Berndt, Ernst R.
It is now seven years since Zvi Griliches, the NBER's
Productivity Program Director for its first twenty years, passed away in
October 1999. Due in large part to Zvi's enormous intellectual
legacy and the extraordinary efforts he expended in nurturing and
mentoring young scholars, I am pleased to report that the NBER's
Productivity Program today is vibrant and robust, and that its
researchers are carrying on the tradition of examining sources and
consequences of innovation and productivity growth, and in the process
developing and empirically exploiting new datasets.
Efficiency and productivity are essential concepts in almost every
economist's tool kit, and thus it is not surprising that many of
the NBER's Productivity Program members are affiliated with other
NBER Programs where these concepts are important as well, including
Labor Studies, Industrial Organization, Corporate Finance, Economic
Fluctuations and Growth, International Trade and Investment, Law and
Economics, and Health Care. What distinguishes the Productivity
Program's research focus from these other Programs at the NBER is
its strong emphasis on the roles of research and development, patents,
incentive systems, regulations, knowledge spillovers, technological
progress, organizational form, and market structure in influencing the
extent and nature of productivity growth and innovation. In addition, a
disproportionate share of Productivity Program researchers have
traditionally focused considerable attention on issues involving
economic measurement, such as measures of inputs, outputs, prices,
quality change, and multifactor productivity, a focus that reflects Zvi
Griliches's enduring bequest.
Rather than attempting to summarize the full scope of program
activity, much of which overlaps with other NBER programs, I will
highlight in this report research in six broad areas, domains
particularly prominent in Productivity Program research over the last
four to five years. The sequence I follow will begin with research on
individual inventors, followed by research on knowledge flows within and
across firms and other institutions, on patents and intellectual
property protection, on market structure, international trade and
investment, and recent research on macroeconomics and productivity
growth, particularly on the role of information and communications
technology investments.
Innovation at the Level of the Individual Inventor
Does technological progress, by expanding knowledge, place an
increased educational burden on successive generations of innovators? Do
today's innovators spend longer time in learning, and/or do they
become more narrowly expert? Benjamin Jones (11359) shows that the age
at which Nobel Prize winners and other great inventors produce great
ideas has increased substantially over the twentieth century,
specifically because of a large drop in productivity at young ages, and
is closely related to an increasing age at completion of formal
education. Focusing on more ordinary inventors, Jones (11360) shows that
the age at first patent, teamwork, and specialization are all increasing
over time. These papers suggest dramatic changes in the nature of
innovation, with a decline in output by the very young and a ubiquitous
move towards greater teamwork in the implementation of ideas. Related
research by David Galenson (12185, 12058) on artistic innovation finds
that artists who innovate early in their lives do so suddenly, while
those who innovate late do so more gradually.
In a series of papers (9017, 10923, 11654) Kenneth Sokoloff and
collaborators have used new micro data sets on patents, inventors, and
patent assignment contracts in the United States beginning in the
nineteenth century, and examined the changing division of labor between
those who invented new technologies and those who exploited them
commercially. Soon after the major patent reform of 1836,
intermediaries--such as patent lawyers, agents, and agencies--emerged,
facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers of patents.
However, the movement of inventors into firms--at least as
employees--did not proceed very far before the 1920s, at which time
inventive activity shifted to R and D laboratories housed in large
corporations. In between, inventors developed long-term attachments with
a firm in which the inventor was a principal, often by bringing
investors with them. In related research comparing inventors in the
United States and Britain between 1790 and 1930 (10966), Sokoloff and
collaborators report that the relatively low patent application fee in
the United States (about 2.5 percent of that in Britain until late in
the nineteenth century), combined with the U.S. administrative
examination rather than the British registration and prize procedures,
resulted in U.S. patentees typically having relatively humbler origins
than their British counterparts. (1)
Another research stream, more theoretical, focuses on incentives
faced by academic researchers. It examines whether returns to university
licensing divert faculty from basic to applied research and to less
leisure as they age. Marie Thursby and co-authors (11197, 10758) also
introduce complications from tenure and from the fact that academic
researchers may earn license income and enhanced prestige both inside
and outside the university. These authors conclude that it is far from
obvious that licensing damages basic research and education.
While patent data has long been used in empirical research,
information on the identity (name and location) of the inventor has
seldom been employed, because of what Manuel Trajtenberg (12479) calls
the "who is who" problem: the name of a given inventor may be
spelled differently across his/her patents, and the same name may
correspond to different inventors (the "John Smith" problem).
