Virtues Develop From a Secure Base: Attachment and Resilience as Predictors of Humility, Gratitude, and Forgiveness.
Dwiwardani, Carissa ; Hill, Peter C. ; Bollinger, Richard A. 等
Little research has explored the role of attachment in predicting
virtues. In the present study, we provide an initial investigation
testing the theory that virtues develop from having secure attachment
relationships and the ability to bounce back from adversity.
Specifically, we examined attachment and ego resilience as predictors of
humility, gratitude and forgiveness. A series of hierarchical multiple
regression analyses on a community sample of 245 participants found that
both attachment and resilience were significant predictors of humility,
gratitude, and forgiveness, even after controlling for religiosity.
These results indicate the importance of the role of attachment and
resilience in the development of virtues.
This research was supported in part by a generous grant to the
second author from the John Templeton Foundation, Grant No. 29630, The
Development, Validation, and Dissemination of Measures of Intellectual
Humility and Humility
Recent developments in neurological science and developmental
psychology reveal that secure attachment is important for providing the
building blocks for healthy emotion regulation, the ability to cope with
stress, and the capacity to foster healthy interpersonal relationships
(Fonagy, 2003; Schore, 2001; Siegel, 2001). In the present study, we
examine the extent to which attachment style and resilience are related
to personality constructs that are often considered virtuous, such as
humility, gratitude, and forgiveness.
Attachment styles are relational patterns that are formed during
early childhood interactions with caregivers. They influence
people's interactions with others throughout their lives
(Ainsworth, 1979; Karen, 1994; Lawler-Row, Younger, Piferi, & Jones,
2006). Attachment is often measured in terms of anxious and avoidant
dimensions (Fraley, Waller, & Brennan, 2000). In response to
relationship threats, those with an anxious attachment style fear that
the attachment figure will be rejecting or unresponsive to their needs;
in contrast,
those with an avoidant attachment style tend to minimize the
importance of and seek to psychologically distance from attachment
figures (Ainsworth, 1979; Hazan & Shaver, 1987; Bartholomew &
Horowitz, 1991). Those with a secure attachment style (i.e., lower
scores on anxiety and avoidance dimensions) have relationships with
attachment figures that are characterized by a balance of closeness and
Attachment security is a robust predictor of psychological health
in a variety of populations (e.g., Dieper-ink, Leskela, Thuras, &
Engdahl, 2001; Love & Murdock, 2004). Individuals who are securely
attached are confident that the attachment figure will be responsive to
their needs and experience their close relationships as a "secure
base" (Ainsworth, 1979, p. 934). This, in turn, affords them the
confidence needed to explore their environments, take risks, and gain
new experiences. Knowing that one has a secure base to which he or she
can retreat provides a regulating mechanism for securely attached
individuals to face potential stressors in their environment.
We propose that attachment security--opera-tionally defined by low
attachment avoidance and anxiety--provides a foundation for the practice
of relational virtues such as humility, gratitude, and forgiveness. We
refer to these as relational virtues because they govern the process of
strengthening and repairing relationships (Davis et al., 2013). To
practice each of these virtues well, we theorize that individuals likely
must have developed a positive view of self and other, which is
characterized by secure attachment (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991).
For example, humility involves the ability to have an accurate view of
self and an awareness of one's limitations, and having a secure
attachment may allow an individual to practice this aspect of humility
without feeling the need to self-enhance. Furthermore, humility involves
having a stance that is other-oriented rather than self-focused (Davis
et al., 2011), which likely necessitates a positive view of others.
Similarly, gratitude (i.e., thankfulness for the blessings one has
received) and forgiveness (i.e., the ability to engage in a prosocial
emotional change toward an offender) also are likely facilitated by
having a secure base and a positive view of self and other.
Empirical evidence supports positive links between secure
attachment and the development of virtues. Although we are not aware of
any empirical research that has explicitly examined the association
between attachment and humility, there is research that has linked
attachment and narcissism, which involves having low humility
(Bollinger, 2010; Dwiwardani, 2011). A number of authors propose that
the etiology of narcissism is rooted in early attachment experiences
with caregivers (Bennett, 2006; Besser & Priel, 2009; Cater,
Zeigler-Hill & Vonk, 2011; Munich & Munich, 2009). For example,
Cater et al. (2011) found that entitlement, a component of narcissism,
was negatively associated with recollections of attachment securities
and positively associated with recollections of anxiety surrounding
separation from caregivers. Similarly, in a study of adult romantic
relationships, Tolmacz and Milculinzer (2011) found that entitlement in
relationships was associated with insecure attachment. Given the
negative relationship between narcissism and humility, these studies
provide indirect evidence for the hypothesis that secure attachment
facilitates humility.
