Thermo-Diffusion and Diffusion-Thermo effects on convective heat and mass transfer through a porous medium in a circular cylindrical annulus with quadratic density temperature variation--a finite element study.
Reddy, P. Sudarsan ; Rao, K.V. Suryanarayana ; Rao, Prasada 等
The flow of an incompressible, viscous fluid through a porous
annulus has drawn the attention of several authors in the last three
decades in view of its technological applications [2, 7, 8, 9]. It is
well known that some liquids attain their maximum density only at a
particular temperature range. At such temperature range the equation of
state which relates the density and temperature may not be in the usual
linear form. In such case a non-linear density relation may be best
suited to describe the physical phenomenon. For example, in dealing with
flow of water at 4[degrees]C it has been observed that [6] a quadratic density temperature variation (QDT) gives a better understanding of the
phenomenon in comparison to the usual linear relation (LDT). Keeping
this in view a few authors have discussed the hydrodynamic convection
flows in different configurations using a non-linear density temperature
variation. This has been extended to hydro magnetic by Sarojamma [13]
and Sivaprasad [14]. A few of the investigations include the effect of
the additional heat source which are either constant or temperature
dependent [1, 3, 4, 5, 12]. Reddy [11] has analyzed the convective heat and mass transfer flow with thermo-diffusion effects in cylindrical
annulus. Recently Padmavathi [10] has studied the finite element
analysis of the convective heat transfer through a cylindrical annulus
with quadratic temperature variation.
Coupled heat and mass transfer driven by natural convection in a
fluid saturated porous medium has considerable interest in recent years,
due to many important applications in engineering and geophysical
applications. As many industrially and environmentally relevant fluids
are not pure, it is been suggested that more attention should be paid to
convective phenomena which can occur in mixtures, but are not in common
liquids such as air or water. Applications involving liquid mixtures
include the costing of alloys, ground water pollutant migration and
separation operations. In all of these situations, multi component
liquids can undergo natural convection driven by buoyancy force
resulting from simultaneous temperature and species gradients. In the
case of binary mixtures, the species gradients can be established by the
applied boundary conditions such as species rejection associated with
alloys costing, or can be induced by transport mechanism such as Soret
(thermo) diffusion. In the case of Soret diffusion, species gradients
are established in an otherwise uniform concentration mixture in
accordance with Onsager reciprocal relationship. Thermal-diffusion known
as the Soret effect takes place and as a result a mass fraction
distribution is established in the liquid layer. The sense of migration
of the molecular species be determined by the sign of Soret coefficient.
The Soret effect for instance, has been utilized for isotope separation and in mixtures between gases with very low molecular weight H2 or He
and the medium molecular weight [N.sub.2] or air.
In this paper we discuss the free and forced convection flow
through a porous medium in a circular cylindrical annulus with
Thermal-Diffusion and Diffusion-Thermo effects in the presence of
Quadratic Temperature Density variation, where the inner wall is
maintained constant temperature while the outer wall is maintained
constant heat flux and the concentration is constant on the both walls.
By using Galerkin finite element analysis the coupled momentum, energy
and diffusion equations are solved. The behavior of velocity,
temperature and concentration are analyzed for different parameters. The
shear stress and the rate of heat and mass transfer have also obtained
for variations in the governing parameters.
Formulation of the Problem
We consider free and forced convection flow of a viscous fluid in a
circular cylindrical annulus with Thermal-Diffusion and Diffusion-Thermo
effects in the presence of Quadratic Temperature Density variation,
where the inner wall is maintained constant temperature while the outer
wall is maintained constant heat flux and the concentration is constant
on the both walls. Both the fluid and porous region have constant
physical properties and the flow is a mixed convection flow taking place
under thermal buoyancy and molecular buoyancy, uniform axial pressure
gradient. The Brinkman-Forchheimer-Extended Darcy model which accounts
for the inertia and boundary effects has been used for the momentum
equation in the porous region. We take quadratic density variation in
the equation of state. Here, the thermo physical properties of the solid
and fluid have been assumed to be constant except for the density
variation in the body force term (Boussinesque approximation), and the
solid particles and fluid are considered to be in local thermal
equilibrium. Since the flow is unidirectional, the equation of
continuity reduces to [partial derivative]u/[partial derivative]z = 0,
where 'u' is the axial velocity implies u=u(r). Also the flow
is unidirectional along the axial cylindrical annulus. Making use of the
above assumptions the governing equations are
Equation of linear momentum
Equation of Energy
Equation of Diffusion
Equation of state
[rho] - [[rho].sub.0] = -[beta][[rho].sub.0] [(T -
[T.sub.0]).sup.2] - [[beta].sup.*] [[rho].sub.0] (C - [C.sub.0]) (2.4)
Where u is the axial velocity in the porous region, T & C are
the temperature and concentrations of the fluid, k is the permeability
of porous medium, F is a function that depends on Reynolds number and
the microstructure of the porous medium and [D.sub.1] is the Molecular
diffusivity , [D.sub.m] is the coefficient of mass diffusitivity,
[T.sub.m] is the mean fluid temperature, [K.sub.t] is the thermal
diffusion, [C.sub.s] is the concentration susceptibility, [C.sub.p] is
the specific heat, [rho] is density, g is gravity, [beta] is the
coefficient of thermal expansion, [[beta].sup.*] is the coefficient of
volume expansion .
