Health economics.
Grossman, Michael
The NBER's Program in Health Economics focuses on the
determinants of health. Two areas of particular interest are the
economics of obesity and the economics of substance use. The program
members' research has been widely supported by federal research
grants and by private foundations.
The Economics of Obesity
Genetic factors cannot account for the rapid increase in obesity
since 1980--these factors change slowly over long periods of time.
Therefore, economists have a role to play in examining the determinants
and consequences of this trend, even though the factors at work are
complex, and the policy prescriptions are by no means straightforward.
Childhood obesity is especially detrimental, because its effects carry
over into adulthood. Shin Yi-Chou, Inas Rashad, and I estimate the
effects of fast-food restaurant advertising on television on obesity
among children and adolescents. (1) Our results suggest that a ban on
these advertisements would reduce the number of obese children ages 3-11
in a fixed population by 18 percent and would reduce the number of obese
adolescents ages 12-18 by 14 percent. Eliminating the tax deductibility
of this type of advertising would produce smaller declines of between 5
and 7 percent in these outcomes, but would impose lower costs on
children and adults who consume fast food in moderation because positive
information about restaurants that supply this type of food would not be
completely banned from television.
Robert Kaesmer and Xin Xu examine the association between
girls' participation in high school sports and the physical
activity, weight, and body mass and body composition of adolescent
females during the 1970s when girls' sports participation was
dramatically increasing as a result of Title IX of the Educational
Amendments of 1972. (2) Title IX requires that programs and activities
that receive funds from the Department of Education must operate in a
non-discriminatory manner. Kaestner and Xu find that increases in
girls' participation in high school sports, a proxy for expanded
athletic opportunities for adolescent females, are associated with an
increase in physical activity and an improvement in weight and body mass
among girls. In contrast, adolescent boys experienced a decline in
physical activity and an increase in weight and body mass during the
period when girls' athletic opportunities were expanding. Taken
together, these results strongly suggest that Title IX and the increase
in athletic opportunities among adolescent females it engendered had a
beneficial effect on the health of adolescent girls.
Rusty Tchernis, Daniel Millimet, and Muna Husain provide
conflicting evidence with regard to the effectiveness of school
nutrition programs in combating childhood obesity. (3) They find that
the School Breakfast Program is a valuable tool in the current battle
against obesity. On the other hand, the National School Lunch Program
exacerbates the current epidemic.
Turning to one consequence of obesity in adulthood, Erdal Tekin and
Roy Wada consider whether the obese pay a penalty in terms of lower wage
rates. (4) They point out that previous research in this area relied on
body weight or body mass index (BMI, defined as weight in kilograms
divided by height in meters squared (5)) for measuring obesity despite
the growing agreement in the medical literature that they represent
misleading measures of obesity because of their inability to distinguish
between body fat and fat-free body mass. Using these two variables, they
find that increased body fat is unambiguously associated with decreased
wages for both males and females. This result is in contrast to the
mixed and sometimes inconsistent results from the previous research
using BMI. They also find new evidence indicating that a higher level of
fat-free body mass is consistently associated with increased hourly
wages. The body composition measures they employ represent significant
improvements over the previously used measures because they allow for
the effects of fat and fat free components of body composition to be
separately identified.
Clearly, obesity carries a high personal cost. But does it carry a
high enough social cost to make it a concern of public policy? The case
for government intervention in the food choices of its citizens is
weakened if fully informed consumers are taking account of all the costs
of their food choices, and strengthened if the obese do not pay for
their higher medical expenditures through differential payments for
health care and health insurance, and if body weight decisions are
responsive to the incidence of the medical care costs associated with
Several program members have examined the effects of weight on
medical care costs and the impacts of insurance on weight. Focusing on
adolescents, Alan C. Monheit, Jessica P. Vistnes, and Jeannette A.
Rogowski report that in private group health plans, obese girls have
expected health plan payouts that are approximately $1,000 greater than
females of normal weight. (6) They find no differences for obese boys in
these plans or for obese girls or boys with public (Medicaid or the
State Child Insurance Program) coverage.
