Bank regulation and supervision.
Levine, Ross
A large body of research suggests that banks matter for human
welfare. Most noticeably, banks matter when they fail. Indeed, the
fiscal costs of banking crises in developing countries since 1980 have
exceeded $1 trillion, and some estimates put the cost of Japan's
banking problems alone over this threshold. (1) Recent research also
finds that banks matter for economic growth. (2) Banks that mobilize and
allocate savings efficiently, allocate capital to endeavors with the
highest expected social returns, and exert sound governance over funded
firms foster innovation and growth. Banks that instead funnel credit to
connected parties and the politically powerful discourage
entrepreneurship and impede economic development. Recent work further
shows that banks matter for poverty and income distribution. (3)
Well-functioning banks that extend credit to those with the best
projects, rather than to the wealthy or to those with familial,
political, or corrupt connections, exert an equalizing affect on the
distribution of income and a disproportionately positive impact on the
poor by de-linking good ideas and ability from past accumulation of
wealth and associations.
The important relationship between banks and economic welfare has
led researchers and international institutions to develop policy
recommendations concerning bank regulation and supervision. The
International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and other international
agencies have developed extensive checklists of "best
practice" recommendations that they urge all countries to adopt.
Most influentially, the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision recently
revised and extended the 1988 Basel Capital Accord.
Until recently, the absence of data on bank regulation and
supervision made it impossible to conduct broad cross-country studies of
which regulations and supervisory practices promote sound banking. While
analysts used models, country-studies, and the experiences of
supervisors to make policy recommendations, there were simply
insufficient data with which to conduct extensive international
comparisons and to test the validity of Basel II or other proposals for
reform. Clearly expert advice and evidence from individual countries
should inform banking policies; but just as clearly, cross-country
econometric evidence can provide a valuable input.
Consequently, James Barth, Gerard Caprio, and I assembled an
international database on banking policies. We conducted two surveys.
The first was conducted in 1998-9 and involved over 100 countries and
included information on almost 200 regulations and supervisory
practices. The second covered 2003-4 and included 50 more countries and
100 additional questions, many of which were recommended by users of the
first survey. (4)
Using these data, I am working with others to assess which banking
sector policies promote sound banking around the world. In terms of
defining "sound banking," many take for granted that stability
is the primary objective of bank regulation. While we study stability,
my co-authors and I also examine the impact of banking policies on bank
development, efficiency, corruption in lending, and corporate governance of banks. Banks are not simply safe places to stash funds. Banks play
pivotal roles in mobilizing and allocating resources, monitoring firms,
and providing liquidity and risk management services. Thus, bank
regulation and supervision should be judged by more criteria than
stability alone.
A Political Economy Approach
Consistent with research on the political economy of banking
policies, the patterns we observe in the data suggest that countries do
not choose individual regulations in isolation; rather, individual
choices reflect broad approaches to the role of government in the
economy. (5) Some governments choose an active, hands-on approach, where
the government owns much of the banking industry, restricts banks from
engaging in non-lending activities such as securities underwriting,
insurance, real estate, and non-financial services, limits the entry of
new banks, and creates a powerful supervisory agency that directly
oversees and disciplines banks. Other countries rely substantially less
on direct government control of banks. These countries place
comparatively greater emphasis on forcing banks to disclose accurate
information to the public as a mechanism for facilitating private sector
governance of banks. Thus, some of my research can be viewed as using
the laboratory of bank regulation and supervision to assess the historic
debate about the proper role of government in the economy.
Given these observations, my coauthors and I have framed our
initial international investigations of bank regulation and supervision
within the context of two views of government. The public interest
approach stresses that market failures--information and contract
enforcement costs--interfere with the incentives and abilities of
private agents to monitor and discipline banks effectively. From this
perspective, a powerful supervisory agency that directly monitors and
disciplines banks can improve bank operations. The public interest
approach assumes that there are market failures and official supervisors
have the incentives and capabilities to ameliorate those market failures
by directly overseeing, regulating, and disciplining banks.
The private interest view, however, questions whether official
supervisory agencies have the incentives and ability to fix market
failures and enhance the socially efficient operation of banks. The
private interest view holds that politicians and government supervisors
do not maximize social welfare; they maximize their own welfare. Thus,
if bank supervisory agencies have substantial influence over bank
decisions, then politicians and supervisors may abuse this power to
force banks to divert the flow of credit to ends that satisfy the
private interests of politicians and supervisors, not the interests of
the broader public. Thus, strengthening official oversight of banks
might reduce bank efficiency and intensify corruption in lending.
According to the private interest view, most countries do not have
political and legal systems that induce politicians and government
officials to act in the best interests of society. Thus heavy regulation
of bank activities and direct, hands-on influence over banks is unlikely
to promote sound banking. Rather, the private interest view holds that
the most efficacious approach to bank supervision relies on using
government regulations and institutions to empower private monitoring of
banks. Specifically, the private interest approach advocates effective
information disclosure rules and sound contract enforcement systems so
that private investors can use this information to exert sound corporate
governance over banks with positive ramifications on bank operations.