There is also preliminary evidence that attachment style predicts
gratitude and forgiveness. Namely, attachment avoidance has been
associated with lower dispos i tio n al gratitude (Lavy & Littman-Ov
ad ia, 2011; Mikulincer, Shaver, & Slav, 2006). Gratitude was also
found to mediate the relationship between attachment avoidance and life
satisfaction (Lavy & Litt-man-Ovadia, 2011). Attachment has also
been linked with both trait and state forgiveness (e.g., Lawler-Row,
Younger, Piferi, & Jones, 2006; Webb, Call, Chickering, Colburn,
& Heisler 2006).
Although a secure attachment provides individuals with a secure
base to explore and cultivate virtues, such exploration often involves
encountering and dealing with stressful situations. Thus, in addition to
attachment style, another enduring quality that may provide a foundation
for the practice of virtue is resilience, which is a trait that allows
an individual to manage stressors and engage in their environment (Block
& Krernen, 1996). Although there have been few empirical studies
that have directly measured resilience and the virtues of humility,
gratitude, and forgiveness, there is again indirect evidence for this
hypothesis. For example, humility has been linked with positive social
relationship quality, general health, and self-esteem (Peters, Rowatt,
& Johnson, 2011; Rowatt et al., 2006). Gratitude has been linked
with acceptance of negative experiences, self-compassion, well-being,
depression, anger, loneliness, life satisfaction, spiritual well-being,
and burnout (Breen, Kashda.n, Lenser & Fincham, 2010; Lee, 2010;
Park, Peterson, & Seligman, 2004). In addition, forgiveness has been
linked with positive emotions, neuroticism, depression, anger, personal
distress, loneliness, acceptance, self-perspective, and well-being
(Breen et al., 2010; Neto, 2007, Worthington, 2003). Taken together,
this pattern of relationships points to the pivotal role that resilience
may play in promoting well-being as well as the development of
relational virtues.
Thus, in the present study, we sought to examine preliminary
evidence for the idea that virtuous behavior in relationships occurs
from a foundation of security (i.e., secure attachment) and an ability
to bounce back or deal with stressors or difficult circumstance (i.e.,
ego resilience). Our primary hypothesis was that resilience and secure
attachment would be positively associated with virtues that regulate
behavior in relationships (i.e., humility, gratitude, and forgiveness).
However, given that there is a body of evidence suggesting that
attachment style and resilience are related (Caldwell & Shaver,
2012; Karreman & Vingerhoets, 2012; Simeon et al., 2007), we will
investigate the extent to which attachment style predicts these virtuous
constructs above and beyond resilience. Because the virtues under
investigation have been associated with religion and spirituality, we
controlled for religiosity in all analyses.
Participants The study sample consisted of 245 individuals (69%
female). The mean participant age was 35.16 (range 18 to 76). The
participants self-identified as Caucasian (72.7%), African American
(13.1%), Biracial (4.1%), Hispanic/Latin (3.7%), Asian American/Pacific
Islander (2.4%), Other (1.25%), and Multiracial (1.2%). Participants
were highly educated with approximately two-thirds having at least a
bachelor's degree. The sample was also highly religious (75%
identified themselves as at least moderately religious) and spiritual
(89% identified themselves as at least moderately spiritual).
Seventy-seven percent were Protestant, 11% Catholic, 5% spiritual but
not religious, and 3% no religious affiliation. Approximately half of
the sample was married, 43% was single (never married), and 5% divorced.
Attachment styles. Attachment was assessed utilizing the
Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised 0(...iestionnaire (ECR-R;
Fraley, Waller, & Brennan, 2000). This 36-item self-report measure
contains two subscales: attachment-related anxiety and
attachment-related avoidance. Respondents are asked to rate their
agreement with each statement (e.g. "I'm afraid that I will
lose my partner's love" or "I prefer not to show a
partner how I feel deep down") on a five-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. The test-retest
correlations of the ECR-R subscales ranged from .93 to .95. Secure
attachment is defined as the absence of attachment-related anxiety and
avoidance. Fraley, Waller and Brennan (2000) acknowledged the
limitations in measuring secure attachment through ECR-R; however, when
compared with four other measures of attachment, ECR-R exhibited the
strongest psychometric properties. Additional psychometric support was
also provided by Sibley, Fischer, and Liu (2005). For the present study,
Cronbach's alphas for the anxious and avoidant subscales were .92
and.95, respectively.
