On the performance of rake receivers for the UWB system in a realistic exponential-lognormal model.
Malhotra, Jyoteesh ; Sharma, Ajay K. ; Kaler, R.S. 等
ULTRA wideband (UWB) wireless transmission is ideally suited for
short range, high speed wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). The
potential strength of the UWB radio technique lies in its use of
extremely wide transmission bandwidth and limited power spectral density
,which results in desirable capabilities including high Multipath
resolvability, accurate position location and ranging, immunity to
fading, high multiple access capability, covert communications, and
possible easier material penetration.[1-2]. This higher resolvability
and lower per path energy also results in the requirement to rake in a
large number of paths to boost the received SNR [3-5]. UWB-SS techniques
for multiple access wireless communications were first proposed in the
1990s to meet the demands of future wireless networks [6-7]. In 2002,
commercial interest in UWB techniques increased significantly after the
US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowed unlicensed UWB
communications. At the same time, the Task Group (TG 3a) was established
within the IEEE 802.15 to define a standard for high data rate
communication systems based on UWB technology. The physical layer
modulation techniques that have been proposed for IEEE 802.15.3a are
based on Impulse Radio [7-8], Direct-sequence (DS) SS techniques [9-10]
and Multiband OFDM combined with time-frequency interleaving [11].
Multiband OFDM does not involve the Rake receiver architecture that is
the centre point of this paper, and will not be discussed here.
In order to build systems that realize UWB potential, it is first
required to understand UWB propagation and the channel properties
arising from its propagation. The choice of Rake receiver structure and
the relative performance of different modulations also depend on the
propagation channel. There has been a great deal of activity to
characterize the UWB propagation channel [12-14]. To evaluate the UWB
system performance in realistic UWB indoor channel environment
Exponential-Lognormal model [14] based on extensive measurements has
been selected in this paper. Earlier work on performance of UWB systems
using Rake receiver has been done with Stochastic Tap Delay Line model
and Cluster model in [15] and [16], respectively. The
Exponential-Lognormal model gives best fit to measured data statistics
than the Cluster model as reported in [23], because its numeric
parameters are derived from the extensive measurement database. As such
the Exponential-Lognormal model will provide realistic results for the
system performance analysis. In this paper, we compare the performance
of Partial Rake (PRake), Selective Rake (SRake) and Optimum Rake (ARake)
receivers that employ maximal-ratio combining. The cumulative
distribution functions (CDF) of the output SNR have been computed for
both SRake and PRake structures. The comparative investigation has been
done on the results obtained from both cluster model and
exponential-lognormal model generated profiles. Average bit error
performance an analysis has also been done for commonly used binary data
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the
generated profiles of realistic Exponential-Lognormal model are compared
with Cluster model for both line of sight (LOS) and non line of sight
(NLOS) Channel scenarios. We then analyze the output SNR CDF of
sub-optimal SRake and PRake receiver structures. The discrete
approximation of CDF generated using both the models are compared. The
optimum numbers of Rake fingers are identified in different channel
scenarios. We then describe the semi-analytical procedure and obtain the
ABEP of Binary Modulated signals using the SRake, PRake and ARake. We
also investigate the performance variation as the Channel scenario,
number of Rake taps and data modulation changes. The ABEP results are
discussed in section IV, followed by Section V, wherein we conclude the
Channel Model
It is imperative to design the receiver using realistic channel
model since performance analysis of the receiver is based on statistics
of the channel. We briefly describe here the model used to statistically
characterize the Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the UWB channel. The PDP
in general form is given by
Thus, PDP is described by the power-delay set {[p.sub.i],
[[tau].sub.i]}. In a given bandwidth, W, sampling theory explains that
the PDP is characterized via a set of samples spaced by 1/W (i.e.,
[[tau].sub.i] = i/W, i = 0, 1, 2.), and the result is suitable for any
bandwidth of W or smaller. There are two versions of the multipath delay
profile generally used i.e. one corresponds to PDP at a fixed point
receiver and other is locally (spatially) averaged PDP. The latter type
also called as small scale averaged PDP (SSA-PDP) in [5, 12] has been
used in this work. In the Exponential-Lognormal model given in [14] the
SSA-PDP for NLOS paths varies with delay as a decaying exponential times
a noise-like variation that behaves as a correlated lognormal random
[P.sub.i] = [k.e.sup.([??].[[tau].sub.i]/[[??].sub.rms])].s([[tau].sub.i] i [greater than or equal to]0 (2)
For LOS T-R paths, there is a separate term at the minimum delay
followed by an exponential-lognormal term i.e.
