The role of task type in L2 vocabulary acquisition: a case of Involvement Load Hypothesis/O papel de tipos de tarefas na aquisicao de vocabulario em L2: um caso de Hipotese da Carga de Participacao.
Sarani, Abdullah ; Negari, Giti Mousapour ; Ghaviniat, Massoumeh 等
There is a general agreement among most researchers that vocabulary
is one of the main constituents of a language, and acquiring L2
vocabulary is the prerequisite of second language learning. In fact, it
is the vocabulary by which L2 learners will be able to do each of the
four skills (RICHARDS; RENANDYA, 2002). The importance of vocabulary
knowledge in academic situations (DONLEY; REPPEN, 2001), in reading
ability (KITAJIMA, 2001; MEARA; FITZPATRICK, 2000) and in human
communications (COADY; HUCKIN, 1997) has been greatly emphasized. About
the number of L2 words to be learned, some researchers propose that
5,000 words is the lowest lexical necessity for a L2 learners of English
to understand general, non-specialized (LAUFER, 1997; NATION, 1990) or
unsimplified texts (HIRSH; NATION, 1992). However, for the understanding
of specialized and academic texts, 7,000 (GROOT, 1994 cited in GROOT,
2000) or 10,000 (SCHMITT, 2000) word stock is required. Similarly, 5,000
words is the prerequisite for communicative skills in a second or
foreign language (NATION, 1993 cited in PRINCE, 1996). Accordingly, the
first step for many foreign or L2 learners is to grab and memorize a
large stock of vocabulary. However, the issue is how?
The accepted view among most researchers (e.g., NAGY; HERMAN, 1987;
SWANBORN; DE GLOPPER, 1999) is that it is not possible for L2 learners
to learn such a large stock of vocabulary merely through the explicit
instruction of vocabulary. According to Schmitt (2000), this would be
very time-consuming and too laborious. In addition, as Krashen (1989,
cited in KEATING, 2008) states, the majority of word learning by L2
learners occurs incidentally. Shortly after developing the incidental
vocabulary learning hypothesis by Nagy and Herman (1985), a wide variety
of studies were performed to discover the most effective factors on
incidental word learning during different kinds of tasks. The results of
studies in this area revealed an extensive diversity of factors which
were effective in promoting incidental word learning. For example, one
type of research related to incidental vocabulary learning put emphasis
mainly on learner factors (PRINCE, 1996; SWANBORN; DE GLOPPER, 2002). On
the other hand, while some studies examined the impact of contextual
cues such as marginal glosses (HULSTIJN, 1992; WATANABE, 1997), others
considered the use of the dictionary (KNIGHT, 1994; LUPPESCU; DAY, 1993)
as an issue affecting incidental vocabulary learning. Another type of
studies investigated the effects of text-based (JOE, 1995, 1998),
2000) and interactional tasks (ELLIS, 1995; LOSCHKY, 1994; NEWTON, 1995)
on incidental vocabulary learning. Additionally, the use of negotiation
and interaction (DE LA FUENTE, 2002; ELLIS; HE, 1999) was also
considered as an effective factor on incidental learning of L2
In each of these studies, one task was superior to another in terms
of incidental vocabulary learning. In explaining this superiority, most
authors indicated that the more effective task requires a 'deeper
level of processing' (CRAIK; LOCKHART, 1972) than the other task.
Nonetheless, Craik and Lockhart's (1972) depth of processing has
been criticized for not having a clear-cut and simple definition about
different levels of processing (BADDELEY, 1999; CRAIK; TULVING, 1975;
EYSENCK, 1978; LAUFER; HULSTIJN, 2001; NELSON, 1977). Accordingly, the
Involvement Load Hypothesis was formulated by Laufer and Hulstijn (2001)
to provide a more clear-cut definition of processing depth.
The Involvement Load Hypothesis
The Involvement Load Hypothesis is an incidental vocabulary
learning theory that formulated the criteria which explain why some
specific tasks lead to better vocabulary retention than others. In their
hypothesis, the authors proposed the construct of task-induced
involvement load which calculated the amount of task efficacy in the
retention of new L2 vocabulary in an incidental condition. This
construct comprised three principal components: 'need',
'search', and 'evaluation'. The need component
refers to whether, for task completing, the learner is supposed to know
the meaning of the new words. Two levels of importance for need were
offered: moderate and strong. Need is moderate when it is externally
enforced by the teacher or the task, and strong when it is intrinsically
imposed by the learner.
