Macro-economic crisis and policy revolution.
Pemberton, Hugh
The financial crisis triggered (though not caused by) the collapse
of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 was frightening in its intensity.
Indeed, at its nadir the very survival of modern capitalism appeared to
be in question. That crisis, widely seen to have been essentially the
product of lax regulation coupled with the growing interconnectedness of
the global financial system, triggered the first worldwide recession
since the end of the Second World War, the length and depth of which is
not yet certain.
The response of governments, not least the response of the UK
government, to both these crises was rapid and intense (much more so
than most critics acknowledge), and in many ways it was surprising.
Suddenly Keynesianism re-entered the vocabulary of policymakers. Gone
was the reification of the market. Now the talk was of market
imperfections, low output equilibriums, and the need for action by the
state to raise aggregate demand.
Does this rapid change in the language of international political
economy presage a major change in the framework of macro-economic
policymaking? In the UK context, are we looking at change of a similar
order to the Keynesian revolution that flowed from the experience of the
1930s, or of the replacement of that framework in the 1970s by the
neo-liberal model with which we are so familiar? In short, are we
looking at a 'paradigm shift' in economic policymaking?
In this article, I begin by mapping out a model of policy change
that seeks to integrate changes in economic ideas and the role of
administrative and political institutions in responding to economic
performance problems in explaining why economic policy revolutions
sometimes occur but also why they sometimes don't: why evolution
rather than revolution may sometimes be the order of the day. I then go
on to examine successively the 'Keynesian' and the
'monetarist' revolutions in the context of this model. I end
by examining developments over the past year and arguing that, though
some of the conditions necessary for a 'paradigm shift' are in
place, as things stand at the moment that shift is unlikely to occur.
Policy learning
The relationship between ideas and policy change is complex and
much debated (e.g. Blyth, 1997; Berman, 1998; Hall, 1989 and 1993; Hay,
2001). New ideas are not normally seen as leading ineluctably to new
policies (Goldstein and Keohane, 1993). Instead, policy change appears
to flow from a process in which there is a complex interrelationship
between ideas, interests and institutions (Berman, 1998; Hall, 1997;
Walsh, 2000), though the means by which ideas enter the policy process
remains surprisingly obscure (Blyth, 1997).
Peter Hall proposed that policy change flowed from a process that
he dubbed 'social learning' (Hall, 1993). That process could,
he argued, give rise to three orders of change, each more substantive
than the last: first order change involved changes to the settings of
existing instruments; second order change saw new instruments adopted,
albeit within the context of unchanged policy goals; and, finally, third
order change saw alterations to the very goals of policy. Whereas first
and second order change amounted to what Thomas Kuhn called 'normal
science' in his discussion of scientific revolutions (Kuhn, 1996),
third order change represented a marked shift in the intellectual
framework within which policy was made. Such a framework, Hall
suggested, should be thought of in terms of a gestalt governing not just
policymakers' goals, and the choice of instruments and settings
made by them to achieve those goals, but their perception of the very
problems they sought to correct (1993, 279).
In explaining why a prevailing policy paradigm might break down,
Hall argued that policymakers constantly seek to correct problems via
first and second order changes--rather like a pilot making constant
corrections in order to keep a plane stable and heading in the right
direction--but that instability would occur if the problem (and thus its
solution) lay beyond the scope of the existing paradigm. In this case,
growing evidence of failure would call the authority of policymakers
into question.
This in turn would lead to the creation of what Hall termed a
'marketplace for ideas' in which actors outside the policy
elite would advance alternative ideas about how to conduct policy. These
ideas would be taken up by politicians and a political battle about
which of these ideas should be adopted would take place (Hall, 1993,
289). Ideas, interests and institutions were thus all at work in a
process that would lead ultimately to a paradigm shift with the
institutionalisation of a new idea at the heart of economic
For Hall, once a solution to a policy problem lay outside the scope
of the prevailing policy paradigm the question was not whether a
paradigm shift would take place, rather the question was what form the
change would take. However, with Michael Oliver I have argued that
Hall's conception of learning and policy change was too simplistic
(Oliver and Pemberton, 2004). We postulated the more complex and
contingent model of paradigm evolution and revolution encapsulated in
Figure 1 (overleaf). In this model, we distinguished between third order
learning (the adoption of new ideas) and third order change (their
installation as a new policy framework).