Resilience. One's ability to adapt to stressors and
environmental contexts was assessed by measuring one's ego
resilience with the 14-item Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89; Block &
Kremen, 1996). Items (e.g., "I quickly get over and recover from
being startled") are rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. The measure is
face-valid and has good reliability (a = .76). Additional psychometric
support has been found in other research (e.g. Letzring, Block, &
Funder, 2005). Cronbach's alpha of this measure for the current
study was .75.
Religiosity. The extent to which one identifies as religious was
assessed using one question on our online survey, "How religious do
you consider yourself to be?" Participants responded on a Likert
scale, ranging from 1 = not religious to 5 = very religious.
Humility. Humility was assessed using an unpublished 36-item
self-report humility measure (Bollinger, Kopp, Hill, & Williams,
2006). Items (i.e. "I can honestly assess my strengths and
weaknesses") are rated on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging
from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly disagree. The measure has
five factors based on Tangney's (2000, 2009) definition of
humility: Worldview, Appreciation and recognition of limitations, Low
self-focus, Personal finiteness, and Accurate assessment of one's
self. Cronbach alpha coefficients ranged from .57 to .85 (Bollinger et
al., 2006). For the purposes of this study, the total score (a = .76;
Bollinger et al., 2006) was used. Cronbach's alpha of this measure
for the current study was .79.
Gratitude. Gratitude was assessed with the 6-item self-report
measure of gratitude (GQ-6; McCullough,
Emmons, & Tsang, 2002). Items (e.g., "I have so much in
life to be thankful for") are rated on a seven-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. This
single-factor questionnaire is face valid, and has high internal
consistency (a = .82) and convergent validity (McCullough, et al. 2002).
Additional studies have also noted the validity of this measure both in
adult (Kashdan, Mishra, Breen, & Froh, 2009; Wood, Joseph, &
Maltby, 2009) and child populations (edited version; Froh, et al. 2011).
Cronbach's alpha of this measure for the current study was .82.
Forgiveness. Dispositional forgiveness was assessed with the
18-item Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS; Thompson, et al., 2005). Items
(e.g., "With time I am understanding of others for the mistakes
they've made") are rated on a seven-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 = almost always false ofme to 7= almost always true of me. The
HFS has three subscales: Forgiveness of Self, Forgiveness of Others, and
Forgiveness of Situations. In the present study, the total score was
used. The HFS has shown evidence of convergent and divergent validity,
internal consistency (a = .72 to .87) and test-retest reliability (r =
.72 to .83; Thompson et at, 2005). Cronbach's alpha of this measure
for the current study was .85.
The study was completed as part of a graduate level Research
Methods course in a religious university located in the mid-Atlantic
region of the United States. Students were required to refer three
participants to the study as part of their course grade. Students who
referred five or more participants were granted five extra points on
their final exams. After indicating consent, participants completed the
online questionnaire. It was possible for participants to leave the
survey at any point and return to it at a later time if they wished.
Following successful completion of the questionnaire or exclusion due to
not meeting screening criteria, participants were redirected to a
separate database to enter their email address for the survey incentive,
a $5 electronic gift card.
Descriptive statistics and intercorrelations among study variables
are presented in Table 1. Prior to the analysis, two multivariate
outliers were removed. There were no other problems with assumptions for
multiple regression. Three three-step hierarchical multiple regression
analyses were conducted, one for each of the three virtues under
investigation. The steps were identical in each regression. Religiosity
was placed in the first step, ego resiliency in the second, and anxious
and avoidant attachment in the third.
