Efficiency and Equity in Education.
Hanushek, Eric A.
Eric A. Hanushek [*]
Education is of interest to many economists because of its
perceived importance for a wide variety of economic issues. But like
others in society, economists also have a personal interest in education
-- having been students and perhaps taught themselves, having had
children who are students, and often having formed strong opinions about
educational policy through their own experiences. This combined
professional and personal interest in education undoubtedly has
heightened the interest in school research and led to stronger reactions
to the policy implications of that research.
A major strand of my work concerns what determines student
achievement -- what economists generally would call part of "human
capital quality" -- and, most importantly, what role schools and
governmental policy play in this equation. The results of this research
reveal a complicated picture of determining factors that have subsequent
implications for other areas of research and policy undertakings.
However, over shadowing all other findings is the fact that
measurable attributes of teachers and schools bear little systematic
relationship to student performance. This finding is controversial, at
least partly because of its policy implications.
Some Background
The concept of human capital, while part of economics for several
centuries, has only recently become central to both theoretical and
empirical analyses. In the 1960s and 1970s, Theodore W. Shultz, Gary
Becker, and Jacob Mincer laid the foundation of this theory. Their
analyses framed the issues of investment in individual skills and
provided insights into their empirical relevance. However, most early
analysis concentrated on the quantity of individual human capital--not
the quality or its determination--and its implications for subsequent
wages or health. Specifically, the impact of schools on
"quality" was not addressed. In fact, the best early study on
the role of schools in skill formation was conducted outside the field
of economics in the "Coleman Report." [1] This government
publication, dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, suggested that
schools had little to do with human capital as measured by cognitive
achievement. This pioneering analysis focused on quality issues but
contained a variety of fundamental analytical flaws. [2] The Coleman
Report commonly has been interpreted as showing that "schools do
not matter," because its analysis indicated that family background,
followed by peer influence, and least of all school attributes,
determined student achievement. While its methodology was problematic,
the report motivated a broad inquiry into the role of schools.
Analysis of Educational Production
Economists naturally think in terms of a production model, where
school and other influences go in and student achievement comes out.
However, the concept has been implemented in a variety of ways.
The standard statistical analysis relates student outcomes to
family profiles and observable characteristics of schools and teachers.
This approach, which frequently relies on schools' administrative
records, has been applied to a wide range of U.S. schools. But these
studies failed to reveal that school resources influence student
performance in any systematic way, a finding I've developed in a
series of papers. [3] In close to 300 studies examining the influence of
class size reduction on student performance, nearly equally balanced
positive and negative effects were uncovered. The dearth of
statistically significant results (14 percent on each side) also
underscores the fact that the vast majority of these studies reveal no
relationship at all. Studies on teachers' graduate education and
experience, as well as on per-pupil spending, yield similar mixed
results. These findings, while once surprising to many, have now become
the conventional wisdom.
The most significant misinterpretation of these standard
studies--the central problem with analyzing the Coleman Report--is the
conclusion that schools do not matter in education. Another closely
related line of research has pointed out the flaws in that
interpretation. Specifically, while the commonly measured attributes of
teachers do not appear to be important in any systematic way, there
remain large and consistent differences among teachers and schools.
Alternative statistical studies have used a general fixed-effect
approach to estimation of teacher and school quality. In this
methodology, differences in the growth of student achievement during a
specific grade are related to the student's teacher. These studies,
which measure teacher quality implicitly by the performance of students,
invariably find large and significant differences among teachers. [4]
Yet differences in teacher quality still are unrelated to the measured
characteristics of teachers, class size, and the like.
These estimated differences in teacher quality reveal how strongly
teachers affect student achievement (and justify many parents'
interest in ensuring that their children are placed with specific
teachers). Variations resulting from teacher quality dwarf those that
result from class size or from measurable
characteristics of teachers. [5] Moreover, this research demonstrates
the ability of schools to overcome deficits in family background,
especially among low-income students. [6] The ability of teachers to
significantly affect the performance of low achievers justifies the
historic attention to compensatory policies, although the policies
actually implemented have not been very successful because they have not
focused on teacher quality.
Because greater resources are not systematically related to higher
student performance, schools may be inefficient. Greater inputs of
resources simply do not translate into higher outcomes. This conclusion
has obvious implications for policy, since many people want to use
inputs, or resources, to bring about desired changes. These types of
policies are discussed below.