To address this problem involving over four million patent records and
1.6 million inventors from across the world, Trajtenberg developed an
elaborate computerized data mining methodology, resulting in detailed
data on individuals' patenting history, their employers, and
co-inventors. He finds that 40 percent of patentees have more than one
patent, and 70,000 have more than ten patents.
Managing R and D and innovation raises a number of issues regarding
incentives. Beginning in the late 1980s, U.S. corporations increasingly
linked compensation of central research personnel to the economic
incentives of the corporation. Joshua Lerner and Julie Wulf (11944)
examine the impact of the shifting compensation of the heads of
corporate R and D. They report that among firms with centralized Rand D
operations, more long-term incentives (for example, stock options and
restricted stock) are associated with more heavily cited patents, with
more patent filings, and with patents of greater generality. While they
cannot distinguish between the roles of better project selection or
better people selection, they interpret these findings as being
consistent with the view that performance pay of corporate R and D heads
is associated with more innovative firms.
Knowledge Flows and Innovation Across Organizations
R and D
Geographic proximity between academia and industry R and D
laboratories has long been hypothesized to facilitate knowledge
spillovers. Using program-level data on pharmaceutical drug discovery
expenditures during the 1980s and 1990s and location-program-level data
on relevant academic science, Jeffrey Furman, Margaret Kylc, Iain
Cockburn, and Rebecca Henderson (12509) study how proximity of
pharmaceutical research laboratories to universities and the
laboratories of competing pharmaceutical companies influenced the number
of patents generated by the laboratories. They find that
"public" science--generated by universities, academic medical
centers, and government laboratories--generated positive spillovers to
geographically proximate private pharmaceutical research laboratories,
but that no such spillovers occurred among private laboratories. (2)
Focusing on an earlier phenomenon--the growth of U.S. industrial
pharmaceutical laboratories between 1927 and 1946, Megan MacGarvic and
Jeffrey Furman (11470) find that while the presence of nearby industrial
facilities helped shape the direction of university research programs,
there was a significant, positive and causal effect running from
university research to the growth of pharmaceutical research
laboratories in the first half of the twentieth century.
An obvious way in which knowledge flows can occur between academia
and industry is via collaborative publications. Does the success of
these collaborations depend on the research status of the faculty
involved? Focusing initially on biotechnology, Lynne Zucker, Michael
Darby, and Jeff Armstrong (8499) report that counts of collaborative
publications by top research university faculty and firm employees are
an empirically useful indicator of knowledge transfer leading to firm
success, but that collaborative articles of the very top star academic
scientists with firm employees predicted significantly more firm success
than collaborations with other faculty. Based on a census of
biotechnology firms that did and did not go public, Darby and Zucker
(8954) find that among other factors, the strength of the firm's
science base (use of recombinant DNA technology, number of articles by
star academic scientists as--or with--firm employees, number of biotech patents) reduced the time to initial public offering (IPO) and increased
the expected proceeds raised from the IPO.
Zucker and Darby (9825, 11181) have extended this line of research
to study nanoscale science and technology developments. An almost
completed output of this research is, a public digital
library matching and linking individuals and organizations within and
across the nanotechnology subsets of the Institute for Scientific
Information (ISI) Web of Science, U.S. patent data, and firm financial
records; the NBER will host a conference in 2007 where presented papers
will use data drawn from the beta version of NanoBank. The concept of
star scientist in numerous other areas of science and technology is
examined empirically in Zucker and Darby (12172), in which they follow
the 19812004 careers of 5,401 star scientists, as measured by They find that the number of stars in a U.S.
geographical region, or in one of the top-25 science and technology
countries, generally has a significant and quantitatively large positive
impact on the probability of firm entry in the same area of science and
technology and that other measures of academic knowledge stocks have
weaker and less consistent effects. Hence it is the stars themselves,
more than their discoveries, which play a key role in the formation or
transformation of high-tech industries. In terms of migration, Zucker
and Darby report that in the United States stars become more
concentrated over time, moving from areas with relatively few peers to
those with many in their discipline. On the other hand, these authors
also document the tendency of foreign-born American stars to return to
their homeland when it develops sufficient strength in their area of
science and technology.
Based on co-authorship counts among condensed matter physicists in
the French "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique",
Jacques Mairesse and Laure Turner (11172) report that co-authorship
intensity is about 40 times higher within a given laboratory than across
laboratories within the same city and about 100 times greater than in
laboratories in other cities. Immediate proximity is therefore critical.