TABLE 1 Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations for Study V
Variables M(SD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Anxious 2.82 --
attachment (1.20)
2. Avoidant 2.60 .56** --
attachment (1.20)
3. Ego 3.13 -.14* -.08 --
resilience (.38)
4. 3.45 -.17* -.17* .06 --
Religiosity (1.30)
5. Humility 374 -0.10 -.19* .13* .05 --
6. 6.36 -27** -.28** .18** .23** .40** --
Gratitude (.78)
7. 5.12 -.38** -.30** .26** .17* .30** .49** --
Forgiveness (.82)
* p< .05. ** p <.01
Our first hypothesis was that resilience would be a positive
predictor of each of the three virtues under investigation, controlling
for religiosity. This hypothesis was supported. Resilience was a
positive predictor of each of the three virtues over and above the
effects of religiosity, though its ability to predict humility only
approximated significance (p =.051). Resilience uniquely predicted 1.6%
of the variance in humility, F [DELTA] (1, 237) = 3.86, p = .051, 2.6%
of the variance in gratitude, F [DELTA] (1, 239) = 6.75, p = .010, and
6.1% of the variance in forgiveness, F [DELTA] (1, 219) = 14.56, p <
Our second hypothesis was that anxious and avoidant attachment
would be negative predictors of each of the three virtues under
investigation, controlling for religiosity and resilience. This
hypothesis was mostly supported. Regarding humility, attachment
predicted an additional 3.0% of the variance in humility, F [DELTA] (2,
235) = 3.69, p = .027. Avoidant attachment was a negative predictor of
humility ([beta]=--.19,p = .015), but anxious attachment was not a
significant predictor of humility ([beta] = .03, p = .751). Regarding
gratitude, attachment predicted an additional 6.5% of the variance in
gratitude, [F.sub.[DELTA]] (2, 236) = 8.91, p > .001. Avoidant
attachment showed a trend toward being a negative predictor of gratitude
([beta] =--.13,p = .079), and anxious attachment was a negative
predictor of gratitude ([beta]=-.17,p = .024). Regarding forgiveness,
attachment predicted an additional 12.1% of the variance in forgiveness,
F A (2, 217) = 16.54,p < .001. Avoidant attachment showed .a trend
toward being a negative predictor of forgiveness ([beta] =--.12,p =
.092), and anxious attachment was a negative predictor of forgiveness
([beta] =--.27, p < .001).
The results of this study indicate that attachment and resilience
are significantly related to the virtuous constructs of humility,
gratitude, and forgiveness. After controlling for religiosity, we found
that resilience positively predicted humility, gratitude and
forgiveness, while anxious and avoidant attachment styles negatively
predicted these virtues above and beyond resilience. Interestingly, both
gratitude and forgiveness showed a similar pattern in which both
avoidant and anxious attachment were negatively related to the virtue,
but in both cases anxious attachment was the stronger predictor. This
finding is consistent with prior research, (Lavy & Littman-Ovadia,
2011; Lawler-Row et al., 2006; Mikulincer et al., 2006; Webb et al.,
2006) and supports our theorizing that attachment may facilitate the
development of virtues that regulate strengthening and repair of
relationships. Humility, on the other hand, showed a different pattern.
Avoidant attachment was negatively related to humility, but anxious
attachment was not associated with humility. This provides initial
support for the idea that humility is grounded in a sense of security
that allows one to consider one's strengths and limitations in
non-defensive ways. Avoidant attachment may cause people to act in
dismissive and condescending ways, especially under stress, which can
increase arrogant behavior. Thus, characteristics identified by Tangney
(2000, 2009) as key markers of humility--a desire to know the self
accurately, a low self-focus, seeing the bigger picture of one's
place in the world and a resulting lack of a sense of entitlement, and
an openness to new ideas--may require an ego strength rooted in a secure
attachment style that is not beset with a tendency to minimize the
importance of human relatedness. Interestingly, anxious attachment was
unrelated to humility in this sample. Perhaps an anxious style is not
consistently detrimental to humility, but may be affected by other
moderating variables. Namely, anxiously attached individuals may
sometimes act in caring other-oriented ways, albeit driven by needs to
regulate their anxiety. Other times they may fail to show responsiveness
to others, because they are having difficulty caring for their own needs
and managing negative affect. This finding, which was discrepant from
our hypotheses, should be explored in further research.
The findings on the predictive capability of ego resilience suggest
that the ability to regulate stressors in the environment may actually
facilitate the development of virtuous characteristics and the adaptive
behaviors associated with such characteristics. Resilience may, for
example, involve the ability to regulate emotions, and this may help
account for the conceptual overlap of the three virtues identified here,
all of which may be considered as virtues of self-regulation (Peterson
Sc Seligman, 2004; Powers, Nam, Rowatt, & Hill, 2007).
The study had several limitations. Although the use of online
surveys and incentives increased our chance of recruiting a wide range
of participants, this study relied on a convenience sample, which may
not be representative of the general population. Future studies should
be conducted using random sampling. Furthermore, the study used a
cross-sectional correlational design, so causal assumptions should not
be made. Although our theoretical model and analysis identified
attachment and resilience leading to the development of humility,
gratitude, and forgiveness, other theoretical models may be consistent
with the data as well. For example, developing character strengths such
as humility may lead to the development of resilience, or perhaps even
alter one's attachment style. Or, a third variable may lead to both
attachment and virtue, creating a spurious correlation between the
variables in the present study. Future research using longitudinal or
experimental designs would be helpful to further explore these
In conclusion, this study has provided initial evidence that the
development of virtues such as humility, gratitude, and forgiveness may
be related to developing a secure base (i.e., secure attachment) and the
ability to bounce back from stress or adversity (i.e., resilience). This
study adds to the growing research literature on the importance of
attachment for the development of relational virtues.
