Urban growth and climate change.
Kahn, Matthew E.
My recent research focuses on the implications of urban economic
growth for greenhouse gas production. I also examine how the quality of
life in different cities around the world may be affected by climate
Low Carbon Cities
Edward L. Glaeser and I ranked U.S cities with respect to their
household greenhouse gas emissions. (1) Using micro data on household
consumption of transportation, electricity, and home heating, we
document significant differences across major cities. For example, if
the average household chose to live in Houston versus San Francisco, it
would produce roughly 16 more tons of carbon dioxide each year. San
Francisco is ranked as a "greener" city because of its
temperate climate, which means that households there use less
electricity, the region relies more on natural gas rather than coal for
power generation, and this lowers the electric utility's emissions
factor. San Francisco is also more compact than Houston, with more of
the metropolitan area's total employment located downtown. The
suburbanization of employment has contributed to a rising carbon
footprint. When people work in the suburbs, they are likely to live in
the suburbs, and to live in a larger home and rely on a private vehicle
for transportation. (2) Policies such as declining center city crime and
improved urban public schools help to shrink a city's carbon foot
print because they encourage densification and living closer to the
city center. (3)
Today, households who live in Daqing--China's "brownest
city"--produce only one fifth of the emissions of households who
live in San Diego, the U.S.'s "greenest city". Building
on my U.S research, I recently ranked the household carbon footprint for
74 Chinese cities using high quality data from the 2006 Chinese Urban
Household Survey. (4) In the case of China, the dirtiest cities are to
the North where coal is used for winter heating. These results are
significant because Chinese regional economic development policy is
encouraging growth in the Northern region to deflect growth away from
the mega cities along the eastern coast. If Northern China's cities
continue to rely on coal for heat rather than substituting to natural
gas, then this spatial trend could have significant aggregate carbon
Durable Capital
Over time, new versions of products such as the Toyota Prius or
Tesla electric car or Zero Net Energy homes will have much smaller
carbon footprints than earlier makes of cars and homes. Such
"green" products often represent a tiny share of the existing
capital stock because cars and buildings are long lived capital. This
means that it can take decades for average energy efficiency of homes or
vehicles to improve.
I examine the consequences of durable capital for the greenhouse
gas mitigation progress in one study with Lucas Davis. We collected
detailed vehicle-level information on the scale and composition of used
vehicles exported by the United States to Mexico under NAFTA. (5) As it
turns out, NAFTA can be viewed as an early "cash for clunkers"
program. While it provided cash for U.S households, this type of trade
can have detrimental environmental consequences. Even though Mexican
households drive fewer miles per year than U. S. households, the
exported vehicles would have been scrapped had they remained in the
United States. Our best estimate is that U.S vehicles that are imported
into Mexico, and are 10 to 15 years old at the time, live on for another
ten years. Thus free trade in used durables between richer and poorer
nations slows down the overall vehicle scrappage rate.
In the case of residential homes, energy consumption varies across
different birth cohorts. Using different datasets from California, Dora
Costa and I document that homes built in the 1970s consume more
electricity than observationally identical homes. (6) Using panel data
for the same home over time, we dismiss the hypothesis that this effect
simply reflects aging. Instead, our preferred explanation is that during
times when residential electricity prices are low, homes built under
such incentive regimes are more likely to be energy inefficient, and
this effect persists decades later. (7) As the share of California homes
that were built in the 1970s shrinks over time, overall California
residential energy efficiency will rise.
The Political Economy of Carbon Legislation
In June 2009, the U.S House of Representatives passed the American
Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). This complex carbon mitigation
legislation bundled together a wide range of policies all intended to
increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For
example, the ACES included legislation to enact an electric utility
cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions. In the summer of 2010, the
Senate chose to not vote on this legislation. I examine the correlates
of carbon voting on key pieces of legislation such as this one. (8)
Representatives from high carbon, poor, conservative areas have been the
least likely to vote in favor of this legislation. Representatives in
districts where industry is a large share of local emissions also were
less likely to vote in favor.
