Challenges of implementing the NIH Extramural Associate Research Development Award (EARDA) at a minority-serving university.
Pickens, Jeffrey
In fall 2007, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Extramural
Associates Research Development Award (EARDA) was implemented at St.
Thomas University in Miami, Florida. The NIH EARDA award was designed to
build research infrastructure and encourage development of externally
funded research at minority-serving institutions to encourage more
minority students to enter the sciences and pursue biomedical research
St. Thomas University, an undergraduate teaching institution, is a
designated Minority Serving Institution (MSI) and Hispanic Serving
Institution (HSI). Its enrollment is comprised of 47% Hispanic, 27%
African American/Caribbean and 10% International undergraduates. The
award helped establish the university's first Office of Sponsored
Research and to initiate a research development program.
The Boyer Commission Report on undergraduate education (1998)
recommended providing every undergraduate student with research
opportunities beginning in the freshman year. Historically, teaching
institutions without strong research components have experienced greater
financial risks due to stiff competition from more established research
institutions (Kenny, 2003). Research participation has been effective in
promoting retention of students at greater risk for college attrition,
especially minority students (Nagda, Gregerman, Jonides, VonHippel,
& Lerner, 1998). Evidence suggests the need for teaching
institutions to expand research opportunities for faculty and students,
to enhance both academic quality and financial sustainability
(Strassburger, 1995). However, institutions that transition from a
teaching to a research focus typically experience difficulties with
funding and personnel support (Harman & Selim, 1991). The NIH EARDA
grant helps address this challenge by providing infrastructure and
support to stimulate research activities at MSIs that historically have
not engaged to a great degree in externally funded research.
What is the NIH EARDA Program?
The NIH established the Extramural Associates Program in 1978 to
produce a cadre of academic research administrators who could promote
the participation of institutions with high ethnic minority student
enrollments in rigorous biomedical and behavioral research programs. The
program is administered within the Division of Special Populations of
the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
The EARDA Program was created to develop institutional capacity to
support external research grant proposals, provide administrative
structure to manage grant awards, and increase biomedical and behavioral
research at minority-serving institutions.
As part of the award requirements, the participating institution
nominates an Extramural Associate (EA) who is trained in grant processes
used by the NIH and other federal agencies to support biomedical and
behavioral research and training. The program instructs the EA in the
role of academic research administrators in research development. EARDA
is designed to stimulate the building of research infrastructure and
development, and to facilitate a sustainable capacity in research
administration at institutions with limited resources for implementing
fundable biomedical and behavioral research.
To strengthen research administration infrastructure at
minority-serving and women's institutions, the EARDA Program trains
the EAS to: 1) be leaders for research administration at their
institutions; 2) help colleges acquire trained sponsored research staff
and establish the infrastructure for grants acquisition and management;
3) identify best practices and encourage the MSI to institutionalize
sponsored research practices; 4) establish a process for evaluating
capacity development in research administration; and 5) encourage
student participation in faculty research. EAs participate in distance
learning and on-site residency training at the NIH in federal grants
terminology and funding mechanisms, receipt and referral of
applications, peer review, program funding cycles, grants management
basics, use of human and animal subjects in research, electronic grant
submission, best practices for sponsored research, and development of a
network of contacts at federal funding agencies.
This author was the EA for St. Thomas University and was trained in
a 10-week residency at NIH in the topics shown in Table 1.
Once the NIH residency is complete, EAs possess a working knowledge
of federal support for biomedical and behavioral research and training,
and skills in preparing research applications and postaward management,
and are prepared to expand research infrastructure and development at
their MSIs.
Engaging Institutional Leaders
One of the first activities undertaken at St. Thomas University was
to establish a committee to advise and oversee the implementation of a
new Office of Sponsored Research and to plan research development
efforts. The university deans were invited to participate, along with
key faculty, business office staff and administrators. The goals of the
EARDA program and the EA's implementation plan were shared to gain
feedback and foster the support of these key stakeholders and campus
leaders. Involving the deans, faculty and staff in the oversight and
planning of the new office helped the EA to gain buy-in from key campus
Among the most important individuals to cultivate as allies were
the university president and provost. A commitment by these leaders was
needed to establish a strategic research vision for the university and
to plan development of research infrastructure and resources important
to the overall mission of the institution and its academic programs.
