The market for private long-term care insurance.
Finkelstein, Amy
Long-Term Care Risk
Long-term care expenditures represent one of the largest uninsured
financial risks facing the elderly in the United States. Expenditures on
long-term care, such as home health care and nursing homes, accounted
for 8.5 percent of all health care spending in the United States, and
about 1.2 percent of GDP in 2004. (1) These long-term care expenditures
are projected to triple in real terms over the next few decades, in
large part because of the aging of the population. (2)
Long-term care expenditures are distributed unevenly among the
elderly population. Therefore they represent a significant source of
financial uncertainty for elderly households. Only about one third of
current 65-year-olds will never enter a nursing home. However, of those
who do, 12 percent of men and 22 percent of women will spend more than
three years there; one in eight women who enter a nursing home will
spend more than five years there. (3) These stays are costly: on
average, a year in a nursing home cost $50,000 in 2002 for a
semi-private room, and even more for a private room. (4) Standard
insurance theory suggests that the random and costly nature of longterm
care makes it precisely the type of risk that would make insurance
valuable for risk-averse individuals.
Yet most of the expenditure risk is uninsured. Only 4 percent of
long-term care expenditures are paid for by private insurance, while one
third are paid for out of pocket. (5) By contrast, in the health sector
as a whole, private insurance pays for 35 percent of expenditures and
only 17 percent are paid for out of pocket. (6)
The limited insurance coverage for long-term care expenditures has
important implications for the welfare of the elderly, and potentially
for their adult children as well. These implications will only become
more pronounced as the baby-boomers age and as medical costs continue to
The limited private insurance market also has implications for
government expenditures. Because more than one third of Medicaid
expenditures are already devoted to long-term care, (7) policymakers are
increasingly concerned about the fiscal pressure that further growth in
long-term care expenditures will place on federal and state budgets in
the years to come. As a result, there is growing interest in stimulating
the market for private long-term care insurance.
There are a host of potential theoretical explanations for the
limited size of the private long-term care insurance market. (8) On the
demand side, limited consumer rationality--such as difficulty
understanding low-probability high-loss events (9) or misconceptions about the extent of public health insurance coverage for longterm
care--may play a role. Demand also may be limited by the availability of
imperfect but cheaper substitutes, such as the public insurance provided
by the means-tested Medicaid program, financial transfers from children,
or unpaid care provided directly by family members in lieu of formal
paid care. (10) On the supply side, market function may be impaired by
such problems as high transactions costs, imperfect competition,
asymmetric information, or dynamic problems with long-term contracting.
This article briefly summarizes a rapidly growing body of empirical
work dedicating to improving our understanding of the private long-term
care insurance market in the United States, and why that market is
currently so small.
The Functioning Of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: High Prices,
Limited Benefits
To understand the small size of the private long-term care
insurance market, Jeff Brown and I start by examining what the available
policies in this market are like. (11) We find that the typical policy
that is purchased covers only about one third of the expected present
discounted value of long-term care expenditures. Moreover, this policy
is provided at premiums that are "marked up" substantially
above expected benefits. We estimate that the typical policy purchased
by an average 65-year-old in the population and held until death has a
load of 0.18; in other words, the buyer on average will get back only 82
cents in expected-present-discounted-value benefits for every dollar
paid in expected-present-discounted-value premiums. Most policies,
however, are not held until death, and our estimate of the load rises
substantially once we account for this. Individuals often stop paying
premiums at some point after purchase, and therefore forfeit any right
to future benefits. Because the premium profile of these policies is
heavily frontloaded, especially relative to benefit payments, accounting
for policy forfeiture raises our central estimate of the average load
considerably, from 18 cents on the dollar to 51 cents on the dollar.