During this slow recovery from the most recent recession,
environmentalists are deeply concerned that climate change is not a
policy priority. Indeed, President Obama did not mention the words
"climate change" in his 2011 State of the Union address. In
recent work Matthew Kotchen and I examine trends in Google searches to
test for the relationship between business cycles and interest in the
broad issue of climate change. (9) Google Insights allows us to search
at the state/year/week level and permits a peek into the
"zeitgeist" at that moment. We match this data to state
unemployment data by month and document that in those states in which
the unemployment rate increases, searches for "global warming"
decline and searches for "unemployment" increase. These
findings support the claim that the recession has chilled interest in
prioritizing climate change as a pressing policy issue. This finding is
important because it challenges the conventional wisdom that recessions
are good for the environment. The traditional view is that industry
activity is dirty and procyclical. These facts imply that pollution
improves during recessions. But, if we need to introduce a Pigouvian
incentive to combat climate change, then my results suggest that the
probability of this taking place will decline during recessions.
States that rely on coal fired power plants, such as Indiana, have
worried that if carbon emissions are priced through a carbon tax or
cap-and-trade regulation, then their local electricity prices will soar
because of pass through. The conventional wisdom is that such states
will lose manufacturing jobs because those jobs seek out cheaper places
to do business. Erin Mansur and I investigate this claim (10) by
comparing employment counts by manufacturing industry in adjacent
counties. Adjacent counties share many common factors such as amenities
and a common local labor market and similar access to final consumers.
But two adjacent counties can differ along key dimensions such as energy
prices and exposure to government labor and environmental policy. We
exploit this variation in energy prices and labor and environmental
regulation within county-pairs to provide new estimates of their effects
on the locational pattern of manufacturing. We conclude that employment
in only a handful of energy intensive manufacturing industries, such as
primary metals (NAICS 331), paper manufacturing (NAICS 322) and textile
mills (NAICS 313), is responsive to electricity prices.
Environmental Ideology and Living the "Green" Life
In the absence of formal Pigouvian carbon pricing, households have
no financial incentive to economize on their production of greenhouse
gas emissions, yet at any point in time we observe many households
living the "green life." In Berkeley, California, I see people
driving Prius vehicles, biking to work, having solar panels installed,
and even having the grass ripped out of their lawns. Each of these
actions contributes to the public good. In a series of papers, I seek to
describe who lives the "green life." (11) Controlling for
standard demographic variables such as age, education, income and
ethnicity, I focus strictly on the role of political ideology. It seems
that people who are registered members of liberal political parties
(Democrats, Green Party) literally "walk the walk." They are
more likely to own a Prius, use public transit, and consume less
electricity, and to respond to conservation "nudges" than
observationally identical non-liberal households. (12) Of course, I do
not literally believe that registering for the Democratic Party causes
you to buy a Prius and to live a green lifestyle. Instead, such
political party registration data provides a signal of one's
otherwise difficult to observe "ideology."
This research contributes to a growing economics literature on the
role of ideology in determining economic outcomes. There are several
open research questions here. First, how does a person
"acquire" an environmentalist ideology? What role do peers
play in how this ideology evolves over time? The economics of identity
literature offers some fruitful pathways for exploring this issue. (13)
Documenting the role of ideology in explaining population
heterogeneity would be less important if we collectively taxed negative
externalities. But, in the absence of formal carbon pricing, society as
a whole benefits when a subgroup of citizens volunteers to be
"guinea pigs" by purchasing the first generation of new green
products and enacting novel new legislation such as California's
Urban Adaption to Climate Change
My book titled Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the
Hotter Future was published in fall 2010. (14) In it, I examine how
urban quality of life will be affected by climate change. Assuming free
market capitalist growth and the fundamental worldwide free rider
problem, global greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise. Facing
this reality, what will climate change do to our urban economy?
Although I cannot predict what will happen to a city such as Moscow
in the year 2050, I am confident that the insights generated by NBER research have direct implications for the complex challenge of climate
change adaptation. Microeconomics provides a powerful tool for thinking
about how we will cope with this emerging ambiguous threat. The
book's core thesis is that urban capitalism will play a crucial
role in helping us to adapt to the challenge posed by climate change.