Jeffrey Furman and Scott Stern (12523) examine the impact of a
different institution--biological resource centers (BRCs)--on the growth
of the cumulative "knowledge stock" in molecular biology. BRCs
authenticate, preserve, and offer independent access to biological
research materials such as cells, cultures, and specimens, thereby
reducing the marginal costs to researchers of building on prior research
efforts. Employing a difference-in-differences estimator linking
specific material deposits to journal articles, these researchers report
not only a selection effect (disproportionately important materials are
deposited and preserved in BRCs), but also that materials being
deposited in BRCs result in a significant marginal "boost" in
the diffusion of knowledge, as measured by journal article citations.
The latter effect increases with time and varies with the economic and
institutional conditions in which deposits occur.
Bibliometric research has long quantified knowledge flows and
influence by measuring citations in published articles and patents. The
Institute for Scientific Information collects data from the top 110 U.S.
research universities in twelve main fields that cover nearly all of
science. Based on 1981-99 data on 2.4 million papers and 18.8 million
citations, James Adams, J. Roger Clemmons, and Paula E. Stephan (10875)
compute citation probabilities as actual citations divided by potential
citations. The mean citation probability within fields is on the order
of [10.sup.-5], whereas cross-field citations are one tenth to
one-hundredth as large, or [10.sup.-6] to [10.sup.-7]. Scientific
influence is asymmetric within fields, and occurs primarily from top
institutions to those less highly ranked. Using the same database, Adams
(10640) reports that team size (as measured by the number of authors on
an article) has increased by about 50 percent between 1981 and 1999,
holding a number of other factors constant. Team size data are
supplemented by measures of domestic and foreign institutional
collaborations, capturing the geographic dispersion of team workers. The
time-series evidence suggests that the trend toward larger and more
dispersed teams accelerates at the start of the 1990s, which Adams
conjectures may reflect sudden declines in the cost of collaboration
attributable to improvements in telecommunications. Private universities
and departments whose scientists have earned prestigious awards
participate in larger teams, as do departments that have larger amounts
of federal funding. Placement of former graduate students is a key
determinant of institutional collaborations, especially collaborations
with firms and foreign scientific institutions. Adams finds that
scientific influence increases with team size and institutional
collaborations. He interprets increased team size as reflecting an
increase in the division of labor, and concludes that scientific
productivity increases with the scientific division of labor.
Since relatively little academic research is patented, and only a
fraction of the patents are ever licensed, Lee Branstetter and Yoshiaki
Ogura (11561) examine the universe of industry patent citations from a
set of California-based research universities, and assess changes over
time in the propensity of U.S. industry patents to cite these papers,
controlling for a variety of other factors. Branstetter and Ogura find
patterns in their data consistent with the notion that there has been an
increase in knowledge spillovers from academic science to commercial
invention, but that this increase is highly concentrated in a small
number of technical fields.
Diffusion of Superior Management Practices within Multinational
While patent and professional journal citations are channels
through which knowledge flows can be observed and quantified, there are
many other ways in which knowledge transfer can occur, particularly
within firms. NBER researchers are beginning to search for evidence of
knowledge transfer within multinational firms. Productivity growth in
sectors intensively using information technologies (IT) has been greater
in the United States than in Europe since 1995. Using U.K. panel data on
U.S. and non-U.S. multinational-owned establishments, Nick Bloom,
Raffaella Sadun, and John VanReenen find that U.S. owned establishments
have a stronger relationship between IT and productivity capital than
either non-U.S. multinationals or domestic establishments. (3) This
finding is robust to inclusion of fixed effects and holds when a sample
of establishments taken over by U.S. multinationals is examined.
Moreover, this U.S. multinational effect of IT is particularly strong in
sectors such as retail and wholesale that use IT intensively; notably,
as discussed below, it is these very same industries that account for
much of the U.S.-European productivity growth differential since the
mid-1990s. In related research, Lee Branstetter (8015) finds that
Japanese multinational firms' network of affiliates in the United
States are a significant channel of knowledge spillovers from Japan to
the United States and vice-versa. These results are consistent with
those of Wolfgang Keller and Stephen Yeaple (9504) who, using firm-level
Compustat data and detailed unpublished data from the U.S. Bureau of
Economic Analysis on the industry classification of foreign-owned
affiliates, find evidence for major FDI spillovers from affiliates of
foreign-owned firms in the United States to U.S.-owned firms between
1987 and 1996; such spillovers explain about 11 percent of the U.S.
manufacturing multifactor productivity growth during this time period.
Patents, R&D, Innovation and Firms' Valuations
While the existence of intellectual property (IP) protection
through patents has long been thought to provide positive incentives for
R and D and innovation, a growing "anti-commons" perspective
highlights the negative role of patents in facilitating knowledge
accumulation relative to publication in professional journals. Fiona
Murray and Scott Stern (11465) note that a given discovery may
contribute both to scientific research (journal publication) and to
useful commercial applications (patents); they examine patent-paper
pairs in biotechnology, exploiting the fact that patents are granted
with a substantial lag, often years after the knowledge is initially
disclosed through journal publication. Diffusion of citations occurs in
both the pre-grant period and after formal IP rights are granted.
