Psychometric evaluation of the arabic version of the spiritual well-being scale on a sample of jordanian arab christians.
Musa, Ahmad S. ; Pevalin, David J.
This paper assesses the psychometric properties of the Arabic
version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) in an Arab Christian
sample by analyzing its internal structure. A convenience sample of 340
Arab Christians was recruited from the adult community population of
northern Jordan. Data were collected through a self-completion,
anonymous questionnaire distributed through church and community groups.
Principal Components factor analysis, non-parametric bivariate
statistics, and Cronbach's alpha were used to assess the
psychometric properties of the total scale and its subscales. The
findings broadly supported the factor structure of the SWBS in other
Arab samples in that the scale consists of three factors, representing
positive existential well-being, affiliation, and alienation subscales.
In conclusion, these preliminary findings suggest that the
Arabic version of the SWBS can be used as an instrument to measure
levels of spiritual well-being in Arab Christian populations.
A number of authors describe spiritual well-being as a dual concept
composed of both vertical (religious) and horizontal (existential)
dimensions (Baldac-chino & Buhagiar, 2003; Cavendish et al., 2000;
Ellison, 1983; Ross, 1997; Strang, Strang, & Ternestedt, 2002).
Ellison (1983) described the vertical (religious) dimension as referring
to a person's sense of well-being in relation to God, and the
horizontal (existential) dimension as that which refers to a
person's sense of purpose and satisfaction in life and life
direction. In the line with this notion, Ross (1997) defined spiritual
well-being as "the overall sate of spiritual health which is
evidenced by the presence of: meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life;
the will to live; belief and faith in self, others, and God" (p.
14). More recently, Rovers and Kocum (2010) defined spirituality as
"the driving force, which gives meaning, stability, and purpose to
life through relatedness to dimensions that transcend the self. These
three dimensions are faith in the presence of God/transcendent, hope and
meaning and purpose in life, and love expressed with family and
community" (p. 17).
From the multidimensional nature of spirituality emerged the need
for spirituality assessment tools, combined with the need to measure the
various constructs of spirituality as perceived by individuals from
different cultures and/or religions (Slater, Hall, & Edwards, 2001).
Therefore, empirical research has witnessed an increase in the interest
of the quality of measures including their validity and reliability
across different cultures and religions. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale
(SWBS) is considered one of the most widely used instruments to measure
spiritual well-being since its publication in 1982 (Tanyi, 2002). Even
though the SWBS was developed primarily in a Christian context and
influenced by the Judeo-Christian concept of wellbeing, Ellison (1983)
argued that the SWBS is a nonsectarian instrument that can be used in
studies from different cultures. Miller, Fleming, and Brown-Anderson
(1998) asserted that using the SWBS within different cultures might
shape the responses to the scale differently and so studies of different
cultures are essential to understand the similarities between and
differences across groups. In a recent study by Musa and Pevalin (2012)
it was found that a newly derived Arabic version of the SWBS is a valid
and reliable instrument when used by Arab Muslim participants. However,
the psychometric properties of the SWBS have not previously been
examined using an Arab Christian sample.
The subscale structure of the SWBS determined from factor analysis
has varied across studies. Originally, Ellison (1983) found two main
factors using a sample of college students in the United States. These
two factors were labeled as religious well-being (RWB) and existential
well-being (EWB). This two-factor solution was confirmed by several
studies using samples of caregivers (Kirschling & Pittman, 1989),
male prisoners (Fernander, Wilson, Staton, & Leu-kefeld, 2004),
college students (Genia, 2001; Rovers Kocum, 2010; Taliaferro, Rienzo,
Pigg Jr., Miller, & Dodd, 2009), and Arab Muslim cardiac patients
(Musa &. Pevalin, 2012). However, the two-factor solution was not
found in other samples of Caucasian and African-Americans college
students (Miller et al., 1998), psychiatric inpatients (Scott, Agresti,
& Fitchett, 1998), and Jordanian Muslim college students (Musa &
Pevalin, 2012). Results from these studies revealed three or more
factors in the structure to the SWBS. Moreover, Ledbetter, Smith,
Fischer, Vosler-Hunter, and Chew (1991) performed confirmatory factor
analysis on the SWBS using archival data from two religious samples and
failed to confirm either the hypothesized one-factor or two-factor
structure of the SWBS. Miller et al. (1998) concluded that the factor
structure of the SWBS in their study reflected the cultural differences
between Caucasian and African-American groups in a meaningful way.