Jay Bhattacharya and colleagues consider in detail the health care
cost externality associated with adult obesity. (7) They estimate that
the obese impose an external cost of approximately $150 on the
non-obese. (8) Bhattacharya and M. Kate Bundorf find, however, that the
incremental healthcare costs associated with obesity are passed on to
obese workers with employer-sponsored health insurance in the form of
lower cash wages. (9) Obese workers in firms without employer-sponsored
insurance do not have a wage offset relative to their non-obese
counterparts. Their estimate of the wage offset exceeds estimates of the
expected incremental health care costs of these individuals for obese
women, but not for men. (10)
None of the studies just summarized contains an empirical estimate
of the effect of health insurance on weight outcomes. Bhattacharya,
Bundorf, Noemi Pace, and Sood provide this missing piece by showing that
both privately insured individuals and those with Medicaid coverage have
a larger body mass index and a higher probability of being obese than
persons with no health insurance. (11) Rashad and Sara Markowitz report
similar results for BMI but not for the probability of being obese. (12)
Both studies take account of the potential endogeneity of health
The Economics of Substance Use
Program members have been studying the determinants and
consequences of cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol use, and
consumption of such illegal drugs as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin for
nearly three decades. Much of this research has focused on their
responsiveness to price. My time-series study of trends in cigarette
smoking, binge alcohol drinking (consumption of five or more drinks in a
row on at least one day in the past two weeks), and marijuana use by
high school seniors sets the stage for the studies to be discussed. (13)
I show that changes in price can explain a good deal of the observed
changes in these behaviors for the period from 1975 through 2003. For
example, the 70 percent increase in the real price of cigarettes since
1997 attributable to the Medicaid Master Settlement Agreement explains
almost all of the 12 percentage point reduction in the cigarette smoking
participation rate since that year. The 7 percent increase in the real
price of beer between 1990 and 1992 due to the Federal excise tax hike
on that beverage in 1991 accounts for almost 90 percent of the 4
percentage point decline in binge drinking in the period at issue. The
wide swings in the real price of marijuana explain 70 percent of the
reduction in participation from 1975 to 1992, 60 percent of the
subsequent growth to 1997, and almost 60 percent of the decline since
that year.
In two related studies, Donald Kenkel, Philip DeCicca, Alan
Mathios, and colleagues question the consensus in the literature
concerning the inverse relationship between the price of cigarettes and
various measures of cigarette consumption by teenagers and young adults.
Controlling for a direct measure of state- and time-specific antismoking attitudes of adults, DeCicca, Kenkel, Mathios, Yoon-Jeong Shin, and
Jae-Young Lim show the effect of price on youth smoking participation.
(14) Cigarette consumption, conditional on positive participation,
continues to be inversely related to price. In the second study,
DeCicca, Kenkel, and Mathios find no evidence that higher cigarette
taxes prevent smoking initiation but some evidence that higher taxes are
associated with increased cessation. (15)
On the other hand, using repeat cross-sections for the period from
1991 through 2005--a much longer period than those that Kenkel and
colleagues considered--Christopher Carpenter and Philip J. Cook report
that the large state tobacco tax increases of the past 15 years were
associated with significant reductions in smoking participation by
youths. (16) This result emerges even after the anti-smoking sentiment
measure used by Kenkel and colleagues is held constant. This appears to
be an area in which a good deal of additional research would be
Turning to other determinants of cigarette smoking and determinants
of outcomes related to that behavior, Henry Saffer, Melanie Wakefield,
and Yvonne Terry-McElrath examine the effect of nicotine replacement
therapy (NRT) advertising on youth smoking. (17) They find that an
increase in this type of advertising has no impact on youth smoking
participation but causes the number of cigarettes smoked per day by
youths who smoke to increase. They provide a moral hazard explanation of
this result: NRT advertising increases the expectation that cessation is
relatively easy. They estimate that a ban on NRT advertising is
equivalent to a 10 percent increase in the price of cigarettes.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a leading cause of mortality
among infants between the ages of one and twelve months. Prenatal maternal smoking and postnatal environmental smoke have been identified
as strong risk factors for SIDS. Given these links, Markowitz examines
the relationship between cigarette prices, taxes, and clean indoor air
laws and the incidence of SIDS. (18) She finds that a 10 percent
increase in the price of cigarettes lowers SIDS deaths by approximately
7 percent. Stronger restrictions on smoking in restaurants and child
care centers are also effective in reducing SIDS deaths.
