Home production, consumption, and labor supply.
Aguiar, Mark ; Hurst, Erik
The way that consumers allocate consumption expenditures over the
life cycle, or across states of nature, is a fundamental concern in
economics. However, as Reid, (1) Mincer, (2) and Becker (3) noted in
seminal contributions, consumption can be viewed as the output of
"home production," which uses inputs purchased in the market
as well as non-market time. This implies that the allocation of time and
resources via market transactions cannot be understood fully without
also understanding how time is allocated outside of the market. As the
relative price of their time falls, individuals will substitute away
from market expenditures and use more of their own time to produce
consumption commodities. Since an individual's opportunity cost of
time has a direct bearing on her total cost of consumption, market
expenditures may be a poor proxy for actual consumption.
The opportunity cost of allocating more time to market work is
having less time available for non-market activities. To understand
shifts in labor market activity, which are reflected in market hours, it
is important to know whether the alternative non-market activities are
substitutes for or complements to time devoted to market activities. In
a series of papers, we study the role of the allocation of non-market
time in determining both the behavior of market expenditures over the
life cycle and the changing patterns of market hours during the last
four decades.
We adopt Becker's modeling framework, in which the consumption
commodities that enter the utility function are produced with a
combination of time and market goods. When time and market goods are
good substitutes in production, then we consider the time spent as home
production, but when the two are poor substitutes, we consider the time
leisure. For example, "television watching" and "eating a
meal" are both consumption goods. Both combine individual time with
market expenditures. However, television watching time and market goods
(the television itself, a cable subscription, and so on) will likely be
complements. It is relatively hard to economize on one's television
watching time by increasing market purchases. In the meal example,
however, time (preparation, clean up, and so on) and goods (groceries,
kitchen durables, and the like) are substitutes. The substitutability
results from the fact that individuals have the option of purchasing
food prepared by others. How market expenditures evolve over the life
cycle, and how home production evolves over time, thus depend on whether
time and expenditures are complements (as in the first example) or
substitutes (as in the second).
This framework is useful for understanding why food expenditure
falls at retirement, while non-durable entertainment expenditure
increases at the same time. It also can shed light on why the increase
in women's labor force participation since the 1960s was associated
with an increase in women's leisure time.
Home Production and the Retirement Consumption Puzzle
We first use this framework to address the so called
"retirement consumption puzzle." (4) Previous authors have
documented a dramatic decline in food expenditures as households
transition from working to retirement. The decline has been interpreted
as evidence that the average household receives adverse news about its
lifetime resources upon retirement (5) or that households do not plan
sufficiently for retirement (6). However, we show that the decline in
expenditure is matched by an equally dramatic rise in the time spent
shopping for and preparing meals. A decline in the opportunity cost of
time results in a reduction in expenditure and an increase in home
production time for those goods for which time and expenditures are
substitutes. This is particularly relevant for food expenditure, which
has low income elasticity but a high degree of substitutability with
non-market time. The low income elasticity often has been used to
interpret the decline in food expenditure as having large welfare
consequences, while the high degree of substitutability allows a starkly
different interpretation.
The key empirical question is whether the observed decline in food
expenditure at retirement represents an unanticipated jump in the
marginal utility of consumption or optimal time re-allocation. Using
detailed data on actual food diaries for a large cross-section of U.S.
households (collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture) we show
that neither the quality nor the quantity of food intake deteriorates
with retirement status. In other words, the retirement consumption
puzzle is no puzzle at all: households smooth the marginal utility of
consumption between their working and retirement years even though
expenditure falls. Households do switch the composition of inputs toward
home production time, a point confirmed by detailed time use diaries.
These results highlight how direct measures of consumption can help us
to distinguish between anticipated and unanticipated shocks to income
while measures of expenditures may obscure the distinction.
Shopping, Home Production, and Food Expenditures over the Entire
Life Cycle
In a related paper, we use detailed data on shopping time, prices
paid, and time allocated to other types of home production to estimate
structural parameters of shopping and home production technologies. (7)
Our key innovation is the use of detailed scanner data on prices paid by
households for a constant quality consumption good (as measured by
universal product codes, UPCs) that is linked with detailed demographic
data. This dataset comes from the Neilson Homescan Panel. We find that
there is substantial heterogeneity in prices paid across households for
identical consumption goods in the same metropolitan area at a given
point in time. In particular, we find that prices paid are lowest and
shopping intensities are highest later in the life cycle. Additionally,
we document that lower income households systematically shop more and
pay lower prices. The increased time allocated to shopping by older
households is associated with more frequent visits to the same store as
well as by more extensive use of store and manufacturers discounts. The
data suggests that a doubling of shopping frequency lowers prices paid
for a given good by 7 to 10 percent. Using this elasticity and observed
shopping intensity, we can impute the shopper's opportunity cost of
time. Our imputed measure tracks the life-cycle profile of wages rather
closely, particularly after middle age.
