Simulative analysis of BER and Q-factor for sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) based Bi-directional Radio over fiber communication system.
Singh, Satbir ; Singh, Amarpal
Radio over fiber (RoF) is a hybrid technology design to enable the
efficient and cost effective transport of wireless signals over optical
fibers [1]. In radio over fiber (RoF) scheme optical signal is modulated
at radio frequencies and transmitted via the optical fiber [2]. RoF
makes it possible to centralize the RF signal processing functions in
one shared location (head end), and then to use optical fiber, which
offers low signal loss (0.2 dB/km for 1550 nm, and 0.5 dB/km for 1310 nm
wavelengths) to distribute the RF signals to the remote antenna units
(RAUs) [3]. At the RAU, the transmitted RF signal is recovered by direct
detection in the PIN photo detector (PD). The signal is then amplified
and radiated by an antenna. This method of transporting RF signals over
the fiber is called Intensity Modulation with Direct Detection (IM-DD),
and is the simplest form of the RoF link [4]. There are two ways of
modulating the light source: First, the RF signal directly modulates the
laser diode's current. The direct modulation scheme is simple but
suffers from a laser--frequency chirp effect, this chirp effect results
in severe degradation of the RoF system performance. Secondly, to
operate the laser in continuous wave (CW) mode and then use an external
modulator such as the Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM), to modulate the
intensity of the light. After transmission through the fiber and direct
detection on a photodiode, the photocurrent is a replica of the
modulating RF signal applied either directly to the laser or to the
external modulator at the head end. The photocurrent undergoes
transimpedance amplification to yield a voltage that is in turn used to
excite the RF antenna. IM-DD radio over fiber (RoF) systems use single
mode fiber for distribution of RF signals [5]. The biggest advantage of
IM-DD is that amplitude modulation (AM) and multi-level modulation
formats such as x QAM may be transported. Sub-Carrier Multiplexing (SCM)
can also be used in Radio over fiber systems [6]. The performance of
radio over fiber (RoF) system depends on following parameters: method
used to generate the optically modulated RF signal, optical fiber
chromatic dispersion, laser and RF power level ,nonlinearity due to an
optical power level, bit rate and modulation format used[7].
Literature Survey
Various research papers have been investigated for the analysis of
the performance of radio over fiber system in terms of bit error rate
and quality factor improvements. M.G.Larrode and A.M.J.Koonen
demonstrated and studied the optical frequency multiplication (OFM)
technique for the design of reliable RoF system for increased cell
capacity allocation and multi-standard support [8]. Kosuke Uegaki et al.
investigated convergence of communication and broadcasting which makes
use of Radio over Fiber (RoF) network [9]. He focused that in RoF
networks, although system costs can be reduced by employing sub-carrier
multiplexing (SCM), the influence of nonlinear distortion becomes large.
G.M.Sil et al. presented a novel BER estimation method for sub carrier
multiplexed signals usig QAM modulation that accounts for joint impact
of noise and intermodulation distortions on the bit error rate (BER) of
the RoF system [10]. David Wake discussed the RoF distribution system
for cellular communication [11]. M. Garcia Larrode et al. demonstrated
the feasibility of generating two QAM radio signals simultaneously at
17.3 GHz and 17.8 GHz after 4.4 km of multimode fiber in an optically
frequency multiplication radio over fiber link for wireless multi
standard support at the antenna site [12]. Jianxin Ma et al.
investigated the influence of the modulation index of MZM modulator on
radio over fiber link with ASK millimeter-wave signal [13]. Hai-han Lu
et al. proposed and demonstrated four wavelengths CATV/RoF transport
system based on DFB laser source. The system performance evaluated in
terms of BER, Carrier to Noise ratio (CNR) and composite triple beat
(CTB) [14]. In this paper we will investigate BER and Q-factor
improvements under the influence of sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) on
Radio over Fiber (RoF) system in uplink as well as in downlink
System Set Up for Radio Over Fiber System
Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology is proposed as a solution for
reducing cost and providing highly reliable communication services. The
RoF system is very cost-effective because the localization of signal
processing in central station and also use a simple base station. Radio
over fiber system realizes the transparent transform between RF signal
and optical signal.
Fig (1) shows the scheme for the system set up. The system setup
shows implementation approach for transmitting sub carrier multiplexing
(SCM) encoded multiple data channels (analog and digital channels) over
a bidirectional single mode optical fiber.This radio over fiber link is
set up by the simulation software Optisystem[TM] For the downlink
simulation link, a narrow bandwidth continuous wave (CW) from laser
diode (power = 6dBm and linewidth of 10 MHz and dynamic noise of 3 dB)
at the wavelength of 1550 nm is modulated via a LiNb[O.sub.3]
Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) having extinction ratio of 30 dB and
insertion loss of 5 dB. The 10 GHz RF sinusoidal wave is amplitude
modulated by pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) data format (NRZ) with
sequence length of [2.sup.9]-1. The 10 Gb/s downlink data signal with
PRBS length of [2.sup.9]-1is mixed with 10GHz local oscillator signal
(sine wave) and a carrier generator having number of RF sub-carriers.