Program members have focused on the determinants of excessive
consumption and on the effects of alcohol taxes or prices and other
regulations on violent behavior and on risky sexual behavior by
teenagers and young adults. Dhaval Dave and Saffer consider the effects
of alcohol taxes on chronic alcohol consumption (consumption of more
than two drinks a day on average) among older adults ages 55 and over.
(19) They find that the elasticity of this outcome with respect to the
real beer tax is approximately -0.3. Their study is the first to include
a measure of risk preference in the demand function for alcohol and to
allow this measure to interact with the tax effect. Since the tax
elasticity is similar across both risk-averse and risk-tolerant
individuals, tax policies are equally effective deterrents among those
who have a higher (the risk tolerant) versus a lower (the risk averse)
propensity for excessive consumption.
Given the link between excessive alcohol consumption and risky
sexual practices, Kaestner, Markowitz, and I explore the effects of
alcohol taxes and statutes pertaining to drunk driving on a direct
consequence of these practices: the incidence of sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs). (20) Our results indicate that higher state excise tax
rates on beer (the most popular alcoholic beverage among youths and
young adults) are associated with lower gonorrhea incidence rates for
males ages 15-19 and 20-24. These higher taxes also are associated with
lower AIDs rates for males ages 20-29. Zero tolerance laws, which
typically set the maximum blood alcohol percentage at 0.02 for underage
drinkers, reduce gonorrhea rates among 15-19 year-old boys.
Carpenter and Carlos Dobkin estimate the effect of alcohol
consumption on mortality using the minimum drinking age in a regression
discontinuity design. (21) They find that granting legal access to
alcohol at age 21 leads to large and immediate increases in several
measures of alcohol consumption, including a 21 percent increase in the
number of days on which people drink. This increase in alcohol
consumption results in a discrete 9 percent increase in the mortality
rate at age 21. The overall increase in deaths is attributable primarily
to a 14 percent increase in deaths due to motor vehicle accidents, a 30
percent increase in alcohol overdoses and alcohol-related deaths, and a
15 percent increase in suicides. A combination of the reduced-form
estimates reveals that a 1 percent increase in the number of days a
young adult drinks or drinks heavily results in a .4 percent increase in
total mortality. Given that mortality due to external causes peaks at
about age 21, and that young adults report very high levels of alcohol
consumption, their results suggest that public policy interventions to
reduce youth drinking can have substantial public health benefits.
Illegal Drugs
Most estimates of demand functions for illegal drugs combine
household surveys with year- and city-specific cocaine and heroin prices
contained in the System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence (STRIDE) maintained by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S.
Department of Justice. (22) The household surveys contain imperfect
measures of chronic drug use and obviously exclude certain groups of
heavy users such as the homeless and criminals. Therefore, Dhaval Dave
employs rates of hospital emergency room mentions for cocaine and heroin
and the percentage of arrestees testing positive for each substance
based on urine tests to fit demand functions for heavy users. In the
emergency room study, he finds that the elasticity of the probability of
a cocaine mention with respect to own-price is a negative 0.27, and the
corresponding elasticity of the probability of a heroin mention is a
negative 0.1. (23) The probability of any drug related episode, which
captures polydrug usage, is also significantly negatively related to
both cocaine and heroin prices. Cross-price effects are consistent with
a complementary relationship between cocaine and heroin. The arrestee study supports these results and contains own-price elasticities of a
negative 0.3 for cocaine participation and a negative 0.2 for heroin
participation. (24) These results imply that higher penalties, more
stringent enforcement, and supply reduction, all of which raise illegal
drug prices, can discourage participation by heavy users.
Illegal drug use by pregnant women can have serious consequences
for the health of their infants. Hope Corman, Kelly Noonan, Nancy E.