This is not a laissez-faire approach. To the contrary, the private
interest approach stresses that strong legal and regulatory institutions
are necessary for reducing information and contract enforcement costs.
My research is beginning to provide cross-country empirical evidence on
these different approaches to bank regulation and supervision, including
analyses of the role of legal and political institutions in determining
the effectiveness of different banking sector policies.
Initial Results on What Works and What Does Not
Using different cross-country, bank-level, and firm-level datasets
and employing different econometric techniques, the initial results are
broadly consistent with the predictions from a private interest view of
bank regulation. Bank regulations and supervisory practices that force
banks to disclose accurate information to the public tend to: 1) boost
the development of the banking system as measured by private credit
relative to Gross Domestic Product; 2) increase the efficiency of
intermediation as measured by lower interest margins and bank overhead
costs; and 3) reduce corruption in lending as measured by survey
information from firms around the world. (6) For example, Thorsten Beck,
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and I estimate that the probability that a firm
reports bank corruption as a major obstacle to firm growth would
decrease by over half if a country moved from the 25th percentile of our
measure of the degree to which regulations force information disclosure
and foster private sector monitoring to the 75th percentile. (7)
Furthermore, information disclosure rules have a particularly strong
effect on reducing corruption in lending in countries with
well-functioning legal institutions. Thus, private investors need both
information and legal tools to exert sound governance over banks.
Results on banking system crises also advertise the importance of
the incentives facing private investors. While we do not find a
relationship between information disclosure rules and bank fragility,
there is a strong link between deposit insurance design and crises. The
results are consistent with the view that generous insurance schemes
reduce the incentives of private investors to monitor banks and this
increases the ability of bank owners to take on excessive risks,
increasing the probability that the country suffer a systemic crisis.
(8) For example, James R. Barth, Gerard Caprio, and I estimate that if
Mexico changed its very generous deposit insurance to the sample
average, then its probability of suffering a systemic crisis would drop
by 12 percentage points. (9)
In contrast, the results across a range of studies do not support
the public interest view of regulation and raise a cautionary flag
regarding reliance on direct official oversight of banks, government
ownership of banks, regulations restricting bank activities, and
impediments to the entry of new domestic and foreign banks. We never
find that giving official supervisors greater powers (to force a bank to
change its internal organizational structure, suspend dividends, stop
bonuses, halt management fees, force banks to constitute provisions
against actual or potential losses as determined by the supervisory
agency, supersede the legal rights of shareholders, remove and replace
managers and directors, obtain information from external auditors, and
take legal action against auditors for negligence) enhances bank
operations or reduces bank fragility. Similarly, greater government
ownership of banks, regulatory restrictions on bank activities, or
limitations on the entry of new banks never has positive effects. While
some theories predict that strengthening direct official oversight and
regulation of banks will promote social welfare in countries with well
functioning political and legal institutions, we do not find support for
this hypothesis either. (10)
Across the different studies that I have conducted thus far, the
bulk of "hands on" government policies lowers bank
development, induces less efficient banks, exacerbates corruption in
bank lending, and intensifies banking system fragility. Specifically,
countries that grant their official supervisors greater disciplinary
powers have lower levels of bank development and greater corruption in
lending. Governments that heavily regulate bank activities and restrict
entry into banking have banks with bloated interest rate margins and
larger overhead costs. For example, Demirguc-Kunt, Luc Laeven, and I
compute that if Mexico had the same level of restrictions on bank
activities as Korea, its interest rate margins would be a full
percentage point lower. (11) Furthermore, countries with greater
government ownership of the banking industry have less banking system
development. We also find that restricting banks from diversifying into
nonlending activities and prohibiting banks from lending abroad
increases banking system fragility.
Thus, the evidence is broadly consistent with the private interest
prediction that regulatory restrictions on activities, impediments to
entry, limits on investing abroad, government ownership, and
strengthening the discretionary power of official supervisors increase
cronyism, corruption, and collusion with adverse ramifications on the
efficiency and effectiveness bank intermediation. In analyses, however,
we find that well-functioning political and legal institutions negate the negative effects of empowering direct official oversight of banks.
But even in these cases, the results do not indicate that empowering
direct official oversight improves bank operations.
Basel II and Beyond
This research has implications for the three pillars of Basel II.
Regarding pillar one, my coauthors and I did not find a significant
impact of capital regulations on bank development, efficiency,
stability, or corruption. Many factors may explain this result. The
harmonization of national capital regulations makes it difficult to find
a relationship between capital regulations and bank performance. Or, the
lack of clear evidence on the beneficial effects of current capital
regulations may reflect the inadequacy of the Basel I capital
regulations and the need for implementing Basel II. Or, banks may evade capital regulations.
