Entrepreneurs, star scientists, and biotechnology.
Zucker, Lynne G. ; Darby, Michael R.
We are studying the interaction of scientific and technological
progress - particularly when breakthroughs or discontinuities occur -
through in-depth case studies and econometric analysis of the science
underlying biotechnology, the resulting formation of a new industry, and
the transformation of existing industries.(1) Our results indicate that
the very best "star" scientists play central roles in both the
development of the science and its successful commercialization. The
importance of these individuals, especially the more entrepreneurial
among them, derives from the tacit character of new breakthrough
discoveries. In this way, knowledge, at least when it is new, is
embodied in particular individuals; it cannot diffuse rapidly, as might
easily-duplicated recipes.
How these star scientists balance their multiple roles as leading
scientists and participants - often principals - in the
commercialization of their discoveries is shaped by the institutional
and legal framework in which they operate. These frameworks differ most
sharply at the country level. We therefore have extended our analysis to
Japan, which is the second-largest country in terms of both bioscience
and commercial application of biotechnology. To assess how often
discoveries in basic science - made by the stars - shape commercial
technology and business success, we are currently extending our work
with our project team to investigate other "high technologies"
including semiconductors and interactive media.
Project Team and Relational Database
In 1988, Zucker and Marilynn B. Brewer began a study at the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) of elite scientists and the
founding of biotech firms, and of the effect of commercial involvement
on the productivity of those bioscientists. They defined star scientists
for their project as those who by 1990 had recorded more than 40
genetic-sequence discoveries or had authored at least 20 articles
reporting such discoveries. GenBank collected discoveries and articles
internationally without regard to language or location of publication,
so this definition did not favor any particular nationality.(2)
By the time Darby joined the collaboration in 1992, Zucker and
Brewer had hand-collected all the genetic-sequence articles by these 327
star scientists, coded the names of all their co-authors (whether
another star or a collaborator), located all of these scientists by
affiliation on each article, coded data in all U.S. universities, and
collected extensive data on all the firms that had entered biotechnology
in the United States.
Since 1992, the relational database has been greatly extended to
cover articles up to 1994, has added extensive data on Japanese firms
and universities, and has added some initial data on European firms and
universities.(3) A parallel database is nearly complete for
semiconductors and one has been started for interactive media. The
quantitative studies based on this data have all been informed by
fieldwork and case studies in which more than 100 scientists,
executives, and government and university officials have been
interviewed across the United States, Japan, Europe, and Australia.
Star Scientists and Commercialization
Until recently, economists and sociologists studying science and
technology have been averse to viewing scientists - particularly top
scientists - as pursuing private motives, viewing them instead as
disinterested contributors to a shared common pool of knowledge. Our
results suggest that star scientists often are better viewed as
entrepreneurial individuals who value both financial rewards and the
pleasure, recognition, and resources that come from being the first to
make a significant new discovery. Collaborations expected to lead to
higher valued discoveries, for example, are more likely to be limited to
authors from a single organization, and increased use of
single-organization collaborations retards the rate of diffusion to new
scientists.(4) One of our interviewees, when asked about delays of
publication to enable patenting, responded, "In the university,
it's hardly unknown to hold off publishing a breakthrough until
you've skimmed off some of the cream."
The key role of star scientists in commercialization of their
discoveries is suggested by some of our early results but confirmed more
strongly in our most recent analysis. Where and when star scientists are
actively publishing scientific articles is a key determinant of where
and when firms enter into biotechnology in the United States.(5) This
result seems to support the "geographically localized knowledge
spillovers model" in which those nearby - for example, within Route
128 (in Massachusetts) or in Silicon Valley - hear first of breakthrough
discoveries as the scientists give the knowledge away in seminars or
barroom gossip. However, this model is inconsistent with our interviews,
which suggest that the stars are fully cognizant of the value of their
discoveries and use it either as the basis for starting their own firms
or trading with existing firms.
Our database permits us to see which star scientists have published
with scientists from firms - generally agreed by the scientists to be an
indicator of both bench-science collaboration and alignment of
interests. When we consider the success of California firms in terms of
new products in development, there is an apparent value to being located
in the same region as universities with star scientists who have many
publications. However, this turns out to result entirely from the large
positive effects on firm success of those firms that have jointly
authored articles with university stars. The large impact of these
articles is apparent in other measures of success such as products on
the market and employment growth.(6) We have since replicated these
results in work underway for the United States and in Japan, in which we
substituted number of patents granted for unavailable data on employment
growth.(7) We illustrate the magnitude and robustness of the effects of
these linked star-firm articles in Figure 1. In the United States,
linked articles appeared by 1985 for 9 of the 10 most successful (to
date) new biotech firms, as measured by market valuation.
