What moves the stock market?
Campbell, John Y.
Stock prices tend to move with the state of the economy. This fact is
both familiar--it describes the United States, the United Kingdom, and
many other national markets in the postwar period, the interwar period,
and the 19th Century(1)--and surprisingly hard to explain. My most
recent work, with John H. Cochrane, proposes a simple model that
accounts for this and other aspects of aggregate stock market behavior.
Financial theorists describe asset prices as expected present values
of future payments, discounted to adjust for time and risk. This can be
seen as a matter of accounting: if an asset's price is high today,
then either its price must be even higher tomorrow, or its dividend must
be high tomorrow, or its rate of return between today and tomorrow (the
ratio of price plus dividend tomorrow to price today) must be low. If
prices cannot grow explosively forever, then an asset with a high price
today must have some combination of high dividends and low returns over
the indefinite future. Furthermore, investors must recognize this fact
in forming their expectations, so when an asset price is high, investors
must expect some combination of high future dividends and low future
In a series of papers, some written jointly with Robert J. Shiller, I
have developed this simple insight into a quantitative framework for
analyzing the variation of asset prices. As a matter of accounting,
price movements must be driven by some combination of changing
expectations ("news") about future dividends and changing
expectations about future returns; the latter in turn can be broken into
news about future riskless real interest rates and news about future
excess returns on risky assets over riskless ones.(2)
Until the early 1980s, most financial economists believed that there
was very little predictable variation in stock returns and that dividend
news was by far the most important factor driving stock market
fluctuations. The first challenge to this orthodoxy came from Stephen F.
LeRoy and Richard Porter, and from Shiller.(3) These authors pointed out
that dividends, and plausible measures of expectations about future
dividends, are far less volatile than stock prices. A few years later,
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French studied the predictability of stock
returns from past returns and dividend-price ratios. They pointed out
that the predictable variation in stock returns becomes increasingly
impressive--in the sense that it accounts for an increasing share of the
overall variation of returns--as one lengthens the horizon over which
returns are measured.(4)
In several papers, some written with Shiller and one with John M.
Ammer, I have shown that these observations are intimately related. When
the expected return on an asset changes slowly over time, any change in
today's expected return has a large effect on the asset price. This
increases the volatility of prices; it also may increase the volatility
of short-horizon returns relative to the volatility of long-horizon
returns, so that the predictable variation of returns is a more
important component of the variation of total returns at long horizons.
The dividend-price ratio reflects the underlying variation in the
expected stock return, and therefore is a good forecasting variable for
long-horizon stock returns. The message of this research is that
changing expectations of future stock returns are a powerful force
driving movements in stock prices.(5)
None of this work addresses the important question of what economic
factors cause the expected return on the aggregate stock market to
change over time. As a matter of logic, the expected stock return can
change only if the short term riskless real interest rate changes, or if
the expected excess return on stock over short-term debt changes. The
expected excess return may change if the riskiness of stock changes, or
if the "price of risk" (the extra return demanded by investors
for bearing risk) changes.
There are many theoretical asset pricing models in which the riskless
interest rate changes over time. One standard model suggests that assets
are priced as if there is a representative investor who consumes
aggregate consumption. When consumption is low and predicted to rise,
the representative investor would like to borrow from the future; the
riskless real interest rate must rise to deter the investor from doing
so, and this drives down asset prices in recessions.(6) Unfortunately,
there is little empirical evidence for the strong countercyclical variation in the real interest rate required by this story; and, it
cannot explain why excess stock returns over Treasury bills are just as
predictable as raw stock returns.
Many researchers have explored the idea that risk varies over time.
Econometricians have found that the conditional variance of stock
returns is highly variable. If conditional variance is an adequate
measure of risk, then perhaps this can explain the predictability of
excess stock returns. But this approach has several problems. First,
changes in conditional variance are most dramatic in daily or monthly
data, and are much weaker at lower frequencies. There is some
business-cycle variation in volatility, but it does not seem strong
enough to explain large movements in aggregate stock prices.(7) Second,
forecasts of excess stock returns do not move proportionally with
estimates of conditional variance.(8) Finally, one would like to explain
the cyclical variation of stock market volatility, rather than treating
it as an unexplained phenomenon.
The remaining possibility is that the price of risk moves cyclically.
In a recent paper with Cochrane, I have proposed a simple asset pricing
model with this property.(9) Cochrane and I suggest that assets are
priced as if there is a representative investor who consumes aggregate
consumption; but in a departure from the standard model, the
investor's utility is a function of the difference between
consumption and "habit," where habit is a slow-moving
nonlinear average of past consumption. This utility function makes the
investor more risk averse during recessions, when consumption is low
relative to its past history, than in periods when consumption is high
relative to its past history.
