ANN controller for heavy duty gas turbine plant.
Balamurugan, S. ; Xavier, R. Joseph ; Jeyakumar, A. Ebenezer 等
Gas turbine plants are used for isolated and standalone operations.
They are mainly used in oil fields, desert areas, off shore
installations and bio gas plants. An effective control strategy is
required to keep the system stable under disturbance.
The Transfer function model of heavy duty gas turbine has been
developed by Rowen [1] based upon his field experience and the tests he
conducted in the gas turbine plants. This model has been used in many
works such as, the dynamic analysis of combined cycle plant [2], twin
shaft gas turbine model [3], combustion turbine model [4] and even in
micro turbine power generation [5]. The transfer function simplification
has been validated [6]. The droop governor is found to be an appropriate
one [7]. The droop setting value and rotor time constant have been
optimized [8]. After tuning the parameters, the response of the gas
turbine plant shows steady state error.
To improve the transient and steady state response, PID controller
is required. The parameters of PID controller have been tuned using ZN
method and the steady state error is removed. In this paper, Artificial
Neural Network is used for control which uses backpropagation algorithm
for training. The trained ANN brings back the system to steady state. It
is found that ANN controller yields a better response than the
conventional PID controller.
Mathematical Model of Gas Turbine Plant
The Transfer function model developed by Rowen [1] with the
following simplifications is considered for the simulation of the
response of an isolated gas turbine plant.
i. If the frequency variation is not greater than [+ or -]1%, the
acceleration control will become inactive. It can be eliminated.
ii. The turbine output is predominantly controlled by the set point
so the need for temperature control is significantly diminished, thereby
allowing elimination of temperature control.
iii. The multiplier used in the transfer function can be neglected
for small speed variations.
The simulation proof for these simplifications is developed by
Balamurugan et al [6]. The simplified block diagram of gas turbine plant
is shown in Figure 1.
The speed governor is the primary means of gas turbine control. The
droop governor operates on the speed error. The droop governor is a
straight proportional controller in which output is proportional to
speed error. The gas turbine requires significant percentage of rated
fuel to support self sustaining no load conditions and this percentage
is approximately 23%. The fuel system consists of two time constants in
which one is associated with the gas valve positioning system,
[e.sub.1] = a/bs + c [F.sub.d] (1)
and the other is the volumetric time constant associated with the
downstream piping and fuel gas distribution manifold,
[W.sub.f] = [K.sub.f]/[[tau].sub.f] s + 1 [e.sub.1] (2)
The torque characteristics of gas turbine are essentially linear
with respect to fuel flow and turbine speed, expressed by the relation
[f.sub.1] = 1.3 ([W.sub.f] - 0.23) + 0.5 (1 -N) (3)
The rotor time constant is the time necessary for the rotor to
double its speed if the initial rate of speed change is maintained after
removal of rated load torque. The rotor speed is compared with the
reference speed and the error is given to the speed governor.
A unit step load disturbance has been given to the gas turbine
using MATLAB Simulink [9] and the response is obtained as shown in
Figure 2. The response shows that there is a steady state error. An
appropriate secondary controller has to be included to improve both the
steady state and transient response.
PID Controller
Proportional--Integral--Derivative (PID) controllers are widely
used in many control applications because of their simplicity and
robustness [10]. It is well known that if the control law employs
integral control, the system has no steady state error. However, it
increases the type of the system by one. Therefore the response with
integral control is slow during the transient period. In the absence of
the integral control, the gain of the closed loop system can be
increased significantly thereby improving the transient response.
Similarly the closed loop system stability can be improved by the
differential control, and therefore PID controller will improve the
static and dynamic accuracy. Let the PID controller be implemented as
error, e = [y.sub.r] - y (5)
Where, u, [y.sub.r] and y are the controller output, the set point
and the plant output respectively. The transfer function of the
controller is
[G.sub.c] (s) = [k.sub.p] + [k.sub.i]/s + [k.sub.d] s (6)
The three parameters in the PID controller proportional gain
([k.sub.p]), integral gain ([k.sub.i]) and derivative gain ([k.sub.d])
are to be tuned. In this paper, Ziegler Nichols' method has been
used for the tuning.
