Effect of environmental conditions on okra fiber: flexural and impact properties of okra fiber reinforced polyester composites.
Srinivasababu, N. ; Rao, K. Murali Mohan ; Kumar, J. Suresh 等
Flexural properties of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), glass
bead (GB) and glass fiber (GF) ternary composites have been studied [1].
Woven jute fiber reinforced composite specimens prepared by hand lay-up
technique as per ASTM standard. The first report by any single group of
researchers in which flexural strength and impact strength are given
[2]. Effect of surface treatments of sisal fibers on the flexural
properties of sisal / polyester composites was determined. Flexural
properties of sisal / epoxy composites were given by Yan Li [3]. Effect
of fiber treatment on the mechanical properties of unidirectional
sisal-reinforced epoxy composites was investigated [4]. Jute fibers were
subjected to alkali treatment with 5% NaOH solution for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 h
at 30[degrees]C. For 35% composites with 4 h treated fibers, the
flexural strength improved from 199.1 to 238.9 MPa by 20%. On plotting
different values of slopes obtained from the rates of improvement of
flexural strength and modulus, against NaOH treatment time, two
different failure modes were apparent before and after 4 h of NaOH
treatment [5]. Flexural, impact behaviour of cellulose fibers reinforced
polymeric matrices, such as poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and poly
(styrene-c-acrylonitrile) (SAN) are investigated and special attention
is given to the effect of fiber surface treatment on the effective
properties. The flexural strength of the composites remains constant
when fiber is grafted with PMMA and a brittle interface is formed around
cellulose fibers, regardless of fiber content. In the case of impact
loading, the presence of an elastomeric type material, in this case poly
(butyl acrylate)-grafted cellulose fibers seems to provide an
alternative mechanism for energy dissipation in the composite, thus,
showing a better impact behaviour than the composites with the other
fiber surface treatments. The impact behaviour seems to be improved by
the mechanical properties of cellulose fibers [6]. Composites were
fabricated using banana fiber and glass fiber with varying fiber length
and loading. The analysis of flexural and impact properties of these
composites revealed that the optimum length of fiber required for banana
fiber and glass fiber are different in phenol formaldehyde resole matrix
[7]. The effect of fiber treatments and matrix modifications on
mechanical properties of flax fiber bundle / polypropylene composites
was investigated [8]. A uniaxial natural fabric of Hildegardia
Populifolia was treated with 5% NaOH solution for 1 h, and the resulting
changes were analyzed by polarized and SEM techniques [9]. The
mechanical properties of flax / polypropylene compounds, manufactured
both with a batch kneading and an extrusion process were determined and
compared with the properties of Natural fiber mat Thermoplastic (NMT)
composites [10]. Biodegradable composites reinforced with bagasse fiber
before and after chemical treatments were prepared and mechanical
properties were investigated. Approximately 14% flexural strength and
30% impact strength improved [11]. Wood composites after water-cross
linking treatment exhibited better mechanical properties than the
non-cross linked one because of improved chemical bonding between the
wood fiber and polyolefin matrix. As the wood flour content reaches to
30 wt% and after water cross-linking for 4h, flexural strength increased
by 137.5% (11.2-26.6 MPa) with respect to that of non cross linked ones
[12]. Rice straw fibers have been extracted and incorporated in
polyester resin matrix to prepare rice straw reinforced polyester
composites and flexural properties of resultant composites have been
studied. Composites with a mean flexural strength of s66.3 MPa can be
formulated with an optimum fiber volume fraction of about 40% [13].
Arecanut FRP composites at 0.39 volume fraction shown mean flexural
strength and modulus of 7.5 and 70% more in comparison to those of plain
polyester. The work of fracture in impact is measured to be 45.62 J/m
[14]. The work of fracture measured in impact for rice straw FRP
composites at volume fraction of 45% is 283 J/m [15]. The effect of
sisal fiber surface treatments on the fiber-matrix-interfacial adhesion
and mechanical properties of the composites were studied [16]. Flexural
and impact properties of banana FRP composites showed maximum value at
30 mm length at 30 vol % [17].
In the present research two varieties of okra (botanicaaly called
as "Abelmoschus esculentus") fiber is taken for the
preparation of composites. It is referred by a synonym "Hibiscus
esculentus L".
Hybrid okra variety 2405133, supplied by Syngenta India Limited,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune, India. The characteristics of seed are as follows.
