Comments on "Productivity or Employment: Is It a Choice?".
Fraumeni, Barbara M.
THE ARTICLE "Productivity or Employment: Is it a Choice?"
by Andrea De Michelis, Marcello Estevao, and Beth Anne Wilson contends
that there is a tradeoff between growth in hours and productivity. The
authors argue that for countries such as Canada, which are operating
near the efficiency frontier, low rates of productivity growth should
not be a concern as long as hours growth is robust. Growth from any
source matters.
The authors ran their basic regression including and excluding
recession years in order to determine if a recession effect dominates
their sample. Recession and recovery effects are two-fold: at the
beginning of a recession firms typically hoard labour as they do not
wish to lay off their most valuable employees until it is absolutely
clear that it is necessary. During this phase, productivity growth tends
to be negative as output is decreasing with hours stable or slightly
increasing. As recovery begins, firms are slow to rehire workers as they
are uncertain about the strength of the economy. During this phase,
productivity growth tends to be high as output is increasing with hours
stable or slightly increasing.
As the coefficients with recession years omitted are fairly similar
to those with recession years included, it is safe to conclude that
their conclusions are not compromised by business cycles effects.
The sector results raise concerns. Models were estimated for the G7
countries and for 14 OECD countries for the years 1980-2007 for ten
sectors and for the total economy. (2) In these results, the hotel and
restaurant sector played a prominent role. This sector coefficient was
significant at a .05 level of significance or less in both models and
was the largest of any coefficient in absolute value terms, including
that for the total economy. Other than hotels and restaurants, the only
other statistically significant coefficients at that level were for
manufacturing and the total economy (G7) or for the total economy only
(OECD 14). Since hotels and restaurants are part of the difficult to
measure service sector, I question the validity of these results without
a validating story and an examination of this sector's data and the
underlying measurement methodology.
Weighting hours and total factor productivity at the sector level
by U.S. value-added shares seems very similar to a reallocation decomposition. The authors state that this weighting was done to remove
the effect of industry composition. Reallocation explains the difference
between aggregate total factor productivity estimated from an aggregate
production function growth and sectoral productivity growth estimated
from sectoral production functions in terms of reallocation of
value-added, capital, and labour. An aggregate production function
assumes industry composition makes no difference, whereas sectoral
production functions allow for differences in industries and captures
movements of factors and the corresponding value-added across sectors.
The weighting of hours and total factor productivity may be largely
picking up reallocation effects as opposed to cleanly removing the
effect of industry composition. (3)
Both the age and education distribution of a country's working
age population can have a significant impact on total factor
productivity. The authors recognize age as a factor when they state
"In response to aging populations, will countries experience rising
TFP as firms find ways to utilize existing workers more
effectively?" (De Michelis, Estevao, and Wilson, 2013:43) In
addition, they conclude that "population affects TFP only through
hours worked and, thus, appears to be a good instrument for TFP"
(De Michelis et al., 2013:52). I suspect such a conclusion could not be
reached if population distributions were used instead of total
Charts 1 and 2 illustrate the significant differences in age and
educational attainment distributions across countries.4 For the working
age population, the charts show significant differences between
countries. Countries with a larger proportion of younger and highly
educated individuals are more likely to experience higher total factor
productivity growth. Accordingly, using total population growth can hide
important factors which could affect total factor productivity directly.
Questions from the floor during discussing at the AEA session where
the paper was presented raised additional factors which could influence
the relationship between hours and total factor productivity. These
questions should be followed up.
In conclusion, this article has established an important
relationship between hours and total factor productivity. I would like
the nature of this relationship investigated further. My comments have
suggested some directions for this investigation. An important result is
that for a country experiencing growth, the focus of concern should not
be limited to total factor productivity.
De Michelis, Andrea, Marcello Estevao, Beth Anne Wilson (2013)
"Productivity or Employment: Is It a Choice?" International
Productivity Monitor, No. 25, Spring, pp. 41-60.
Jorgenson, Dale W. Frank M. Gollop and Barbara M. Fraumeni (1987)
Productivity and U.S. Economic Growth (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press).
Li, Haizheng (2011) "Human Capital in China," Center for
Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central University for Finance
and Economics, Beijing, China, October.
Li, Haizheng, Yunling Liang, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Zhiqiang Liu, and
Xiaojun Wang (2013) "Human Capital in China, 1985-2008,"
Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming.
Liu, Gang (2011) "Measuring the Stock of Human Capital for
Comparative Analysis: An Application of the Lifetime Income Approach to
Selected Countries," OECD Working Paper No. 41, October.
Barbara M. Fraumeni (1)
University of Southern Maine
(1) The author is Professor of Public Policy, Muskie School of
Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. She is also
Special-term Professor, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market
Research, Central University for Finance and Economics in Beijing, China
and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
[email protected].
(2) The OECD 14 countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain,
United Kingdom and the United States.
(3) The reallocation equation is found in Jorgenson, Gollop, and
Fraumeni (1987:312-313).
(4) The charts are derived from data underlying Li (2011), Li et
al., (2013), and Liu (2011). Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Spain, the United
Kingdom, and the United States are in the charts and included in the De
Michelis et al. (2013). Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Portugal,
Sweden, and Switzerland are included in the De Michelis et al. (2013),
but not in the charts. China, Poland, and Romania are in the charts, but
are not included in De Michelis et al. (2013).