The numbers of analog channels used by carrier generator are 78 at a
frequency of 49.25 MHz with a channel frequency spacing of 6 MHz. An
ideal EDFA (power = 10 dBm) pre-amplifies the optical carrier before o/e
conversion at the receiver section (at PIN-PD having thermal noise of
1e-22W/Hz)) with a center frequency of 193.4 THz is used for the
analysis. A bidirectional reflective filter (Gaussian type and of 4th
order) with the center frequency of 193.1 THz and having reflection of
99% is used for the simulative analysis. The optical signal sent over
different lengths of single mode fiber. In the receiver section, the
optical signal is detected by a PIN-photodiode having responsivity of
0.9 A/W and amplitude demodulated. The downlink microwave signal was
boosted by an electrical amplifier (EA) with a gain of 15 dB and noise
power of--60 dBm.
For the uplink connection, the optical spectrum and waveform of the
remaining optical carrier used with the help of a bidirectional
reflective filter with an insertion loss 0 dB. This optical carrier was
given to amplitude modulator driven by 10Gbps uplink PRBS data with a
sequence length of [2.sup.9]-1. The uplink optical sidebands produce
crosstalk when uplink data was detected at the control station. The
crosstalk can be reduced with the help of Bessel optical filter having
bandwidth of 10GHz with depth of 100dB. The eye diagrams, BER and
Q-factor values of the signals are measured by the BER analyzers I and
II at the base station and control station for downlink and uplink
connections. Table (1) shows the values of various simulation parameters
used for the RoF system approach.
Results and Discussion
The multiple data signals are analyzed with the help of optical and
RF spectrum analyzers for radio over fiber (RoF) approach. The signals
are analyzed at central station and at receiving end. Fig (2) and (3)
show power vs. frequency relationship for optical and RF spectrum
analysis. The Fig (3) depicts the RF spectrum analysis for signal and
then (signal+noise) at central station and at receiving end of the radio
over fiber system. The figure shows the reduction of noise level with
increase in frequency. The figures (4) and (5) focus on bit error rate
analysis for improving quality of the radio over fiber system. For
uplink and downlink analysis of radio over fiber system, three different
optical fiber lengths have been chosen i.e (1) 2 km (2) 8 km and (3) 12
Fig (2) & (3): Optical spectrum and RF spectrum shows the
maximum power and minimum power in dBm with a resolution bandwidth of
0.01nm at central stage. The measured values of maximum and minimum
powers are 1.0147dBm and -104.81dBm at a center frequency of 193.1THz.RF
spectrum analysis shows power vs. frequency relation for radio over
fiber system. The maximum level of power for fig.3 (a) is--17.55dBm and
minimum level is -103.92dBm at a center frequency of 7.99GHz. (b) signal
with noise at base station.
Figure (4): Maximum Eye amplitudes at receiver section at 193.1 THz
at a bit rate of 10 Gbps with NRZ modulation format and at a frequency
of 10 GHz for sine generator with dispersion of 16.75ps/nm/km at optical
fiber lengths of (a) 2 Km (b) 8 Km and (c) 12 Km for uplinking Radio
over Fiber (RoF) communication system
Figure (5): Eye amplitudes at receiver section at 193.1 THz at a
bit rate of 10 Gbps with NRZ modulation format and at a frequency of 10
GHz for sine generator with dispersion of 16.75ps/nm/km at optical fiber
lengths of (a) 2 Km (b) 8 Km and (c) 12 Km for down linking Radio over
Fiber (RoF) communication system.
The BER analysis shows that for the given radio over fiber system,
the performance level of Rf signals degraded up to some extent when the
optical fiber distance increased for fixed no. of channels and for a
particular power level (in dBm) of laser diode and EDFA. This bit error
rate analysis is for short/medium transmission distance (<12Km).The
dynamic noise for CW laser is 3dB. These results are reasonable for the
direct detection scheme based on the external modulation in a medium
transmission distance for a macrocell. From the above analysis, it is
concluded that there is a considerable degradation in the output signal
as we increase the optical fiber length which is because of the
spreading of the optical pulse, which is directly proportional to the
length of fiber. The bit error rate and quality factor (Q) of the system
can be increased by decreasing the power and line width of optical
source (CW laser) and also by increasing the power of EDFA. As from the
results we can conclude that the resultant RF power decreases as the
length of the fiber increases. The BER can be improved for the above
model by carefully choosing the simulation parameters like fiber core
area, laser power and linewidth , EDFA power ,number of channels in the
carrier generator etc. For making more clarity about the performance of
RoF system, we have plotted graphs showing how the different parameters
like Q-factor, power level vary according to different fiber lengths at
a frequency of 193.1 THz at a bit rate of 10 Gbps with 78 channels at a
constant dispersion level of 16.75ps/nm/km in case of uplink and
downlink RoF system.