Relative to the expected citation pattern for publications with a given
quality level, the "anti-commons" hypothesis predicts that the
citation rate to a scientific publication should fall after formal IP
rights associated with that publication are granted.
Using a difference-in-differences estimator for 169 patent-paper
pairs (and including a control group of other publications from the same
prestigious Nature journal for which no patent was granted), Murray and
Stern find evidence for a modest anti-commons effect, with the
post-patent grant decline in citations of about 10-20 percent. This
decline becomes more pronounced with the number of years elapsed since
the date of patent grant, and is particularly salient for articles
written by researchers with public sector affiliations. Hence, while
this evidence suggests that formal IP rights do not seem to have a
devastating impact on subsequent scientific research, the increased use
of formal IP appears to be significantly shaping the structure, conduct,
and performance of both university and industry researchers. Additional
implications of IP protection for the generation and accumulation of
scientific and commercial knowledge are considered by Murray and Stern
in another NBER publication. (4) Related research by Bronwyn Hall (7643)
and Hall and Alfonso Gambardella (11120) has centered on IP issues
arising from university-industry interactions, and documents the
tensions that have arisen.
Patents on software and business methods have become highly
controversial, with critics claiming that patents stifle innovation by
holding up the development of technology that builds on patented prior
art and by swamping inventors with patent-infringement suits; see, for
example, Josh Lerner and Feng Zhu (11168). Iain Cockburn and Megan
MacGarvie (12563) examine the effects of software patents on entry and
exit in narrowly defined classes of software products, using a dataset
with comprehensive coverage of both mature public firms and small
privately held firms between 1994 and 2004; they find both stifling and
stimulating effects of patents on entry. All else equal, greater numbers
of patents held by incumbents have a negative impact on entry rates into
narrowly defined software product markets, while greater numbers of
patents held by entrants increase the rate of entry and decrease the
rate of exit, all else equal. Related research by Lerner (7918, 10223)
examines the impact of a notable judicial decision involving State
Street Bank on financial patenting behavior.
In Hall and MacGarvie (12195), the authors examine valuation
effects of software patenting. Major changes in software patentability
occurred in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in 1995. After 1995,
software patents became more valuable than ordinary patents, but Hall
and MacGarvie find that if the patents are held by hardware firms, then
it does not matter whether these patents are cited. That is, the
"importance" of software patents held by non-software firms
has no impact on firms' valuations, although their existence does.
The authors also report that the extension of patentability to software
was initially negative for software firms, especially for those
producing application software or services.
The worldwide expansion of patenting activity by firms in many
sectors has led to an increase in the uncertainty and costs associated
with enforcing one's own patents and defending against the patents
of others. Building on earlier work by Hall and Rosemarie Ziedonis
(7062) that found that increases in patenting in the semiconductor
industry were driven largely by a need to amass large defensive patent
portfolios because of technological complexity and threat of holdup,
Hall (10605) reports that patent growth in the United States since 1984
has taken place in all technologies, but not in all industries, being
concentrated in the electrical, electronics, computing, and scientific
instruments industries. Although the 5-8 percent annual growth may
reflect in part accelerated innovation, this growth has seriously
affected patent offices worldwide and has led to increasing concern over
patent quality and timeliness of issuance. Research by Cockburn, Sam
Kortum, and Scott Stern (8980) on the relationship between poor
examination and subsequent costly patent litigation, however, was unable
to uncover any relationship. Hall, Stuart Graham, Dietmar Harhoff, and
David Mowery (8807, 9731) investigate the workings and outcomes of the
patent opposition system, a procedure not available in the United
States, but used in Europe, and assess how such a system might function
in the United States. In related research, Lerner (7477, 7478 and 8977)
examines patent office practice, patent protection, and innovation over
a 150-year time period, for a number of countries. (5)
David Popp, Ted Juhl, and Daniel Johnson (9518) examine grant lags
for U.S. patent applications and find considerable differences across
technology. Patents in biotechnology and and software experience the
longest delays, but for different reasons: biotechnology patents are
most likely to go through several revisions during the examination
process, reflecting their complexity, whereas software patents do not
undergo revisions more frequently, but rather sit in the queue longer.
Adding more software examiners therefore might reduce grant lags, but
lags in biotechnology approvals are unlikely to be greatly affected by
increasing the number of biotechnology examiners.