PID Controller Tuning Using ZN Method
Though there are many methods [11]-[14] to tune PID and PI control
for plants, Ziegler Nichols' method [15] still has its importance
in tuning the PID controller because of its simplicity. In this method
the plant is kept under closed loop proportional controller and the gain
of the controller is increased in steps to bring the system to
marginally stable condition. The gain at which the system reaches
marginal stable condition is called ultimate gain ([]). The time
period of the sustained oscillation is called ultimate period
([T.sub.u]). These two parameters are used for finding the unknown
parameters [k.sub.p], [k.sub.i] and [k.sub.d]
For the heavy duty gas turbine plant the ultimate gain and ultimate
period are found to be 5.5665 and 1.262 respectively. Using these values
the unknown values of PID controller are tuned. The values are shown in
Table 1.
The response of the gas turbine plant with the PID controller
compared with the open loop response is shown in Figure 3.It shows that
the PID controller is providing a improved steady state and transient
Neural Network Controller
The ANN can be used for controlling the gas turbine plant [16].
Fuzzy logic and ANN controller can be used to provide the control input
to meet zero steady state error and better dynamic performance [17]. For
the learning of ANN, Backpropogation algorithm is used [16].
Input--output patterns are collected from the conventional PID
controller. Out of 126 data, 100 have been chosen randomly for training
and remaining 26 for testing. The network has been trained using
gradient decent method until the absolute value of the error is below
0.005. The learning rate has been taken as 0.5.
The ANN trained for the control is a three layer network with one
neuron in the input and output layer. 12 and 9 are the neurons taken in
first and second hidden layers respectively. Tansig is the activation
function taken for the hidden layers and purelin for the output layer.
The architecture is shown in Figure 4.
A program written in MATLAB [18] has been implemented to perform
the training. The convergence plot is shown in Figure 5.
The response of the gas turbine plant with the above mentioned ANN
controller is simulated with a step load disturbance. The comparison
plot shown in Figure 6 indicates that the time domain response of ANN
controller is well damped.
In this paper, the simplified mathematical model of gas turbine
plant is taken and it is controlled by PID and ANN controller. The PID
controller parameters are tuned using ZN method. The ZN tuned PID
controller yields satisfactory transient and steady state response of
gas turbine plant. ANN allows the integration of expert knowledge into
control system very easily. ANN has been trained using backpropogation
algorithm. Simulation results shows that the use of ANN in controlling
the gas turbine plant gives better results than the PID controller.
[f.sub.1] = Turbine torque
[W.sub.f] = Per unit fuel flow
[K.sub.f] = Fuel System gain constant = 1
[[tau].sub.f] = Fuel system time constant = 0.4
N = per unit turbine rotor speed
s = Laplace operator
[e.sub.1] = Valve position
[F.sub.d] = Per unit fuel demand signal
a,b,c = Fuel system transfer function coefficients a = 1; b = 0.05;
c = 1
W,X,Y,Z = Governor transfer function coefficients
W = [K.sub.d]; X = 0; Y = 0.05; Z = 1
[K.sub.d] = Droop gain = 2 to 10%
[[tau].sub.1] = Rotor time constant = 12.2
[k.sub.p], [k.sub.I], [k.sub.D] = PID parameters
t = time
u(t) = control signal
e(t) = error signal
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S. Balamurugan (1), R. Joseph Xavier (2) and A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar
(1) Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Amrita School
of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
(2) Principal, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,
(3) Principal (Retd.), Government College of Engineering, Salem,
Table 1. Tuned values of PID controller using ZN method.
Control [k.sub.p] [k.sub.j] [k.sub.d]
PID 3.3399 5.2917 0.5267