Search, as opposed to need, signifies the endeavor of discovering
the meaning of a new L2 word or discovering the L2 form of a word in L1.
Unlike need, search may be present or absent. While learners attempt to
discover the meaning of unfamiliar words to complete a task, the search
is present; however, it is absent while such an attempt does not exist.
Evaluation entails reaching a conclusion about the meaning of a word
during tasks, for example,
[...] a comparison of a given word with other words, a specific
meaning of a word with its other meanings, or combining the word with
other words in order to assess whether a word does or does not fit its
context (LAUFER; HULSTIJN, 2001, p. 14).
Like need, evaluation can also be moderate or strong. Evaluation is
moderate while the learners are required to compare several lexical
items with each other (as in matching tasks), or compare different
meanings of a lexical item in a provided text (as in a homonym).
However, strong evaluation makes learners to combine new lexical items
and create novel sentences.
Combining all the three factors with their levels of importance in
a task makes the task-induced involvement load. Laufer and Hulstijn
(2001) declared that tasks with higher involvement loads promoted better
vocabulary retention than tasks with lower involvement loads. But how
may we determine one task's involvement load in a numerical
fashion? Accordingly, in order to compare different tasks with each
other in a numerical fashion, Hulstijn and Laufer (2001) offered the
involvement index, which appointed numerical weights in which
"[...] absence of a factor is marked as 0, a moderate presence of a
factor as 1, and strong presence as 2" (p. 544).Therefore, each
task can have an involvement index of 0 (lowest index) to 5 (highest
In their hypothesis, Laufer and Hulstijn (2001) declared that any
special task type (e.g., output) does not consider more effective than
other type (e.g., input). They asserted that this is just the level of
involvement load of a task which determine task's efficacy. In
other words, they stated that two input and output tasks with the same
load conditions will act equally on vocabulary acquisition. So, the
equality of the involvement loads for different tasks types (e.g., input
vs. output) calls for further research.
Empirical studies on Involvement Load Hypothesis
Right after developing the Involvement Load Hypothesis, Hulstijn
and Laufer (2001) investigated the effect of involvement load on short-
and long-term retention of 10 unfamiliar words by advanced EFL learners
in two different experiments. They compared three learning tasks with
varying involvement loads: reading comprehension with marginal glosses
(index = 1), reading comprehension plus fill-in (index = 2), and writing
a composition and using the target words (index = 3). Immediately after
treatment, the learners were asked to write L1 translations or L2
definitions for the 10 target words in order to measure their short-term
retention of target words. The same post-test was again administered 1
or 2 weeks later in order to measure student's long-term retention.
The results of the Hebrew-English Experiment which provided strong
support for the Involvement Load Hypothesis revealed that, on both
post-tests, the composition group scored significantly higher than the
fill-in group, and the fill-in group scored significantly higher than
the reading group. Nonetheless, the results of the Dutch-English
Experiment which provided partial support for the hypothesis reported
that, on both post-tests, the composition group performed significantly
better than the fill-in and the reading groups; yet, the fill-in group
did not perform significantly better than the reading group.
By stating the limitations of Hulstijn and Laufer's (2001)
study, Keating (2008) investigated whether the low-proficiency learners
may also benefit from the more involving tasks, and whether the learners
may gain the same word knowledge on passive and active tests. In order
to have certainty about these questions, the low-proficiency learners of
Spanish randomly completed one of the three tasks with different
involvement loads: reading comprehension with marginal glosses (index =
1), reading comprehension plus fill-in (index = 2), and writing original
sentences by using target words (index = 3). After task completion and
two weeks later, the learners' knowledge of target words was
assessed through two passive and active tests. Partially confirming the
Involvement Load Hypothesis, the results of both immediate and delayed
passive tests reported that Task 2 and 3 resulted in higher retention
scores compared to Task 1. However, Task 3 was not more effective than
Task 2. On the other hand, the results of immediate active test which
firmly supported the hypothesis revealed that learners in Task 2 and 3
promoted better word retention than those in Task 1, and learners in
Task 3 also performed better than those in Task 2. In the delayed active
test, however, learners in Task 3 did not perform much better than those
in Task 1 or Task 2. In short, Keating's (2008) study claimed that
the Involvement Load Hypothesis may be generalized to low proficiency
learners and may also affect similarly the learner's passive and
active word knowledge.