The energy sector has been the focus of R and D by both government
and industry. Around 1981, according to Popp (11415), U.S. government R
and D shifted its focus from applied (for example, synthetic fuels) to
more basic in nature. Using patent citations as a measure of energy R
and D quality, Popp finds that the likelihood of a patent receiving a
citation from a future patent in the same field has fallen over time,
which he interprets as evidence of diminishing returns to R and D over
time. Distinguishing government patents from before and after the 1981
change in focus, Popp reports that government patents filed after 1981
are more likely to be cited, and moreover, that descendants of these
patents--private patents that cite these government patents--are 30
percent more likely to be cited by subsequent patents. Popp concludes
that government and industry R and D have distinct roles to play in the
innovation process.
A lengthy NBER collaboration among Bronwyn Hall, Adam Jaffe, and
Manuel Trajtenberg has put into the public domain a database that has
been used subsequently by many researchers (the NBER's Patent
Citation Data File). An early contribution by these authors (7741)
investigated whether the citations received by U.S. firm's patents
conveyed information about their private stock market valuation; they
found that patent citations were more informative about value than the
patents themselves, with interesting variation across sectors.
Hall has also pursued the closely related area of the market value
of R and D spending, both for U.S. firms (with Jaffe and Trajtenberg in
7741) and for firms in a number of major European countries (with
Raffaele Oriani in 10408). While R and D undertaken in France, the
United States, and Germany is valued similarly, the value of R and D
performed in the United Kingdom and Italy is substantially higher, which
the authors interpret as suggesting that there may be underinvestment in
innovative activities in these two countries.
Conventional accounting practices traditionally exclude from gross
domestic product investments in intangible capital, such as R and D,
patents, brand equity and advertising, and human competency. Carol
Corrado, Charles Hulten, and Daniel Sichel estimate that this practice
implicitly ignores approximately $1 trillion of the output of the
non-farm business sector in the United States by the late 1990s, an
amount approximately equal to the amount of investment spending on
tangible capital goods, and about 10 percent of gross domestic product.
(6) The same authors (11948) extend the time dimension and carry out a
formal sources-of-growth analysis. Among the more important findings,
the authors report that intangible inputs have grown more rapidly than
other inputs over the last four decades, that most of this expansion is
not attributable to the growth in scientific R and D, but instead
reflects growth in non-traditional intangibles such as nonscientific R
and D, and management and human competencies. When intangibles are
included in the analysis, capital deepening replaces multifactor
productivity as the principal source of economic growth after 1995;
notably, including intangibles has little effect on the acceleration of
multifactor productivity in the mid-1990s. These, and a number of
related issues involving the construction of R and D satellite accounts
as a supplement to the National Income and Product Accounts, are
considered by Barbara Fraumeni and Sumiye Okubo. (7)
Innovation, Organizational Form, and Market Structure
Causality between innovation and market structure generally has
been viewed as being bidirectional, reflecting both Schumpeterian and
network externality influences. In (9269), Philippe Aghion, Nick Bloom,
Richard Blundell, Rachel Griffith, and Peter Howitt develop a
theoretical framework and then demonstrate empirically with U.K. firm
data that the relationship between innovation and competition appears to
be an inverted U-shape. At low levels of competition, increases in
competition spur on more innovation, but at higher levels of innovation,
additional competition appears eventually to reduce any further
innovation. In their U.K. dataset, most industries were on the
increasing part of the slope, consistent with earlier findings that the
net impact of competition is to increase innovation. They conclude that
more competition is, on average, likely to boost competition, but that
at extremely high levels of competition there may be a trade-off between
the positive efficiency and pricing effects of additional competition
with the potentially negative innovation impacts. In contrast, arguing
that growth in any country at any time is typically uneven and instead
concentrated in a few firms in a few industries achieving metamorphic technological progress as a result of highly uncertain but breakthrough
innovations, Darby and Zucker (12094) argue (a la Schumpeter) that
despite lagged diffusion, consumers' welfare is greater with
dominant firms in concentrated industries because of enhanced
Bee Yan Aw, Sukkyun Chung, and Mark Roberts (8629) compare linkages
among firm-level productivity, R and D investment, and survival for
firms in the same industry in Korea and in Taiwan, They find that
Taiwanese industries are characterized by less concentrated market
structure, more producer turnover, a smaller percentage of plants
operating at low productivity levels, and smaller productivity
differentials between surviving and failing producers. They interpret
these results as reflecting strong competitive pressures in Taiwan that
lead to market selection based on productivity differences, and the
presence of impediments to entry or exit that insulate low productivity
producers in Korea.