Germination (Min.) 65%
Physical purity (Min.) 99%
Inert matter (Max.) 1%
Moisture (Max.) 8%
Genetic purity (Min.) 95%
The chemical used for seed treatment is THIRAM.
Hybrid okra INRA-32, supplied by Prabhkar hybrid seeds, Gandhi
nagar, Bangalore, India.
The characteristics of seed are as follows.
Kind Bhendi
Germination (Min.) 65%
Physical purity (Min.) 98%
Inert matter (Max.) 2%
Moisture (Max.) 6%
Genetic purity (Min.) 98%
Experimental Work
Hybrid okra variety 2405133 fiber extraction
The removed okra stems are placed in a pit containing stagnant mud
water for 6 days (i.e. 30th August, 2008 to 4th September, 2008) at
ambient conditions. On 7th day i.e. 5th September, 2008 the stems are
washed with sufficient quantity of water till complete pulp is detached
from fiber. Then the fiber is dried for 7 days at ambient conditions.
The fiber obtained is 5 ft. to 7 ft. long. Up to 2 ft. fiber length okra
fiber is in woven form and remaining length of fiber is individual. Now
onwards this is called as Okra woven fiber variety 1 (OW FV1) and Okra
individual fiber variety 1 (OI FV1).
Hybrid okra Indra-32 fiber extraction
The removed okra stems are dried at atmospheric condition for 14
days (i.e. 2nd December 2008 to 15th December, 2008). The dried okra
stems are placed in a pit containing stagnant mud water for 2 days (i.e.
15th December 2008 to 18th December, 2008) at ambient conditions. On 3rd
day i.e. 19th December, 2008 the stems are washed with sufficient
quantity of water till complete pulp is detached from fiber. Then the
fiber is dried for 4 days at ambient conditions. The fiber obtained is
3.6 ft. to 7 ft. long. Up to 1.6 ft. fiber length okra fiber is in woven
form and remaining length of fiber is individual. Now onwards this is
called as Okra woven fiber variety 2 (OW FV2) and Okra individual fiber
variety 2 (OI FV2).
Ecmalon 4413 general purpose unsaturated polyester resin of medium
reactivity is used in the present investigation. The properties of the
liquid resin are tested in accordance with IS 6746-1994 and the values
can vary within tolerances mentioned therein.
Appearance Clear
Viscosity @ 25[degrees]C 500 (Brookfield viscometer)
Specific gravity (25/25[degrees]C) 1.13
Acid value (mgKOH/g) 25
Volatiles @ 150[degrees]C (%) 35
Gel time @ 25[degrees]C (minutes) 20
The resin contains a volatile monomer with a flash point at
32[degrees]C and is of moderate fire hazard.
Accelerated environmental conditions on okra fiber: Acid Rain
Increasing the utilization of automobiles, industries, and power
plants leads to more and more pollutants emitted into the atmosphere and
causing very serious disasters.
Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen originating from industrial
operations and fossil fuel combustion are the major sources of acid
forming gases. Acid forming gases are oxidized over several days by
which time they travel thousands of kilometers. In the atmosphere these
gases are converted to sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Hydrogen chloride
emissions form hydrochloric acid. These acids cause aid rain. Acid rain
is only one component of acidic deposition. Acidic deposition is the
total of wet deposition (acid rain) and dry deposition. This is
schematically represented in Fig. 1 [18].
The detailed photo chemical reactions in the atmosphere are [19]
NO + [O.sub.3] [right arrow] N[O.sub.2] + [O.sub.2] N[O.sub.2] +
[O.sub.3] [right arrow] N[O.sub.3] + [O.sub.2] N[O.sub.2] + N[O.sub.3]
[right arrow] [N.sub.5][O.sub.5] [N.sub.5][O.sub.5] + [H.sub.2]O [right
arrow] 2HN[O.sub.3]
HN[O.sub.3] is removed as a particulate nitrates after reaction
with bases (N[H.sub.3], particulate lime)
S[O.sub.2] + 1/2 [O.sub.2] + [H.sub.2]O [right arrow]
The presence of hydrocarbons and NOx steps up the oxidation rate of
the reaction. In the water droplests, ions such as Mn(II), Fe(II) and
Cu(II) catalyse the oxidation reaction. Soot particles are also known to
be strongly involved in catalyzing the oxidation of S[O.sub.2]. HNO3 and
and H2SO4 combine with HCl from HCl emission (both by natural and
anthropogenic sources) to generate acid precipitation which is known as
acid rain. In Greece and Italy, invaluable stone statues have been
partially dissolved by acid rain. The Taj mahal in India faces the same
at present.