The previous conclusions about the lack of importance of measured
inputs to schools come from summarizing the results of all the
underlying statistical studies (given minimal quality criteria) that are
available. However, differences in the quality of the studies will
affect their conclusions. Therefore some clear criteria for quality need
to be established. First, studies must take into account the varying
education policies of the 50 states, recognizing that the states are
primarily responsible for organizing and funding schools. States differ
substantially in their funding approaches, in labor laws, in teacher
certification and hiring requirements, and more. Many standard studies
of educational production draw data from across states, but fail to
measure the differences in these states' policy environments. Such
studies suffer from specification errors, and these problems are
compounded if aggregate state level data are used. [7]
Second, studies should take into account the educational background
of the students tested. Educational policies are cumulative, so
performance of twelfth graders is the product of more than just the
instruction they receive during that grade. However, many studies ignore
the students' history, largely because of missing data. To
circumvent these problems and to avoid some of the largest missing-data
issues, a number of studies have estimated value-added models: that is,
models that analyze achievement across a short time span, such as a
single grade, and take into account the achievement of students at the
beginning of the analysis period. [8]
One way to understand the importance of these determinants of study
quality is to exclude studies that use multistate data and to focus
exclusively on those with a value-added design. When this is done, the
evidence that resources minimally affect performance is even stronger.
Another historical controversy, largely moot at this time, relates
to the measurement of educational outcomes. A majority of the studies of
student performance consider variations in test scores as the measure of
outcomes. The justification for this is that tests reveal skills that
are valued in the labor market, as has been shown in a variety of
studies. However, an important 1992 study by David Card and Alan B.
Krueger offered the possibility that the output measure (test score)
affected the conclusion about the inputs (education quality). Card and
Krueger found that school resources have significant effects when
performance is measured by subsequent labor market earnings rather than
test scores. [10] After considerable analysis and debate, though, it
appears that measurement issues are not the most significant cause of
differences in results. [11] Direct analyses of resources and earnings
do not confirm the differences; the variation appears to result from
other analytical differences. [12] In fact, the f indings for different
measures of outcomes seem to be qualitatively similar. [13] Parallel
analysis finds similar results when macroeconomic growth is the final
output; that is, measured achievement is important, but input measures
are not. [14]
An entirely different approach to uncovering the impacts of varying
school resources involves using random assignment experimental
methodology for education studies. The benefits of this approach have
been demonstrated in medical and agricultural studies. Random assignment
to treatment and control groups minimizes model misspecification and
bias in estimates of treatment effect. A random assignment experiment on
class size reduction in Tennessee has been interpreted as providing a
strong case for the approach. That experiment, Project STAR, found that
kindergarten students in small classes (13-17 students) scored better
than those in regular size classes (22-25 students). [15] The gains were
relatively small and isolated in the first year that students were in
smaller classes, though. Do these findings seem to contradict prior
studies that show no systematic relationship between class size and
performance? Krueger (1999) suggests that the results indeed may be
consistent with prior econometric results becaus e many of the earlier
studies may not have been equipped to detect the small effects of class
size differences that the STAR experiment did. Thus, in a policy sense,
the results need not conflict because small gains from very expensive
programs do not make such policies very attractive. Nonetheless, on the
methodological side, random-assignment experiments clearly have
tremendous advantages in assessing the effects of these kinds of
Equity and the Financing of Education
One of the most significant policy issues of the past 30 years has
been how states should fund local schools. While most states have used a
compensatory aid formula to ameliorate some local governments'
difficulty in raising taxes, these measures have only partially solved
the problem. The issue became the subject of court action in the 1960s
with the California case of Serrano v. Priest. Suits in many other
states followed. As a result, some significant narrowing of spending
variations occurred, because of both court rulings and independent
legislative actions. [16] Nonetheless, increased funding is not closely
related to school quality -- as my research shows -- then changes in
spending are not likely to move us toward more equitable provision of
education. [17]
Even though these court challenges have been going on for three
decades, there has been surprisingly little direct analysis of their
impacts. The one study of the effect of the original Serrano case on
student achievement found no lessening of the variation in student
outcomes after spending was equalized across districts. [18] A broader
analysis of the distribution of earnings outcomes related to variations
in district spending across the United States similarly finds no
beneficial effect on the earnings distribution except perhaps for black
females. [19]
Interpretations and Puzzles
My research suggests that there is inefficiency in the provision of
schooling; it does not indicate that schools do not matter. Nor does it
indicate that money and resources never affect achievement. The
accumulated research simply says that there is no clear, systematic
relationship between resources and student outcomes.