These leaders were instrumental in establishing faculty evaluation
criteria that reward efforts in research and grant writing, as well as
policies to free up faculty from teaching to permit pursuit of research
activities without disrupting the university operations and culture.
Frequent meetings were held with the president and provost to apprise
them of actions taken by the new Office of Sponsored Research. Thus, the
university leadership actively supported initial efforts of the EA in
confronting the many challenges of redirecting the culture of this
teaching institution towards research.
Outreach and Professional Development
Changing the culture at a primarily teaching university is not an
easy task, and, as stated earlier, the role of research administrators
in such an effort is key. During his training, this EA developed a
network of contacts and mentors at the NIH and other federal agencies,
many of whom stressed that building trust and reaching out to faculty
were crucial to success. Faculty engaged primarily in teaching and
advising may not have the skills or interests to pursue funded projects.
Therefore, professional development and outreach activities are needed
to motivate faculty to explore grants preparation. A series of seminars
were offered, including one entitled, "What can the Office of
Sponsored Research do for you?" Here, the EA introduced faculty to
the functions of the new office and the EARDA implementation plan.
Faculty members were surveyed via the seminars, email and attendance at
departmental faculty meetings to identify their needs and interests.
Professional development training was subsequently planned for faculty,
business office and other university staff on a variety of research and
pre- and postaward issues. Seminars were offered several times during
the semester, often taking place in computer labs so faculty could gain
hands-on experience in searching for funding opportunities and working
with electronic submission and grant management systems. Seminar topics
are listed in Table 2.
Surveys indicated that the faculty needs for training and
assistance varied greatly. Thus, both beginning and intermediate
grant-writing seminars were offered, during which some faculty for the
first time drafted a needs statement, specific aims, and program
narrative, while others delved deeper into issues of research design,
sampling, human subjects and budget justifications. Many workshops began
with a wish list exercise in which participants were asked to envision
what resources they hoped to gain as they moved their careers into new
directions by conducting funded research projects. In the first year of
operating the new Office of Sponsored Research, the EA circulated
newsletters to inform faculty about research opportunities, highlighted
faculty and student research achievements and announced upcoming
seminars and workshops. The Office of Sponsored Research also created a
website portal to grant opportunities, new university policies, forms
and guidelines needed to initiate grant proposals, institutional review
board (IRB) review, and other key resources for research grant
development, compliance and reporting. Thus, in its first year, the
EARDA award helped stimulate a new, visible research support system at
this MSI, and initiated conversation among faculty in conducting
research at this teaching institution.
Faculty Pilot Research Awards
It is difficult to engage in research those faculty members with
heavy teaching responsibilities. The basic teaching load for faculty at
St. Thomas University was four courses (12 credit hours) per semester.
At smaller universities, many faculty also assume additional course
loads, heavy advising, committee responsibilities, and other duties. In
a preliminary survey, lack of time was the most common reason faculty
gave for not engaging in grant writing and research. The perception that
research activities will only add to an already high teaching load is a
barrier to research involvement, and requires a creative, on-going
effort to overcome.
Another reason making faculty less inclined to write grant
proposals is the perception that this effort would not be recognized for
advancement and evaluation. Not all universities recognize grant writing
in the same way they recognize publishing or the development of new
courses. Grant writing consumes time and is risky because many grants
are not funded, especially on the first round. That grant writing may
not be explicitly recognized in evaluations makes it more difficult for
teaching faculty to pursue funded research projects. Early meetings with
faculty therefore stressed that research involving students would
complement the teaching mission. It was necessary to reassure the staff
at departmental meetings that only some faculty would pursue funded
research; the university was not asking all faculty (especially those
who were satisfied in their teaching roles) to become externally funded
researchers. However, the availability of EARDA pilot research seed
money to assist faculty in starting their research programs helped
motivate some to make their first forays into grant writing.
