 1.6 1.5 1.9
Source: Liu (2011).