To evaluate the impact of acidic rain on plants there by fiber,
accelerated environmental conditions are created through the reaction of
okra fiber with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) i.e. chemical treatment (CT-4).
Chemically treated fiber is used for the preparation of flexural and
impact testing specimens and the properties of composites were
determined and compared with untreated ones.
Chemical treatment (CT)
Extracted hybrid okra fiber is treated with different chemicals to
investigate the variation in the properties after treatment.
* Chemical treatment-4 (CT-4): OW FV2 and OI FV2 are treated with
0.25 M NaOH solution for 5 hour 55 minutes. Pre treated sodium hydroxide
fiber is treated with 0.01265 M KMnO4 solution in presence of 0.003752 M
[H.sub.2]S[O.sub.4] for a period of 2 minutes. Now onwards it is OW FV2
CT-4, OI FV2 CT-4.
* Chemical treatment-7 (CT-7): OW FV1 and OI FV1 are treated with
0.1875 M NaOH solution for 13 hours. Now onwards it is OW FV1 CT-7, OI
FV1 CT-7.
Preparation and testing of samples
(i) Moisture removal: The fiber is placed in a NSW-143 Oven
Universal (Super deluxe model), supplied by Narang Scientific Works
Private Limited, New Delhi, India, at a temperature of 70[degrees]C for
1 hour. Then fiber is allowed to cool to room temperature. The fiber is
then taken out for the preparation of composite specimen.
(ii) Flexural testing: The specimens were prepared, conditioned and
tested according to ASTM D 790-[07.sup.[euro]1] [19]. PC 2000 Electronic
Tensometer, supplied by Kudale Instruments Private Limited, Pune, India
is used for flexural testing.
(iii) Impact testing: The specimens were prepared, conditioned and
tested according to ASTM D 6110-08 [20]. Specimens were prepared having
a width of 10 mm and 12.7 mm. Motorized notch cutter, Computerized Izod
/ Charpy Impact tester, supplied by International Equipments, Mumbai,
India is used for cutting the notch on the specimen and Impact testing
Results and Discussion
Flexural strength, flexural modulus, specific flexural strength and
specific flexural modulus of all the okra fiber reinforced polyester
composites considered in the present study increases with increasing
percentage volume fraction of fiber.
OW FV2 CT-4 FRP composites showed less flexural strength than OW
FV1 FRP composites at all volume fractions considered in the study even
though okra woven FV2 is chemically treated with NaOH and KMn[O.sub.4]
Fig. 2. The possible reason is okra FV2 is dried in ambient conditions
for 14 days; thereby fiber lost its strength and sulfuric acid in CT-4
decreased the strength of fiber.
Flexural strength of OW FV1 fiber reinforced polyester composites
is 16.02 %, 43.73 %, 180.33 % more than OW FV2 CT-4 FRP composites, OW
FV1 CT-7 FRP composites and plain polyester specimens (i.e. [V.sub.f] =
0 ) respectively.
OI FV1 FRP composites flexural strength is 31.09 %, 24.66%, 231.68%
higher than OI FV2 CT-4, OI FV1 CT-7 FRP composites and plain polyester
specimens respectively Fig. 3.
The basis of the superior structural performance of the composite
material lies in the high specific strength and high specific stiffness
and in the anisotropic and heterogeneous character of the material [20].
The specific flexural strength of OW FV1 FRP composites is 16.88 %,
52.13%, 208.24 % higher than OW FV2 CT-4, OW FV1 CT-7 FRP composites,
plain polyester specimens respectively Fig. 4.
Whereas OI FV1 FRP composites showed a specific flexural strength
of 18.95 %, 36.44 %, 263.87 % more than OI FV2 CT-4, OI FV1 CT-7 FRP
composite specimens and plain polyester specimens respectively Fig. 5.
Flexural modulus of OW FV2 CT-4 FRP composites is increasing with
increasing volume fraction of fiber and it is 1.344 times, 1.134 times
higher than OW FV1 and OW FV1 CT-7 FRP composites Fig. 6.
Flexural modulus of OI FV2 CT-4 is 1.109 times, 1.257 times higher
than OI FV2 CT-4 and OI FV1 CT-7 FRP composites respectively Fig. 7.