Combining our new measure of the price of time with data on time
spent in home production, we estimate the parameters of a home
production function for food. We find an elasticity of substitution between time and market goods in home production of roughly 1.8. Using
these elasticities, we translate observed market expenditures and time
spent shopping and in home production into actual consumption
equivalents. Like the results for retirement, we find that actual food
consumption differs markedly from observed food expenditures over the
life cycle. Food expenditures fall dramatically after the age of 45
while our estimates of actual food intakes increase slightly after
middle age. We find that roughly 10 percent of the decline in food
expenditures after middle age is attributable to lower prices paid
because of an increase in shopping time. The other 90 percent is the
result of increased time allocated to home production more broadly
(which is primarily composed of the increased time spent preparing
meals). These results highlight the danger of interpreting life-cycle
expenditure without acknowledging the changing demands on time and the
available margins of substituting time for money.
Work Related Expenses and Life-Cycle Expenditures
In a third paper, we explore the extent to which non-market
production and work related expenses can explain the life-cycle
trajectory of total expenditures; we move beyond food expenditures to
address the life-cycle pattern of all non-durables. (8) Specifically, we
reconsider two prominent features of life-cycle consumption
expenditures. The first is the fact that expenditures are
"hump" shaped over the life cycle, peaking in middle age and
then declining steadily thereafter. (9) The second is that
cross-sectional consumption inequality increases as individuals grow
older. (10) Both have had tremendous influence on economists'
inferences about household preferences, the income process that
households face, and the extent to which public and private insurance
markets limit household exposure to risk. The main empirical
contribution of our paper is to revisit these two familiar facts by
disaggregating non-durable expenditures into more detailed consumption
We find that three categories (food, non-durable transportation,
and clothing) account for the entire decline in mean expenditure
post-middle age and for a substantial amount of the increase in
cross-sectional dispersion over the life cycle. No other non-durable
categories that we study show a decline in mean expenditure over the
life cycle or an increase in cross-sectional dispersion, particularly
after the age of 40. We provide evidence that the categories driving the
patterns of life-cycle non-durable expenditure are either inputs into
market work (clothing and non-durable transportation) or are amenable to
home production (food at home and food away from home). For example,
using time diaries we show that after middle age, the use of work
related transportation falls sharply while non-work related
transportation actually increases. To the extent that non-durable
transportation expenditures are proportional to transportation times,
the fall in transportation expenditures is the result of declining
commuting costs associated with market work. Demand system estimates
confirm that controlling for work hours eliminates most of the decline
in spending for clothing, non-durable transportation, and food away from
These results reinforce our earlier results that changes in the
opportunity cost of time will cause movements in expenditures on certain
goods even if there is no change in lifetime resources. We show that
such a mechanism is responsible for explaining both the decline in
non-durable spending after middle age and the increase in the
cross-sectional variance of expenditure over the life cycle. We then
discuss how the patterns documented in the paper suggest that prior
inferences from consumption data regarding discount factors, the ability
to plan, or the extent of uninsurable risk faced by households are
sensitive to the inclusion of these work related expenses and home
produced goods. In the last part of the paper we also show that work
related expenses and home production explain a substantial portion of
the change in consumption inequality that has occurred within the United
States since 1980.
Home Production Time, the Evolution of Leisure, and Leisure
In two additional papers, we examine how changes in home production
can influence trends in leisure levels and leisure inequality for men
and women during the last forty years. (11) Using detailed time diaries
from the United States recorded in 1965, 1975, 1985, 1992-4, and 2003-5,
we find that both men and women have dramatically increased the time
they allocate to "leisure." We define leisure as time not
spent engaged in market production (work), home production (cooking,
cleaning, shopping, and so on), and child care. Basically, our measure
of "leisure" includes time spent socializing, going to movies,
reading, watching television, listening to music, playing golf, and so
on. In terms of the model discussed earlier, we think of leisure as the
time input into the production of commodities, where time and
expenditures are complements.