Following Keating (2008), Kim (2011) tested the Involvement Load
Hypothesis in an ESL setting, across different task types and
proficiency levels with a controlled time on task. In his first
experiment, he tested the efficacy of three tasks with varying
involvement loads within two different proficiency levels. In each
proficiency level, learners randomly completed one of three tasks:
Reading, Gap-fill and Composition. In order to assess L2 learners'
initial learning and retention of target words, two immediate and
delayed post-tests were conducted. The results of both post-tests showed
that the Composition group (index = 3) yielded significantly higher
scores than the Reading (index = 1) and Gap-fill (index = 2) groups.
However, the participants in Gap-fill group gained significantly better
scores than those in the Reading group just on the delayed post-test. In
a nutshell, the results of immediate post-test partially supported the
Involvement Load Hypothesis while those of delayed post-test fully
supported this hypothesis. In his second experiment, Kim (2011)
investigated whether two tasks with equal involvement loads affected
similarly learning of target words. The author, therefore, compared the
writing composition (index = 3) with the writing sentence task (index =
3). The results of both post-tests revealed that these two tasks with
identical involvement loads affected equally the initial learning and
retention of target words across two different proficiency levels, a
claim which was supported by the Involvement Load Hypothesis.
By considering the research studies of the Involvement Load
Hypothesis, it appears that time on task has not been well considered in
these studies. Initially, Folse (2006) claimed that the efficacy of one
task over another might be due to the length of time needed for task
completion. Similarly, Keating (2008) argued that when time on task was
taken into account, the benefits connected to more involving tasks
faded. As opposed to Folse (2006) and Keating (2008), Kim (2011)
empirically tested the Involvement Load Hypothesis with controlled time
on task across groups, and proved that the results of his study were in
pattern with the predictions of the Involvement Load Hypothesis. Due to
these contradictory results about the role of time on task, we are still
in need of further research to test this hypothesis with a controlled
time on task from the outset of the study.
Further research is also needed to investigate the underlying
assumptions of the Involvement Load Hypothesis. For example, Laufer and
Hulstijn (2001) claimed that any particular task type--be it input or
output--is not considered superior or more effective, and that the only
influential factor in task efficacy is the task's level of
involvement load. Consequently, more research is needed to examine
whether tasks with similar levels of involvement load but from different
types--input vs. output--will have similar effects on vocabulary
acquisition. To meet these two purposes, the researchers designed three
receptive and three productive vocabulary tasks with varying involvement
loads. In the light of the purposes of the study, the following research
questions were posed:
1. Given English receptive vocabulary tasks, will Iranian EFL
learners obtain better initial learning and retention of new vocabulary
in higher task load conditions compared to lower ones? If so, will the
benefits of tasks hold up over time?
2. Given English productive vocabulary tasks, will Iranian EFL
learners obtain better initial learning and retention of new vocabulary
in higher task load conditions compared to lower ones? If so, will the
benefits of tasks hold up over time?
3. Given English receptive and productive vocabulary tasks with the
same levels of involvement index, will Iranian EFL learners obtain the
same initial learning and retention of new vocabulary on both types of
Material and methods
Six intact classes of second-year English major university
students, homogenized by the TOEFL exam, were selected for this study.
All of them were EFL learners and their first language was Persian.
Initially, 179 students took part but not all of them were present for
the delayed post-test because they were not informed of the delayed
post-test due to the incidental learning nature of this study. Moreover,
the data from two subjects were excluded from the study because they had
the knowledge of more than two target words. Accordingly, the final
number of students taking part in this study was 162. Each of the six
intact classes was randomly assigned to one of the six experimental
groups, thus leaving three groups with receptive tasks, and the other
three with productive tasks.