Similarly, Scott et al. (1998) concluded that the resultant three
factors to the SWBS are clear and distinct factors with a minimum
complexity, appears more parsimonious and psychometrically sound.
There is a paucity of health research involving spirituality and
religiosity using Arab Christian samples. Therefore, the present study
used a Jordanian Arab Christian sample to assess the cross-cultural
applicability of the Arabic version of the SWBS by examining its
psychometric properties.
Jordan, one of the most modern countries in the Middle East, is a
small lower-middle income country with limited natural resources. The
population in 2012 was estimated at 6.3 million (Department of
Statistics, 2012). Approximately 98% of the population is Arab. Sunni
Muslims are the largest religious group (95%) and Christians are
approximately 3% of population (U.S. Department of State, 2011).
Jordanian Arab Christians are one of the oldest Christian communities
and, generally, have a high level of religious freedom. Many of the
Jordanian Arab Christians are descended from the Ancient Arab Ghassanid
and Lakhmid Tribes. Today, Christians are well integrated in Jordanian
society and generally have a friendly and peacefully relationship with
Muslims. There is no specific geographic concentration of Christians in
Jordan. Nearly all Christians belong to the middle or upper classes.
They have a disproportionately large representation in the Jordanian
parliament and hold important and high positions in the government and
military (Minority Rights Group International, 2005). There are many
Christian schools and hospitals in Jordan that provide services for both
Christian and Muslim families. Public and private sectors in Jordan
allow their Christian employees to leave their work to attend church
services on Sundays. All religious Christian ceremonies are publicly
celebrated in Jordan. The officially recognized Jordanian Arab Christian
denominations include the Greek Orthodox, Melkite Greek Catholic, Latin
Roman Catholic, Assyrian, Coptic, and Protestant, in particular Anglican
and Lutheran. The majority of Jordanian Arab Christians are from the
Greek Orthodox denomination (US Department of State, 2011).
Sample and Setting
A convenience sample of 340 Arab Christians was recruited from the
adult community population who live in the northern parts of Jordan,
including Irbid, Jarash, Agloon, Al-Mafraq, and Al-Sarqa cities.
Participants who self-identified as Jordanian Arab Christian, were 18
years of age or older, had ability to read, write, and clearly
understand the Arabic language, and were physically and psychologically
able to complete the questionnaire were eligible to participate. Of the
participants, 31.2% (n = 106) were men and 68.8% (n = 234) were women. A
majority of the participants (60.3%, n = 205) were married and 38.5% (n
= 131) were single. Participants who had the lowest educational levels
ranging from secondary to high school level accounted for 19.7% (n =
67). Participants with an undergraduate level of education were 49.1% of
the sample (n = 167) with 20.9% (n = 71) of participants with college
level education and 10.3% (n = 35) with postgraduate level. Most
participants (66.8%, n = 227) were working with a quarter (25.3%, n =
86) not working and 7.9% (n = 27) being retired. The majority of
participants earned more than 500 Jordanian Dinars per month (1 US
dollar = 0.71 JD). The sample included participants from most of the
main denominations of Jordanian Arab Christians but the majority of
participants where either Greek Orthodox or Protestant. The numbers of
each denomination in the sample did not support analysis by specific
Permission was obtained from the developers of the original SWBS to
use the Arabic version in this study and approval to carry out this
study was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of Al al-Bayt
University, Jordan. The questionnaires were distributed by one of the
research team or research assistants who are Arab Christians through
church and community meetings. Potential participants were informed
about the study and those who were interested and met the inclusion
criteria were invited to participate and to Ove their verbal consent.
Each participant received an envelope which contained the questionnaire
and written instructions describing the purpose of the study, benefits
and risks of the study, and the participant's right to refuse
participation or to withdraw from the study at any time. Participants
were asked to return questionnaires on the day or within one week.