where [??] is a decay constant and A is the direct (LOS) ray
amplitude both varies with Tx-Rx distance d; s([tau].sub.i]) is a
noise-like variation with delay behaves like a correlated lognormal
process; [[??].sub.rms] is a global average of the RMS delay spread; and
k is a normalizing factor such that the sum of all [p.sub.i] = 1.
The dB value of parameters [??] can be characterized as
[alpha] = [[alpha].sub.0] = y.[log.sub.10](d)+[epsilon] (4)
where [[alpha].sub.0] is a numeric constant; [epsilon] is a
zero-mean Gaussian random variable with standard deviation
[[sigma].sub.[alpha]] and [gamma] = [??] - 2, [??] is a gamma
distributed random variable given in [14] using fitting parameters u and
v. The LOS amplitude in dB is
A = [A.sub.0] -
10.[[gamma].sub.A].[log.sub.10](d)+[[epsilon].sub.A] (5)
where [A.sub.0] and [[gamma].sub.A] are constants,
[[epsilon].sub.A] is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with standard
deviation [[sigma].sub.A].
The dB value of lognormal variation parameter s([[tau].sub.i])is
where [[sigma].sub.s], [[sigma].sub.0] and [[beta].sub.i] are
constants, [x.sub.i] is a zero-mean Gaussian sequence with correlation
where a and b are constants and distance d is in meters. From the
above description, we see that the exponential-lognormal model can be
specified by 10 numeric parameters for NLOS and using 13 numeric
parameters for LOS. These parameters are quantified in [14] for LOS and
NLOS channel scenarios. The parameters corresponding to Residential LOS
and NLOS SSA-PDP (W=6 GHz) has been used for generating the Ensemble
SSA-PDP. The channel realizations of SSA-PDP for LOS CM1 and NLOS CM2
using cluster model [5] and exponential-lognormal model described above
are shown in Fig. 1 to 4. The SSA-PDP ensemble using the two models is
generated for relative performance analysis. The cluster model generates
large number of visible clusters, but the measured channel response
display insignificant clustering in contrast as reported in [23]. The
exponential-lognormal model shows exponential decay with no clustering.
Fig. 5 depicts the mean across the generated ensemble SSA-PDP as a
function of delay. The correlated lognormal process is responsible for
small variations across different values of delay in both channel
categories, using exponential-lognormal model. Abrupt changes in SSA-PDP
as a function of delay is due to random occurrence of clusters across
different realizations using cluster model. Also, comparative analysis
shows that the cluster model for LOS CM1 does not take account of the
strong LOS component that frequently appears at zero delay.
Another drawback of the Cluster model is that we cannot easily
obtain accurate estimates of parameters and there is no established
method available for extracting model parameters from the channel
measurements[23].Therefore it is desirable that the channel model lends
itself to easy estimation of relevant parameters. Although, large number
of numeric parameters are required in Exponential-Lognormal model
compared to the cluster model, but they are easy to derive from measured
data. An important virtue of this model is that it accounts for both the
frequent presence of a strong LOS component and the fluctuations of the
SSA-PDP as a function of delay. Also, the generated statistical
attributes using this model provides good fit with measured data
statistics [23]. Keeping in view, the aforesaid considerations
Exponential-Lognormal model has been used for realistic UWB link
performance analysis.
Mrc-Rake Receivers
The SRAKE and PRAKE receiver performance are evaluated using a
channel model based on indoor channel measurements in the 2-8 GHz
centered at 5GHz, as described in Section II. The cluster model [5] has
also been used for providing the comparative performance results in both
LOS and NLOS channel conditions. The basic version of the Rake receiver
consists of multiple correlators where each of the correlators can
detect/extract the signal from one of the multipath components provided
by the channel. The outputs of the correlators are appropriately
weighted and combined to take the benefits of multipath diversity [18].