An initial working hypothesis of the project - and one still
popular in the literature - is that a star scientist who becomes
involved in commercialization of his or her discoveries is a loss to the
progress of science. We have found instead that the scientists who are
more involved in commercialization and patenting are more productive
scientifically during their period of involvement. To compare the
extreme cases, for example, up until 1990, stars who were ever
affiliated with firms and had some patents had an average annual
citation rate in genetic-sequence discovery articles 9.17 times that of
pure academic stars who neither patented nor ever published with, or as
an employee, of a firm.(8) It could be that only the most successful of
the stars have the opportunity to work with existing firms or to obtain
financial backing to start their own firms, but by examining their
publication history before, during, and after publishing as firm
employees, or jointly with firm employees, we find that U.S. scientists
publish significantly more articles with significantly higher citation
rates during than before or after firm ties. (Japanese stars also
publish significantly more while tied to firms, but their increase in
citation rate is not statistically significant.) Thus, we conclude that
stars who are involved commercially use part of their gains to advance
their independent scientific careers: they are partly venture
capitalists, rather than wholly tied to the National Institutes of
Health or the National Science Foundation.
Because university star links to firms are important in determining
both the firms that will be successful and the rate of advancement of
the underlying science base, we examine that process in our work with
Maximo Torero. We find that the probability that the first article
published with, or as, a firm employee will occur in a given period
increases with the academic star's total citations to articles
written to date, the percentage of co-authors in other institutions, the
number of nearby firms, and, notably, the increase in research
productivity of other nearby stars who have already established such
commercial ties.(9) Again, the most productive stars are the most
desirable to firms and those stars respond not only to the financial but
also to the scientific rewards of commercial involvement.
Effects of Institutions
In collaboration with Shingo Kano of the University of Tokyo;
Takuma Takahashi of Nomura Research Institute, Limited; and Kazuo Ueda
of the Bank of Japan, we are currently preparing a monograph examining
the adoption of biotechnology in Japan, with particular emphasis on how
institutional differences have caused that process to differ from what
has been observed in the United States. Two key institutional
differences are: In Japan, until recently, financial market regulations
precluded the venture capital and initial public offering processes that
have financed so many U.S. startups, so that virtually all Japanese
adoption of the technology has been by pre-existing firms. Japanese
national university professors have been precluded from starting firms
on the side, but generally they have been able to patent in their own
name any discoveries made in their universities. As a result, star-firm
collaborations generally occur in Japanese university laboratories, as
opposed to U.S. collaborations, in which the work is frequently done in
firm laboratories to secure the property rights.
As a result, we see that although stars' publishing still
plays the leading role in determining where and when Japanese firms
enter, the stars' impact is significantly less and the impact of
pre-existing economic structure is significantly greater than in the
United States.(10) As indicated earlier, the effects of university
star-firm collaborations on firm success appear to be about as potent in
Japan as in the United States, but because Japanese firms send their
employees to work in the university laboratories, the stars'
economic impact is not nearly so geographically localized as in the
United States.(11) For a visual summary of highlights of our results,
refer again to Figure 1.
The breakthrough technology in the United States has led to a
transformation of the pharmaceutical industry, earliest and most
importantly through the creation of new firms but also through the
transformation of existing firms. Many of the previous incumbent firms
have disappeared and others have successfully transformed themselves,
even as new entrants have become important players in the drug-discovery
part of the business or, in a few cases, full-fledged pharmaceutical
firms.(12) Our Japanese collaborators are examining both the
transformation of Japanese incumbent pharmaceutical firms and successful
and unsuccessful entry by pre-existing firms from other industries.
We have recently found evidence that the European reliance on
national research institutes instead of research universities may have
disadvantaged European commercial adoption of biotechnology. Figure 2
illustrates that although Europe has a substantial percentage of the
world's stars, it has fewer than 10 percent of those who have
written articles with or as firm employees. Across countries, the
correlation of percentage of stars with firm ties and percentage of
stars in research institutes is large, significant, and negative.(13)
Also, the United States and Japan, with the largest percentages of stars
tied to firms, have been drawing stars from the rest of the world, a
process that has continued in the 1990s.
Relevance and Future Research
The new growth theory or endogenous growth models generally treat
discoveries as a sort of software, "knowledge or information that
can be stored in a form which exists outside of the brain," and is
therefore nonrivalrous (and possibly nonexcludable) so that public good
issues arise.(14) Our evidence for biotechnology indicates instead that
the relevant knowledge or information - at least in the breakthrough
stage we are investigating - has important elements that are tacit and
must be learned by working, directly or indirectly, with discovering
scientists. Ultimately, the knowledge diffuses widely and earns only the
normal rate of return on the cost of learning it in any reputable
graduate program. But between initial discovery and the long run,
natural excludability implies extraordinary financial and scientific
returns to scientists adept in discovery and ensures that discoveries
are normal rivalrous goods. To the extent that our results generalize to
other areas of rapid technological progress, revisions in the new growth
theories are required.