Completion and return of the questionnaire was taken as implied consent
for the data to be used in this study. The participants' names were
not included in the questionnaire and only code numbers identified
Data collection was carried out over a two-month period starting in
December 2011. Five questionnaires were excluded because they were
either significantly incomplete or used a fixed pattern of responses
resulting in 340 completed questionnaires that were used in the
The socio-demographic data included information on age, gender,
education, marital status, working status, and income.
Spiritual Well-Being Scale. The SWBS is 20-item self-report
paper-pencil instrument. Each item is answered on a 6-point Likert scale
ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The SWBS consists of
two subscales, which are the Religious Well-Being (RWB) and Existential
Well-Being (EWB) subscales. Ten items are designed to measure RWB and
contain the word "God" and 10 items measure EWB and ask such
things as life satisfaction, meaning, and direction. Items from each
subscale are presented alternately. An example of the RWB subscale items
is "I believe that God loves me and cares about me" and one
from the EW13 subscale is "Life doesn't have much
meaning." The overall score from the SWBS is computed by summing
responses to all twenty items after reversing the negatively worded
items. The total scores of the SWBS range from 20 to 120 with a higher
score representing greater well-being. Face validity and construct
validity have been demonstrated for this scale (Ellison, 1983). The
Arabic version of the SWBS was developed by and reported in Musa and
Pevalin (2012) who used asymmetrical back translation methods with an
expert panel to convert the SWBS from English to Arabic, which was then
piloted on Jordanian college students before reporting evidence of
construct validity of the final Arabic version with a sample of Arab
Muslim cardiac patients.
Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and bivariate analysis
were used to analyze the data using SPSS version 19. Descriptive
statistics include frequency distributions and percentiles, mean,
standard deviation, range of scores, skewness, and kurtosis.
Non-parametric statistics and tests were used in the bivariate analysis
including Spearman's rho, the Mann-Whitney U test (2 groups), and
the Kruskall-Wallis test (3 or more groups) to examine associations
between the SWBS total score and its subscales and to test for
significant differences between groups in the demographic variables. The
level of significance for all bivariate tests was set at p < 0.05. An
exploratory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor
structure of the Arabic version of the SWBS. The internal consistency of
the main scale and subscales was assessed by Cronbach's alpha.
The exploratory factor analysis used Principal Components
extraction with oblique rotation. With 340 participants and 20 items of
the SWBS, the sample size exceeds the suggested 10-15 participants per
variable ratio to perform factor analysis (Field, 2005; Munro, 2005).
Moreover, a sample size of 300 participants or more will probably be
sufficient to provide a stable factor structure (Field, 2005). The data
also met the standards of the determinant of correlation matrix, the KM0
measure of sampling adequacy, and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
(Field, 2005).
The Principal Components analysis produced five factors, by
Kaiser's criterion, with Eigenvalues greater than 1 that accounted
for a cumulative total of 57.6% of the overall variance. However, for
Kaiser's criterion to be accurate, the mean of the communalities
must exceed 0.60 with sample size greater than 250 or exceeds 0.7 with
number of variables less than 30 (Field, 2005). In the current study,
the number of variables was less than 30 and the sample size was greater
than 250, but the mean of the communalities was 0.58. Therefore,
Kaiser's criterion may not be accurate. With a sample size of more
than 200, the scree test provides a reliable indication of the number of
factors (Stevens, 1996). By examining the scree test there was a clear
break between the third and fourth factors suggesting a three-factor
solution. The first three factors together accounted for 46.4% of the
variance. In addition, these three factors had high internal
reliability, each with a Cronbach's alpha above 0.70. It was
therefore decided to extract only three factors. The three factors were
then rotated using a direct oblimin rotation as it was expected that the
factors were correlated with each other. A comparison between orthogonal
and oblique rotations revealed no significant differences in the factor
structure. A minimum cut-off point of 0.30 was set to determine the
acceptable item-factor loading (Stevens, 1996). Table 1 presents the
structure matrix of the factor loadings for each item onto each factor.
