Image enhancement in spatial domain by using LOG operator.
Thakur, Vikrant Singh ; Thakur, Kavita ; Sinha, G.R. 等
The proposed algorithm is based on the spatial domain thus Spatial
domain methods are discussed in this section. The value of a pixel with
coordinates (x, y) in the enhanced image F is the result of performing
some operation on the pixels in the neighborhood of (x, y) in the input
image, F. Neighborhood can be any shape, but usually they are
rectangular [1-3].The simplest form of operation is when the operator T
only acts on a 1 x 1 pixel neighborhood in the input image, that is
F(x,y) only depends on the value of F at (x, y). This is a grey scale
transformation or mapping. Some examples of gray scale manipulation
techniques are: 1.. Image Negative, 2. Log Transformation, 3. Power law
Transformation, 4. Contrast Stretching, etc.
Histogram equalization is a common technique for enhancing the
appearance of images. Suppose we have an image which is predominantly
dark. Then its histogram would be skewed towards the lower end of the
grey scale and all the image detail is compressed into the dark end of
the histogram. If we could 'stretch out' the grey levels at
the dark end to produce a more uniformly distributed histogram then the
image would become much clearer [1-2].
The aim of image smoothing is to diminish the effects of camera
noise, spurious pixel values, missing pixel values etc. There are many
different techniques for image smoothing; Averaging Smoothing, Median
smoothing, Gaussian smoothing, etc.
The Laplacian smoothing can be performed using standard convolution
methods. The Laplacian L(x,y) of an image with pixel intensity values
I(x,y) is given by:
L(x,y) = [[partial derivative].sup.2]I/[partial
derivative][x.sup.2] + [[partial derivative].sup.2]/ [partial
This can be calculated using a convolution filter. Since the input
image is represented as a set of discrete pixels, we have to find a
discrete convolution kernel that can approximate the second derivatives
in the definition of the Laplacian [4-8]. Two commonly used small
kernels are shown in Figure 1.
Using one of these kernels, the Laplacian can be calculated using
standard convolution methods. Because these kernels are approximating a
second derivative measurement on the image, they are very sensitive to
noise. To avoid this, the image is often gaussian smoothed before
applying the Laplacian filter [3]. This preprocessing step reduces the
high frequency noise components prior to the differentiation step. Since
the convolution operation is associative, we can convolve the Gaussian
smoothing filter with the Laplacian filter first of all, and then
convolve this hybrid filter with the image to achieve the required
The 2-D LOG function centered on zero and with Gaussian standard
deviation ? has the form:
That is shown in Figure 2.
The x and y axes are marked in standard deviations ([sigma]). A
discrete kernel that approximates this function (for a Gaussian [sigma]
= 1.4) is shown in Figure 3.
The LoG operator calculates the second spatial derivative of an
image. This means that in areas where the image has a constant intensity
(i.e. where the intensity gradient is zero), the LoG response will be
zero. In the vicinity of a change in intensity, however, the LoG
response will be positive on the darker side, and negative on the
lighter side. This means that at a reasonably sharp edge between two
regions of uniform but different intensities, the LoG response will be:
-zero at a long distance from the edge, positive just to one side of the
edge, negative just to the other side of the edge, and zero at some
point in between, on the edge itself [8-9].
Implementation and result
Contrast enhancement using the Laplacian is based on the equation
g(x,y) = f(x,y) + c[[nabla]f(x,y)]
Where f(x,y)is the input image, g(x,y) is the output image and c is
one if center coefficient of the mask is positive, -1 if it is negative.
I.e., if a portion of the filtered, or gradient, image is added to the
original image, then the result will be to make any edges in the
original image much sharper and give them more contrast [9-11]. The
proposed algorithm is shown below.
Now we illustrate the enhancement of input image by using the
proposed algorithm, consider the input image which has been suffering
from low light problem shown in Figure 5.
The enhancement of images by using this algorithm is depends on the
standard deviation ([sigma]) and the window size of the LOG operator.
First we illustrate the effect of different size windows. Figure 6.
Shows the effect of this algorithm when we are using window of size
5x5(default value of [sigma] = .5). Similarly Figure 7. & Figure 8.
Shows the effect of the algorithm for the window sizes 10x10 &
100x100 respectively. It is evident from the above three resultant
images that by using larger window size we can achieve good image
Now we illustrate the effect of Standard deviation of LOG operator.
The following figures shows the resultant images (Figure 9. (a-f)
obtained after enhancing by using LOG operator (algorithm) for the
different values of Standard deviation ([sigma]).
Table 1. Shows the variation in Variance, Standard deviation and
mean of resultant images with respect to Standard deviation of the LOG
operator. The Table 1 shows the variation in Mean and Variance of output
images with respect to the Standard deviation of the LOG operator, and
these parameters are plotted in the Figure 9. Shown below. The plot
shows that the variance and the mean of the resultant images decrease as
the standard deviation of Gaussian operator increases.
Conclusion & Future Scope
Using the proposed algorithm contrast has been increased
considerably. The Laplacian operator is a 2-D isotropic measure of the
2nd spatial derivative of an image. The Laplacian of an image highlights
regions of rapid intensity change and is therefore often used for edge
detection. The Laplacian is often applied to an image that has first
been smoothed with something approximating a Gaussian smoothing filter
in order to reduce its sensitivity to noise. But this paper explains how
we can achieve enhancement of images by using the LOG operator. I.e. If
a portion of the filtered, or gradient, image is added to the original
image, then the Resultant image having more contrast. ie Using LOG
approach contrast has been increased considerably. Another most
important conclusion is that from the graph it is evident that variance
and the mean of the resultant images reduce significantly as standard
deviation of LOG operator increases. Futue extension may be using
frequency domain approach.
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Vikrant Singh Thakur
Rungta College of Engg. & Tech. Bhilai.
Kavita Thakur
Head (SOS in Electronics), Pt. R.S.U. Raipur.
G.R. Sinha
Reader & Head (IT), Shri Shakaracharya College of Engg. &
Tech. Bhilai.
[email protected]
Table 1: Variance, Standard deviation and mean of resultant images
with respect to Standard deviation of the LOG operator.
Sigma(operator) Sigma(o/p) Mean(o/p) Variance(o/p)
0.1 98.3055 176.8526 9663.9713
0.2 98.2403 176.507 9651.1565
0.3 97.7843 174.5098 9561.7693
0.4 95.5721 166.2386 9134.0262
0.5 80.0458 139.1432 6407.33
0.51 77.2132 135.6461 5961.8782
0.52 74.5473 132.4689 5557.2999
0.53 72.1631 129.717 5207.513
0.54 70.1561 127.4487 4921.8783
0.55 68.4914 125.6164 4691.0718
0.6 63.5368 121.0828 4036.9249
0.7 61.3999 120.1181 3769.9477
0.8 61.2499 119.7651 3751.5502
0.9 61.2746 119.373 3754.5766
1 61.3273 119.0437 3761.0377
2 61.7073 117.8639 3807.7908
3 61.8477 117.5479 3825.1379
4 61.9379 117.3951 3836.3034