Third order change here requires the availability of a set of
alternative economic ideas; a battle over the degree to which it will
condition economic policy; and its ultimate wholesale adoption by the
institutions of economic policymaking. We thus open up scope for
paradigm evolution even where first and second order policy
experimentation has failed, via the partial incorporation of the
alternative ideas, and a potential return to stability.
What might determine an outcome in which one ended up in box 7 of
Figure 1? An exogenous shock might play an important part in such an
outcome. However, we also postulated cases where the adoption of a new
policy paradigm might not occur--because that paradigm had been rejected
in an institutional battle of ideas.
In this case, the rejection of the new policy framework in box 6
would result in a return to box 3 (via loop 'B'). The
rejection might or might not be wholesale. Were it to be the latter, the
subsequent path would probably be an immediate return to the sequence of
4, 5 and 6, for a solution to the policy problem would still be outside
the prevailing framework of ideas. However, we envisaged a situation in
which sufficient of the new idea set might be incorporated into
policymaking to allow, via further experimentation with new instruments
and/or changed instrument settings, the prevailing (though amended)
paradigm to be stabilised (via loop 'A').
Both the 'A' and 'B' loops might therefore
iterate. Either could produce an evolution of the prevailing paradigm.
Only success in the battle to institutionalise a new set of policy ideas
would result in a wholesale paradigm replacement or 'policy
The Keynesian revolution
In this section I consider the 'Keynesian revolution' in
the context of our model. To talk in terms of such a revolution is
simplistic, however, for in fact there were two revolutions--one in
ideas and one in administration--each the result of an exogenous shock.
The first shock was the financial crisis of 1929 and the worldwide
depression that flowed from it. The slump called into question the very
foundations of the prevailing neo-classical policy framework: balanced
budgets, free trade and the gold standard (Booth, 2001a). As Hall
predicts, there was a gradual accumulation of anomalies that the
neo-classical policy framework could neither explain nor solve: the
unexpected stickiness of wages and prices; the consequent failure of the
former to solve the problem of mounting unemployment; and the obvious
disjuncture between aggregate savings and aggregate investment.
The most immediate and obvious result of these problems was a
revolution in ideas, most notably the publication of Keynes's
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936). Mark Blaug
asserts that within a decade most economists had 'converted to the
Keynesian way of thinking' and he notes that this academic
revolution in ideas was highly reminiscent of a Kuhnian 'scientific
revolution' (1990, 25). However, good ideas do not necessarily
translate into policy. How did Keynesian ideas enter the policy process?
In the early thirties, the Treasury sought to address the slump via
first and second order policy changes within the prevailing
neo-classical framework (Clarke, 1988; Howson, 1975; Peden, 1988). For
example, Britain abandoned the gold standard in 1931 and interest rates
were lowered in an attempt to stimulate investment. These changes were
successful enough to allow a temporary return to stability (i.e. to
return from box 3 to box 1 via loop 'A' in Figure 1). However,
between 1937 and 1938 the situation began to deteriorate again, with a
10 per cent decline in output. This proved devastating to the
Treasury's reputation, with Hall's predicted fragmentation of
authority and the development of a 'marketplace for economic
Demand in this marketplace was supplied by Keynes and his
disciples, who pushed their ideas on policymakers via the press, books
and pamphlets; evidence to official committees of enquiry (notably the
Macmillan Committee); the influence they exerted on early 'think
tanks' such as Political and Economic Planning; and direct lobbying
of politicians and officials (Booth and Pack, 1985; Peden, 1988; Howson
and Winch, 1977; Skidelsky, 1994 and 2000). Thus the success of the
'Keynesians' was not just the product of the strength of the
new ideas they advanced; it also owed much to the way in which they
constructed a coalition of support for those ideas, and thereby shifted
the climate of opinion in favour of their adoption.
For all the achievements of the Keynesians, however, the
installation of a recognisably 'Keynesian' policy framework
took at least six years from the publication of Keynes' General
Theory in 1936. Why the delay? Partly, the answer lies in the time it
took to build a sufficiently powerful and extensive coalition of support
for the ideas they were advancing. Another factor was that the Treasury
proved adept at adopting those elements of the Keynesian policy
prescription that were reconcilable with a fundamentally neo-classical
world view.