This 51-cent load for long-term care insurance is substantially
higher than loads that have been estimated in other private insurance
markets. For example, the estimated load on life annuities purchased by
a typical 65-year-old in the population is about 15 to 25 cents on the
dollar (12) and the estimated load for health insurance policies is
about 6 to 10 cents on the dollar for group health insurance and 25 to
40 cents on the dollar for the (less commonly purchased) non-group acute
health insurance. (13)
Complementing the evidence of high loads and limited benefits is
growing evidence of specific market imperfections. Kathleen McGarry and
I have found that individuals have private information about their
long-term care utilization risk that insurance companies do not have and
that individuals use this information in deciding whether to purchase
long-term care insurance. Such asymmetric information makes it difficult
for individuals to be able to buy private insurance at prices that are
actuarially fair for them, given their (privately known) risk of
long-term care use. (14)
There is also evidence of a number of "dynamic
contracting" problems that arise because long-term care insurance
involves locking in a premium payment schedule now for benefits that, if
they arise, are likely to accrue about twenty years in the future. (15)
This raises a host of issues such as the risk of bankruptcy before
claims are made, the risk of dramatic growth in longterm care costs that
insurance companies cannot diversify simply by pooling individual risks,
(16) and the risk that individuals who learn over time that their health
is better than expected will drop out of the insurance pool, thus
raising the average risk of the pool and hence the average premium. (17)
The Role Of Medicaid In Limiting Demand For Private Insurance
The evidence just reviewed suggests that the private long-term care
insurance market does not appear to function efficiently. These market
problems undoubtedly contribute to its small size. Yet at the same time,
there is also evidence that "fixing" these supply side market
failures would not by itself be sufficient to induce most elderly to buy
long-term care insurance. In other words, factors limiting demand for
private insurance are also very important for understanding this
market's small size.
To investigate demand for private insurance, Jeff Brown and I have
developed and calibrated a utility-based model of an elderly
individual's demand for private insurance. (18) We consider demand
for private insurance given the current structure of policies discussed
above, and the presence of the public Medicaid program. Medicaid
functions as a payer-of-last resort, covering long-term care
expenditures only after the individual has met stringent asset and
income tests. It is thus a highly incomplete--but
"free"--substitute for private long-term care insurance. Our
model is able to replicate basic stylized facts concerning the portion
of elderly that buy private insurance, and insurance rates by gender or
We examine how demand would change under various counterfactual assumptions. Our most striking finding is that, even if we were to
"fix" whatever supply side problems may exist--and (contrary
to fact) offer comprehensive private policies at actuarially fair
prices--at least two-thirds of the wealth distribution still would not
want to buy comprehensive insurance given the current structure of
Where does this large Medicaid crowd-out effect come from? It
arises because a large portion of private insurance benefits are
redundant, given the benefits that Medicaid would have provided in the
absence of private insurance. We refer to this as the "implicit
tax" that Medicaid imposes on private insurance. We estimate that
for a male (female) at the median of the wealth distribution, 60 percent
(75 percent) of the benefits from a private policy duplicate the
benefits that Medicaid would otherwise have paid.
The Medicaid implicit tax stems from two features of
Medicaid's design, which results in private insurance reducing
expected Medicaid expenditures. First, by protecting assets against
negative expenditure shocks, private insurance reduces the likelihood
that an individual will meet Medicaid's asset-eligibility
requirement. Second, Medicaid is a secondary payer when the individual
has private insurance. This secondary-payer status means that if an
individual has private insurance, the private policy pays first, even if
the individual's asset and income levels make him otherwise
eligible for Medicaid; Medicaid then covers any expenditures not
reimbursed by the private policy.
The Medicaid implicit tax explains the large crowd-out effect of
Medicaid. It is important to emphasize that this large crowd-out effect
comes despite that fact that Medicaid provides an inadequate
consumption-smoothing mechanism for all but the poorest of individuals.
Medicaid's income and asset spend-down requirements impose severe
restrictions on an individual's ability to engage in optimal
consumption smoothing across states of care and over time. We estimate
that, for most of the wealth distribution, the welfare loss associated
with incomplete Medicare coverage relative to full insurance coverage is
We also find that reforms within the basic structure of the current
Medicaid system are unlikely to have much of an effect on
Medicaid's implicit tax, and hence on its crowd-out effect. For
example, even if Medicaid's asset limits were eliminated for
individuals who bought private insurance--so that these individuals were
immediately eligible for Medicaid--Medicaid's implicit tax would
remain large because of its status as a secondary payer when individuals
have private insurance.