Reichman, and Dave shed a considerable amount of light on the magnitude
of this effect in a large urban sample that over-represents unmarried,
young, minority women. (25) They estimate the effect of prenatal drug
use both on the probability of low birth weight (less than 2,500
grams)--a marker for poor health--and on a direct measure of infant
Corman, Noonan, Reichman, and Dave find that prenatal drug use
increases the probability of low birth-weight by between 4 and 6
percentage points and that it increases the probability of an abnormal
infant health condition by between 7 and 12 percentage points. The
effect of maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy on low
birth-weight is slightly larger than that of drug use. In contrast,
smoking is not significantly related to abnormal infant conditions.
These results may reflect that low birth weight is a marker for poor
infant health, whereas abnormal conditions are a direct measure. In a
companion study, the authors find that the demand for illicit drugs among pregnant women is fairly elastic with respect to the price of
cocaine. (26) Taken together, the two studies suggest that drug
enforcement is a potentially promising tool for improving birth
Other Determinants of Health
Many studies suggest that years of formal schooling completed is
the most important correlate of a variety of measures of good health.
The causal interpretation of this finding has been difficult, however,
on the grounds that there may be omitted "third variables" or
reverse causality. Shin-Yi Chou, Jin-Tan Liu, Ted Joyce, and I exploit a
natural experiment to estimate the causal impact of parental education
on child health in Taiwan. (27) In 1968, the Taiwanese government
extended compulsory education from six to nine years. From that year
through 1973, the government opened 254 new junior high schools, an 80
percent increase, at a differential rate among regions. Within each
region, we exploit variations across cohorts in new junior high school
openings to construct an instrument for schooling. We use this
instrument to estimate the causal effects of mother's or
father's schooling on the incidence of low birth-weight and
mortality of infants born to women in the treatment and control groups,
or to the wives of men in these groups. Parents' schooling,
especially mother's schooling, does indeed cause favorable infant
health outcomes. The increase in schooling associated with the reform
resulted in a decline in infant mortality of approximately 11 percent.
David M. Cutler and Adriana Lleras-Muney provide evidence of
mechanisms via which schooling affects health. (28) The obvious economic
explanations--education is related to income or occupational
choice--explain only a part of the education effect. In terms of the
relation between education and various health risk factors--smoking
drinking, diet, exercise, use of illegal drugs, household safety, and
care for hypertension and diabetes--Cutler and Lleras-Muney show that
the better educated have healthier behaviors along virtually every
margin. They also suggest and provide tentative evidence that increasing
levels of education lead to different thinking and decision-making
patterns. The monetary value of the return to education in terms of
health is perhaps half of the return to education on earnings, so
policies that affect educational attainment could have a large effect on
population health.
In a study with Seema Jayachandran, Lleras-Muney exploits a sudden
drop in maternal mortality risk in Sri Lanka between 1946 and 1953,
which created a sharp increase in life expectancy for school-age girls,
to obtain consistent estimates of the effects of an increase in life
expectancy on schooling. (29) This development allows them to use boys
as a control group. They find that the 70 percent reduction in maternal
mortality risk over the sample period increased female life expectancy
at age 15 by 4.1 percent, female literacy by 2.5 percent, and female
years of education by 4.0 percent. While their results suggest reverse
causality from life expectancy to schooling in the developing world,
they probably do not translate to the United States and other developed
countries in which maternal mortality is extremely rare.
National Health Insurance
There is enormous interest in the impacts of the introduction of
National Health Insurance (NHI) on health outcomes, but the very nature
of this intervention, whereby entire nations are covered universally,
makes it difficult to estimate the health impacts of the change. The
experience of Taiwan, however, provides a natural experiment that
Shin-Yi Chou, Jin-Tan Liu, and I exploit. (30) Prior to the introduction
of NHI in March 1995, government workers possessed health insurance
policies that covered prenatal medical care, newborn deliveries,
neonatal care, and medical care services received by their children
beyond the first month of life. Private sector industrial workers and
farmers lacked this coverage. All households received coverage for the
services just mentioned as of March 1995. This creates treatment and
control groups. The former group consists of non-government employed
households, while the latter group consists of government-employed
We focus on postneonatal mortality. We do not observe negative and
significant effects for private workers, but we do observe negative and
significant effects for farmers. In the sample as a whole, we find that
the introduction of NHI lowered the postneonatal mortality rate of
infants born to the wives of farmers by 0.48 deaths per thousand infants
who survived the neonatal period. This is a reduction of 11 percent
relative to the mean in the pre-NHI period of 4.26 deaths per thousand
survivors. The impacts of NHI on farm households are larger for less
educated mothers, for farmers who live in rural areas, and for farm
households with a premature or low-weight birth. In the case of
prematurity, the postneonatal mortality rate is lowered by six deaths
per thousand survivors or by 36 percent relative to the pre-NHI mean of
16.71. Our results imply that lack of health insurance may be a major
contributor to poor infant health outcomes in the rural sector of
developing economies. They also suggest that the provision of health
insurance is a more effective policy tool if it is accompanied by the
introduction and use of advanced medical technologies.