The findings support Basel II's third pillar, but not its
second. For most countries, the data indicate that strengthening
official supervisory powers will make things worse, not better. Unless
the country is "top ten" in terms of the development of its
political institutions, the evidence suggests that strengthening
official supervisory powers hurts bank development and leads to greater
corruption in bank lending without any compensating positive effects.
Instead, the results advertise the efficacy of Basel II's third
pillar: market discipline. Regulations that require informational
transparency and that strengthen the ability and incentives of the
private sector to monitor banks tend to promote sound banking.
Finally, I have also begun to examine the determinants of bank
supervisory and regulatory choices. (12) Perhaps not surprisingly, the
data indicate that countries with more open, competitive, democratic
political systems that have effective constraints on executive power
tend to adopt an approach to bank supervision and regulation that relies
more on private monitoring, imposes fewer regulatory restrictions on
bank activities and the entry of new banks, and has less of a role for
government-owned banks. In contrast, countries with more closed,
uncompetitive, autocratic political institutions that impose ineffective
constraints on the executive tend to rely less on private monitoring,
impose more restrictions on bank activities and new bank entry, and
create a bigger role for government banks. These findings underscore the
difficulty in deriving uniform best practice guidelines for countries
around the world. Much work remains, though. We have not exploited all
aspects of the database on bank regulation and supervision and
considerably more research is needed on designing strategies for
reforming banking policies in ways that enhance the operation of banks
and improve social welfare.
(1) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, Rethinking Bank Regulation:
Till Angels Govern, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
(2) R. Levine, "Finance and Growth: Theory and Evidence,"
NBER Working Paper No. 10766, September 2004, and Handbook of Economic
Growth, Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf eds., forthcoming.
(3) T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Finance,
Inequality, and Poverty: Cross-Country Evidence," NBER Working
Paper No. 10979, December 2004; and T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, L.
Laeven, and R. Levine, "Finance, Firm Size, and Growth," NBER
Working Paper No. 10983, December 2004.
(4) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, "Banking Systems
Around the Globe: Do Regulation and Ownership Affect Performance and
Stability?" in Financial Supervision and Regulation: What Works and
What Doesn't, F. Mishkin ed., Chicago, IL; Chicago University
Press, (2001), pp. 31-88; "The Regulation and Supervision of Banks
Around the World: A New Database," in Robert E. Litan and Richard
Herring, eds., Integrating Emerging Market Countries into the Global
Financial System, Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services,
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press (2001), pp. 183-241;
"Bank Regulation and Supervision: What Works Best?" NBER
Working Paper No. 9323, November 2002, and Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 13, (2004),pp. 205-48; and Rethinking Bank Regulation:
Till Angels Govern.
(5) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, "Bank Regulation and
Supervision: What Works Best?", and Rethinking Bank Regulation:
Till Angels Govern,.
(6) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, "Bank Regulation and
Supervision: What Works Best?"; A. Demirguc-Kunt, L. Laeven, and R.
Levine, "Regulations, Market Structure, Institutions, and the Cost
of Financial Intermediation," NBER Working Paper No. 9890, August
2003, and Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 36 (2004), pp. 593-622;
T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Bank Supervision and
Corporate Finance," NBER Working Paper No. 9620, April 2003, and
"Bank Supervision and Corruption in Lending," mimeo (June
(7) T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Bank
Supervision and Corruption in Lending".
(8) A. Demirguc-Kunt and E. Enrica Detragiache, "Does Deposit
Insurance Increase Banking System Stability? An Empirical
Investigation," Journal of Monetary Economics, 49, (2002), pp.
1373-406; and T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Bank
Concentration and Crises," NBER Working Paper No. 9921, August
2003, and "Bank Concentration, Competition and Crises: First
Results," Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.
(9) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, "Bank Regulation and
Supervision: What Works Best?"
(10) G. Caprio, L. Laeven, R. Levine, "Governance and Bank
Valuation," NBER Working Paper No. 10158, December 2003; J. Barth,
G. Caprio, and R. Levine, "Bank Regulation and Supervision: What
Works Best?"; A. Demirguc-Kunt, L. Laeven, and R. Levine,
"Regulations, Market Structure, Institutions, and the Cost of
Financial Intermediation"; T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R.
Levine, "Bank Supervision and Corporate Finance"; T. Beck, A.
Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Bank Supervision and Corruption in
Lending"; T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, and R. Levine, "Bank
Concentration and Crises"; and J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine,
Rethinking Bank Regulation: Till Angels Govern.
(11) A. Demirguc-Kunt, L. Laeven, and R. Levine, "Regulations,
Market Structure, Institutions, and the Cost of Financial
(12) J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine, Rethinking Bank
Regulation: Till Angels Govern.
Ross Levine is a Research Associate in the NBER's Program on
International Finance and Macroeconomics and the Curtis L. Carlson
Professor of Finance at the University of Minnesota. His profile appears
later in this issue.