The target words
The 10 target words which were supposed to be unfamiliar to the
learners were chosen for examination from the reading text 'Coping
with Procrastination' from Kim's (2011) study. To make sure
that the text would be of an appropriate level for the participants, the
length and complexity of the text were modified by the researchers. The
unfamiliarity of target words was checked through the pilot study with a
group of participants who would not participate in the experiment. These
participants, who had the same proficiency level of ours, were given a
list of 10 target words and asked to translate them. The overall mean
score was 0.2 out of 10 target words. Thus, the target words were
unfamiliar within this proficiency level. However, as a final
confirmation, the pre-knowledge of the participants in the main study
was also checked in the immediate post-test. The ten target words chosen
from the text are: apprehensive, oration, vexed, spawn, envision, abate,
caveat, assiduous, stymie, and divulge. It should be mentioned that the
10 target words were emphasized by printing them in a bold face, and
glossed in L1 (Persian) as well as L2 (English) in the margin of the
The graphic organizers
A set of graphic organizers designed by Kim (2011) were also taken
and modified according to the revised text. The graphic organizers,
which did not explicitly focus on any of the target words, were used in
the study as a part of the comprehension activity to control the time on
task across the six experimental groups. So, the participants in
True-false, Matching and Fill-in-the-blank task conditions were asked to
answer the graphic organizers because they took less time than the other
groups, as it was discovered in the pilot study.
Vocabulary task conditions
To address the first research questions, the researchers designed
three receptive vocabulary tasks with varying involvement loads:
True-false, involvement = 1; Matching, involvement = 2; and
Multiple-choice, involvement = 3.
True-false task condition
Participants assigned to the True-false task condition were asked
to read the marginally glossed text and then complete the graphic
organizers to control for time on task across all groups. Afterwards,
they were given the 10 True-false vocabulary tasks focused on the target
words. In terms of the Involvement Load Hypothesis, this task induced a
moderate need (the knowledge of target words was relevant to answering
the tasks), but neither search nor evaluation. Its involvement index was
thus 1 (1 + 0 + 0).
Matching task condition
Participants in the Matching task condition were also asked to read
the text and complete the graphic organizers. After that, they were
given 10 Matching vocabulary tasks focused on the target words. This
task induced moderate need, no search, and moderate evaluation.
Evaluation was moderate because the participants had to distinguish
among different definitions to answer the Matching vocabulary tasks.
Therefore, the involvement index of this task was 2 (1 + 0 + 1).
Multiple-choice task condition
Participants in the Multiple-choice task condition were provided
with the same text given to the last two groups; however, the text was
not marginally glossed. The participants' task was to read the text
by looking up the target words in a dictionary; afterwards, they were
given 10 Multiple-choice vocabulary tasks focused on the target words.
This task induced moderate need and moderate evaluation (because four
options in each of the Multiple-choice vocabulary tasks must be assessed
against each other). The search factor was also present here. Therefore,
the involvement index of this task was 3 (1 + 1 + 1).
To address the second research questions, the researchers designed
three productive vocabulary tasks with different involvement loads:
Short-response, involvement = 1; Fill-in the blank, involvement = 2; and
Sentence writing, involvement = 3.
Short-response task condition
Participants in the Short-response task condition received the same
marginally glossed text to read, and then to complete the 10
Short-response vocabulary tasks focused on the target words. The
involvement index of this task was 1 (1 + 0 + 0). Need was moderate, but
search and evaluation were absent.
Fill-in-the-blanks task condition
Participants performing the Fill-in-the-blanks task condition were
asked to read the same text and then complete the graphic organizers.
Afterwards, the learners were required to complete the 10
Fill-in-the-blanks vocabulary tasks focused on the target words with the
most suitable word from 15 glossed words--10 target words plus 5
additional words--in the reading text. Consequently, the students could
not narrow down the choices as they progressed through the vocabulary
tasks simply by omitting the words that they have already used. This
task induced moderate need, no search, and moderate evaluation. The
evaluation was moderate because the 15 glossed words must be assessed
against each other. Thus, the involvement index of this task was 2 (1 +
0 + 1).
Sentence writing task condition
Participants in the Sentence writing task condition received the
same marginally glossed text, and were asked to read the text. Then,
they were required to write L2 (English) sentences by using the 10
target words. The involvement index of this task was 3 (1 + 0 + 2), that
is, a moderate need, no search, and a strong evaluation. The evaluation
was strong because the participants were required to assess the target
words within appropriate collocations in order to generate a new
Vocabulary tests
The present study administered two immediate and delayed post-tests
to assess the learners' initial learning and retention of target
words, respectively. Upon the completion of tasks, and three weeks
later, we unexpectedly tested the participants' knowledge of target
words through a modified version of the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale
(PARIBAKHT; WESCHE, 1997) in all six task conditions (Figure 1).