The boundary conditions relevant to
u = 0 & T = [T.sub.i], C = [C.sub.i] at r = a (2.5)
u = 0 & [partial derivative]T/[partial derivative]r =
[Q.sub.1], C = [C.sub.0], at r=a+s (2.6)
The axial temperature gradient [partial derivative]T/[partial
derivative]z and concentration gradient [partial derivative]C/[partial
derivative]z are assumed to be constant say A and B respectively.
We now define the following non-dimensional variables
[z.sup.*] = z/a, [r.sup.*] = r/a, [u.sup.*] = a/v u, [p.sup.*] =
pa[partial derivative]/[rho][v.sup.2], [[theta].sup.*] = [T -
[T.sub.i]]/Aa, [C.sup.*] = [C - [C.sub.i]]/[[C.sub.i] - [C.sub.0]],
[s.sup.*] = s/a
Using equations (2.5) and (2.6) equations (2.2) & (2.3) reduces
Introducing these non-dimensional variables, the governing
equations in the non-dimensional form are (on removing the stars)
[d.sup.2]u/[dr.sup.2] + 1/r du/dr = P + [delta] ([D.sup.-1])u +
[[delta].sup.2] [conjunction] [u.sup.2] - [delta]G[[theta].sup.2] (2.9)
[d.sup.2][theta]/[dr.sup.2] + 1/r d[theta]/dr = [P.sub.r][N.sub.t]u
+ DuNt ([d.sup.2]C/[dr.sup.2] + 1/r dC/dr) (2.10)
[d.sup.2]C/[dr.sup.2] + 1/r dC/dr = Sc[N.sub.C]u + ScSr
([d.sup.2][theta]/[dr.sup.2] + 1/r d[theta]/dr) (2.11)
[conjunction] = [FD.sup.-1] (Forchheimer number)
[P.sub.r] = [mu][C.sub.p]v/[lambda] (Prandtl number)
G = [g[beta] ([T.sub.1]-[T.sub.0])[a.sup.3]]/[v.sup.2] (Grashof
[D.sup.-1] = [a.sup.2]/k (Inverse Darcy parameter)
[N.sub.t] = Aa/[[T.sub.1]-[T.sub.0]] (Temperature gradient)
Du = ([D.sub.m][K.sub.t][DELTA]c[a.sup.2]/[C.sub.s][C.sub.p][DELTA]T[lambda]) (Dufour Number)
Sc = v/[D.sub.1] (Schmidt number)
Sr = ([D.sub.m][K.sub.t][DELTA]T/[upsilon][T.sub.m][DELTA]C (Soret
[N.sub.c] = Ba/[[C.sub.1]-[C.sub.0] (Non-dimensional concentration
The corresponding boundary conditions are,
u = 0, [theta] = 0 , C = 1, at r = 1 (2.11)
u = 0, [partial derivative][theta]/[partial derivative]r =
[Q.sub.1], C = 0, at r = 1+s (2.12)
Analysis of the Flow
The finite element analysis with quadratic polynomial approximation
functions is carried out along the radial distance and the behavior of
the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles has been discussed
computationally for different variations in governing parameters by
using Mathematica 4.1. The Galerkin methods has been adopted in the
variational formulation in each element to obtain the global coupled
matrices for the velocity , temperature and concentration in course of
the finite element analysis.
