Patents. (Research Summaries).
Lanjouw, Jean O.
The past twenty years have seen very significant changes in U.S.
patent law and policy, strengthening the rights of inventors and
significantly expanding those rights across the globe. The United States has broadened areas in which patents can be received, notably software,
genetic information, and business methods; has instituted a new unified
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to hear appeals on patent cases
from all district courts; and has given universities and government
laboratories the right to patent and license the output of
publicly-funded research. Bilateral negotiations and, more recently,
international treaties also have led other countries to revise their
patent systems. In particular, NAFTA and the intellectual property
component of the treaty establishing the World Trade Organization WTO -
(known as TRIPS) extensively harmonized and extended patent rights
internationally. Jaffe discusses these changes and surveys related
empirical studies. (1)
The domestic patent reforms have been driven by the emergence of
new areas of research and commerce, and by the view that a healthy
knowledge-based economy requires strong protection of intellectual
property (IP). At the same time, however, serious concerns have arisen.
My work on the patent system as an institution has focused on two such
areas of concern. The first is the large and growing costs associated
with litigating patent rights. The second is the extension of patent
rights on pharmaceuticals to countries in the developing world where
drug access is already limited by extreme poverty.
Patent Enforcement
Dealing with patent disputes is part of business life for most
firms, but it is not a phenomenon well understood by economists. Josh
Lerner and I (2) have provided a survey of the small body of empirical
research on patent litigation that was available in the mid-1990s (3).
In a set of papers (4) Mark Schankerman and I provide an empirical basis
for evaluating what has happened in patent litigation and its
implications for R and D incentives and patent policy. We study the
determinants of patent suits and settlements during 1978-99 by linking
detailed information from the U.S. patent office, the federal courts,
and industry sources. In order to characterize litigation risk, we start
from a set of almost 10,000 litigated patents and then draw a matching
random set from the universe of patents, controlling for technology and
year of application. This very comprehensive database reveals that,
contrary to popular perception, the incidence of patent suits has not
been rising once one controls for the rapid increas e in patenting
itself and a shift toward more litigious technology areas. However, we
also show that litigation is concentrated and primarily involves firms
and patents with particular characteristics. For example, the risk that
a given patent is subject to a suit is much higher if it is owned by an
individual or a small firm than if it is owned by a corporation.
Patentees with a large portfolio of patents to trade, or other
characteristics that facilitate "cooperative" resolution of
disputes, are less likely to litigate. At the same time, post-suit
outcomes -- such as whether a case goes to trial and who wins -- do not
depend on these characteristics. Thus, small patentees appear to be at a
disadvantage in enforcing their patent rights in that their greater
litigation risk is not offset by a more rapid resolution of their suits.
Both the benefits of patent portfolio and company size in settling
disputes, and the heterogeneity in litigation risk, point to the
potential value of patent litigation insurance. Cu rrently there are a
number of providers of litigation insurance in the United States and
Europe. However, demand has been severely limited by high prices while,
at the same time, profitability of insuring companies has been
undermined by the widespread use of pooled prices. Our empirical
analysis could be used to develop insurance pricing schemes that
recognize the heterogeneity of litigation risk.
One piece of evidence from our studies (5) suggests that there is a
threat value associated with having control over many patents in an
area: firms with portfolios that are large relative to the disputants
they are likely to encounter are significantly less likely to use the
courts. In a paper with Josh Lerner, I explore a particular avenue for
strategic use of litigation. (6) A plaintiff may request, and be granted
by the court, a preliminary injunction preventing an accused infringer from using the patented innovation during the time that a case is being
decided. It is claimed that requests for preliminary injunctions
requests are used strategically by financially secure plaintiffs to go
beyond the avoidance of "irreparable harm" and to extract even
greater profit by raising the cost of legal disputes. In an earlier
paper (7), Lerner and I develop a model in which differences in
financing costs drive the use of preliminary injunctions, and we explore
the implications for efficiency and incentives. Detailed data compiled
on 250 patent suits and the financial status of the litigants indicates
that larger corporate plaintiffs with high levels of cash and
equivalents are significantly more likely to request preliminary
One of the difficulties faced in understanding the effect of
enforcement costs on the value of patent protection is that much of the
impact of those costs may not be in the form of direct expenditures on
litigation. Most obviously, 95 percent of suits settle without a trial,
three-quarters before even a pre-trial hearing. (8) Thus even when a
suit is filed, legal costs will have most of their effect on returns by
altering threat points and thus settlement terms. More subtly,
enforcement costs may induce indirect changes in behavior. I develop and
estimate a model of patentee decisions to pay annual renewal fees that
incorporates the cost of enforcement as part of the decision, in
addition to the renewal fees themselves. (9) The basic premise of the
model is that patents lose their value when they would not be enforced,
irrespective of whether one observes a suit. With the model estimates it
is possible to simulate renewal behavior, and thus patent value, with
different menus of legal costs and cost allocation rules. (10)
The Global Patent System for Pharmaceuticals
The global system of patent rights also is undergoing an unusually
dramatic period of evolution. One of the most important institutional
changes has been bringing intellectual property within the system of
rules governing the world trading system. While in the past the United
States and other rich country governments have used bilateral pressure
to influence others' intellectual property (IP) laws and
enforcement, now the standards setting and the process for resolving
international disputes over IP policies have moved, at least in part, to
the WTO.