June E. O'Neill and Dave M. O'Neill address the NHI issue
by comparing Canada's publicly funded, single-payer health care system to the multi-payer heavily private U.S. system. (31) They argue
that differences between the United States and Canada in infant
mortality and life expectancy--the two indicators most commonly used as
evidence of better health outcomes in Canada--cannot be attributed to
differences in the effectiveness of the two health care systems because
they are strongly influenced by differences in cultural and behavioral
factors, such as the relatively high U.S. incidence of obesity and of
accidents and homicides. Direct measures of the effectiveness of medical
care show that five-year relative survival rates for individuals
diagnosed with various types of cancer are higher in the United States
than in Canada, as are infant survival rates of low-birth-weight babies.
These successes are consistent with the greater U.S. availability of
high level technology, higher rates of screening for cancers, and higher
treatment rates of the chronically ill. The need to ration when care is
delivered "free" ultimately leads to long waits. The
health-income gradient is at least as prominent in Canada as it is in
the United States.
Focusing on the United States, Cutler, Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas
exploit the sharp change in health insurance characteristics of the
population that occurs at age 65, because most people become eligible
for Medicare, to investigate whether this change matters for health.
(32) They address this issue by examining differences in mortality for
severely ill people who were admitted to California hospitals just
before and just after their 65th birthday. They estimate a nearly 1
percentage point drop in 7-day mortality for patients at age 65,
implying that Medicare eligibility reduces the death rate of this
severely ill patient group by 20 percent. The mortality gap persists for
at least two years following the initial hospital admission.
A potential unintended consequence of the acquisition of Medicare
by the previously uninsured is that it may induce ex ante moral hazard
that takes the form of a reduction in prevention activities. Dave and
Kaesmer assess the importance of this phenomenon in the context of an
estimation strategy that allows for the possibility that health
insurance has both a direct (ex ante moral hazard) and indirect effect
on health behaviors. (33) The indirect effect works through changes in
health promotion information and the probability of illness that may be
a byproduct of insurance-induced greater contact with medical
professionals. They identify these two effects and in doing so identify
the pure ex ante moral hazard effect. They find limited evidence that
obtaining health insurance reduces prevention and increases unhealthy
behaviors among elderly persons. There is more robust evidence that
physician counseling is successful in changing health behaviors.
U.S. citizens are experiencing a number of negative consequences of
the current recession, but an increase in the risk of death from acute
myocardial infarction (AMI) may not be one of them. Christopher Ruhm
finds that a 1 percentage point reduction in unemployment is predicted
to raise AMI mortality by 1.3 percent, with a larger increase in
relative risk for 20-44 year olds than older adults, particularly if the
economic upturn is sustained. (34) Nevertheless, the much higher
absolute AMI fatality rate of senior citizens implies that they account
for most of the additional deaths.
These results suggest the importance of factors like air pollution
and traffic congestion that increase with economic activity, are linked
to coronary heart disease, and may have particularly strong effects on
vulnerable segments of the population, such as the frail elderly. For
the younger age group, the longer working hours that accompany an
expansion could make it more difficult for individuals to take the time
to exercise or eat properly. Inadequate sleep is associated with a
variety of health risks, and extra hours could reduce sleep. Job stress
may rise during economic expansions and may be exacerbated by production
speedups and inexperienced workers. Ruhm emphasizes that the findings do
not imply that recessions should be encouraged. Instead, they highlight
that the effects of economic growth are not uniformly beneficial and
that physicians may need to identify patients at higher risk when the
economy strengthens.