Recent empirical work that I have done with Jeff Brown and Norma
Coe is consistent with this simulation result. (19) We empirically
examined the effect of variation in Medicaid's asset protection
rules on long-term care insurance coverage. These estimates imply that,
if every state in the country moved from their current Medicaid asset
eligibility requirements to the most stringent Medicaid asset
eligibility requirements allowed by federal law--a change that would
decrease average household assets that could be kept while qualifying
for Medicaid by about $25,000--demand for private long-term care
insurance would rise by only 2.7 percentage points. While this
represents about a 30 percent increase in insurance coverage relative to
current ownership rates, the vast majority of households would still
find it unattractive to purchase private insurance. The combination of
the simulation and empirical results suggests that, without substantial
reductions in Medicaid's implicit tax, the market for private
long-term care insurance is likely to remain quite small.
Long-term care expenditures are a large and growing risk for
elderly individuals. The private insurance market is miniscule, and the
public payer of last resort provides very incomplete coverage for all
but the poorest of individuals. The private market does not appear to
function smoothly. Premiums are marked up substantially above expected
benefits, and there is evidence of various market failures, including
asymmetric information and dynamic contracting problems. Yet, the
evidence suggests that even if all of these private market problems were
"fixed"--so that actuarially fair comprehensive insurance were
available--the private insurance market would still remain small because
of the large crowd-out effect from the public Medicaid program.
(1) Congressional Budget Office, April 2004, "Financing
Long-Term Care for the Elderly", Government Printing Office:
Washington, DC
(2) Congressional Budget Office, March 1999, "Projections on
Expenditures for Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly",
Government Printing Office: Washington, DC.
(3) J.R. Brown and A. Finkelstein, "The Interaction of Public
and Private Insurance: Medicaid and the Long-Term Care Insurance
Market," NBER Working Paper No. 10989, December 2004.
(4) MetLife Mature Market Institute, "MetLife Market Survey of
Nursing Home and Home Care Costs 2002."
(5) Congressional Budget Office, 2004, op. cit.
(6) National Center for Health Statistics, Health, United States,
2002 With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans, Hyattsville,
Maryland, 2002.
(7) U S. Congress, Committee on Ways and Means, "2004 Green
Book" Washington DC: GPO, 2004.
(8) For a review of this literature, see E. Norton, "Long-term
Care", in A.J. Culyer and J.P. Newhouse, eds., Handbook of Health
Economics, Vol. 1, Ch. 17, Elsevier Science, 2000.
(9) H. Kunreuther, Disaster Insurance Protection: Public Policy
Lessons, New York: Wiley, 1978.
(10) M. Pauly, "The Rational Non-purchase of Long-Term-Care
Insurance", Journal of Political Economy, 98(1) 1990, pp.153-68.
(11) J.R. Brown and A. Finkelstein, "Supply or Demand: Why is
the Market for Long-Term Care Insurance So Small?" NBER Working
Paper No. 10782, September 2004.
(12) O.S. Mitchell, J. M. Poterba, M. Warshawsky, and J. R. Brown,
"New Evidence on the Money's Worth of Individual
Annuities", American Economic Review, 89 (December 1999), pp.
(13) J. Newhouse, Pricing the Priceless: A Health Care Conundrum,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002.
(14) A. Finkelstein and K. McGarry, "Multiple dimensions of
private information: evidence from the long-term care insurance
market," American Economic Review, September 96(4):pp. 938-58,
(15) Brown and Finkelstein, op. cit., Working Paper 10989.
(16) D. Cutler, "Why Don't Markets Insure Long-Term
Risk?" unpublished working paper, 1996,
http://post.economics.harvard. edu/faculty/dcutler/papers/ltc_rev.pdf
(17) A. Finkelstein, K. McGarry, and A. Sufi, "Dynamic
Inefficiencies in Insurance Markets: Evidence from Long-Term Care
Insurance" American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 95: pp.
224-28, 2005.
(18) J.R. Brown and A. Finkelstein, op. cit., Working Paper 10989.
(19) J.R. Brown, N. B. Coe, and A. Finkelstein, "Medicaid
Crowd-Out of Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Evidence from the Health
and Retirement Survey," NBER Working Paper No. 12536, September
Amy Finkelstein *
* Finkelstein is a Faculty Research Fellow in the NBER's
Programs in Public Economics, Health Care, and the Economics of Aging,
and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at MIT. Her
profile appears later in this issue