Figure (6): Comparison charts at receiver section at 193.1 THz at a
bit rate of 10 Gbps with NRZ modulation format and at a frequency of 10
GHz for sine generator with dispersion of 16.75ps/nm/km obtained by
plotting with respect to different fiber lengths (a) Q-factor and (b)
Received Power level in case of uplink and downlink radio over Fiber
Figure 6(a) compares the variations in the Q-factor with the
optical distance for bit error rate analyzers (I) & (II).It is
investigated from the figure that the Q values shows a considerable fall
with the increase in the length of optical fiber. For BER analyzer (II),
there is a quick fall in Q-factor after 8 km of fiber length. From 10-12
Km of fiber length, Q-factor values from both the BER analyzers
superimposed (Q=6.5dB at fiber length of 10 km). Figure 6(b) shows the
comparison of decreasing power levels with respect to increasing optical
distance. This analysis reveals that with increasing the optical fiber
distance from the central station to the base station, the performance
of the resultant RF signal degraded. The BER and quality (Q) factor of
the RoF system decreases. This gives to large amount of jittering.
Figure (7): Plots for receiver section at 193.1 THz at a bit rate
of 10 Gbps with different dispersions values obtained by plotting over
single mode optical fiber of length 10 Km. (a) Total Received Power for
downlink connection and (b) Q factor for uplink connection for
bidirectional RoF system.
The maximum value of the Q-factor is 9.61dB in case of downlink and
its minimum value is 8.27dB in case of uplink connection .The received
power level varies from -66.72dBm to -34.72dBm respectively for uplink
and downlink connection for RoF system. It is investigated from the
figure 7(b), that the Q values show a maximum value (max. value of
Q=8.91 dB with min.BER <10-17) when dispersion level approaches to
16.75ps/nm/km. The figure 7(a) shows the corresponding decreasing power
(dBm) level for the given dispersion values. The overall analysis of
these parameters shows a significant change in the performance of radio
over fiber (RoF) system for macro cell area ([approximately equal to]
8-12 Km). Hence these systems are beneficial for providing mobile
communication as well as cable TV/radio transmission services in a cell
area having radius of 2-15 km with single mode optical fiber cables.
The bit error rate (BER) and quality factor improvements for the
radio over fiber system at (i) different optical fiber lengths and (ii)
different dispersion levels have been investigated for a sub carrier
multiplexing (SCM) based bidirectional radio over fiber system. With
increasing the optical fiber distance from the central station to the
base station, the performance of the resultant RF signal degraded due to
large amount of jittering. We can achieve the maximum value of Q-factor
and corresponding BER at optimal optical distance with optimal
dispersion value (16.75ps/nm/km) in case of bidirectional single mode
fiber. The maximum value of the Q-factor is 9.61dB in case of downlink
connection and minimum value of 8.27dB in case of uplink connection has
been reported. It is also noticed that a maximum value of Q=8.91 dB with
min. BER < [10.sup.-12] has been achieved when dispersion level
approaches to 16.75ps/nm/km in case of uplink connection. Hence the 2
-10 km radius micro/macro cells give excellent performance in the
improvements of BER as well as Q-factor for providing RoF communication
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Satbir Singh (1) and Amarpal Singh (2)
(1) Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, G.N.D.U,
Regional Campus, Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
(2) Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, B.C.E.T,
Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1: Simulation Parameters for the experiment setup for RoF system
Effective fiber core area 78 [micro][m.sup.2]
Reference wavelength 1550 nm
Attenuation 0.22 dB/Km
Dispersion 16.75ps/nm/km
GVD parameters: [[beta].sub.2] -20 [ps.sup.2]/km and
and [[beta].sub.3] 0.08[ps.sup.2]/km
PMD Coefficient 0.5 ps/[(Km).sup.2]
Optical Fiber Length varying
Frequency Shift 11 GHz
EDFA Power 10 dBm
No. of Channels (sub-carriers) 78
Channels frequency 49.25 MHz
Frequency Spacing 6 MHz
Laser Power 6 dBm
Line width 10 MHz
PIN Responsivity 0.9 A/W