Re-evaluating learning.
Duflo, Esther
Developing countries have rapidly increased access to primary
school, but the quality of education has remained low. Many children are
now in school, but they are hardly learning. In India, for example, a
2007 nationwide survey by Pratham (1), a large education nonprofit,
found that 97 percent of the of-age children are in primary school, but
only 51 percent of third graders could read a simple first-grade
paragraph, and only 33 percent could do simple subtraction. If
developing countries are to attain meaningful universal primary
education, they must improve the quality of education.
This is a formidable task: for starters, rising enrollment,
unaccompanied by additional budget outlays, has increased pressure on
available resources. Classes in the lower grades often are very large,
and the children arrive with wide-ranging levels of preparedness. These
large and heterogeneous classes can challenge pedagogy. The curricula,
set nationally and often inherited in large part from the colonial
period, are not adapted to local challenges and needs. Too often, they
presuppose competencies that many of the first-generation learners do
not have. Besides these challenges, teachers face lax incentives, so
teacher motivation is low: many teachers do not come to school and even
those who do come do not always teach.
What can be done to improve education quality in developing
countries? My recent research suggests some answers to this question. My
approach has centered on using randomized evaluations to identify the
causal effects of promising education programs.
In a randomized evaluation, from the program's inception the
researcher works in close collaboration with the practitioner. The
program gets assigned randomly to part of the sample--the treatment
group--which is compared to the rest, the comparison group. In recent
years, there has been an explosion in research using randomized
evaluations in development economics. Development economists have
pioneered the use of research partnerships with non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) or private companies. These partnerships often
allow greater control over the research design and, increasingly often,
input into the program design itself. Rachel Glennerster, Michael
Kremer, and I (2) describe the various ways of incorporating random
assignment in the evaluation design, and the practical challenges that
go with it.
In "The Experimental Approach to Development Economics",
Abhijit Banerjee and I (3) review the evolution of the use of
randomization in development economics research. Much like earlier work
in labor economics, health, and education, the experimental research in
development economics started with concerns over the reliable
identification of program effects in the face of complex and multiple
channels of causality. The central difficulty that randomization seeks
to address is selection bias. When program participants are not randomly
selected, their outcomes may differ systematically from those of
non-participants. This makes it difficult to attribute any differences
observed between participants and non-participants to the program
itself. For example, schools that receive better inputs also may differ
systematically from the other schools in other ways, for example in
pedagogy and teacher incentives. However, when the program is randomly
assigned, these initial differences even out and selection bias
disappears. Experiments allow researchers to vary one factor at a time
by randomly assigning the program to part of the sample, and therefore
they yield internally valid estimates of program effects.
Thus, in the mid-1990s, development economists started doing
experiments to answer basic questions about the education production
function: Does better access to inputs (textbooks, teachers) affect
school outcomes (attendance, test scores)--and if so, by how much? The
motivating theoretical framework was very simple, but the results were
surprising. For example: Glewwe, Kremer, and Moulin (4) found that
lowering the student-textbook ratio from 4 to 2 had no effect on average
test scores. Banerjee, Jacob, and Kremer (5) found that halving the
student-teacher ratio also had no effect on test scores. These negative
results prompted new reflection on the barriers to education in poor
countries: If simply providing inputs does not increase the quality of
education in poor countries, then it must be necessary to change the
organization of teaching in schools, both the pedagogy and the
incentives faced by students and teachers. This led to a new round of
field experiments motivated by the general question: Can changing the
organization of teaching in schools affect education outcomes? For the
most part, these more recent projects have varied more than one factor
at a time in different experimental groups, making randomization a
powerful tool for examining the role of incentives, spillovers, and
other key questions in the economics of education.
I have contributed to this literature with four projects.
Remedying Education
One finding of Glewwe, Kremer, and Moulin (6) was that, while the
average child did not benefit from textbooks, students who were already
proficient did benefit. A possible explanation for this, the authors
conclude, could be that the textbook (and the curriculum) was too
advanced for the majority of the students. Motivated by such evidence,
my research first examined programs that seek to teach students what
they can learn, rather than what a centrally set curriculum says they
should learn.
In the first of these projects Abhijit Banerjee, Shawn Cole, Leigh
Linden, and I (7) evaluated a remedial education program in urban India.
The nonprofit Pratham hired locals with some secondary education,
trained them for two weeks, and deployed them to local schools as
teacher's aides specializing in remedial instruction. The remedial
curriculum targeted students in grades three and four who did not have
first-grade math and reading competencies. These students were pulled
out of the regular classroom and worked with the teacher's aide for
half the four-hour school day. Test scores in this group increased by
0.6 standard deviations, a large effect.
The second project replicated this finding in a very different
context. Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, Rachel Glennerster, and I
(8) evaluated Read India, another remedial education program. Pratham
gives rural volunteers (educated youth from the village) a week's
training in its reading pedagogy and deploys them back to their villages
to run after-school reading programs. We found that after a year, among
students who could not read at baseline, those who participated in Read
India were 60 percentage points more likely to be able to recognize
letters than those in comparison villages. The findings already have
affected policy: based on this demonstrated effectiveness, Pratham
secured funding from the Gates and Hewlett foundation to extend the Read
India to 100 districts, covering millions of children. And so, even when
the instructor has no formal teacher's training, remedial education
focusing on what children need to know to take advantage of the
available inputs can be highly effective.