The highest loadings are shown in bold.
Rotated Factor Structure of the Arabic SWBS. Jordanian Arad Christian
Community Sample, N=340
Factor Items Factor Factor Factor
1 2 3
4 I feel chat lite is a positive .793 .153 .323
8 I led very fulfilled and .672 .266 .475
satisfied with life
10 I feel a sense of well-being .599 .147 .477
about the direction my life is
headed in
1 12 I enjoy much about life. .733 .238 .357
14 I feel good about my future .784 .218 .396
16 1 feel that life is full of .324 .194 .242
conflict and unhappiness
20 I believe there is some real .637 .416 .397
purpose for my life
3 I believe that God loves me and .402 .460 .100
cares about me
5 I believe that God is interested .538 .573 .260
in my daily situations.
2 11 I believe that God is concerned .438 .690 .293
about my problems
17 I feel most fulfilled when I'm in .223 .737 .243
close communion with God
19 My relation with God contributes .331 .721 .350
to my sense of well-being
1 I don't find much satisfaction in .326 .085 .494
prayer with God.
2 1 don't know who 1 am, where I .379 .000 .627
came from, or where I'm going
6 I feel unsettled about my future .438 .170 .543
3 7 I have a deep relationship with .393 .502 .528
9 I don't get much strength and .341 .166 .770
support from my God.
13 1 don't have a satisfying .293 .158 .706
relationship with God.
15 My relationship with God helps me .210 .344 .563
not to feel lonely
18 Life doesn't have much meaning .409 .023 .446
Note. Mean of Communalities = .58.
The resultant factors were named based on the relevant items in
each by descending order with respect to the magnitude of their factor
loadings (Munro, 2005; Waltz, Strickland, & Lenz, 2010). All but one
of the items in factor 1 had factor loadings above 0.59 and relate to
one's positive sense of life satisfaction, life direction and
future, and life purpose. Therefore, this factor was labeled Positive
Existential Well-Being (PEWB). The exception was item 1.6 "I feel
that life is full of conflict and unhappiness," which had the
lowest factor loading of 0.32 and theoretically relates to the third
factor so it was included in that factor for all further analyses. All
items in factor 2 had factor loadings above 0A6 and measure aspects
concerning a positive experience of one's relationship with God.
Therefore, this factor was labeled Affiliation. Items in factor 3 had
factor loadings above 0.44 and most (6 of 8) relate to one's sense
of dissatisfaction with life and God and to one's sense of distance
from God. Therefore, this factor was labeled Alienation. This factor
also contains items 7 and 15, which are theoretically consistent with
factor 2 where they had slightly smaller but still substantial loadings
( > 0.30). Therefore, items 7 and 15 were retained in factor 2 for
the purposes of statistical analyses in the current study.
Table 2 presents the mean, standard deviation, range, skewness,
kurtosis, and Cronbach's alpha for the SWBS and its subscales from
the factor analysis. All scales were examined for normality using
histograms, the Shapiro-Wilk test, and Z-scores for skewness and
kurtosis. Z-scores above + 1.96 or below--1.96 indicate that the
distribution is significantly skewed or kurtosed, and so normality of
distribution cannot be assumed (Field, 2005; Munro, 2005). Only the
Alienation subscale was reasonably normally distributed whereas the swBs
total score and the other subscales were statistically sign i fi-candy
skewed. Therefore, non-parametric statistics and tests were used. The
internal reliability for the SWBS total score and its subscales were
acceptable to high with alpha coefficients ranging from 0.71 to 0.87
(Burns & Grove, 2005; Nunnally, 1978).