The EARDA award includes funding to establish a Faculty Pilot
Research Award competition, with small grants that faculty could apply
for to jump-start their research programs, typically during the summer
months, when teaching loads are reduced. Faculty could propose
small-scale projects and receive funding for themselves, student
assistants, travel, and supplies and equipment to undertake a research
activity of limited scope. Typically, these research projects could be
conducted within a year. Faculty were required to submit their proposals
on PHS 398 grant application forms and to undergo an NICHD review. Pilot
research funding of up to $40,000 per year was built into the EARDA
budget. Faculty were encouraged to apply for awards under $20,000 so
that at least two awards per year could be made. The faculty pilot
applications were developed in the first year of the EARDA, for funding
to begin in the second year of the award. The use of standard grant
application forms, with a full review and revision process, encouraged
faculty to follow the federal grant application process. In this way,
faculty would be more prepared at the end of their pilot research
projects to undertake a federal research grant proposal (such as an NIH
R03). Thus, these awards required a rigorous application and review
process to provide the faculty experience in the effort required to
create sustainable, externally funded research programs.
One of the most interesting challenges in the first year of the
EARDA was managing unrealistic faculty expectations about grants and
funding. The EA was surprised at how many of the faculty initially
visited the Office of Sponsored Research to ask how they could increase
their salary through writing grants. Many had no specific ideas about
developing a research project, but they had a long wish list of desired
equipment, travel money and other resources. Many faculty wanted funds
to serve academic needs (classroom computers and new buildings) or for
travel, with little consideration of how to justify the need for these
resources to an external funding source. Faculty in the humanities and
arts were disappointed when they learned from the workshops that much
federal funding is geared toward projects concerning public health,
security issues, or scientific disciplines. The EA spent considerable
time providing faculty with realistic estimates of the most fundable
projects and the best funding sources. While the focus of the EARDA
program was clearly geared to enlist faculty from the sciences and
health disciplines, it was not surprising that interest in seeking
funding arose across all disciplines, including the arts, humanities,
faith-based initiatives, and community service projects. Therefore, one
challenge was coordinating a science- and health-oriented research
development program while at the same time managing faculty expectations
within the multi-disciplinary context of the university.
A related challenge was convincing the university to create a
strategic research development plan. Given that not all disciplines or
projects are equally fundable, it was important to prioritize areas that
had the greatest potential for scholarship and likelihood of earning
external funding. The president, deans and campus leaders collaborated
with the EA to identify key areas of scholarship and research that
complemented the university's broader mission. The survey data
helped identify some of the stronger researchers and faculty areas of
research interest. A strategic plan was developed that emphasized STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines, teacher
training, and projects that focused on diversity (e.g., minority health,
cross-cultural, and international issues). The university strategic
research development plan helped faculty and administrators to focus
efforts on areas of expertise and fundability. The EARDA program
research development plan emphasized pursuit of funding that best
matched existing faculty expertise and talent with current funding
trends and climate.
One final challenge was the need for developing partnerships with
external agencies. Many grant opportunities and funding proposals are
enhanced by the collaboration of different organizations, and each
brings its own unique resources and expertise to the proposal. For
example, teacher training initiatives benefit from supportive
partnerships with local educational agencies and schools. Partnering
with other local universities can extend limited grant budget resources
to larger target audiences, and letters of support and memoranda of
understanding (MOUs) attesting to their partnerships are a necessary
component of many applications for external funding. The challenge was
not only in how to form partnerships, but also in how best to
institutionalize and document this partnering process. The following
questions emerged:
1. Who represents the university with regard to external
2. What is the function of Sponsored Research and other university
units in developing, authorizing or reviewing letters of support or MOUs
related to grant-funded projects?
3. What do university-community partnerships convey in terms of new
roles and responsibilities for grant-funded project directors and
external partners?
There are other issues in dealing with organizations external to
the university. Along with implementing new forms and policies for grant
proposals, as well as new practices for managing external funding and
dealing with federal grant compliance issues, the university also needs
to examine how to deal with external entities in partnerships. The first
year of EARDA support for this MSI was an interesting one, both in terms
of the EA assuming the role of a change agent to advance the research
culture of a teaching university, and in managing the many unanticipated
impacts of stimulating more research and external funding proposals.