There are two main potential explanations for these results. First,
the remedial instruction, by focusing on what students do not know
rather than the inappropriate curriculum, allows them to learn more
effectively. Second, the teachers hired by Pratham were particularly
motivated. Because the remedial instruction was always delivered by the
potentially more-motivated teacher, we cannot distinguish the relative
importance of these two factors.
Yet disentangling the relative importance of these two mechanisms
is key for effective policy design, because nothing constrains them a
priori to be embodied in the same program. For example, many more
marginalized children could be taught basic competencies if the regular
teachers were trained and instructed to focus on them. Conversely, more
motivated teachers could teach the standard curriculum to all the
children, if motivation were the salient factor.
Reorganizing the Classroom
Thus, a third project, conducted in rural Kenya, was set up to
assess the importance of the two factors; Pascaline Dupas, Michael
Kremer, and I (9) designed the experiment. When Kenya introduced free
primary education in 2003, class sizes exploded in the lower grades. At
the beginning of the program, in 2005, the average first-grade class in
the area where we worked was 83 students, and in 28 percent of the
classes it was more than 100. The program provided funds, starting in
the second term, to 140 schools, randomly selected out of 210
possibilities, to hire extra teachers on one-year renewable contracts.
(The extra teachers were fully qualified but young and inexperienced,
being recent teacher's college graduates.) In 121 of the 140
program schools, there was just one first-grade class. These classes
were split into two sections. In 60 randomly selected schools, students
were quasirandomly assigned to sections; in the remaining 61, students
were ranked by prior achievement (first-term grades) and the top and
bottom halves were assigned to different sections. In all 121 schools,
the teachers were randomly assigned to sections from a common pool of
extra and regular teachers.
We compared test scores in 61 tracking schools and 60 non-tracking
schools after 18 months and found that students in tracking schools
scored 0.14 standard deviations higher on average, regardless of their
initial score. This suggests that students benefit from being taught in
more homogenous peer groups. We argue that greater homogeneity allowed
teachers to tailor their teaching to what the students did not know. We
found, for example, that students assigned to the bottom section seemed
to gain most in the easier competencies and least in the hardest
We also found, however, that compared to those assigned to regular
teachers, students assigned to the extra teacher have significantly
(0.18 standard deviation) higher test scores, both in tracking and
non-tracking schools. There were other differences between these two
groups--for example, students assigned to the extra teacher were more
likely to always be taught by the same teacher, whereas the regular
teachers often adopted a rotation system by which different teachers
teach different subjects. Even so, the test-score difference does
suggest that motivation is important. The young and inexperienced but
highly motivated teacher seems to be more effective than several
experienced but unmotivated teachers put together.
Thus, the findings suggest that both pedagogy and incentives
matter--ability to adapt what is taught in the classroom to what the
students can learn benefits everyone, but teacher motivation makes a
difference as well. The findings also confirm that just increasing
inputs, without any other changes, is not effective: students who were
assigned to the regular teacher in non-tracking schools did not perform
significantly better than students in comparison schools.
Restructuring Teacher Incentives
So, teacher motivation matters, but how can teachers be
incentivized? One possibility is to reward teachers for improved test
scores. But, as studies in the United States suggest, this can lead to
teachers focusing on the proximal (rewarded) outcome, rather than the
ultimate (policy target) outcome. In particular, teachers can focus on
acing the test, rather than learning the curriculum. Glewee, Ilias, and
Kremer (10) find, for example, that when teachers in Kenya were offered
such rewards, test scores rose in the short term. Because the test-score
gains did not persist, the authors suggest that the teachers may have
been "teaching to the test."
Another possibility is to reward teacher effort directly--if it can
be observed. In developing countries, there is a significant margin of
improvement in one relatively easy-to-observe dimension of teacher
effort, namely, the amount of time the teacher spends in front of the
classroom. The Kenya tracking study also found that teachers who face
strong incentives do come to school regularly: the teachers hired on
short contracts were more likely to be in school during random checks
than the regular teachers. It seems relatively easy to monitor teacher
presence, so would penalizing chronic absence (or rewarding presence)
improve teacher presence and learning?
A priori, it is not evident that direct attendance-based teacher
incentives would improve learning. Teachers could always come to school
but not teach: in the Kenya tracking study, only 54 percent of the
regular teachers (compared to 84 percent of the extra teachers) in
school on a given day were teaching in the classroom, the rest being in
the teacher's room. And, in a five-country study, Chaudhury et al
(11) found that 19 percent of teachers were absent and only half of
those present actually were teaching at the time of the unannounced
Thus, to address this empirical question, in a fourth project, Rema
Hanna and I (12) evaluated the impact of direct, attendance-based
incentives on teacher presence, and student learning. The NGO Seva
Mandir runs single-teacher schools in remote rural Rajasthan, India. The
teachers were given durable cameras with date and time functionality and
asked to photograph themselves with the children at the beginning and at
end of each school day. Attendance was determined based on the number of
valid photographs and the teacher's pay was based on attendance.