The shear stress are evaluated on the cylinder using the formula
[tau] = [(du/dr).sub.r=1,1+s]
The rate of heat transfer (Nusselt number) are evaluated on the
cylinder using the formula
N = - [(d[theta]/dr).sub.r=1]
The rate of mass transfer (Sherwood Number) is evaluated using the
Sh = - [(dC/dr).sub.r=1,1+s]
Discussion of the Numerical Results
In this analysis we investigate Thermo-Diffusion and
Diffusion-Thermo effects on convective heat and mass transfer flow of a
viscous fluid through a porous medium in concentric cylinders with
quadratic temperature variation. The inner cylinder is maintained at
constant temperature and the outer wall is maintained maintained
constant heat flux while the concentration is maintained constant on
both the cylinders. The axial flow is in vertically downword direction,
and hence the actual axial flow u is negative and hence u > 0
indicates a reversal flow. The velocity, temperature and concentration
distributions are shown in figures 1-18 for different values of the
parameters G, [D.sup.-1], Sc, Sr, N, and Du.
Fig.1 represents the variation of u with Grashof number G. we
notice that the actual axial flow enhances with increase in G. The
variation of u with Darcy's parameter [D.sup.-1] shows that lesser
the permeability of porous medium larger [absolute value of u]
everywhere in the flow region (fig.2).
From fig.3 we notice that lesser the molecular diffusitivity lager
[absolute value of u] in the flow region and attains maximum at r = 1.5.
From fig.4 we conclude that the variation of u with Soret parameter Sr
experiences an enhancement in the flow region. The variation of u with
Dufour parameter Du shows that [absolute value of u] experiences an
enhancement with increase in Du [less than or equal to] 1 and for
further higher values of Du [greater than or equal to] 1.3 it
depreciates (fig.6). The variation of u with buoyancy ratio parameter N
shows that when the molecular buoyancy force dominates over the thermal
buoyancy force [absolute value of u] experiences an enhancement
irrespective of the directions of the buoyancy forces (fig.5).
The non-dimensional temperature (9) is shown in fig 7- 12 for
different values of the parameters G, [D.sup.-1], Sc, Sr, N, and Du. It
is found that the non-dimensional temperature gradually increases from
its prescribed value 0 on r = 1 to attain its prescribed value 1 at r =
2. The variation of 9 with G shows that an increase in G depreciates
[theta] in the flow region (fig.7). From fig.8 we conclude that lesser
the permeability of porous medium smaller the actual temperature in the
flow region.
With respect to the variation of [theta] with Sc, we notice that
lesser the molecular diffusitivity lager the actual temperature in the
flow region (fig. 9). Fig .10 shows that the temperature experiences an
enhancement in the flow region with Sr and it attains maximum at r =
1.8. When the molecular buoyancy force dominates over the thermal
buoyancy force it experiences a depreciation irrespective of the
directions of the buoyancy forces (fig. 11). The variation of 9 with
Dufour parameter Du shows that the actual temperature experiences an
enhancement in the flow region with Du (fig. 12).
The non-dimensional concentration ([phi]) is shown in figs 13-18
for different values of the parametric values. It is found that the
concentration gradually increases for all values. The variation of 9
with G shows that it experiences an enhancement with increase in [phi]
(fig.13). From fig. 14 we notice that the actual concentration [phi]
increases with Darcy's parameter [D.sup.-1]. With respect to the
variation of [phi] with Sc, we find that that lesser the molecular
diffusitivity larger the actual concentration for all Sc [less than or
equal to] 1.4 and for further higher Sc [greater than or equal to] 1.8
it experiences a remarkable depreciation in the flow region (fig.15).
Fig.16 shows that the actual concentration [phi] increases with increase
in Soret parameter Sr [less than or equal to] 0.5 and for further higher
Sr [greater than or equal to] 0.8 it experiences a remarkable
depreciation in the flow region. From fig.17, we conclude that when the
molecular buoyancy force dominates over the thermal buoyancy force it
experiences a depreciation irrespective of the directions of the
buoyancy forces. The variation of [phi] with Dufour parameter Du shows
that the actual concentration [phi] experiences depreciation in the flow
region (fig.18).
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P. Sudarsan Reddy (1), K.V. Suryanarayana Rao (2), DRV. Prasada Rao
(3) and E. Mamatha (4)
(1) Asst. Professor, Dept of Mathematics, RGM Engg. College,
Nandyal, JNTU Anantapur, India Email:
[email protected]
(2) Professor, Dept of Mathematics, RGM Engg. College, Nandyal,
JNTU Anantapur, India
(3) Sr. Professor, Dept of Mathematics, SK University, Anantapur,
(4) Asst. Professor, Dept of Mathematics, Syamaladevi Engg.
College, Nandyal, JNTU Anatapur, India