Reproductive Behavior, Maternal Nutrition, and Infant Health
The program has had a long-standing interest in the impacts of a
variety of determinants of infant health outcomes. Joyce and his
colleagues have made very important contributions in this area over a
long period of time and have continued their efforts since my last
program report in the spring of 2004. In one set of studies, Joyce,
Kaestner, and Silvie Colman focus on the reproductive behavior of
minors. (35) Clearly, this is a very important group to consider because
their infants have worse health outcomes than those of other groups.
Joyce and colleagues are particularly concerned with the effects of
parental involvement laws, which require parental involvement in a
minor's decision to terminate a pregnancy. Previous research has
found that minors' abortion rates fall following the enactment of a
notification law and that birth rates do not rise--a "win-win"
situation. Joyce and colleagues point out that this research has serious
methodological limitations. It is not able to measure cross-state
travel, and it misclassilies exposure. With regard to the latter issue,
three-quarters of minors who conceive at age 17 give birth at age 18.
This creates a bias toward finding no impact on births. In addition,
minors can delay an abortion until they reach age 18.
Joyce and colleagues remedy these deficiencies by using data for
Texas with exact dates (month, day, and year) of conception, abortion,
and birth before and after the enactment of a parental notification law
on January l, 2000. They find that the abortion rate of 17-year-olds at
conception fell by 16 percent relative to those of 18-year-olds because
of the law. In addition, the birth rate of 17-year-olds at conception
rose by 4 percent. Finally, abortions rose by approximately 30 percent
among teens who did not reach the age of 18 until after the first
trimester of pregnancy. These second-trimester abortions involve greater
health risks than first-trimester abortions.
Recent analyses differ on how effective the Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is at improving
infant health. Joyce, Racine, and Cristina Yunzal-Butler use data from
nine states that participate in the Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance
System to address limitations in previous work. (36) With information on
the mother's timing of WIC enrollment, they test whether greater
exposure to WIC is associated with less smoking, improved weight gain
during pregnancy, better birth outcomes, and greater likelihood of
breastfeeding. Their results suggest that much of the often-reported
association between WIC and lower rates of preterm birth is likely
spurious, the result of gestational age bias. They find modest effects
of WIC on fetal growth, inconsistent associations between WIC and
smoking, limited associations with gestational weight gain, and some
relationship with breastfeeding. A WIC effect exists, but on fewer
margins and with less impact than has been claimed by policy analysts
and advocates.
(1) S.-Y Chou, I. Rashad, and M. Grossman, "Fast-Food
Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood
Obesity," NBER Working Paper No. 11879, December 2005, and Journal
of Law and Economics, 51 (4) (November 2008), pp. 599-618.
(2) R. Kaestner and X. Xu, "Effects of Title IX and Sports
Participation on Girls' Physical Activity and Weight," NBER
Working Paper No. 12113, March 2006, and The Economics of Obesity,
Volume 17 of Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research,
K. Bolin and J. Cawley, eds., Amsterdam: JAI an imprint of Elsevier
Ltd., 2007, pp. 79-111.
(3) D.L. Millimet, R. Tchernis, and M. Husain, "School
Nutrition Programs and the Incidence of Childhood Obesity," NBER
Working Paper No. 14297, September 2008.
(4) R. Wada and E. Tekin, "Body Composition and Wages,"
NBER Working No. 13595, November 2007.
(5) Persons 18 years of age and older are classified as obese if
their BMI equals or exceeds 30. Persons under that age are classified as
obese if their BMI is at or above the 95th percentile based on age-and
gender specific growth charts for children and adolescents at a fixed
point in time.
(6) A.C. Monheit, J.P. Vistnes, and J.A. Rogowski, "Overweight
in Adolescents: Implications for Health Expenditures," NBER Working
Paper No. 13488, October 2007, and Economics and Human Biology,
(7) See J. Bhattacharya, "Who Pays for Obesity?" NBER
Reporter, 2008 Number 3, pp. 4-6 for a detailed summary of this
(8) J. Bhattacharya and N. Sood, "Health Insurance and the
Obesity Externality," NBER Working Paper No. 11529, July 2005, and
The Economics of Obesity, Volume 17 of Advances in Health Economics and
Health Services Research, K. Bolin and J. Cawley, eds., Amsterdam: JAI
an imprint of Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
(9) J. Bhattacharya and M.K. Bundorf "The Incidence of the
Healthcare Costs of Obesity," NBER Working Paper No. 11303, revised
September 2006, forthcoming in Journal of Health Economics.