For analysis simplicity, we assume that all multipath components are
resolvable and multipath gain coefficients are estimated perfectly with
ideal autocorrelation properties of the spreading sequence. In the
following, we will assume that these conditions are fulfilled. The term
ARake has been largely used in the literature to indicate the receiver
with unlimited resources (taps or correlators) and instant adaptability,
so that it can combine all of the resolved multipath components (MPCs).
However, the number of MPCs that can be utilized in a typical Rake
combiner is limited by power consumption, design complexity and channel
estimation [19]. Thus, we consider the ARake receiver only as a
reference that provides an upper limit of achievable performance. We
consider two realistic sub-optimum reduced-complexity Rake receivers,
SRake and PRake structures. The SRake selects the [L.sub.b] best paths
(a subset of the [L.sub.r] available resolved multipath components) and
PRake selects the first [L.sub.p] paths (which are not necessarily the
best) then combines the selected subset using Maximal Ratio Combining
(MRC). The combiner produces a decision variable at its output which is
then processed by a data detector. In order to find the variation of the
output SNR, which could possibly degrade the receiver performance, the
distribution of output SNR is investigated. The discrete realizations
for the CDF of output SNR are shown in Fig. 6 to 9, using both cluster
and exponential-lognormal models. The SSA-PDPs has been generated for
normalized channel with unit energy. The average SNR is set to 60 dB and
path loss model of [22] is used. The transmitter-receiver distance is
set to 1m. In the following sub-sections we discuss the results of
instantaneous output SNR CDF for sub-optimum Rake receivers in different
channel categories. The comparative performance has also been presented
in terms of CDF obtained using both cluster and exponential-lognormal
Line of Sight channel conditions
Fig. 6 & 7 shows the CDF of the output SNR for SRake and PRake
receivers in the LOS CM1 channel Condition. In the case of cluster
model, two fingers SRake compared to PRake gives 3.31 dB more average
SNR. This SNR difference increases to about 5 dB at 10% outage
probability. The 2 finger SRake structure performs marginally (about 1
dB) better than PRake as shown in Fig.7, using exponential-lognormal
model. This is difference in performance is due to the absence of strong
LOS component at zero delay in the SSA-PDP generated by the cluster
model. The strong LOS component frequently appears in the first bin of
the measured database ensemble as reported in [14, 23], is also
generated by Exponential-lognormal model at zero delay as shown in Fig.
2. The slope of the CDF in case of SRake and PRake is quite different in
cluster model, which is attributed to relative difference between
amplitudes in the initial delay bins of the generated SSA-PDP as shown
in Fig 1. Both models show similar difference in diversity gain
performance of about 1 dB with 16 finger structures. Thus, the simple
PRake structure performance is very close to SRake in the realistic LOS
CM1 channel condition even for lesser number of Rake taps, unlike the
one shown by the cluster model.
Non Line of Sight channel conditions
Fig. 8 & 9 shows the CDF of the output SNR for SRake and PRake
receivers in the NLOS CM2 channel Conditions. The average received SNR
has been observed to be diminishing in NLOS channel conditions. The rake
structures capture relatively smaller energy as shown by the CDF curves
generated using exponential-lognormal model than cluster model. The
average performance loss of PRake is about 4 dB in cluster model profile
and 6 dB in exponential-lognormal model profile for 2 finger structure.
This is because of the presence of relatively stronger multipath
components in the initial delay bins of the cluster model generated
profile shown in Fig.3. The performance gap in 16 finger rake structures
is found to be less than 1 dB using cluster model and 1.5 dB using
exponential-lognormal model profiles. The smaller performance gap in
cluster model is due to random appearance of high energy clusters, as
indicated by rapid fluctuation of mean SSA-PDP as a function of delay in
Fig. 5.