The result was a return to further experimentation with new policy
instruments and settings, but within a modified neo-classical policy
framework. For example, by the end of the thirties the Treasury had
begun actively to manage demand, constructed a 'recognisably modern
regional policy' and instigated control of overseas investment. For
all this incorporation of Keynesian policy ideas, however, it was still
very far from accepting that a goal of economic policy should be the use
of macro-economic demand management to maintain high employment
(Middleton, 1985); it was still relying on monetary rather than fiscal
policy (Peden, 1984), and it remained fundamentally committed to
balanced budgets (Howson, 1993; Booth, 1989; Peden, 1991). Thus it was
still operating within a (modified) neo-classical paradigm.
Given the Treasury's success at stabilising the neo-classical
economic policy framework, there must be some doubt that a full-blown
Keynesian policy revolution (i.e. the adoption of both Keynesian policy
goals and policy instruments) would have occurred had it not been for
the Second World War. Most obviously, the waging of 'total
war' required active state intervention in the economy. Thereby, an
active state succeeded in achieving full employment.
More important, however, was the fact that a fully employed war
economy generated higher incomes but little by way of goods to purchase
with them. The potentially devastating inflationary consequences of this
were obviated by the government's managing down of demand (via
higher taxes and forced saving). Ironically, therefore, Keynesian
macro-economic management using a system of national accounting that
owed much to the General Theory was introduced in 1941 to address excess
demand rather than a shortfall (Booth, 1989; Peden, 1988; Feinstein,
1983). Nonetheless, with Keynes himself now in government advising the
Treasury, from here it was but a short step to the government's
commitment in the 1944 Employment Policy white paper to maintain 'a
high and stable level of employment' (i.e. to install a Keynesian
policy objective at the heart of economic policy), and from there but
another short step to the first use of stabilisation policy to achieve
it in 1947 (Feinstein, 1983, 13).
True, there has been debate about whether a genuinely
'Keynesian' policy revolution really occurred (Matthews, 1968;
Howson, 1975; Middleton, 1996; Rollings, 1988 and 1994).
Nonetheless, whilst there was clearly no wholesale implementation
of Keynes's theoretical model (Peden, 1988), obviously a major
shift did occur, with significant changes not just to policy instruments
but to the very goals of economic policy (Pasinetti and Schefold, 1999).
The result was not exactly Keynesian, nor was it revolutionary in the
sense of a complete replacement of one paradigm by another, but it
was most definitely very different from the neo-classical framework
that preceded it and had involved a major revision of both the goals
and instruments of economic policy. (Oliver and Pemberton, 2004,
By 1947, the maintenance of high employment was a primary policy
goal, to be achieved using methods that were ultimately Keynesian in
origin (Booth, 2001b). However, this major change was not the product of
the process described by Hall (1993). Nor was it the product of a
political battle as Hall suggests. Instead, it was the product of a
battle within the administrative apparatus of the state. It was,
moreover, a long and drawn-out process involving complex iterations of
loops 'A' and 'B' in Figure 1 and the key to the
ultimate institutionalisation of a new policy paradigm proved to be the
exogenous shock of war.
The 'monetarist revolution' of the 1970s
Peter Hall's article on social learning actually applied his
model to that other moment of paradigmatic change, the late 1970s (Hall,
1993). He argued that the general election of 1979 marked a decisive
change in British political economy--the moment at which a political
battle brought on by the failure of the Keynesian model was decisively
won by the Conservatives and their monetarist conception of economic
Hall, of course, is far from alone in identifying the 1979 election
in such terms (e.g. Dutton, 1997; Hay, 2001). Michael Oliver and I,
however, argued for a rather more nuanced conceptualisation of change in
this period (Oliver and Pemberton, 2004).
In the early 1970s policymakers were already beginning to
acknowledge that the Keynesian model was starting to fray at the edges.
There were signs of both rising unemployment and inflation, and public
spending was also increasing at an apparently inexorable rate. In
response, the Treasury began to experiment with new policy instruments
such as Competition and Credit Control in 1971 that demonstrated a new
interest in market forces, but within the context of essentially
unchanged Keynesian-style policy goals. Thus, when unemployment rose
from 2.5 to 3.8 per cent between the end of 1970 and the beginning of
1972 (i.e. rose to levels not seen since the thirties), the Heath
government responded with a quintessentially Keynesian fiscal stimulus.