Descriptive Statistics of the Arabic SWBS and its Subscales. Jordanian
Arab Christian Community Sample, N=340
Factor Scale No. of Mean SD Min Max Z-score Z-score
items of of
Skewness Kurtosis
- SWBS 20 95.2 13.1 54 120 -2.80 -1.64
1 PEWB 6 28.6 5.1 11 36 -8.61 +6.61
2 Affiliation 7 37.6 4.5 14 42 -5.54 +.2.09
3 Alienation 7 29.1 6.1 14 42 -0.84 -2.56
Factor Gronbach's
- .87
1 .83
2 .77
3 .71
Note. PEWB, positive existential well being; SD, standard deviation;
S, skewness; SE, standard error; K, kurtosis
All correlations between the SWBS total score and its subscales are
shown in Table 3. There was a moderate and statistically significant
positive correlation among the three subscales of the SWBS ranging from
0.52 to 0.62, suggesting that there is enough unique variance to
confirm that these are related but separate constructs.
Spearman Rho Correlations Between the SWBS and its Subscales.
Jordanian Arab Christian Community Sample, N=34
SWBS PEWB Affiliation
PEWB 0.85**
Affiliation 0.81** 0.62**
Alienation 0.85** 0.58** 0.52**
**p < 0.01 (2-tailed).
The distribution of the SWBS total score and its subscales by
socio-demographic variables are presented in Table 4. Among all
socio-demographic variables, only categories of education had
significant differences for the SW13S total score and the Alienation
subscale. The mean score for secondary to high school group of
participants (M = 93.7, SD = 14.4) was significantly different from the
postgraduate group (M = 100.467, SD = 12.2). These results also show
that participants who had secondary to high school level of education
reported statistically significantly lower mean scores on the alienation
subscale than those who had postgraduate level of education. For the
PEWB subscale, men had significantly higher average scores than women.
There were no other significant differences for the categories of the
demographic variables.
Distribution of the Arabic SWBS and its Sub-scales by Demographic
Variables. N=340
Demographic Categories N SWBS PEWB
Gender Men 106 95.9 (12.4) 29.4* (4.5)
Women 234 94.9 (13.4) 28.2 (5.3)
Marital Single 131 96.0 (13.3) 28.6 (5.2)
Married 205 94.6 (12.8) 28.5 (4.8)
Divorced (or) 4 97.8 (23.5) 29.3 (11.6)
Income < 300JD 37 96.5 (13.6) 30.0 (5.9)
300-399JD 58 94.5 (12.7) 28.6 (4.6)
400-499JD 60 94.8 (12.8) 27.8 (5.0)
>=500JD 841 95.2 (13.3) 28.5 (5.0)
Education Secondary to 67 93.7* (14.4) 28.1 (5.9)
High school
College 71 96.2 (13.0) 28.9 (4.7)
Undergraduate 167 94.2 (12.6) 28.3 (5.0)
Postgraduate 35 100.7* (12.2) 30.3 (4.1)
Employment Working 227 94.9 (12.6) 28.7 (4.9)
Retired 27 96.2 (12.8) 29.0 (4.3)
Not working 86 95.5 (14.6) 28.2 (5.6)
Affiliation Alienation
Gender 37.3 (4.5) 29.1 (5.5)
37.7 (4.6) 29.1 (6.4)
Marital 37.8 (4.2) 29.6 (6.5)
37.5 (4.5) 28.6 (5.9)
33.5 (13.3) 35.0 (2.2)
Income 37.5 (6.3) 28.9 (6.3)
37.5 (4.6) 28.5 (6.5)
37.7 (3.8) 29.3 (6.1)
37.5 (4.4) 29.2 (6.0)
Education 37.5 (5.3) 28.1* (6.5)
38.0 (4.3) 29.4 (6.3)
37.1 (4.4) 28.8 (5.9)
38.9 (3.8) 31.5* (6.1)
Employment 37.5 (4.4) 28.7 (5.9)
37.2 (4.7) 30.0 (5.8)
37.7 (5.0) 29.6 (6.8)
Note: JD, Jordanian Dinars(1 US$ = 0.71JD); standard deviations
in brackets.
Non-parametric tests, p<0.05.