For 2 finger structures the diversity gain performance gap between
SRake and PRake widens in NLOS channel conditions, as the first &
second multipath components may not be the strong components. This
degrades the PRake performance more than SRake. At 10% outage
probability the value of performance gap in terms of SNR difference in
CM2 increases to 8dB, using exponential-lognormal model generated
profile. But with in the delay spread of (16 x 0.167) 2.67 nsec the gap
in terms of average SNR reduces to as low as 2.5dB.
Selection of optimum Rake fingers
The Cumulative output SNR for the PRake and the SRake is shown in
Fig. 9 & 10 as a function of number of paths captured by the Rake.
The average transmitter SNR is set to be 60dB in all the channel
categories. The Transmitter-Receiver distance is 1m for CM1 and CM2
channel conditions. The standard mean path-loss model of [22] has been
used. The increase in Cumulative output SNR with increase in number of
taps is observed, as is the reduced marginal gain in SNR as the number
of taps increases. This leads to a good choice for the number of taps in
the neighborhood of the "knee" of the curve. The SRake is
noted to perform better than the PRake; however as the number of taps
increases this difference is insignificant. The UWB channel model in
Section II results in a lower probability for high amplitude paths at
large delays, leading to these lower gains for the SRake as compared to
the PRake. CM2 correspond to higher delay spread, as such it captures
smaller energy for the same number of Rake fingers than CM1 channel
category. Because of the availability of strong LOS energy components in
the initial bins of CM1, there is smaller performance appreciation in
CM1 than CM2 with increasing taps.
Performance Analysis
The most common performance criterion, in the context of a wireless
communication system subjected to multipath fading impairment is the
Average Bit error Probability (ABEP) [20]. We evaluate the ABEP of all
three Rake structures in the realistic UWB channels using
Exponential-Lognormal model. We assume that the fading is sufficiently
slow that a large number of bits are transmitted within the channel
coherence time. The ([P.sub.b]) Average Bit Error Probability is
obtained by averaging the conditional BEP [P.sub.b]([[gamma].sub.b])
(conditioned on the received instantaneous SNR per bit) over the
probability density function [P.sub.[[gamma].sub.b]]([[gamma].sub.]) of
the instantaneous SNR at the output of the Rake receiver [20].
where [P.sub.b]([[gamma].sub.b] is Bit Error Probability in AWGN
and [P.sub.[[gamma].sub.b]]([[gamma].sub.]) is the distribution of the
SNR in the fading conditions. The instantaneous SNR at the Rake output
depends on the channel conditions and the type of the Rake receiver
structure. For the ARake receiver and PRake receiver with MRC, the
instantaneous output SNR is the sum of [L.sub.r] and [L.sub.p]
independent but non-identically distributed random variables,
respectively. But, in the case of the SRake receiver, the best [L.sub.b]
components are selected amongst the available multipath components,
which mean complete estimation of the channel. The instantaneous SNR at
the combiner output is the sum of [L.sub.b] ordered random variables.
Each of the underlying random variable in each tap follows a different
stochastic distribution.
We have used a semi-analytical approach to compute the ABEP. A
normalized channel has been considered with unit total energy. This
allows a better insight into different Rake structures since their
relative ABEP is independent of the total received energy. Standardized
Path-Loss model in [22] has been used. The SSA-PDPs have been generated
according to the procedure enumerated in previous section, and selected
the total [L.sub.r] available taps or [L.sub.p] first taps (for the
ARake and the PRake), or the strongest [L.sub.b] paths (for the SRake),
respectively. The SNRs for the selected taps are added in each of the
Rake structures, which give us the total SNR at the Rake combiner
output. In this section, we compute the ABEP vs Average SNR per bit for
commonly used Binary Data Modulations for UWB such as 2BOK, orthogonal
PPM (BPPM), optimum PPM. The ABEP vs average SNR per bit of binary data
modulations for different Rake fingers and channel categories have been
plotted in Fig 12 to 17. For comparison ABEP of ARake, PRake and SRake
are plotted. The SNR gain to achieve target BEP (e.g. [10.sup.-4]) and
slope of ABEP curves are compared. As anticipated, ARake has the best
performance and taken as reference for SNR loss computation in PRake and
SRake. The ABEP results obtained in [5] are also compared.