Not surprisingly, the teacher presence increased. Chronic absence fell
from 40 percent to 20 percent. What's more, there is no evidence
that when they were in school the teachers were less likely to teach or
that they taught differently. With teaching time increased, test scores
increased by 0.17 standard deviations. This suggests that direct,
attendance-based incentives--applied systematically--can improve
Re-empowering the Parents?
It may be more difficult, though, to apply such incentives on
teachers already in government service. They are politically empowered
and they are accustomed to lax enforcement of incentive structures. On
paper, the teachers answer to the government which answers to the
parents. Many international organizations, such the World Bank, have
argued that one way to strengthen teacher incentives is to empower the
parents and to get them involved in the schools. Parents, the argument
goes, can monitor teachers better and they are more motivated to improve
school quality than faraway government officials; increasing their
awareness of poor school quality, through information, and empowering
them to do something about it, by increasing their control of school
resources, should lead to improvements in school quality.
A finding from the second project suggests caution. Alongside our
evaluation of Read India, my co-authors Abhijit Banerjee, Rachel
Glennerster, Rukmini Banerji, and I (13) also examined the impact of
providing parents with information on learning levels and on the
resources available to them to change their school. Despite days spent
in villages conducting meetings, to get parents to effectively engage
with the school system and teachers to change their behavior, the
information and mobilization campaign had no effect. If confirmed in
further research, this finding would suggest that, in the short run,
governments should retain the responsibility of getting the schools to
work for poor people.
Re-evaluating Learning--a Summing Up
Together, a series of randomized evaluations of education programs
in developing countries have taught us something about how education in
developing countries can be improved: focus teaching on skills students
need to progress further; find ways to motivate teachers. Neither of
these is necessarily an easy, ready-to-implement prescription. Much more
work is needed to develop programs that can achieve these two objectives
on a large enough scale, especially given the political economy of
education in developing countries. While neither suggests plug-and-play
prescriptions, they do give us ample direction about where to search.
What's more, these experiments have also taught us something
about how to search, how we can learn about learning. Each experiment
answers some questions and asks new ones; the next study builds on the
previous one, progressively suggesting a model of education which is
ready to be enriched over time.
(1) Pratham Resource Center, Annual State of Education Report,
Mumbai, India: Pratham Resource Center, January 2008.
(2) E. Duflo, R. Glennerster, and M. Kremer, "Using
Randomization in Development Economics: A toolkit," NBER Technical
Working Paper No. 333, December 2006.
(3) A. Banerjee and E. Duflo, "The Experimental Approach to
Development Economics," NBER Working Paper No. 14467, November
(4) P. Glewwe, M. Kremer, and S. Moulin, "Many Children Left
Behind? Textbooks and Test Scores in Kenya," NBER Working Paper No.
13300, August 2007; forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied
(5) A. Banerjee, S. Jacob, and M. Kremer, with J. Lanjouw and P.
Lanjouw, "Moving to Universal Education! Costs and Tradeoffs,"
MIT mimeo, 2005.
(6) P. Glewwe, M. Kremer, and S. Moulin, "Many Children Left
Behind? Textbooks and Test Scores in Kenya," NBER Working Paper No.
13300, August 2007; forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied
(7) A. Banerjee, S. Cole, E. Duflo, and L. Linden, "Remedying
Education: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments in India," NBER
Working Paper No. 11904, December 2005, and Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 122 (3) (August 2007), pp. 1235-64.
(8) A. Banerjee, R. Banerji, E. Duflo, R. Glennerster, and S.
Khemani, "Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a
randomized evaluation in education in India," NBER Working Paper
No. 14311, September 2008.
(9) E. Duflo, P. Dupas, and M. Kremer, "Peer Effects and the
Impact of Tracking: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in
Kenya," NBER Working Paper No. 14475, November 2008.
(10) P. Glewwe, N. Ilais, and M. Kremer, "Teacher
Incentives," NBER Working Paper No. 9671, May 2003; a substantial
revision is P. Glewwe, N. Ilais, and M. Kremer, "Teacher
Incentives," Harvard University mimeo, June 2008.
(11) N. Chaudhury, J. Hammer, M. Kremer, K. Muralidharan, and F. H.
Rogers, "Teacher Absence in India: A Snapshot," Journal of the
European Economic Association, 3:2-3 (April-May 2005), pp. 658-67.
(12) E. Duflo and R. Hanna, "Monitoring Works: Getting
Teachers to Come to School," NBER Working Paper No. 11880, December
(13) A. Banerjee, R. Banerji, E. Duflo, R. Glennerster, and S.
Khemani, "Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a
randomized evaluation in education in India," NBER Working Paper
No. 14311, September 2008.
Esther Duflo *
* Duflo is a Research Assistant in the NBER's Program on
Children and a professor of economics at MIT. Her profile appears later
in this issue.