This paper examined the psychometric properties and
socio-demographic distribution of the Arabic version of the SWBS using
the total score and three subscale scores on a sample of Jordanian Arab
Christians. The factor analysis suggested a three-factor structure with
each subscale having an adequate internal reliability as determined by
Cronbach's alpha. The socio-demographic distributions of the SWBS
total score and subscale scores showed only significant variation by
education (SWBS total score and Alienation subscale) and gender (PEWB
Some limitations to this study should be noted. Although the sample
was reasonably large, findings in the present study may not be
generalizable to other Jordanian Arab Christians as it was a convenience
sample primarily from the northeastern region ofJordan. The statistical
methods employed to assess the psychometric properties were
conventional, as far as they go, but other tests for aspects of
reliability and validity, such as test-retest reliability, discriminant
and convergent validity, were not possible with these data. Further
empirical research is needed to support the reliability and validity of
the Arabic version of the SWBS using various Arab samples, samples of
other ethnic groups within the Arabic culture, and of faiths other than
Islam. Such studies would strengthen the validity of this scale.
Further, the Jordanian Arab Christian community is made up of numerous
denominations, but the majority is either Greek Orthodox or Protestant,
which makes for a heterogeneous sample with small numbers for each
denomination. Further studies may wish to consider recruiting sufficient
numbers of the main denominations in order to investigate variation
within the Arab Christian community by denomination.
However, this study is the first to examine the Arabic version of
the SWBS using a sample of Arab Christians. The results did not raise
any concerns over the applicability of the Arabic wording for
Christians. The original translation from English to Arabic (Musa &
Pevalin, 2012) indicated that some English words and phrases did not
have an exact translation into Arabic and the translation process paid
attention primarily to the Islamic context of Arabic. The distributions
of scores across some important socio-demographic variables are the
first preliminary findings of norms for the SWBS in Arab Christians.
The SWBS scores obtained showed that Jordanian Arab Christian
participants had high average levels of spiritual well-being with an
overall sample mean of 95.2 with a negative skewness. This result is
reasonably consistent with other studies conducted in non-Western
cultures. Musa and Pevalin (2012) found a mean value of 103.9 in their
sample of Jordanian Muslims, and Imam, Abdul Karim, Jusoh and Mamad
(2009) found a mean value of 92.6 in their Malaysian sample. The
descriptive statistics of the SWBS and its subscales scores in the
present study revealed a non-normal distribution scores, with a negative
skewness. Our findings are consistent with those of other studies that
found that the SWBS and its subscales suffered from ceiling effects
(violation of the normal distribution assumption), usually with a
negative skewness, when used in religious and/or healthy samples
(Bufford, Paloutzian, & Ellison, 1991; Ledbetter, Smith,
Vosler-Hunter, & Fischer, 1991). For example, Ledbetter et al.
(1991) analyzed the data obtained from means, standard deviations, and
lower and upper T-scores of 17 samples using the SWBS. Their analysis
showed that the mean for most samples exceeded a score of 100 and tended
to be negatively skewed. Moreover, their results showed that in all 17
samples the SWBS can measure scores four standard deviations below the
mean, but only in two samples the SWBS can measure scores two standard
deviations above the mean.
The significant variation of SWBS scores by education in this
sample is consistent with those found by Musa and Pevalin (2012) but
other studies which have examined the association with education have
not found significant differences in spiritual well-being (Aly, 2010;
Genia, 1996; Musgrave & McFarlane, 2004). These studies were
conducted on Western Christian and Jewish samples and suggest that the
relationship between education and spiritual well-being may be
context/culturally specific and is worthy of further investigation.
The factor analysis revealed three factors, representing Positive
Existential Well-Being, Affiliation,. and Alienation subscales. The
distribution of items to these three factors indicated that the majority
of negative vertical (religious) items and horizontal (existential)
items loaded substantially onto one factor (Alienation). This
three-factor structure is different from the original distribution of
the vertical (religious) and horizontal (existential) items into two
factors as determined by the scale developers using a sample of Western
religious university students (Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982) and as
found by several subsequent studies using various samples (Fernander et
al., 2004; Genia, 2001; Kirschling & Pittman, 1989; Rovers &
Kocum, 2010; Taliaferro et al., 2009). However, the three-factor
structure in the present study is similar to the factor structure found
by Scott et al. (1998) using a sample of psychiatric inpatients. Scott
et al. (1998) found a three-factor solution to the SNXTBS that consisted
of Affiliation, Alienation, and Dissatisfaction with Life. Other studies
also suggest that the SWBS contains more than two factors (Ledbetter et
at., 1991; Miller et al., 1998). moo.