Unfortunately, however, the rise in world commodity prices (not least
the quadrupling of oil prices in 1973-4), and the recessionary forces
they unleashed, combined with domestic trends to produce a simultaneous
and rapid rise in both inflation and unemployment (the phenomenon of
If the story of the 1970s is about anything it is about continuous
but ultimately failed attempts by policymakers to stabilise the
Keynesian policy paradigm via policy experimentation targeted at
combating these forces. In 1972, for example, incomes policy returned to
the British economic policy toolkit, where it remained until 1979. New
methods of controlling public sector expenditure--using cash rather than
volume limits--were introduced in 1975 to very significant effect.
Famously, monetary targeting was introduced by Dennis Healey in 1976 at
the behest of the IMF, which effectively demanded it as part of the
package of measures required to obtain the [pounds sterling]3.9bn loan
needed to deal with that year's sterling crisis (at that point the
largest loan ever requested from the IMF). In September of that year,
Jim Callaghan signalled to a shocked Labour Party conference that
Keynesian assumptions about macro-economic management no longer held
It is certainly the case that the 1976 IMF crisis 'marked a
decisive point' in the view of the financial markets, and perhaps
also in terms of domestic public perceptions (Peter Middleton quoted in
Oliver and Pemberton, 2004, 429). It is also fair to say that thereafter
the Treasury lost much of its authority over macroeconomic management
(Hall, 1993). But whilst the Labour government accepted some monetarist
nostrums it did so essentially for presentational reasons. It had not
accepted that an intermediate target should be used to control nominal
GDP; thus it had not adopted 'genuine monetarism' (Pepper and
Oliver, 2001, xxvi--xxviii). As Colin Thain and Maurice Wright argued,
Healey's strategy was essentially to incorporate elements of
monetarist policy in order to shore up, not to replace, the Keynesian
model (1995, 16).
Healey's strategy was actually remarkably successful--a fact
rarely acknowledged. Inflation was brought down from a peak of 26 per
cent in August 1975 to 7.4 per cent in June 1978. Likewise, the economy
was restarted by 1976 and unemployment, which peaked at 2.2 per cent of
the workforce in 1977 (a remarkable achievement in itself), began to
decline. The forecast [pounds sterling]11.2bn public sector borrowing
requirement for 1977-8 (the main reason Britain had to apply for an IMF
loan in 1976) turned out to be [pounds sterling]5.4bn. As
Callaghan's then chief political adviser has recently reminded us,
by September 1978 there were many in the Labour Party who believed that
it had a chance of winning an October general election (Donoughue,
In the event, of course, Callaghan held back, the disastrous events
of the 1978-9 'winter of discontent' then unfolded, and Labour
lost the May 1979 general election. As David Lipsey, another of
Callaghan's advisers, has recently asserted, that loss was
essentially the product of intransigent unions who 'did for
themselves' (Pemberton and Black, 2010). In the process, however,
they also 'did for' any prospect of constructing and embedding
within British economic policymaking a revised version of the Keynesian
social democratic model.
In terms of our model (Oliver and Pemberton, 2004), therefore, the
story of economic policy in the seventies is one of repeated
experimentation with new policy instruments. These experiments were not
entirely without success, sometimes temporarily stabilising economic
policy (i.e. producing iterations of loop 'A' in Figure 1).
Between 1974 and the end of the decade we do see an intense debate about
economic policy, and a search for new policy ideas that broke open the
policy process, most notably via the input of think tanks such as the
Institute of Economic Affairs and the Centre for Policy Studies and the
writings of key financial journalists such as Samuel Brittan and Peter
Jay (Hall, 1993; Cockett, 1995). Those ideas were adopted with most
enthusiasm by the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher--the party
moving towards a marked break with the Keynesian model of policymaking
that had dominated British macroeconomic policymaking for the past three
decades. But Labour also pragmatically adjusted policy by incorporating
some of the new monetarist ideas, though not its ultimate goals. This
process is captured by boxes 4, 5 and 6 of Figure 1.
However, if it had taken the exogenous shock of OPEC's oil
price rises to trigger this sequence, it took the endogenous shock of
the Conservatives' May 1979 election victory to ensure that the
monetarist ideas would be institutionalised in a new policy framework
(one which then continued to evolve into a low-tax, free-market, and
entrepreneurial neo-liberal economic policy paradigm with the
minimisation of inflation via monetary policy focused on inflation
targeting as its main objective). Had Callaghan called and won an
election in late-1978 it is conceivable that we might have seen a return
to further policy experimentation (via loop 'B') and
conceivably that experimentation might have returned the now much
revised but still essentially Keynesian policy model to stability (via
further iteration/s of loop 'A).
