摘要:Artiklen, der bl.a. bygger på resultaterne fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt specialevejledere på Institut for Statskundskab, KU, viser, at 6-månedersreglen har ført til mere fokus på tidsfaktoren i specialevejledningen, men formentlig også lidt ændrede krav til vejlederne. Holdningen til 6-månedersreglen hos vejlederne er den samme som hos de studerende, nemlig positiv. In 2007, a 6-months deadline for thesis writing was introduced as a new rule at the Danish Universities. Based , among other things, on the findings from a survey among thesis supervisors at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, the article shows that the rule has had impacts on the supervision practice. It has led to more focus among supervisors on the time factor, but probably also slightly changed student demands for supervision. The supervisors’ attitude to the rule is the same as the students, namely positive.