Is this surprising? Some would argue that it is not plausible
because parents decide on school spending and that fact alone should
provide a discipline to schools. But at the same time, there are reasons
why government provision of resources may be inefficient -- including
lack of effective competition, bureaucratic decisionmaking, the costs of
moving to a different school district, and the lack of good measures for
assessing the "value-added" of schools. Clearly the political
economy of educational decisionmaking needs further study.
Any such research should also include better information about the
character of household decisionmaking, both in choosing school districts
and in supporting alternative policies.
The main conclusion of my research is that policy decisions should
not focus on school resources, because the impact of resources on
student achievement is unknown at this time. The solution is to
establish teacher incentives -- rewards or consequences related to
student outcomes -- and then to permit local schools to make appropriate
choices. [20] Vouchers, merit pay, contracting out, and the like may be
alternative ways to establish performance incentives.
Unfortunately, not much is known about alternative incentive
schemes: how to structure them and what kinds of outcomes can be
expected. Schools currently have few, if any, incentives for improving
performance (as measured by student outcome). In addition, there is
little empirical data on the effectiveness of incentive programs. Some
is beginning to be available -- for example, from the Milwaukee voucher program -- but it applies only to very specific kinds of programs.
A final issue is the implication of these analyses for other kinds
of studies. [21] Most studies involving human capital consider its
effect on other aspects of behavior. But the inefficient production of
human capital introduces natural measurement problems. Direct spending
is no longer a good measure of quality because it has no perceivable
bearing on performance. Further, families have considerable influence on
student achievement, implying that school resources are only part of the
equation. Both factors suggest that measuring student achievement only
by resource investment could lead to distortion.
(*.) Hanushek is a Research Associate in the NBER's Program on
Children and the Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at Stanford
University's Hoover Institution. His "Profile" appears
later in this issue. (
[email protected])
(1.) J. S. Coleman, et al., Equality of Educational Opportunity,
Washington, DC: US. Government Printing Office, 1966.
(2.) E. A. Hanushek and J. F. Kain, "On the Value of
'Equality of Educational Opportunity' as a Guide to Public
Policy," in On Equality of Educational Opportunity, F. Mosteller
and D. P. Moynihan, eds., New York: Random House, 1972.
(3.) E. A. Hanushek, "Throwing Money at Schools; "Journal
of Policy Analysis and Management, 1 (1) (Fall 1981), pp. 19-41;
"The Economics of Schooling: Production and Efficiency in Public
Schools, "Journal of Economic Literature, 24 (3) (September 1986),
pp. 1141-77; "The Impact of Differential Expenditures on School
Performance, "Educational Researcher, 18 (4) (May 1989), pp. 45-51;
and "Assessing the Effects of School Resources on Student
Performance: An Update, "Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, 19(2) (Summer 1997), pp. 141-64.
(4.) See, for example, E. A. Hanushek, "Teacher
Characteristics and Gains in Student Achievement: Estimation Using Micro
Data," American Economic Review, 60 (2) (May 1971), pp. 280-8; and
"The Trade-off Between Child Quantity and Quality," Journal of
Political Economy, 100 (1) (February 1992), pp. 84-117; R.J. Murnane,
Impact of School Resources on the Learning of Inner City Children,
Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1975; and D. Armor, et al., Analysis of the
School Preferred Reading Program in Selected Los Angeles Minority
Schools, Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corp., 1976.
(5.) S. G. Rivkin, E. A. Hanushek, and J. F. Kain, "Teachers,
Schools, and Academic Achievement," NBER Working Paper No. 6691,
August 1998.
(6.) The calculations of teacher quality are based on differences
in achievement growth across classrooms. Having a teacher one standard
deviation above the mean for four to five years running will overcome
the average difference in performance between those on free or reduced
lunch and those not.
(7.) In order to obtain unbiased estimates of the effects of school
inputs, it must be the case either that variations in state policies do
not matter or that there is no correlation between policies and school
inputs. The latter condition, while more plausible at the individual
student level, is very unlikely at the state aggregate level. See E. A.