Policy analysts find our research of interest because by clarifying
the potentially important role of star scientists in commercializing
their work - and the virtuous circles through which that accelerates
scientific advance(15) - we are able to identify particular institutions
or policies that facilitate or interfere with that process. Examples
include across-university variations in rights of professors to serve as
principals or consult for companies on the side, research institute
rules that effectively insulate scientists from direct commercial
involvement, and the role of the Bayh-Dole Act and similar rules in
providing incentives for commercialization.
Our future research agenda attempts to balance opportunities to
exploit and extend the unique relational biotechnology database and to
apply our methodology to other technologies and science bases. With the
collaboration of excellent colleagues and students at UCLA, NBER, and
elsewhere, we are continuing the biotech work and simultaneously
initiating data collection and research in other high-technology areas.
1. This research has been supported over the years by grants from
the National Science Foundation (SES 9012925), the University of
California Systemwide Biotechnology Research and Education Program, the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through the NBER Research Program on
Industrial Technology and Productivity, the University of
California's Pacific Rim Research Program, the University of
California President's Initiative for Industry-University
Cooperative Research, and the Center for Global Partnership of The Japan
2. The definition is biased against those scientists not working in
the recombinant-DNA or genetic engineering area. However, as the
included areas are the dominant ones in commercial applications of
biotechnology, the definition has proven quite useful in practice. The
cutoff date is before the perfection of mechanical sequencers that would
later inflate the number of sequences a particular scientist could
3. At UCLA the project has been run through the Organizational
Research Program of the Institute of Social Science Research, with the
cooperation of the NBER; the Olin Center for Policy in the Anderson
School; and the newly established Center for International Science,
Technology, and Cultural Policy in the School of Public Policy and
Social Research. Brewer has phased out of the project subsequent to her
move to the Ohio State University.
4. L.G. Zucker, M.R. Darby, M.B. Brewer, and Y. Peng,
"Collaboration Structure and Information Dilemmas in Biotechnology:
Organizational Boundaries as Trust Production," in Trust in
Organizations, R.M. Kramer and T.R. Tyler, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA..
Sage, 1996.
5. L.G. Zucker, M.R. Darby, and M.B. Brewer, "Intellectual
Human Capital and the Birth of U.S. Biotechnology Enterprises,"
American Economic Review, 88, (March 1998), pp. 290-306.
6. L.G. Zucker, M.R. Darby, and J. Armstrong, "Geographically
Localized Knowledge.. Spillovers or Markets?," Economic Inquiry,
36, (January 1998), pp. 65-86.
7. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, "Capturing Technological
Opportunity via Japan's Star scientists: Evidence from Japanese
Firms' Biotech Patents and Products," NBER Working Paper No.
6360, January 1998.
8. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, "Star Scientists and
Institutional Transformation: Patterns of Invention and Innovation in
the Formation of the Biotechnology Industry," Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 93, (November 1996), pp. 12, 709-16.
9. L.G. Zucker, M.R. Darby, and M. Torero, "Labor Mobility from Academe to Commerce," NBER Working Paper No. 6050, May 1997.
10. M.R. Darby and L.G. Zucker, "Star Scientists,
Institutions, and the Entry of Japanese Biotechnology Enterprises,"
NBER Working Paper No. 5795, October 1996.
11. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, NBER Working Paper No. 6360,
January 1998.
12. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, "Costly Information in Firm
Transformation, Exit, or Persistent Failure," American Behavioral
Scientist, 39, (August 1996), pp. 959-74; L. G. Zucker and M. R. Darby,
"Present at the Biotechnological Revolution: Transformation of
Technical Identity for a Large Incumbent Pharmaceutical Firm,"
Research Policy, 26, (December 1997), pp. 429-46; J.P. Liebeskind, A.L.
Oliver, L.G. Zucker, and M.B. Brewer, "Social Networks, Learning,
and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology
Firms," Organization Science, 7, (July/August 1996), pp. 428-43.
13. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, "Star Scientist Linkages to
Firms in APEC and European Countries: Indicators of Regional
Institutional Differences Affecting Competitive Advantage,"
International Journal of Biotechnology, forthcoming.
14. R.R. Nelson and P.M. Romer, "Science, Economic Growth, and
Public Policy," in Technology, R&D, and the Economy, B.L.R.
Smith and C.E. Barfield, eds. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution and The American Enterprise Institute, 1996.
15. L.G. Zucker and M.R. Darby, "Virtuous Circles of
Productivity: Star Bioscientists and the Institutional Transformation of
Industry," NBER Working Paper No. 5342, November 1995.
Zucker and Darby are Research Associates with the NBER's
Program on Productivity and Technological Change. Darby is also a
Research Associate with the NBER's Program on International Finance
and Macroeconomics. Both are professors at the University of California,
Los Angeles. Their profiles appear later in this issue.