The current crisis
Our analysis so far has shown that a change of policy paradigm is
unusual but not impossible in the context of an initial exogenous shock
sufficient to pose problems that the existing policy framework can
neither explain nor solve. In the past two years we have experienced
just such an event.
In 2008 the world economy was already slowing, not least as a
consequence of high oil prices, but after the collapse of Lehman
Brothers on 15 September 2008 we experienced a rout. There was a
precipitate collapse of confidence in worldwide banking systems, a
number of further high profile bank collapses, and a collapse in bank
lending that has had profound implications for the real economy.
By January 2009, the governor of the Bank of England was talking of
'the worst financial crisis any of us can recall' (King,
2009). Business confidence had, as King put it, 'fallen off a
cliff'. Industrial output was declining at home and abroad, with
the OECD countries experiencing their deepest decline for 60 years. In
2009 world trade contracted by 16 per cent and for the first time since
the Second World War the world economy shrank--by 2.2 per cent.
Unemployment was rising in all advanced economies (OECD, 2009). Global
equity prices had experienced a headlong decline worse even than that
experienced after the 1929 crash.
In the UK the 2008 crash was felt with particular force, not least
because of its large and highly leveraged financial sector, overvalued
property markets, high levels of consumer debt, and degree of
integration into global capital and trade markets (IMF, 2009). Economic
output declined sharply, unemployment rose, property prices plunged, and
inflation declined despite a significant devaluation of sterling. At the
time of the budget in April 2009, Alistair Darling forecast that the UK
economy would shrink by 3.5 per cent in 2009. In July 2009, the average
of independent forecasts for UK economic growth in 2009 was -4.1 per
cent (HM Treasury, 2009a).
The speed and depth of the contraction was such that in late 2008
there was a palpable sense of panic, a sense that nobody quite knew
where the bottom might be, and a fear that the future of global
capitalism as currently configured might actually be in doubt. It is
hard to overstate just how robust and unexpected were the measures
adopted to contain this crisis. After nearly three decades in which the
neo-liberal economic model had reigned triumphant, the response to the
recession was extraordinary--with a rapid loosening of monetary policy
and, in the UK, the USA and China at least, an unprecedented fiscal and
monetary stimulus.
In the UK, the stimulus has had several elements. Initially, the
Bank of England rapidly reduced interest rates. Having started 2008 at
5.5 per cent, by the end of 2008 the official bank rate was down to 2
per cent, and by March 2009 it was 0.5 per cent (the lowest rate since
the Bank's founding in 1694) where it remained at the time of
writing in August 2009.
In parallel with this, in March 2009 the Bank's Monetary
Policy Committee announced that, with interest rates approaching zero,
it needed to expand its armoury of instruments to allow it to hit its 2
per cent inflation target. To 'provide further stimulus to support
demand in the wider economy', it would begin a process of
'quantitative easing'--injecting money directly into the
economy by large-scale purchasing of UK government and corporate bonds
(the electronic equivalent of 'printing money'). By May 2009
the value of this injection amounted to about 8.75 per cent of GDP (Bank
of England 2009b). After a brief suspension in the summer, though the
Bank detected some moderation in the pace of contraction, it authorised
a further [pounds sterling]50bn of asset purchases, making [pounds
sterling]174bn in total (Bank of England, 2009c). This embrace of what
Mervyn King called 'unconventional unconventional' policy (as
opposed to the merely 'conventional unconventional')
represented a significant adjustment to Britain's economic policy
This unprecedented loosening of monetary policy was accompanied by
a parallel fiscal stimulus that represented a marked break with
neo-liberal policy nostrums. A recapitalisation of UK banks in October
2008 amounted to more than [pounds sterling]500m in guarantees, capital
injections, loans and liquidity support. Then, in the 2009 budget the
Chancellor announced a fiscal stimulation amounting to 4 per cent of
GDP, including the operation of automatic stabilisers. This, combined
with the rapid decline in tax revenues as a result of the recession,
meant that the Treasury was then forecasting that annual public sector
borrowing, which had been 2.4 per cent of GDP in 2007-8, would reach
12.4 per cent by 2009-10. Within six years net debt would rise from 36.5
to 79 per cent of GDP (HM Treasury, 2009b).