The scoring procedure of the modified VKS may be presented in this
--1 point: the word is not familiar at all (category I).
--2 points: the word is familiar but its meaning is unknown
(category II).
--3 points: A correct synonym or translation is given (category
--4 points: The word is used with semantic appropriateness in a
sentence (category IV).
--5 points: The word is used with semantic appropriateness and
grammatical accuracy in a sentence (category IV).
It should be noted that wrong responses in self-report categories
III or IV will lead to a score of 2. Overall, the possible test score
for both post-tests was 10-50. On both post-tests, we gave the learners
the 10 target words in the form of VKS, and asked them to complete it.
The learners were also asked to point out if any of the words were
familiar to them before doing the task. If a learner was previously
familiar with more than two words, the data collected from that learner
was removed from the analysis.
This research was accomplished on two separate days. In the first
day, we administered the treatment and the immediate post-test. The
delayed post-test was carried out three weeks later. On the treatment
day, each of the six intact classes was randomly asked to complete one
of the following task conditions: True-false, Matching, Multiple-choice,
Short-response, Fill-in-the-blanks, or Sentence writing. In each group,
the participants were asked to read the text and complete the 10
vocabulary tasks. To control the time on task, we also added a set of
graphic organizers to the True-false, Matching, and Fill-in-the-blanks
groups. Each of the six task conditions took 50 minutes to complete. Due
to the nature of the study, incidental learning, the participants were
not informed of the upcoming immediate or delayed post-tests because
according to Hulstijn (2001), test announcement is an indication of
intentional word learning. Accordingly, after task completion, and three
weeks later, the participants were unexpectedly given the immediate and
delayed post-test in a modified form of VKS in order to measure the
initial learning and retention of target words, respectively.
Data analysis
The first two research questions were posed to assess if the level
of involvement load affected the initial learning and retention of new
vocabulary when tasks with different involvement loads were
administered. The dependent variable for these two questions was the
scores of the immediate and delayed post-tests, and the independent
variable was the level of involvement load. In order to examine the
impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable, the VKS
scores of both post-tests were submitted to four, one-way ANOVAs. The
Scheffe post hoc contrasts were then computed to locate significant
differences among pairs. Additionally, six paired samples t-tests were
performed to further investigate if the benefits of tasks will hold up
over time. Unlike the first two, the third research question examined
whether the type of vocabulary task affected the initial learning and
the retention of new words when two different types of task (receptive
or productive) with the same involvement loads were administered. The
dependent variable in this question was the scores of both post-tests,
and the independent variable was the type of vocabulary task at two
levels: receptive and productive. Six independent samples t-tests were
performed to compare the receptive tasks with the productive ones of the
same load condition. The alpha level was set at 0.05 when significant
results were found.
Data analysis of three receptive tasks
The descriptive statistics of the three receptive vocabulary tasks
in Table 1 demonstrate that, on both post-tests, the Multiple-choice
group performed better than the Matching group, which, in turn,
performed better than the True-false group. To determine if these
differences were statistically significant, the scores of each posttest
were then submitted to a one-way ANOVA.
The results of both ANOVAs revealed a main effect for the level of
task's involvement load for both the immediate, F (2, 80) =
162.519, p < 0.001, and the delayed post-test, F (2, 80) = 134.678, p
< 0.001. In fact, there was a significant difference among the tasks
with different levels of involvement load on both post-tests. The
results of two Scheffe post hoc tests also indicated that the
Multiple-choice group significantly outscored both the Matching and the
True-false groups, and the Matching group also significantly outscored
the True-false group.
Comparing the means of the immediate with those of the delayed
post-test for each of the three receptive vocabulary tasks, the results
of three paired samples t-tests revealed that there was a significant
decrease in the mean scores of the delayed posttest for all the three
receptive vocabulary tasks, that is, for the True-false task [t (28) =
11.471, p < 0.001], for the Matching task, [t (26) = 8.980, p <
0.001], and for the Multiple-choice task, [t (26) = 12.486, p <
0.001]. In addition to the t-tests results, the sharp decline of the
lines in Figure 2 also showed that the performance in all the three
groups degenerated significantly on the delayed post-test.
Data analysis of three productive tasks
The descriptive statistics of the three productive vocabulary tasks
in Table 2 suggested that the mean score of the Sentence writing group
was higher than that of the Fill-in-the-blanks and the Short-response
groups on both post-test; however, there was no great difference between
the mean scores of the latter two groups on the delayed post-test.