Specific flexural modulus of OW FV2 CT-4 FRP composite is 1.334
times, 1.192 times more than OW FV1, OW FV1 CT-7 FRP composite specimens
respectively Fig. 8.
Specific flexural modulus of OI FV1 FRP composite specimens is 1.23
times, 1.375 times more than OI FV2 CT-4, OI FV1 CT-7 FRP composite
specimens Fig. 9.
Flexural strength and flexural modulus of okra fiber reinforced
polyester composites at highest volume fraction is shown in Fig. 10
& Fig. 11.
The values obtained are compared with the values in the literature
and is given below.
The values indicated with red color in table (i.e. from literature)
are having less & the values indicated with blue color are having
more flexural strength, flexural modulus, specific flexural strength and
specific flexural modulus than the okra fiber (untreated and chemically
treated) reinforced polyester composites.
Impact resistance of okra FRP composites increased with increase in
volume fraction of fiber. OI FV1-10 reinforced polyester composites
showed 45.32 % more impact resistance than OW FV1-10 at a volume
fraction of 27.33 % Fig. 12. With increasing width of specimen form 10
mm to 12.7 mm the impact resistance of OW FV1-12.7 and OI FV1-12.7
increases. This is due to increase in width of the specimen there by
more fiber is incorporated in the specimen there by enhancing the impact
resistance Fig. 13.
(1) Hand lay-up technique will be used successfully for the
preparation of okra fiber reinforced polyester composites.
(2) Fiber is cheap and biodegradable there by more useful to
environment by decreasing hazardous waste generated form synthetic
fibers like glass, carbon, Kevlar etc.
(3) From the flexural testing comparison table it is very clear
that flexural strength, flexural modulus and specific flexural strength
and specific flexural modulus is more in most of the FRP composites i.e.
jute, sisal, banana, flax, bagasse fiber reinforced composites.
(4) According to ASTM there is a possibility of varying width of
impact testing sample. Impact resistance specimen width 12.7 mm is
preferable to know the maximum impact resistance.
(5) Present trend of utilizing automobiles, industries, power
plants etc. on biotic community like plants is clearly visible from the
flexural and impact testing graphs. There is a clear decline in the
(6) Effect of acid rain is dangerous to the plants, which has been
proved from the present research by testing the Okra fiber (treated with
H2SO4) reinforced polyester composites at flexural and impact loadings.
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N. Srinivasababu (1) *, K. Murali Mohan Rao (2) and J. Suresh Kumar
(1) Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVP
Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, India
(1) * Corresponding author E-mail:
[email protected]
(2) Principal, Sri Viveka Institute of Technology, Madalavarigudem,
(3) Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, JNT
University, Hyderabad, India
strength Flexural
(MPa) modulus (GPa)
Values obtained the presresearch
OW FV1 FRPC 101.93 4.53
OW FV2 CT-4 87.85 6.09
OW FV1 CT-7 70.92 5.37
OI FV1 FRPC 120.6 9.97
OI FV2 CT-4 92 8.99
OI FV1 CT-7 96.74 7.93
Values according to in the literature
Jute reinforced 92.5 5.1
composites [2]
Untreated sisal/ 59.57 11.94
composites [3]
N--substituted 76.35 15.35
treated sisal/
polyester [3]
Silane treated sisal 96.88 19.42
/polyester [3]
Titanate treated 75.59 15.13
Zirconate treated 72.15 14.46
Untreated jute/ 106.3 4.22
vinyl ester
composite 8 vol%
Banana/PF 50 2.481
composites at 40
mm fiber length
Glass/PF 55 3.781
composites at 50
mm fiber length
Banana/PF 50 2.4
composites at 45
wt % fiber loading
Glass/PF 73 6.454
composites at
40 wt % fiber
loading [7]
Glass/unmodified 84.0 [+ or -] 2.2 5.119 [+ or -] 0.181
PP composites [8]
Flax/MAPP PP 58.3 [+ or -] 0.8 3.985 [+ or -] 0.12
composites [8]
Flax/MA + 76.0 [+ or -] 1.9 5.495 [+ or -] 0.311
Peroxide PP
composites [8]
Flax/VTMO + 72.3 [+ or -] 2.4 5.374 [+ or -] 0.22