Hanushek, S. G. Rivkin, and L. L. Taylor, "Aggregation and the
Estimated Effects of School Resources, "NBER Working Paper No.
5548, April 1996, and Review of Economics and Statistics, 78 (4)
(November 1996), pp. 611-27.
(8.) For a discussion of empirical specifications, see E. A.
Hanushek, "Conceptual and Empirical Issues in the Estimation of
Educational Production Functions," Journal of Human Resources, 14
(3) (Summer 1979), pp. 351-88.
(9.) E. A. Hanushek, "Assessing the Effects of School
Resources on Student Performance: An Update"; and "The
Evidence on Class Size," in Earning and Learning: How Schools
Matter, S. E. Mayer and P. E. Peterson, eds., Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1999.
(10.) D. Card and A. B. Krueger, "Does School Quality Matter?
Returns to Education and the Characteristics of Public Schools in the
United States, "Journal of Political Economy, 100 (1) (February
1992), pp. 1-40.
(11.) See Does Money Matter? The Effect of School Resources on
Student Achievement and Adult Success, G. T. Burtless ed., Washington,
DC: Brookings Institution, 1996. An alternative way to reconcile
Card's and Krueger's results is to note that resources might
have a larger effect when the level of spending is less. Their schooling
goes hack to the 1930s. On the other hand, the evidence for developing
countries does not appear much stronger; E. A. Hanushek,
"Interpreting Recent Research on Schooling in Developing
Countries," World Bank Research Observer, 10 (2) (August 1995), pp.
(12.) J. Betts, "Is There a Link Between School Inputs and
Earnings? Fresh Scrutiny of an Old Literature," in Does Money
Matter? The Effect of School Resources on Student Achievement and Adult
Success, G. T. Burtless, ed., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution,
1996; J. S. Heckman, A. Layne-Farrar and P. E. Todd, "Does Measured
School Quality Really Matter? An Examination of the Earnings-Quality
Relationship," NBER Working Paper No. 5274, September 1995, and in
Does Money Matter?; and E. A. Hanushek, S. G. Rivkin, and L. L. Taylor,
"Aggregation and the Estimated Effects of School Resources."
(13.) E. A. Hanushek, "Assessing the Effects of School
Resources on Student Performance: An Update."
(14.) E. A. Hanushek and D. D. Kimko, "Schooling, Labor Force
Quality, and the Growth of Nations," American Economic Review, 90
(5) (December 2000), pp. 1184-1208.
(15) The results are described in E. Word et al., Student/Teacher
Achievement Ratio (STAR), Tennessee's K-3 Glass Size Study: Final
Summary Report, 1985-1990, Nashville, TN: Tennessee State Department of
Education, 1990, and introduced to the economics literature A.B.
Krueger, "Experimental Estimates of Education Production
Functions," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114 (2) (May 1999), pp.
497-532. The superior design of the random assignment experiment was
nonetheless compromised by a series of implementation problems: see E.A.
Hanushek, "Some Findings from an Independent Investigation of the
Tennessee STAR Experiment and from Other Investigations of Class Size
Effects, "Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21 (2)
(Summer 1999), pp. 143-63. See also E. A. Hanushek, "The Evidence
on Class Size." Unfortunately, there are no attempts to replicate the experiment.
(16) S. E. Murray, W. N. Evans, and R. M. Schwab, "Education
Finance Reform and the Distribution of Education Resources,"
American Economic Review, 88(4) (September 1998), pp. 789-812.
(17) E. A. Hanushek, "When School Finance 'Reform'
May Not Be Good Policy," Harvard Journal on Legislation, 28 (2)
(Summer 1991), pp. 423-56, has a discussion of various aspects of the
common litigation.
(18) T.A. Downes, "Evaluating the Impact of School Finance
Reform on the Provision of Public Education: The California Case,"
National Tax Journal, 45 (4) (December 1992), pp. 405-19
(19) E. A. Hanushek and J. A. Somers, "Schooling, Inequality,
and the Impact of Government," NBER Working Paper No. 7450,
December 1999, and in The Causes and Consequences of Increasing
Inequality, F.R. Welch, ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
(20) E.A. Hanushek, et al., Making Schools Work: Improving
Performance and Controlling Costs. Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1994.
(21) E. A. Hanushek, "Measuring Investment in Education,
"Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10 (4) (Fall 1996), pp. 9-30.