(10) J. Bhattacharya and M. Packalen, "The Other Ex-Ante Moral
Hazard in Health," NBER Working Paper No. 13863, March 2008.
(11) J. Bhattacharya, M.K. Bundorf N. Pace, and N. Sood, "Does
Health Insurance Make You Fat?" presented at the NBER Conference on
Economic Aspects of Obesity, Louisiana State University, November 10-11,
(12) I. Rashad and S. Markowitz, "Incentives in Obesity and
Health Insurance," NBER Working Paper No. 13113, May 2007.
(13) M. Grossman, "Individual Behaviors and Substance Use: The
Role of Price," NBER Working Paper No. 10948, December 2004, and
Substance Use: Individual Behavior, Social Interactions, Markets and
Politics, Volume 15 of Advances in Health Economics and Health Services
Research, B. Lindgren and M. Grossman, eds., Amsterdam: JAI an imprint
of Elsevier Ltd., 2005, pp. 15-39.
(14) P. DeCicca, D.S. Kenkel, A.D. Mathios, Y.-J. Sin, and J.-Y.
Lim, "Youth Smoking, Cigarette Prices, and Anti-Smoking
Sentiment," NBER Working Paper No. 12458, August 2006, and Health
Economics, 17 (6) (June 2008), pp. 733-49.
(15) P. DeCicca, D.S. Kenkel, and A.D. Mathios, "Cigarette
Smoking and the Transition from Youth to Adult Smoking: Smoking
Initiation, Cessation, and Participation," NBER Working Paper No.
14042, May 2008, and Journal of Health Economics, 27 (4) (July 2008),
pp. 904-17.
(16) C. Carpenter and P.J. Cook, "Cigarette Taxes and Youth
Smoking: New Evidence from National, State, and Local Youth Risk
Behavior Surveys," NBER Working Paper No. 13046, April 2007, and
Journal of Health Economics, 27 (2) (March 2008), pp. 287-99.
(17) H. Saffer, M. Wakefield, and Y. Terry-McElrath, "The
Effect of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Advertising on Youth
Smoking," NBER Working Paper No. 12964, March 2007.
(18) S. Markowitz, "The Effectiveness of Cigarette Regulations
in Reducing Cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome," NBER Working
Paper No. 12527, September 2006, and Journal of Health Economics, 27 (1)
(January 2008), pp. 106-33.
(19) D. Dave and H. Saffer, "Risk Tolerance and Alcohol Demand
Among Adults and Older Adults," NBER Working Paper No. 13482,
October 2007, published as "Alcohol Demand and Risk
Preference," Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 (6) (December
2008), pp. 810-31.
(20) M. Grossman, R. Kaestner, and S. Markowitz, "An
Investigation of the Effects of Alcohol Control Policies on Youth
STDs," NBER Working Paper No. 10949, December 2004, and Substance
Use: Individual Behavior, Social Interactions, Markets and Politics,
Volume 15 of Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research,
B. Lindgren and M. Grossman, eds., Amsterdam: JAI an imprint of Elsevier
Ltd., 2005, pp. 229-56.
(21) C. Carpenter and C. Dobkin, "The Effect of Alcohol
Consumption on Mortality: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the
Minimum Drinking Age," NBER Working Paper No. 13374, September
2007, and American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming.
(22) For a review of these studies, see M. Grossman,
"Individual Behaviors and Substance Use: The Role of Price."
(23) D. Dave, "The Effects of Cocaine and Heroin Prices on
Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits," NBER Working Paper No.
10619, July 2004, and Journal of Health Economics, 25 (2) (March 2006),
pp. 311-33.
(24) D. Dave, "Illicit Drug Use Among Arrestees and Drug
Prices," NBER Working Paper No. 10648, July 2004, published as
"Illicit Drug Use Among Arrestees, Prices and Policy, Journal of
Urban Economics, 63 (3) (May 2008), pp. 694-714.