In a different line of research, Chad Syverson (10501, 12231)
examines how demand-side product substitutability affects industry
structure and performance in the U.S. ready-mixed concrete industry, an
industry where product substitutability is determined largely by the
density of concrete producers in the market. With high density,
consumers' ability to substitute implies that relatively
inefficient producers are unable to be profitable, resulting in higher
minimum and average productivity levels, less productivity dispersion,
and lower prices because of spatial competition. Transport costs play a
very critical role in the ready-made concrete industry, so in additional
work (10049) Syverson explores the substitutability-productivity link
across a number of different industries. He finds that product
substitutability measured in several ways--transport costs, physical
product differentiation, and advertising-driven brand
differentiation--is negatively related to within-industry productivity
dispersion and positively related to industries' median
productivity levels. In related work using plant-specific physical
output and unit price measures, Lucia Foster, John Haltiwanger, and
Syverson (11555) also report that physical productivity is inversely
correlated with plant-level prices.
In yet another strand of literature, as an alternative framework to
"racing" models that assume R and D competition between a
potential entrant and an incumbent, Joshua Gans, David Hsu, and Scott
Stern (7851) endogenize the choice of product market competition versus
cooperation with established firms (via licensing, alliances, or
acquisition). They hypothesize that the relative returns to cooperation
increase with control over IP rights, low transaction costs, and greater
sunk costs associated with product market entry. They find empirical
support for all three factors in determining commercialization
strategies, and conclude that the pro-competitive impact of start-up
innovation--the "gale of creative destruction"--depends on
imperfections in the market for ideas. More generally, this research
strand establishes that the industrial organization consequences of
start-ups are endogenous to the commercialization environment, including
factors such as the strength of IP rights, the availability of venture
capita, and sunk costs. Josh Lerner and various coauthors consider
related research on issues involving R and D and marketing-performance
impacts from various forms of alliances and financing for a variety of
product technologies (8251, 9175, 9680, 9816, 10165, 10956, 11136, and
Interest in factors affecting an organization's ability to
innovate has evolved to the development of a new form of survey, called
innovation surveys, in a number of European countries. Based on a common
core questionnaire, the country surveys assemble information on
innovators and non-innovators, where "innovators" are defined
as firms that have introduced a new product or process over the last
three years, "new" is defined as substantially improved or
completely new, and a distinction is made between products new to the
firm but not necessarily new to the market and products new to the firm
and the market. Jacques Mairesse, along with co-authors Pierre Mohnen,
Elizabeth Kremp, and others (8644, 10237, 10897, 12280, and 12320), has
developed a threetier framework that examines firms' R and D
investment function, a knowledge function with R and D as an input, and
an innovation output function. They use this framework to account for
differences across firms, industries, and countries in the propensity
for "innovativity", analogous to multifactor productivity in
traditional growth accounting analyses. They interpret innovativity as
reflecting the ability to transform R and D and other innovation factors
into innovation output, along with other unobserved and unmeasured
NBER researchers also have examined the relationship between market
structure and diffusion. Envisaging takeovers as playing roles similar
to the entry and exit of firms, Boyan Jovanovic and Peter Rousseau
(9279) argue that from 1890-1930, when electricity and the internal
combustion engine spread through the U.S. economy, and more recently
from 1971-2001 (the "information Age"), takeovers played a
major role in accelerating the diffusion of new technologies.
Productivity and International Trade
NBER Productivity researchers have contributed extensively to
literatures explaining bilateral patterns of trade between countries,
and quantifying gains from trade. An early contribution was by Jonathan
Eaton and Sam Kortum (6253), for which they were awarded the Frisch
Medal in 2004. In this paper, Eaton and Kortum modeled observed
aggregate trade volumes as a tug of war between technology differences
that led to more trade and trade costs leading to less trade. In
subsequent research with Andrew Bernard and J. Bradford Jensen, Eaton
and Kortum (7688) examined U.S. plant-level export data, and empirically
examined facts about how few firms export, how small a fraction of
exporters are, and how much greater is their productivity. In Eaton,
Kortum, and Francis Kramarz (10344), this framework is extended to study
the detailed export behavior of French firms, while in Johannes Van
Biesebroeck (10020) related research focuses on the effects of exports
on the productivity performance of sub-Saharan manufacturing plants.
Eaton and Kortum (12385) summarize this line of research linking
innovation, diffusion, and international trade.