Cochrane and I develop a version of this model in which aggregate
consumption is a random walk. For simplicity, we model stocks as assets
that pay aggregate consumption as their dividends. Hence, by
construction, there is no predictable variation in dividend growth. If
expected stock returns were constant, the dividend-price ratio would be
constant, and stock returns always would equal aggregate consumption
We also can parameterize the model so that the riskless real interest
rate is constant. Thus we can shut down all the standard channels by
which macroeconomic volatility is communicated to the stock market. Yet
we can still explain the observed volatility and long-horizon
forecastability of stock returns through time-varying risk aversion.
When consumption falls, the aggregate stock market falls because
dividends are lower, but more importantly because investors are more
risk averse. This drives the dividend-price ratio up and is followed, on
average, by high returns as risk aversion returns to more normal levels.
The model predicts that stock returns are volatile, and that they are
more volatile in recessions, when the habit-formation effect is more
Our model has important implications for both finance and
macroeconomics. Financial economists have been puzzled by the fact that
the traditional Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which prices assets
by their covariance with the aggregate stock market, seems to work
better than the consumption CAPM, which prices assets by their
covariance with aggregate consumption. Our model accounts for this fact.
Although aggregate consumption is the driving force in the model, the
effect of a consumption shock depends in a complicated way on the past
history of consumption The movement in aggregate stock prices is a
better proxy for the underlying shock to investors' welfare than is
the consumption shock itself, and this explains the comparative success
of the CAPM.
Macroeconomists have tended recently to downplay the importance of
economic fluctuations in favor of an emphasis on long-term economic
growth.(10) But in our model, fluctuations have important negative
effects on welfare because they move consumption in the short term, when
consumers' habits have little time to adjust. The evidence from
asset markets is that consumers take fluctuations extremely seriously,
and macroeconomists should not neglect this fact.
1 E. F. Fama and K. R. French, "Business Conditions and Expected
Returns on Stocks and Bonds, "Journal of Financial Economics
(November 1989), pp. 23-50; and J. J. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run,
2 J. Y. Campbell and R. J. Shiller, "The Dividend-Price Ratio
and Expectations of Future Dividends and Discount Factors," Review
of Financial Studies (Fall 1988), pp. 195-228, and "Stock Prices,
Earnings, and Expected Dividends," Journal of Finance (July 1988),
pp. 661-676; and J. Y. Campbell, "A Variance Decomposition for
Stock Returns," Economic Journal (March 1991), pp. 157-179.
3 S. F. LeRoy and R. Porter, "The Present Value Relation: Tests
Based on Variance Bounds," Econometrica (May 1981), pp. 555-577;
and R. J. Shiller, "Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified
by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?" American Economic Review (June
1981), pp. 421-436.
4 E. F. Fama and K. R. French, "Permanent and Temporary
Components of Stock Prices, "Journal of Political Economy (April
1988), pp. 246-273, and "Dividend Yields and Expected Stock
Returns, "Journal of Financial Economics (October 1988), pp. 3-25.
See also J. M. Poterba and L. H. Summers, "Mean Reversion in Stock
Returns: Evidence and Implications, "Journal of Financial Economics
(October 1988), pp. 27-60.
5 J. Y. Campbell and R. J. Shiller, "The Dividend-Price Ratio .
. .," op. cit., and "Stock Prices, Earnings . . .," op.
cit.; J. Y. Campbell, "A Variance Decomposition . . .," op.
cit.; and J. Y. Campbell and J. M. Ammer, "What Moves the Stock and
Bond Markets? A Variance Decomposition for Long-Term Asset Returns," Journal of Finance (March 1993), pp. 3-37.
6 A simple version of this model is given by L. P. Hansen and K. J.
Singleton, "Stochastic Consumption, Risk Aversion, and the Temporal
Behavior of Asset Returns, "Journal of Political Economy (April
1983), pp. 249-268.
7 J. Y. Campbell and L. Hentschel, "No News Is Good News: An
Asymmetric Model of Changing Volatility in Stock Returns, "Journal
of Financial Economics (June 1992), pp. 281-318, argue that predictable
variation in returns arising from changing volatility cannot account for
much of the overall variation in returns.
8 C. R. Harvey, "Time-Varying Conditional Covariances in Tests
of Asset Pricing Models, "Journal of Financial Economics (October
1989), pp. 289-317, and "The World Price of Covariance Risk,
"Journal of Finance (March 1991), pp. 111-157.
9 J. Y. Campbell and J. H. Cochrane, "By Force of Habit: A
Consumption-Based Explanation of Aggregate Stock Market Behavior,"
unpublished paper, Harvard University and University of Chicago,
September 1994.
10 R. J. Barro, for example, in the Summer 1994 NBER Reporter, writes
that "Economic growth is the part of macro-economics that really