peroxide PP
composites [8]
20 wt % untreated 31.19 1.13687
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
20 wt % alkali 34.71 1.32172
treated bagasse
fiber composite
35 wt % untreated 38.37 1.45181
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
35 wt % alkali 43.96 1.62236
treated bagasse
fiber composite
50 wt % untreated 40.16 1.84134
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
50 wt % alkali 46.05 2.03137
treated bagasse
fiber composite
65 wt % untreated 43.87 2.29202
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
65 wt % alkali 50.86 2.67373
treated bagasse
fiber composite
Rice straw FRP 66.3 2.63
composites [13]
Arecanut FRP 59.17 2.896
composites [13]
Banana polyester 57 [+ or -] 2.2 2.329 [+ or -] 0.0052
composites at 30
vol % with 10 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester 66 [+ or -] 0.9 2.601 [+ or -] 0.0046
composites at 30
vol % with 20 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester 78 [+ or -] 3.2 2.997 [+ or -] 0.0038
composites at 30
vol % with 30 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester 69 [+ or -] 2.4 2.684 [+ or -] 0.0064
composites at 30
vol % with 40 mm
fiber length [17]
Specific flexural
Composites flexural Specific
strength modulus
(Mpa/[kgm.sup.-3] (Mpa/[kgm.sup.-3])
* [10.sup.-3] * [10.sup.-3]
Values obtained the presresearch
OW FV1 FRPC 90.87 4.04
OW FV2 CT-4 77.74 5.39
OW FV1 CT-7 59.73 4.52
OI FV1 FRPC 107.27 8.87
OI FV2 CT-4 90.18 7.21
OI FV1 CT-7 78.62 6.45
Values according to in the literature
Jute reinforced -- --
composites [2]
Untreated sisal/ -- --
composites [3]
N--substituted -- --
treated sisal/
polyester [3]
Silane treated sisal -- --
/polyester [3]
Titanate treated -- --
Zirconate treated -- --
Untreated jute/ -- --
vinyl ester
composite 8 vol%
Banana/PF -- --
composites at 40
mm fiber length
Glass/PF -- --
composites at 50
mm fiber length
Banana/PF 49 2.33
composites at 45
wt % fiber loading
Glass/PF 46 4.059
composites at
40 wt % fiber
loading [7]
Glass/unmodified -- --
PP composites [8]
Flax/MAPP PP -- --
composites [8]
Flax/MA + -- --
Peroxide PP
composites [8]
Flax/VTMO + -- --
peroxide PP
composites [8]
20 wt % untreated -- --
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
20 wt % alkali -- --
treated bagasse
fiber composite
35 wt % untreated -- --
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
35 wt % alkali -- --
treated bagasse
fiber composite
50 wt % untreated -- --
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
50 wt % alkali -- --
treated bagasse
fiber composite
65 wt % untreated -- --
bagasse fiber
composite [11]
65 wt % alkali -- --
treated bagasse
fiber composite
Rice straw FRP 43.7 1.358
composites [13]
Arecanut FRP 57.2 2.799
composites [13]
Banana polyester -- --
composites at 30
vol % with 10 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester -- --
composites at 30
vol % with 20 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester -- --
composites at 30
vol % with 30 mm
fiber length [17]
Banana polyester -- --
composites at 30
vol % with 40 mm
fiber length [17]
Figure 10: Flexural strenght of okra fiber (before and after chemical
treatment reinforced polyester composites at highest percentage volume
of okra fiber.
Flexural % Volume
strength fraction of
(Mpa) fiber
OW FV1CT-7 24.05
OW FV2CT-4 26.72
OW FV1 26.86
OI FV2CT-4 27.86
OI FV1CT-7 28.3
OI FV1 35.07
Figure 11: Flexural modulus of okra fiber (before and after chemical
treatment reinforced polyester composites at highest percentage volume
fraction of okra fiber.
Flexural % Volume
modulus fraction of
(Gpa) fiber
OW FV1CT- 24.05
OW FV2CT-4 26.72
OW FV1 26.86
OI FV2CT-4 27.86
OI FV1CT-7 28.3
OI 35.07
Figure 13: Impact resistance of okra fiber reinforced polyester
composites at highest percentage volume fraction of okra fiber.
Flexural % Volume
resistance fraction of
(J/m) fiber
OW FV1-10 23.19
OI FV1CT-4-10 25.51
OI FV1-10 27.33
OW FV1-12.7 27.87
OI FV1-12.7 33.34
OI FV1-CT-4-12.7 38.52