It is apt to make a comparison between findings of this study using
Jordanian Arab adult Christians and findings of Musa and Pevalin (2012)
using Jordanian Arab adult Muslims regarding responses to the Arabic
version of the SWBS. Both of these studies revealed that the Arabic
version of the SWBS was psychometrically sound and can be used as an
instrument to measure levels of spiritual well-being for Jordanian Arab
Muslim and Christians, despite that the translation process of the SWBS
paid attention primarily to the Islamic context of Arabic. The high
average level of SWBS and the significant variation of SWBS total score
by education in the current sample is also consistent with those found
by Musa and Pevalin (2012). However, there was a variation in factor
structure of the Arabic version of the SWBS and in association between
income and SWBS. The resultant three-factor structure to the Arabic SWBS
in this study was different from that found by Musa and Pevalin (2012)
who found a two-factor structure, representing religious well-being and
existential well-being. It has been reported in the literature that
different religions may shape responses to the spiritual life of
individuals differently (Bhui, King, Dein, & O'Connor, 2008).
Variation of factor structure of Jordanian Arab Muslims and Christians
is an area of future studies using. a new and different line of
research. While income had a non-significant association with the SWBS
in this study, it had a significant association with the SWBS among Arab
Muslims. One possible explanation for the non-significant association of
SWBS and income is the homogeneity of income among Arab Christians
compared to their Arab Muslim counterparts. While all Christians belong
to the middle or upper classes, most Arab Muslims belong to the
lower-middle income classes.
The results from this study, the first to use the Arabic version of
the SWBS on a sample 0 f Arab Christians, suggest that it can be used in
this context. They also tend to support Ellison's (1983) notion
that the SWBS is a nonsectarian instrument that can be utilized by
individuals from different cultures and using the SWBS within different
cultures may shape the responses to the scale. It is clear that there is
variation across samples in responses to the SWBS and consequently its
subscale structure. Our findings suggest further investigation into the
cultural and social processes that shape responses to the questions in
the SWBS. The grouping of items through the factor analysis into the
factor Positive Existential Well-Being (positive horizontal aspects)
suKest that having positive thoughts and relationships toward other
people and by doing gratuitous activities are important to the spiritual
life ofJordanian Arab Christians. It could be that the horizontal
relationships with self, others, and the environment are increasingly
meaningful when the individuals' vertical relationships with God
are enhanced so the individuals' value system is in equilibrium and
harmony? To uncover these processes that shape the scale responses will
require a new and different line of research.
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Ahmad S. Musa
Al al-Bayat University
David J. Pevalin
University of Essex
This work was supported by the scientific programmes at the
Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing at Al al-Bayat University and at the
School of Health and Human Sciences at the University of Essex. No
external funding.
Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Ahmad
S. Musa, Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing. Al al-Bayt University,
Mafraq, Jordan, P.O.Box (130040)--Postal code 25113, Email:
[email protected], Tel: 00962775654009, Fax: 00962 2 6297052.
Author Information
MUSA, AHMAD SALEM. Address: Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan,
P.O..Box (130040) postal code 25113, Jordan. Title: Assistant Professor,
Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing. Email: Ahmad_cnsi@ yahoo.corn.
Telephone: 00962775654009. Fax: 00962 2 6297052. Degrees: BS (Nursing)
Jordanian University of Science and Technology; MS (Nursing) Jordanian
University of Science and Technology; PhD--University of Essex.
Specializations: spiritual well-being, religiosity, and health;
spirituality and psychology; validating and developing spirituality
scales; nursing spiritual care.
PEVALIN, DAVID J. Address: University of Essex, School of Health
and Human Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, C04
3SQ, UK. Email:
[email protected]. Telephone: +44(0)1206 872854. Fax.:
+44 (0) 1206 873765. Title: Professor. Degrees: MA--Leicester:
MA--Calgary; PhD--Essex. Specializations: quantitative methodology,
measurement, health inequalities.