(25) K. Noonan, N.E. Reichman, H. Corman, and D. Dave,
"Prenatal Drug Use and the Production of Infant Health," NBER
Working Paper No. 11433, June 2005, and Health Economics, 16 (4) (April
2007), pp. 361-84.
(26) H. Corman, K. Noonan, N.E. Reichman, and D. Dave, "Demand
for Illicit Drugs by Pregnant Women," NBER Working Paper No. 10688,
August 2004, published as "Demand for Illicit Drugs Among Pregnant
Women," in Substance Use: Individual Behavior, Social Interactions,
Markets and Politics, Volume 15 of Advances in Health Economics and
Health Services Research, B. Lindgren and M. Grossman, eds., Amsterdam:
JAI an imprint of Elsevier Ltd., 2005, pp. 41-60.
(27) S.-Y. Chou, J.-T. Liu, M. Grossman, and T.J. Joyce,
"Parental Education and Child Health: Evidence from a Natural
Experiment in Taiwan, NBER Working Paper No. 13466, October 2007.
(28) D.M. Cutler and A. Lleras-Muney, "Education and Health:
Evaluating Theories and Evidence," NBER Working Paper No. 12352,
July 2006, and Making Americans Healthier: Social and Economic Policy as
Health Policy, J. House, R. Schoeni, G. Kaplan, and H. Pollak, eds., New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2008, pp. 29-60.
(29) S. Jayachandran and A. Lleras-Muney, "Life Expectancy and
Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Maternal Mortality
Declines," NBER Working Paper No. 13947, April 2008, and Quarterly
Journal of Economic, forthcoming.
(30) S.-Y. Chou, M. Grossman, and J.T. Liu, "The Impact of
National Health Insurance on Infant Health Outcomes: A Natural
Experiment in Taiwan," NBER Working Paper, forthcoming, presented
at the Fifth World Congress of the International Health Economics
Association, Barcelona, Spain, July 10-13, 2005.
(31) J.E. O'Neill and D.M. O'Neill, "Health Status,
Health Care and Inequality: Canada vs. the U.S.," NBER Working
Paper No. 13429, September 2007, and Forum for Health Economics and
Policy (Frontiers in Health Policy Research), Vol. 10, (1), D.M. Cutler,
A.M. Garber, D. Goldman, and T. Philipson, eds. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley
Electronic Press, 2007, pp. 1-45.
(32) D.M. Cutler, C. Dobkin, and N. Maestas, "Does Medicare
Save Lives?" NBER Working Paper No. 13668, November 2007, and
Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
(33) D. Dave and R. Kaestner, "Health Insurance and Ex Ante
Moral Hazard: Evidence from Medicare," NBER Working Paper No.
12764, December 2006.
(34) C.J. Ruhm, "A Healthy Economy Can Break Your Heart,"
NBER Working Paper No. 12102, March 2006, and Demography, 44 (4)
(November 2007), pp. 829-48.
(35) S. Colman, T.J. Joyce, and R. Kaestner, "Methodological
Issues in the Evaluation of Parental Involvement Laws: Evidence from
Texas," NBER Working Paper No. 12608, October 2006, published as
"Changes in Abortions and Births and the Texas Parental
Notification Law," New England Journal of Medicine, 354 (10) (March
9, 2006), pp. 1031-8. See also, S. Colman, T.J. Joyce, and R. Kaestner,
"Misclassification Bias in the Evaluation of Parental Involvement
Laws: A Minor Oversight with a Major Impact," American Journal of
Public Health, 98 (10) (October 2008), pp. 1881-5, and S. Colman and
T.J. Joyce, "Behavioral Responses to Parental Involvement Laws: The
Case of Delay in the Timing of Abortions Until Age 18,"
Perspectives on Sex and Reproductive Health, forthcoming.
(36) T.J. Joyce, A.D. Racine, and C. Yunzal-Butler,
"Reassessing the WIC Effect: Evidence from the Pregnancy Nutrition
Surveillance System," NBER Working Paper No. 13441, September 2007,
and Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27 (2) (Spring 2008), pp.
Michael Grossman *
* Grossman directs the NBER's Program in Health Economics and
is Distinguished Professor of Economics at the City University of New
York Graduate Center.