For example, climate change is likely to raise the average
temperature in certain cities. Because of that, cities such as Detroit
and Buffalo will have an easier time competing against Sun Belt cities
whose warm winter temperatures have acted as a magnet, attracting
population migration. (15)
In Climatopolis, I argue that households will learn from climate
scientists about the new challenges that different cities will face. If
specific cities do experience a decline in their quality of life, then
their real estate prices will decline, and they will suffer a net
outflow of people. Households will "vote with their feet" and
this nimbleness will help them to cope with the evolving challenge of
climate change. Cities compete to attract and retain the skilled. If a
city's quality of life declines because of climate change, then the
skilled will leave and economic growth will slow.
My book emphasizes the potential for endogenous technological
advance to play a key role in helping us to adapt. The billions of
people who will be affected by climate change create a large market
opportunity for entrepreneurs who can serve this market. (16) In the
presence of fixed costs to develop new products, the scale of the market
is a key determinant. If billions of people seek an energy efficient air
conditioner to offset hot summers, then there will be sharp incentives
to invest in developing such products. Some of these producers will
succeed. In a globalized world market, the pay-off to the successful
entrepreneur will be huge. In new research, I will continue to explore
microeconomic issues related to climate change mitigation and
(1) E. Glaeser and M. Kahn, "The Greenness of Cities: Carbon
Dioxide Emissions and Urban Development," NBER Working Paper No.
14238, August 2008.
(2) E. Glaeser and M. Kahn, "Decentralized Employment and the
Transformation of the American City," NBER Working Paper No. 8117,
February 2001.
(3) M. Kahn, "Urban Policy Effects on Carbon Mitigation,"
NBER Working Paper No. 16131, June 2010.
(4) S. Zheng, R. Wang, E. Glaeser, and M. Kahn, "The Greenness
of China: Household Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Urban
Development," NBER Working Paper No. 15621, December 2009.
(5) L. Davis and M. Kahn, "International Trade in Used Durable
Goods: The Environmental Consequences of NAFTA," NBER Working Paper
No. 14565, December 2008.
(6) D. Costa and M. Kahn, "Why Has California's
Residential Electricity Consumption Been So Flat Since the 1980s? A
Microeconometric Approach," NBER Working Paper No. 15978, May 2010.
(7) D. Costa and M. Kahn, "Electricity Consumption and Durable
Housing: Understanding Cohort Effects," NBER Working Paper No.
16732, January 2011.
(8) M. Cragg and M. Kahn, "Carbon Geography: The Political
Economy of Congressional Support for Legislation Intended to Mitigate
Greenhouse Gas Production," NBER Working Paper No. 14963, May 2009.
(9) M. Kahn and M. Kotchen, "Environmental Concern and the
Business Cycle: The Chilling Effect of Recession," NBER Working
Paper No. 16241, July 2010.
(10) M. Kahn and E. Mansur, "How Do Energy Prices and Labor
and Environmental Regulations Affect Local Manufacturing Employment
Dynamics? A Regression Discontinuity Approach," NBER Working Paper
No. 16538, November 2010.
(11) M. Kahn, "Do Greens Drive Hummers or Hybrids?
Environmental Ideology as a Determinant of Consumer Choice,"
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(2) pp.129-45,
(12) D. Costa and M. Kahn, "Why Has California's
Residential Electricity Consumption Been So Flat Since the 1980s?: A
Microeconometric Approach," op. cit. and "Energy Conservation
'Nudges' and Environmentalist Ideology: Evidence from a
Randomized Residential Electricity Field Experiment," NBER Working
Paper No. 15939, April 2010.
(13) D. Costa and M. Kahn, "Shame and Ostracism: Union Army
Deserters Leave Home," NBER Working Paper No. 10425, April 2004.
(14) M. Kahn, Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the
Hotter World (see climatopolis3.com), Basic Books, 2010.
(15) O. Deschenes and E. Moretti, "Extreme Weather Events,
Mortality, and Migration," NBER Working Paper No. 13227, July 2007.
(16) D. Acemoglu and J. Linn, "Market Size in Innovation:
Theory and Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry," NBER Working
Paper No. 10038, October 2003.
Matthew E. Kahn, Kahn is a Research Associate in the NBER's
Program on Environmental and Energy Economics and a Professor at the
University of California, Los Angeles. His Profile appears later in this