The inclusion of IP within the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations, and the current standards required for membership in the
WTO, have been extremely controversial. The main issue has been the
treatment of pharmaceutical patents, including the allowed uses of
compulsory licensing to deal with public health. Historically, many
countries have limited the protection of drug products. Concerned with
the prospect of higher prices, the developing countries and their
advocates have resisted the expansion of rights over pharmaceutical
innovations. On the other side, firms, together with rich country
governments, have insisted on the importance of the worldwide
availability of patents to support R and D. The controversy over TRIPS
began as a rather limited, though bitter, fight among experts at the
trade round. With growing awareness of HIV/AIDS and the discovery of
expensive new treatments, the question of the appropriate form of global
pharmaceutical patents has moved onto the editorial pages and into the
public eye.
In this polarized debate, there is an important role for economists
in understanding the implications of global patents (or their
restriction) and in using information about pricing and incentives to
develop economically well-grounded policies. For some years I have
pursued these twin objectives. In an initial period of information
gathering, I spent half a year in India interviewing firms,
non-governmental organizations, and government officials about their
views of the country's commitment to introducing pharmaceutical
patents and what it would mean for local industry and consumers. I then
outlined the possible costs and benefits of introducing protection for
drug products there, (11) and pulled together available statistics and
interview data to consider what could be said about their magnitudes.
The resulting paper highlights just how little empirical evidence
supports any position in this debate.
My on-going research attempts to fill in some of the gaps. In a
recent paper, Iain Cockburn and I (12) do the groundwork for a future
assessment of whether newly-available patent protection in the
developing world increases private R and D on diseases concentrated in
those countries. These include diseases such as malaria,
schistosomiasis, and Chagas disease. This subclass of products is rarely
broken out in accounts or statistical sources. We put together tables on
disease-specific patenting, bibliometric citations, and NIH funding, and
survey Indian pharmaceutical firms to determine their current focus on
products specific to developing country markets. The paper gives a
baseline picture of private investment in products treating tropical
diseases before TRIPS; it will be updated periodically to track changes
as new patent laws are implemented. There are, of course, other
constraints on investments for poor markets besides weak patent
protection, and the paper relates some insights on these problems drawn
f rom interviews with U.S.-based pharmaceutical executives. (An
empirical assessment of the response of innovation to policy and price
changes in the environmental area is in Lanjouw and Mody, 1996.) (13)
Currently I am examining the relationship between IP protection for
pharmaceuticals and related policies on the speed of new product
launches in a country. In another current project I am estimating
differentiated product demand models for India in order to estimate the
effect on local consumer welfare of introducing patent protection.
Part of my recent work has been directed at using a basic
understanding of the tradeoffs implicit in the patent system and some
basic facts about global drug markets to devise an economically rational
global patent system. I discuss various aspects of this in a series of
papers. (14) The main factual point is that global drug markets differ
enormously by disease. Some diseases are concentrated almost exclusively
in poor countries. For these, any market will largely only serve
patients there. At the same time, there are many "global"
diseases which are just as important in the poor countries but which
have worldwide markets. For these, spending is heavily concentrated in
rich countries. For example, I estimate that almost half of the
world's population -- some 3 billion people -- live in countries
that together represent less than 2 percent of global spending on
cardiovascular drugs.
Because the global markets ate so very different for these two
types of diseases, the tradeoffs between pricing and incentives when
adding protection in new countries also differ. The optimal global
patent system would reflect this fact. It is not obvious, however, how
to differentiate protection in a feasible way. In the work cited, I have
developed an unusual mechanism for differentiating protection across
diseases. It uses the fact that inventors must request permission to
file for a patent overseas (a foreign filing license). This requirement
already exists in the U.S. patent code and also in a number of other
countries. The mechanism works by requiring inventors to make a
particular "Declaration" to obtain permission to file
The system the mechanism would allow is one in which patent
protection in poor countries differed across diseases depending on the
importance of those countries' markets as a potential source of
research incentives. No one, for example, would argue that African
nations are an important source of incentives for doing cancer research.
The search for a cure for cancer is driven by demand from the big
western markets. However, patent protection in Africa -- together with
increased funding -- might be an important spur to malaria research.