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Carissa Dwiwardani
Regent University
Peter C. Hill
Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University
Richard A. Bollinger
Clinical Practices of the University of Perinsylvania
Lashley E. Marks, Justin R. Steele, Holly N. Doolin, and Sara L.
Regent University
Joshua N. Hook
University of North Texas
Don E. Davis
Georgia State University
Author Information
DWIWARDANI, CARISSA. PhD. Address: School of Psychology &
Counseling, Regent University, 1000 Regent University Dr., CRB 188,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Title: Assistant Professor of Psychology &
Director of Psychological Services Center. Degrees: PhD--Biola
University; MA--Biola University; BA--Biala University. Specializations:
psychoanalytic psychotherapy, positive psychology, multicultural
HILL, PETER C. PhD. Address: Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola
University, 13800 Biala Ave., La Mirada, CA 90639. Title: Professor of
Psychology. Degrees: PhD--University of Houston; MA--University of
Houston; BA--Nyack College. Specializations: psychology of religion,
religious and spiritual measurement, virtue theory, religion, and
BOLLINGER, RICHARD A. PhD. Address: Penn Medicine, Outpatient
Psychiatry Center, 3535 Market St, Floor 2. Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Title: Outpatient Director of Psychotherapy Services. Degrees:
PhD--Biola University; MA--Biola University; BA--Cornell University.
Specializations: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychology of religion,
virtue theory's application to psychotherapy.
MARKS, LASHLEY E. MA. Address: School of Psychology &
Counseling, Regent University, 1000 Regent University Dr., CRB 161,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Title: Doctoral Candidate in Clinical
Psychology. Degrees: MA--Regent University.
STEELE, JUSTIN R. MA. Address: School of Psychology &
Counseling, Regent University, 1000 Regent University Dr., CRB 161,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Title: Doctoral Candidate in Clinical
Psychology. Degrees: MA--Regent University; MFA--Regent University;
BA--The University of Findlay. Specializations: psychological trauma and
DOOLIN, HOLLY N. MA. Address: School of Psychology &
Counseling, Regent University, 1000 Regent University Dr., CRB 161,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464, Title: Doctoral Candidate in Clinical
Psychology. Degrees: MA--Regent University. Specializations: sexuality
and sexual identity concerns.
WOOD, SARA L. PhD, LPC, NCC. Address: School of Psychology &
Counseling, Regent University, 1000 Regent University Dr., CRI1 161,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Title: Adjunct Professor, Regent University.
Degrees: PhD--Regent University; MA--Regent University; BS--Gardner-Webb
University. Specializations: grief and loss, sexual addictions, and
counselor distress.
HOOK, JOSHUA N. Address: University of North Texas, 1155 Union
Circle #311280, Denton, TX 76203. Email:
[email protected]. Title:
Assistant Professor of Psychology. Degrees: BS (Psychology) University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; MS (Counseling Psychology) Virginia
Commonwealth University; PhD (Counseling Psychology) Virginia
Commonwealth University. Specializations: humility, forgiveness,
DAVIS, DON E. PhD. Address: Department of Counseling and
Psychological Services, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3980,
Atlanta, GA 30302-3980. Title: Assistant Professor of Counseling and
Psychological Services Georgia State University. Degrees: PhD
(Counseling Psychology) Virginia Commonwealth University; BA
(Psychology) Yale University. Specializations: humility, forgiveness,
positive psychology, religion/spirituality.
TABLE 2 Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Humility,
Gratitude, and Forgiveness
Step 2 Step 3
Variable [beta] Sig [beta] Sig
Religiosity .04 .560 .01 .863
Ego Resilience .13 .051 .12 .069
Avoidant Attachment -.19 .015
Anxious Attachment .03 .751
Religiosity .22 <.001 .18 .005
Ego Resilience .16 .010 .14 .028
Avoidant Attachment -.13 .079
Anxious Attachment -.17 .024
Religiosity .15 .024 .08 .213
Ego Resilience .25 <.001 .22 <.001
Avoidant Attachment -.12 .092
Anxious Attachment -.27 <.001