In the first paper, we find that prime aged, non-retired men
increased their time allocated to leisure by about five hours per week
between 1965 and 2005, most of which occurred prior to 1985. his was
facilitated by a decline in the time allocated to market work. The time
that men allocated to non-market work and child care actually increased
during this period (by 3.5 and 1.8 hours per week respectively). For
non-retired prime age women, leisure increased by roughly 3.5 hours per
week between 1965 and 2005. Again, all of the gains occurred prior to
1985, with some reversal during recent periods. For women, the increase
in leisure occurred despite the increase in time allocated to market
work. This was possible because women in 2005 spent nearly 11 hours less
per week on home production than similar women during the mid-1960s.
Again, thinking about the nature of home production is essential for
fully understanding the trends in leisure, given observed patterns of
market work, particularly for women.
We also document that since 1985, there has been a substantial
increase in leisure inequality, particularly for men. Over the last
twenty years, male high school dropouts and high school graduates have
increased the time they allocated to leisure (by 8.1 and 0.6 hours per
week, respectively) while male college graduates recorded a decrease in
leisure time (of 6.1 hours per week). Less educated men also decreased
the amount of time they devoted to market work, and to home production,
over this period. Similar differences in time allocation by education
were found after conditioning on employment status. For example, among
both unemployed men and disabled men, the less educated men had higher
levels of leisure than the more educated men in 2005, while all men had
similar allocations of time (conditional on employment status)
regardless of education in 1985. The 2005 differences are the result of
less educated non-employed men doing less home production, less job
search, and less child care than the more educated non-employed men.
Collectively, our work shows that understanding the nature of
non-market work is important for interpreting trends in market outcomes,
such as household expenditures and labor supply, both over time and over
the life cycle. The decline in consumption expenditures and the increase
in consumption inequality observed after middle age can be linked to the
changing allocation of time over the life cycle. Similarly, the large
increase in labor supply observed for women over the last 40 years was
accompanied by an even larger decline in home production, resulting in a
net increase in leisure time. However, the substitution of market time
for home production did not reverse itself for the declining labor
supply of less educated men. This latter phenomenon has resulted in a
large increase in leisure for this demographic group, opening a large
"leisure gap" between educational groups that did not exist
twenty years ago.
(1) M. Reid, Economics of Household Production, New York, NY: John
Wiley and Sons, 1934.
(2) J. Mincer, "Labor Force Participation of Married Women: A
Study of Labor Supply", in Aspects of Labor Economics, an
NBER-Universities Research Conference Volume, H. Lewis, ed. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1962.
(3) G. Becker, "A Theory of the Allocation of Time," The
Economic Journal, 75 (1965),pp. 493-517.
(4) M. Aguiar and E. Hurst, "Consumption vs.
Expenditure," NBER Working Paper No. 10307, February 2004, and
Journal of Political Economy, 113 (5) (October 2005),pp. 919-48.
(5) See, for example, J. Banks, R. Blundell, and S. Tanner,
"Is There a Retirement Savings Puzzle?" American Economic
Review, 88(4) (1998), pp. 769-88.
(6) See, for example, B.D. Bernheim, J. Skinner, and S. Weinberg,
"What Accounts for the Variation in Retirement Wealth among U.S.
Households?" NBER Working Paper No. 6227, October 1997, and
American Economic Review, 91(4) (September 2001), pp. 832-57.
(7) M. Aguiar and E. Hurst, "Life Cycle Prices and
Production," NBER Working Paper No. 11601, September 2005, and
American Economic Review, 97(5) (December 2007), pp. 1533-59.
(8) M. Aguiar and E. Hurst, "Deconstructing Life Cycle
Expenditure," NBER Working Paper No. 13893, March 2008.
(9) See, for example, J. Heckman, "Life Cycle Consumption and
Labor Supply: An Explanation of the Relationship between Income and
Consumption over the Life Cycle," American Economic Review, 64(1)
(1974),pp. 188-94.
(10) See, for example, A. Deaton and C. Paxson, "Intertemporal
Choice and Inequality," NBER Working Paper No. 4328 April 1993, and
Journal of Political Economy, 102 (3) (1994), pp. 437-67.
(11) M. Aguiar and E. Hurst, "Measuring Trends in Leisure: The
Allocation of Time Over Five Decades," NBER Working Paper No.
12082, March 2006, and Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(3) (August
2007), pp. 969-1006; and "The Increase in Leisure Inequality:
1965-2005," NBER Working Paper No. 13837, March 2008, and
Washington DC: The AEI Press, 2009.
Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst *
* Aguiar and Hurst are Research Associates in the NBER's
Program on Economics and Growth and professors of economics at the
University of Rochester and the University of Chicago's Graduate
School of Business, respectively. Their profiles appear later in this