To determine the statistical differences among groups, two one-way
ANOVAs were conducted. The ANOVA results indicated that significant
differences were found among the three productive vocabulary tasks on
both the immediate, F (2, 76) = 47.780, p < 0.001, and the delayed
post-test, F (2, 76) = 65.653, p < 0.001. The results of Scheffe
tests also demonstrated that the Sentence writing group performed
significantly better than the Fill-in-the-blanks and the Short-response
groups on both posttests, but the Fill-in-the-blanks group performed
significantly better than the Short-response group only on the immediate
Regarding the means of the immediate and delayed post-tests for
each of the three productive vocabulary tasks, the t-tests results
revealed a significant decrease in the mean score of the delayed
post-test for the Short-response [t (25) = 11.781, p < 0.001], for
the Fill-in-the-blanks [t (27) = 11.588, p < 0.001], and for the
Sentence writing group [t (24) = 14.975, p < 0.001]. In addition to
the t-tests results, the downward lines in Figure 3 also revealed a
general degeneration of the performance in all three groups on the
delayed posttest, suggesting that the interval between the two
post-tests may be a main reason for the decline in performance of all
The comparison between receptive and productive tasks
Regarding the comparison between the true-false (load = 1) and the
short-response group (load = 1), the results of two independent t-tests
showed a significantly better performance for the Short-response group
on both the immediate, t (53) = 11.450, p < 0.001, and the delayed
post-test, t (53) = -7.084, p < 0.001. In the case of comparison
between the matching (load = 2) and the Fill-in-the-blanks group (load =
2), the results of t-tests revealed that the Fill-in-the-blanks group
performed significantly better than the Matching group on the immediate
post-test, t (42) = -7.134, p < 0.001; however, this preference of
the Fill-in-the-blanks group was not observed in the delayed post-test,
t (36) = -1.927, p = 0.062 > 0.05. Unlike the last two pairs, the
t-tests' results of the comparison between the multiple-choice
(load = 3) and the sentence writing group (load = 3) revealed that there
was no significant difference between these two groups on both the
immediate, t (50) = -.779, p = 0.440 > 0.05, and the delayed
post-test, t (50) = -1.534, p = 0.131 > 0.05.
The first two research questions were framed to investigate whether
tasks with a higher involvement load achieved better vocabulary scores
than tasks with a lower involvement load while time on task was
controlled across different groups. The results of the first research
question on both post-tests fully supported the Involvement Load
Hypothesis in that the Multiple-choice group with the highest
involvement load (3) produced better initial learning and retention of
target words than the Matching group with the lower involvement load
(2), which, in turn, performed better than the True-false group with the
lowest involvement load (1). However, the results of the second research
question partly supported the Involvement Load Hypothesis in that the
Sentence writing group (involvement = 3) performed significantly better
than the Short-response (involvement = 1) and the Fill-in-the-blanks
group (involvement = 2) on both post-tests, but the Fill-in-the-blanks
group performed significantly better than the Short-response group only
on the immediate, but not the delayed post-test.
Unlike the first two, the third research question was constructed
to investigate Laufer and Hulstijn's (2001) claim that no
particular task type--be it input or output--was considered superior or
more effective, and that the only determining factor in task efficacy
was the degree of involvement load that a task induced. To meet this
end, the researchers compared the receptive tasks with the productive
ones of the same load condition. Contrary to the predictions of the
Involvement Load Hypothesis, the results of the first pair comparison
revealed the better performance of the Short-response (a productive
task) over the True-false (a receptive task) on both posttests.
Similarly, contrary to the Involvement Load Hypothesis, the
Fill-in-the-blanks (a productive task) performed significantly better
than the Matching (a receptive task) on the immediate post-test;
however, this preference of the Fill-in-the-blanks group was not
observed on the delayed post-test. Unlike the last two pairs, the
results of the third pair comparison completely fulfilled the
predictions of the Involvement Load Hypothesis in that the Sentence
writing (a productive task) performed as well as the Multiple-choice (a
receptive task) on both post-tests.