Table I shows the ABEP SNR loss of different Rake structures in
diversified UWB channels. We discuss here the two and sixteen finger
SRake and PRake structures in different channel categories. For the
target ABEP of [10.sup.-4], the SRake performance gain over PRake in CM1
is about 6dB for BPPM as shown in [Fig.5, 5]. On the other hand, the
performance gain of SRake is found to be only 1 dB in CM1 using
exponential-lognormal model, due to frequent presence of strong LOS
component in the first delay bin. The performance gap between SRake and
PRake remains nearly same even for 16 finger structure. The performance
loss of PRake compared to SRake increases to about 6dB in CM2 (NLOS)
channel. This is due to relatively pronounced degradation of PRake
performance in CM2.The difference in PRake and SRake curves increases in
CM2 as fewer strong components are available in the beginning of
temporal axis and the energy spread is over larger number of resolvable
paths. For 16 finger structure, the performance loss of PRake is about
9dB using cluster model as shown in [Fig.5, 5]. This performance gap is
due to the presence of strong cluster components at larger delay and
PRake structure is unable to capture these MPCs. On the contrary, the
16-finger PRake performance loss reduces to about 2dB in CM2 using
realistic exponential-lognormal model. Thus, ABEP performance using the
realistic channel model favors simple PRake structure for both LOS &
NLOS channel categories with optimum number of taps.
The optimum value of Autocorrelation function using [21] is
evaluated to be -0.6 which makes optimum PPM 2dB more power efficient
than orthogonal PPM with ARake. The 2BOK gives 3 dB SNR gain over the
Orthogonal PPM with ARake and has a simpler receiver structure. But
PRake & SRake with 2 tap using all three data modulations shows
comparable performance in a given channel condition. The performance
loss in PRake compared to SRake widens in Non LOS channel conditions
using 2 finger structures. But this relative loss decreases to about 2dB
when the numbers of fingers are increased to 16 in CM2. The ABEP curve
slope at higher SNR values decides the diversity order, which differ
appreciably in lower order tap structures of SRake and PRake in NLOS.
But the ABEP slope of SRake and PRake matches in higher order tap
A semi-analytical evaluation of the realistic UWB link performance
was made based on Exponential-Lognormal indoor channel model. The output
SNR distributions of Selective Rake and Partial Rake detectors generated
using standard cluster model and exponential-lognormal model are
compared for LOS and NLOS channel scenarios. The performance of simple
PRake in realistic LOS channel is found to be very close to that of
SRake. The performance loss of PRake in NLOS also reduces appreciably by
incorporating marginally higher taps of the order of 16. Thus, the
simpler PRake structure may be used in rich diversity UWB channel. The
Average BEP analysis for 2BOK, Orthogonal PPM and Optimum PPM data
modulation formats showed similar degradation in all channel conditions
with 2 fingers SRake and PRake reception, but 2BOK gives the better
modulation efficiency in higher order Rake structures.
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Jyoteesh Malhotra (1), Ajay K. Sharma (2) and R.S. Kaler (3)
(1) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
G.N.D.U. Regional Campus, Jalandhar, India
[email protected]
(2) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India
[email protected]
(3) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Thapar
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India
[email protected]
Table 1: ABEP Performance
LOS (CM1) Tx-Rx separation 1m.
Modulation SRake loss PRake loss
formats (dB) (dB)
2tap 16tap 2tap 16tap
2BOK 4 1.8 4.8 2.2
Or-PPM 4 2 5 3
Op-PPM 4 2 5 2.7
NLOS (CM2) Tx-Rx separation 1m.
2BOK 9.1 3.2 15 5.5
Or-PPM 9.1 3.6 15.5 5.9
Op-PPM 8.6 3.6 15 5.5
Modulation Arake PRake vs SRake
formats (dB)
2tap 16tap
2BOK 55.3 0.8 0.4
Or-PPM 58.3 1 1
Op-PPM 56.3 0.9 0.7
NLOS (CM2) Tx-Rx separation 1m.
2BOK 59 5.9 1.9
Or-PPM 62 6.4 2.3
Op-PPM 60 6.4 2.3