As most members of the profession have acknowledged, the role of
research administration exceeds grant oversight, fiscal accountability,
and compliance with federal funding policies. Research administrators at
smaller academic institutions are often seen as change agents tasked
with strengthening the research culture by: 1) encouraging
administrative and faculty buy-in to perform research; 2) providing
opportunities for training in research policies and grants development;
3) promoting reward systems for faculty engaged in research; 4)
providing opportunities for faculty training in compliance and
regulatory policies; 5) overseeing sound project management; and 6)
serving as an informational and networking resource.
Successful research administrators know how to find information
about funding, explain the actions of review panels, and assist in
budget development, as well as how to deal with issues of contract
negotiation and grants compliance. According to NIH, the EARDA supported
EAs in fostering a culture of research at their institutions by bridging
science and administration, stimulating development of seed funding for
research, providing resources for faculty and students, and influencing
institutional research policies. The EARDA model was successful in
establishing an office of sponsored research at this MSI, developing new
grants policies and procedures, stimulating faculty to apply for pilot
research awards, and increasing the level of research and number of
grant submissions. Significant challenges remain in sustaining
institutional support for research development and encouraging
additional faculty to initiate funded research. Despite the challenges
of creating a research culture at a teaching-intensive institution,
great rewards are possible through activities aimed at increasing
faculty research and engaging students in the sciences.
Author's Note
Presented at the Symposium of the 2008 Society of Research
Administrators International meeting in National Harbor, Maryland, this
project was made possible by a grant (#G11HD054970-01) from the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHD). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author and do
not represent the official views of NICHD.
The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research
University (1998). Reinventing undergraduate education: A blueprint for
America's research universities. Princeton University: Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Harman, G., & Selim, M. (1991). Funding for higher education.
Report from the UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the
Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kenny, S. S. (2003). New challenges in a post-Boyer world. American
Scientist, 91(2), 103-105.
Nagda, B.A., Gregerman, S.R, Jonides, J., VonHippel, W. &
Lerner, J.S. (1998). Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships
affect student retention. The Review of Higher Education 22(1), 55-72.
NIH/NICHD Extramural Associates Research Development Awards EARDA
[PAR-05-053]. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Strassburger, J. (1995). Embracing undergraduate research. American
Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Bulletin, 47, 3-5.
Jeffrey Pickens, PhD
St. Thomas University
16401 NW 37th Avenue
Miami Gardens, FL 33054 USA
Tel: (305) 628-6557
[email protected]
Table 1. Components of the Extramural Associates Training
1. The organization and function of the NIH and other federal
funding agencies
2. Common federal grant compliance and regulatory issues
3. Extramural funding mechanisms and opportunities
4. Best practices in program administration, evaluation, financial
management of grants, subcontract awards, and research project
administration in resource-limited settings
5. Technologies for information and data retrieval, dissemination,
and grant applications
6. Office of Sponsored Research planning and management strategies
7. Common federal extramural funding program policies and
procedures; federal extramural scientific review policies and
8. Other federal and private or non-profit funding programs and
9. Grantsmanship--grant writing and budget development skills
10. Understanding NIH guidelines and protocols on issues in human
subject research
11. Institutional review boards, use of laboratory animals,
research misconduct, conflicts of interest, and policies on
intellectual property management
Table 2. Faculty Research Development Seminars
1. Office of Sponsored Research -What can we do for you?
2. How to identify funding opportunities using and other
web resources
3. How to evaluate and read a funding opportunity announcement
4. Ethical issues in the use of human participants in research
5. Ethical issues in the use of animal subjects in research
6. Grants writing workshop--I Beginners; II Intermediate
7. Preparing your faculty pilot research award application
8. Using CRISP/NIH REPORTER to identify funded projects and
potential collaborators
9. Developing your proposal and budget
10. Partnerships and collaborations--How to form and sustain them
11. Grants for minority serving institutions in STEM and health
12. Statistics and research design and methods assistance forum
13. Preparing for summer student/faculty research internships
14. Following-up after your faculty pilot research