A most interesting case analysis of the productivity and price
impacts of entry by a large retailer is the study by Beata Javorcik,
Wolfgang Keller, and James Tybout (12457), based on interviews of
Mexican firms, on the response of the Mexican soaps, detergents, and
surfactant (SDS) producers to entry by Wal-Mart. The authors argue that
the most fundamental effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreements on Tariff and Trade on Mexico's SDS
industry was to induce Wal-Mart to enter Mexico. Once there, Wal-Mex
fundamentally changed the retail sector, forcing SDS firms to cut their
prices and/or innovate. Those unable to respond to this new environment
tended to lose market share and, in some cases, to disappear altogether.
As a result, many Mexican producers achieved impressive efficiency
gains, both from labor shedding and innovation, which in turn was fueled
by innovative input suppliers and by multinationals bringing new
products and processes into Mexico.
Advocates of stronger IP protection in developing countries have
suggested that stronger IP rights would induce multinationals to
transfer more and better technology to IPR-reforming countries, and to
do so at a more rapid rate than would obtain in a weak IPR environment,
thereby benefiting the IPR-reforming countries. Using Bureau of Economic
Analysis data on foreign direct investment, Lee Branstetter, Raymond
Fisman, and Fritz Foley (11516) report that recent IPR reforms have in
fact resulted in a quantitatively significant increase in technology
transfer by U.S.-based multinational parents to their affiliates in
IPR-reforming countries. Bee Yan Aw, Mark Roberts, and Tor Winston
(11174) focus on the complementary role of export market participation
and R and D investment as a source of knowledge acquisition and
productivity growth for Taiwanese electronics producers, based on
"learning by exporting." They find that firms that export but
do not invest in R and D have significantly higher future productivity
than firms that do not engage in either activity, but that firms that
both export and perform their own R and D have the highest average
future productivity levels among all groups. This pattern is consistent
with the hypothesis that R and D and exports are complementary
activities contributing to firm-level productivity growth.
More generally, the very substantial literature appearing between
1993 and 2003 on international technology diffusion via the mechanisms
of international trade and foreign direct investment, as well as the
geographical localization and productivity growth impacts of this
diffusion, is identified and summarized in Wolfgang Keller (8573).
Aggregate Productivity Growth and the Role of Information
Technology Investments
Two questions that have motivated macroeconomic productivity over
the last decade have been what caused the revival in U.S. productivity
growth after 1995 and its further jump in 2001-4, and why did
productivity growth in Europe slow down just as that in the United
States was accelerating? NBER researcher Robert J. Gordon has addressed
both of these issues in three papers. Separating actual productivity
growth from its underlying trend, Gordon calculates trend acceleration
from around 1.5 percent annually in the early 1990s to over 3 percent
per year in 2002-3. (8) Actual growth was even faster in 2002-3,
reflecting a standard cyclical phenomenon he calls the "early
recovery bubble", in which during the early stage of an economic
recovery, firms persist in cutting costs and shedding labor, reacting to
the previous recession even as output begins to recover. Gordon
attributes the labor productivity "explosion" in the early
part of this decade primarily to unusually deep corporate cost cutting
resulting from the sharp drop in profits and stock prices in 2000-2,
from the aftermath of the accounting scandals, and the increasing
reliance of executive pay on stock options. An alternative hypothesis,
offered by Susanto Basu, John Fernald, Nicholas Oulton, and Sylaja
Srinivasan (10010) is that much of the productivity payoff of the heavy
IT investments of the late 1990s were delayed because of lags in
adopting software and business practices to the rapid improvements in IT
hardware capability of the previous decade.
Gordon and Ian Dew-Becker (11842) examine the consequences of this
labor productivity growth on nominal wage growth and inflation. While
increased productivity growth since 1995 has moderated inflation,
Gordon and Dew-Becker obtain the provocative finding that over the
entire 1966-2001 time period, only the top 10 percent of the income
distribution achieved gains in wage and salary income equal to the
growth rate of labor productivity, while the bottom 90 percent fell
behind. The authors attribute this increased skewness of the income
distribution to disproportionate income gains at the top--primarily of
entertainment and sports "superstars" and to chief executive
officers of large corporations--along with downward pressure for most
workers coming from shrinking unionization, rising imports, and job
competition from immigration.