Alongside this reappearance of Keynesian assumptions about the
potential for sub-optimal economic equilibria, and the need for
government action to avoid them, came a new language of active
government intervention to 'rebalance' the economy. In
November 2008, Gordon Brown told the CBI that there would be a new
framework for industrial policy, with David Cameron agreeing that
Britain must 'never again ... become so dependent on such a small
number of industries and markets like finance and housing'
(Eaglesham and Willman, 2008). This political rhetoric was subsequently
backed by concrete policy measures such as the car scrappage subsidy
introduced in the 2009 budget and Peter Mandelson's announcement in
July 2009 of [pounds sterling]150m in grants for 'advanced
manufacturing'. This latter measure prompted the Financial Times
(on 29 July 2009) to comment in a leading article that
Britain is becoming a bit more like France. [The announcement] breaks
with three decades of reflexive criticism about the importance of
manufacturing [and] demonstrates a less self-defeatingly naive
attitude for government support.
Another mark of a shift away from assumptions about the primacy of
the market was the identification by the Bank of England of the need to
increase the resilience of the financial system via greater regulation,
higher capital and liquidity ratios, and the proposed use of
'countercyclical prudential policy' to limit the growth of
financial imbalances (Bank of England, 2009d).
In sum, the speed and scope of policy innovation since the present
financial crisis broke has been noteworthy. The question, however, is
whether this presages a shift to a new and perhaps more social
democratic policy paradigm or merely the evolution of the existing
neo-liberal policy framework.
This brief and all too schematic survey has demonstrated that the
installation of both the Keynesian and the 'monetarist'
(subsequently 'neo-liberal') policy paradigms required an
initial exogenous shock sufficiently great not just to require
experimentation with new policy instruments but powerful enough to
render that experimentation unsuccessful and thus call into question the
authority of policymakers and break open the policy process to new
ideas. There are clear parallels with the current crisis in terms of the
power of the exogenous shock.
In the present case, however, it is notable that there is little
sense of a competition between very different ideas about how best to
manage the economy. Indeed the degree of unanimity in British political
discourse about the need for government intervention to stabilise the
economy has been striking. The debate to date has not been about issues
of principle. Rather it has been about the desirable scale of the
intervention. Thus both the Labour and Conservative parties agree on the
need for action, and the political debate centres on when and how to pay
for it ('nice Labour cuts' versus 'nasty Conservative
cuts', sooner versus later).
Our survey of earlier policy revolutions demonstrated that in each
case the system was capable of evolving as policymakers took on new
ideas emerging in academic and political discourse. Thereby, in each
case, the authorities had some success in stabilising the economy. In
each case, in fact, we have noted that it required a further shock (the
Second World War in the case of the Keynesian revolution, the 1979
general election in the case of the monetarist revolution) to bring
about the institutionalisation of a new policy paradigm. Moreover,
paradigm change required the existence of a set of coherent policy ideas
from which the new paradigm could be built. So far neither the new idea
set nor the second shock seems to be there.
The policy response to the present crisis has been radical, it has
been large, and it has been implemented speedily. Through its
preparedness both to embrace the idea of 'unconventional
unconventional' monetary policy and re-embrace Keynesian precepts
on the need for fiscal stimuli it may be that the authorities have
thereby saved capitalism from itself and achieved a relatively short, if
sharp, recession. Were this to be the case, the policy framework would
certainly have evolved in quite a marked way, but the chances are that
this would be the full extent of the change. In other words, in this
scenario the crisis would have brought about a significant revision of
the neo-liberal paradigm, but fundamentally that paradigm would continue
to condition policy.
Of course, it may prove to be early days. The breakdown of both the
neo-classical policy paradigm and, later, the Keynesian paradigm each
took at least a decade. Much will depend on how the recession unfolds.
As the IMF (2009) noted, whilst UK economic growth is expected to pick
up in 2010 'the speed and strength of the recovery remain highly
uncertain'. A return to recession and/or an anaemic and drawn-out
economic recovery might well call the competence of economic
policymakers into doubt and bring forth radical new thinking on which a
new policy paradigm could be built. In the meantime, however, it rather
looks like business more or less as usual.
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Hugh Pemberton is Senior Lecturer in Modern British History at
Bristol University. He is the author of Policy Learning and British
Governance in the 1960s (Palgrave, 2004).
Both the model of policy change that I describe and the application
of that model to these two 'revolutions' in economic policy
draw on work done with Michael Oliver (Oliver and Pemberton, 2004), work
which itself owed much to the ideas of Peter A. Hall. I thank and
acknowledge my intellectual debt to both of them. Any faults in the
present article, however, are the author's alone.