摘要:Formålet med artiklen er at fremlægge og diskutere erfaringer med, hvordan der kan etableres en designfagstradition i universitetsundervisningen på humaniora, hvor håndværk og vision kan forenes. I artiklen diskuteres underviserens udfordringer med at flytte den humaniorastuderende fra analyse til design, at tage afsæt i praksis, og at forstå projektarbejde i et spændingsfelt mellem vision og håndværk. Der reflekteres endvidere over underviserens mulighed for at klarlægge undervisningens faglige og forskningsmæssige forankring. Artiklens omdrejningspunkt består i en diskussion af spændingsfeltet mellem designfag og videnskabsfag. Udgangspunktet for diskussionen er forfatternes undervisning i to kurser – Kulturformidling og Learning and teaching with digital media - som blev gennemført på Arts, Aarhus Universitet, i perioden 2011-2014. The establishment of design-disciplines within a university Arts curriculum is the focus of this article. The study highlights the challenges faced by teachers when their Arts students moved from an analysis-centered to a design-centered approach. This meant the students had to switch from taking practice as a point of departure, to understanding how project-based work relies on a mixture of vision and craftsmanship. The article reflects on how the teacher can explain the connection between her/his teaching and research in the subject area, and the inherent tension between design and science . The authors base their discussion on two courses at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University that ran between 2011-2014. These were titled ‘Culture and Communication’ and ‘Learning and Teaching with Digital Media’.