Turning to U.S.-European comparisons, Gordon (10661) documents that
after 1995 the growth rate of productivity in western Europe (the EU-15
countries) slowed down about as much as it accelerated in the United
States, implying that half of the divergence was attributable to better
American performance and half to worse European performance. He then
argues that since Europe uses much of the same IT software and hardware
as does the United States, it is implausible to cite IT investment as
playing an important role on either side of the Atlantic (recall my
earlier discussion of different productivity in U.S.- and European-owned
multinational plants in Europe, by Bloom and co-authors). Rather, he
attributes the difference to variations in specific industries, most
notably wholesale and retail trade, and in finance. Regarding retailing,
the key development that Gordon cites is the development of the
"big box" format, led by Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Best Buy, and
others. In turn, the success of this formula relies on largely
deregulated use of land in the United States, where it is relatively
easy to build a Wal-Mart at expressway interchanges. Gordon notes that
much of European retailing still takes place in small stores in central
cities with little physical space to take advantage of modern
A related but different set of issues are examined by William
Nordhaus (11354), who focuses on the productivity rebound in the last
decade in U.S. manufacturing industries, where manufacturing employed
has declined sharply. He finds that the productivity rebound since 1995
has been widespread, with approximately 40 percent of it occurring in
"New Economy" industries. Interestingly, Nordhaus finds that
the relevant productivity-employment elasticities indicate that more
rapid productivity growth leads to increased, rather than decreased,
employment in manufacturing. This leads him to conclude that
productivity growth is not to be feared, at least not in U.S.
manufacturing, where the largest recent employment declines have
Focusing on an earlier era, and using pooled cross-section, time
series data for 44 industries over the decades of the 1960s, 1970s, and
1980s in the United States, Edward Wolff (8743) finds no econometric evidence that computer investment is positively linked to multifactor
(not labor) productivity growth. However, computerization is positively
associated with occupational restructuring and changes in the
composition of intermediate inputs and capital coefficients. He also
finds very modest evidence that the growth of worker skills is
positively related to industry productivity growth. In other research in
which he incorporates the age structure of capital into the measurement
of productivity, Wolff (9768) finds that once variations in the vintage
composition of capital are taken into account and capital stock is
measured in efficiency units, multifactor productivity growth is
smoothed considerably, particularly during the 1970s slowdown, relative
to ignoring the effects of changing vintage capital composition.
Concluding Remarks
This summary of recent contributions by NBER Productivity Program
researchers documents that the program continues to be wide-ranging,
vibrant, and robust. It is also worth noting that while lengthy, this
summary is incomplete in that I have omitted detailed discussion of much
Productivity Program research that focuses on measurement issues, such
as that involving price measurement incorporating quality changes,
standard errors for price indexes, alternative measures of innovation,
measuring output in difficult sectors such as finance and banking, and
computing consumers' valuations of new goods. I also have omitted
discussion of research on the productivity impacts of various federal
and state regulatory policies, including environmental regulations in
the context of climate change. Discussion of these issues is deferred to
a subsequent issue of the NBER Reporter.
(1) B. Zorina Khan and K. L. Sokoloff, "Of Patents and Prizes:
Great Inventors and the Evolution of Useful Knowledge in Britain and the
United States, 1750-1930, Department of Economics, University of
California-Los Angeles. Available from
[email protected].
(2) A less technical summary of this research is given in M. Kyle,
"Does Locale Affect R&D Activity? The Case of
Pharmaceuticals", Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic
Letter, Nov. 13, 2004.
(3) N. Bloom, R. Sadun, and J. VanReenen, "It Ain't What
You Do but the Way That You Do I.T.: Investigating the Productivity
Miracle Using Multinationals" presented at 2005 NBER Summer
Institute Productivity Program. Available from
[email protected].
(4) F. Murray and S. Stern, "When Ideas are Not Free: The
Impact of Patents on Scientific Research," in A. Jaffe, J. Lerner,
and S. Stern, eds., Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 7, MIT Press
for the National Bureau of Economic Research, forthcoming.
(5) An overview of patent policy developments and their
consequences in the last two decades in the United States is found in A.
Jaffe and J. Lerner, Innovation and its Discontents: How Our Broken
Patent System is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What To Do
About It, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005.
(6) C. Corrado, C. Hulten, and D. Sichel, "Measuring Capital
and Technology: An Expanded Framework", in C. Corrado, J.
Haltiwanger, and D. Sichel, eds., Measuring Capital in the New Economy,
University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic
Research, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, 2005, pp. 11-41.
(7) B.M. Fraumeni and S. Okubo, "R&D in the National
Income and Product Accounts: A First Look at Its Effect on GDP", in
C. Corrado, J. Haltiwanger, and D. Sichel, eds., Measuring Capital in
the New Economy, University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of
Economic Research, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, 2005,
pp. 275-316.
(8) R. J. Gordon, "Exploding Productivity Growth: Context,
Causes, and Implications", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
Vol. 34 (2003, No. 2), pp. 207-98. Available as NBER Reprint No. 2300.
Ernst R. Berndt *
* Berndt directs the NBER's Productivity Program and is the
Louis B. Seley Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of
Management. In this article, the numbers in parentheses refer to NBER
Working Papers.