Overall, the results of the first research question on both
post-tests, and the results of the second research question on the
immediate post-test were in harmony with those obtained in Hulstijn and
Laufer's (2001) Hebrew-English Experiment, Kim's (2011) first
Experiment on the delayed post-test, and Keating's (2008) active
word recall on the immediate post-test in that they all supported the
Involvement Load Hypothesis. Similarly, the results of the second
research question on the delayed post-test were exactly the same as
those obtained in Hulstijn and Laufer's (2001) Dutch-English
Experiment and Kim's (2011) first Experiment on the immediate
post-test. Nevertheless, the results of the third research question were
considerably in conflict with the predictions of the Involvement Load
Hypothesis. This hypothesis did not predict that any output task would
lead to better results than any input task when they both had the same
involvement load. On the contrary, we found that despite the involvement
load induced by the task, the type of task was also effective in
learning new words. In other words, two different types of tasks
(receptive and productive) with the same level of involvement load might
not have the same results in L2 vocabulary retention. This explanation
provided support for Swain's (1985) Output Hypothesis which claimed
that the act of production demanded deeper cognitive effort and could
contribute more to word learning than the mere reading of a text which
is an act of reception.
In general, the findings of this study clearly run counter to some
of the previous studies (e.g., ELLIS, 1995; FOLSE, 2006; HULSTIJN;
LAUFER, 2001; KEATING, 2008; WEBB, 2005) which claimed that controlling
for time on task would diminish the effect of more involving tasks on
vocabulary learning. However, similar to Kim (2011), we found that even
if the time on task was controlled across different groups, the more
involving tasks would perform better than the less involving ones in
vocabulary scores. Apart from a significant task's involvement load
effect, the results of the study also showed a significant decrease in
the performance of all six groups on the delayed posttest, as observed
in some of the previous studies (e.g., HULSTIJN; LAUFER, 2001; KEATING,
2008; WATANABE, 1997). This finding may be explained by Hulstijn's
(2001) claim that a decrease in knowledge over time is natural in the
absence of repetitive practice or additional exposure to the newly
learned material.
Taken together, it is reasonable to conclude from the results of
this study that task-induced involvement load, as applied to the same
types of tasks, is the major factor of task efficacy in terms of
vocabulary retention. However, in testing the hypothesis with different
types of tasks, the involvement load is not the only factor of task
efficacy. Since the factor of task type also has some role in vocabulary
retention, it should be given more serious attention in studies of task
efficacy in the area of incidental vocabulary learning.
Doi: 10.4025/actascilangcult.v35i4.21135
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Received on June 12, 2013.
Accepted on July 26, 2013.
Abdullah Sarani, Giti Mousapour Negari and Massoumeh Ghaviniat *
Department of Language and Literature, University of Sistan and
Baluchestan, Daneshgah Boulevard, Zahedan, Iran. * Author for
[email protected]
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the immediate and delayed
Post-tests for the three receptive vocabulary tasks.
N Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error
Immediate Post-test
True-false (1) 29 17.06 1.386 .257
Matching (2) 27 20.03 1.698 .326
Multiple-choice (3) 27 27.92 3.395 .653
Total 83 21.56 5.144 .564
Delayed Post-test
True-false (1) 29 14.34 1.421 .263
Matching (2) 27 17.33 1.901 .365
Multiple-choice (3) 27 21.07 1.206 .232
Total 83 17.50 3.167 .347
Note. The involvement index for each task is indicated in
parentheses. The possible VKS scores in all three vocabulary
tasks ranged from 10 to 50.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the immediate and delayed
Post-tests for the three productive vocabulary tasks
N Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error
Immediate Post-test
Short-response (1) 26 21.88 1.728 .338
Fill-in-the-blanks (2) 28 24.75 3.038 .574
Sentence writing (3) 25 28.56 2.328 .465
Total 79 25.01 3.625 .407
Delayed Post-test
Short-response (1) 26 17.34 1.719 .337
Fill-in-the-blanks (2) 28 18.10 .875 .165
Sentence writing (3) 25 21.68 1.625 .325
Total 79 18.98 2.350 .264
Note. The involvement index for each task is indicated in
parentheses. The possible VKS scores in all three vocabulary
tasks ranged from 10 to 50.
Figure 1. Modified VKS self-report categories.
I I don't remember having seen this word before.
II I have seen this word before, but I don't know
what it means.
III I have seen this word before, and I think it
means -------------. (synonym or translation)
IV I can use this word in a sentence: ------------.
(write a sentence.)
(If you do this section, please also do Section III.)