Thus, the mechanism would give a system with minimal patent protection
in the poorest countries, allowing them to benefit from generic
production. As a country developed, protection would broaden gradually
to cover more diseases, starting with those, like malaria, of particular
importance there. The result would be a patent system tailored to both
development levels and to the characteristics of different drug markets.
(1.) A. B. Jaffe, "The US. Patent System in Transition: Policy
Innovation and the Innovative Process," NBER Working Paper No.
7280, August 1999, and in Research Policy, 2000.
(2.) J. O. Lanjouw and J. Lerner, "The Enforcement of
Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey of the Empirical
Literature," NBER Working Paper No. 6296, December 1997, and in the
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (49/50) (July 1998), pp.
(3.) More recent work involving NBER researchers includes, for
example, Graham et al, 2002, and Hall and Ziedonis, 2001. See S. J. H.
Graham, B. H. Hall, D. Harhoff, and D. C. Mowery, "Patent Quality
Control: A Comparison of US. Patent Re-examinations and European Patent
Opposition," NBER Working Paper No. 8807, February 2002; and B. H.
Hall and R. H. Ziedonis, "The Patent Paradox Revisited: An
Empirical Study of Patenting in the Semiconductor Industry,
1979-1999," NBER Working Paper No. 7062, March 1999, and in RAND
Journal of Economics, (32) (1) (2001), pp. 10 1-28.
(4.) J. O. Lanjouw and M Schankerman, "An Empirical Analysis
of the Enforcement of Patent Rights in the United States," in W M
Cohen and S. Merrill, eds., Patents in the Knowledge-Based Economy,
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2003; J. O. Lanjouw and M.
Schankerman, "Enforcing Intellectual Properly," NBER Working
Paper No. 8656, December 2001; and J. O. Lanjouw and M Schankerman,
"Characteristics of Patent Litigation: A Window on
Competition," NBER Working Paper No. 6297, December 1997, and in
The Rand Journal of Economics, (32) (1) (2001), pp. 129-51.
(5.) See J. O. Lanjouw and M. Schankerman, "An Empirical
Analysis of the Enforcement of Patent Rights in the United States."
(6.) J. O. Lanjouw and J. Lerner, "Tilting the Table? The
Predatory Use of Preliminary Injunctions, " NBER Working Paper No.
5689, July 1996, and in The Journal of Law and Economics, (XLIV) (2)
(2001), pp. 573 -603.
(7.) See J. O. Lanjouw and J. Lerner, "The Enforcement of
Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey of the Empirical
(8.) See also J. O. Lanjouw and M. Schankerman, "An Empirical
Analysis of the Enforcement of Patent Rights in the United States."
(9.) J. O. Lanjouw, "Patent Protection in the Shadow of
Infringement: Simulation Estimations of Patent Value," NBER Working
Paper No. 4475, September 1993, and in The Review of Economic Studies,
(65) (1998), pp. 671-710.
(10.) J. O. Lanjouw, "Beyond Lanyers' Fees: Economic
Consequences of a changing Litigation Environment," NBER Working
Paper No. 4835, August 1994. Revised version available. See also J. O.
Lanjouw, A. Pakes, and J. Putnam, "How to count Patents and Value
Intellectual Property: Uses of Patent Renewal and Application
Data," NBER Working Paper No. 5741, September 1996, and in The
Journal of Industrial Economics, (XLI/I) (4) (December 1998), pp. 4
(11.) J. O. Lanjouw, "The Introduction of Product Patents in
India: 'Heartless Exploitation of the Poor and
Suffering'?" NBER Working Paper No. 6366, January 1998.
(12.) J. O. Lanjouw and I. Cockburn, "New Pills for Poor
People? Empirical Evidence After GATT," NBER Working Paper No.
7495, January 2000, and in World Development, (29) (2) (2001), pp.
(13.) J. O. Lanjouw and A. Mody, "Innovation and the
International Diffusion of Environmentally Responsive Technology,"
Research Policy, (25) (1996), pp. 549-71.
(14.) J. O. Lanjouw, "Beyond TRIPS: A New Global Patent
Regime," Policy Brief No. 3, The Center for Global Development,
July 2002, at html; J. O. Lanjouw,
"A Patent Policy for Global Diseases: US. and International Legal
Issues," Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, (16) (1) (Fall
2002); J. O. Lanjouw, "A Patent Proposal for Global Diseases,"
Policy Brief No. 84, The Brookings Institution, June 2001; and J. O.
Lanjouw, "Intellectual Property and the Availability of
Pharmaceuticals in Poor countries," Center for Global Development
Working Paper No. 5, April 2002, and forthcoming in Innovation Policy
and the Economy, (3).
Jean O. Lanjouw *
* Lanjouw is a Faculty Research Fellow in the NBER's Program
on Productivity and an associate professor of economics at the
University of California, Berkeley. Her profile appears later in this