Effect of impact modifier types on mechanical properties of rubber-toughened glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66.
Alsewailem, Fares D. ; Gupta, Rakesh K.
The effect of adding rubber on the properties of glass-fibre-filled
nylon 66 was investigated in this study.
Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene and Ethylene-Propylene elastomers
grafted with maleic anhydride (SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA, respectively) were
used to toughen the nylon-matrix composites.
Impact strength and elongation at break were found to increase with
increasing rubber content, but flexural strength, tensile strength and
stiffness decreased; however, by adding moderate amounts of rubber to
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66, a desirable balance between stiffness
and toughness of the material may be obtained. For example, the addition
of 10 wt.% of SEBS-g-MA to nylon 66 with 23.62 wt.% glass fibre loading
resulted in 28.3% and 167% increase in tensile strength and impact
strength of the composites, respectively, when compared to neat nylon
66. This suggests that combining both glass fibres and rubber with nylon
66 is a useful strategy to optimize and enhance the properties of nylon
66. The procedure may be used to recycle polyamides, in general, and to
develop components for under-the-hood automotive applications, in
On a etudie dans ce travail l'effet de l'ajout de
caoutchouc sur les proprietes du nylon 66 renforce de fibre de verre. On
a utilise des elastomeres de styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene et
d'ethylene-propylene greffe avec de l'anhydride maleique
(SEBS-g-MA et EP-g-MA, respectivement) pour renforcer les composites a
matrice de nylon.
On a trouve que la force d'impact et l'elongation a la
cassure augmentaient avec l'augmentation de la teneur en
caoutchouc, mais que la force de flexure, la force extensible et la
rigidite diminuaient; toutefois, en ajoutant des quantites moderees de
caoutchouc au nylon 66 renforce en fibre de verre, un equilibre
souhaitable entre la rigidite et la durete du materiau peut etre obtenu.
Par exemple, l'ajout de 10 % en poids de SEBS-g-MA au nylon 66 avec
un chargement de 23,62 % de fibre de verre mene a une augmentation de
28,3 % et 167 % de la force extensible et de la force d'impact des
composites, respectivement, comparativement au nylon 66 pur. Cela
suggere que l'association de fibre de verre et de caoutchouc a du
nylon 66 est une strategie utile pour optimiser et accroitre les
proprietes du nylon 66. La technique peut etre utilisee pour recycler
des polyamides en general, et pour mettre au point des pieces de
mecanique automobile en particulier.
Keywords: nylon 66, glass reinforcement, rubber toughening,
mechanical properties
Existing neat polymers have known physical, mechanical, and thermal
properties that depend both on chemical type and on molecular weight.
There is, however, always a need to improve properties of thermoplastics
to meet some specific applications such as under-the-hood automotive
applications where humidity, high temperature, and repeated impact are
encountered. One way to alter properties of thermoplastics is to
reinforce them with glass fibres. Indeed, E glass fibres are widely used
for this purpose because of their low cost and good mechanical, chemical
and electrical properties. Chopped glass fibre strands and polymer
powder or pellets may be melt blended in a compounding extruder, and the
result is that tensile properties are enhanced by the process of fibre
reinforcement. The extent of property enhancement, however, depends on
several factors; these include fibre strength and modulus, aspect ratio
(fibre length/ diameter), effectiveness of coupling between fibre and
matrix, fibre orientation, and concentration. For quantitative work, the
rule of mixtures is often used as a first estimate for predicting
tensile strength and modulus. It states that the modulus or tensile
strength of a composite is the weighted average of the corresponding
property of the constituents; the weighting function is the volume
fraction. Mathematically, this is given as:
[[sigma].sub.c] = [[sigma].sub.f][[phi].sub.f] +
[[sigma].sub.m][[phi].sub.m] (1)
where [sigma] is strength or m odulus and [phi] is the volume
fraction. Subscripts c, f, and m refer to composite, fibre, and matrix,
respectively. Clearly, the rule of mixtures predicts a linear
relationship between strength and volume fraction of fibres. Results
sometimes deviate from Equation (1), and, in such a case, a modified
rule of mixtures can be used. This takes into account the interactions
between the matrix and the fibres and the orientation of fibres in the
host polymer (Folkes, 1982). Since the strength and stiffness of glass
fibres exceeds the strength and stiffness of the polymer, an increase in
these two properties is achieved by incorporating fibres into a polymer.
However, the consequence is often a material that is very poor in terms
of handling impact loading. This is because conditions that lead to high
strength and stiffness usually result in low elongation to break, so
that the work of fracture may be very low compared to that of the
matrix. Note that the work of fracture of a composite is normally
determined as the area under the stress-strain curve up to the failure
point. Enhancement of the work of fracture generally depends on the
existence of a mechanism for energy dissipation. In particular, the
energy required for fibre pull out is considered to be important for
composite impact fracture. In this regard, the toughness of a composite
is maximized when the fibre is at its critical length (Ramsteiner and
Theysohn, 1979). During tensile loading, composites tend to fail in one
of two ways: fibre breakage and fibre pull-out (Collyer, 1994). The
critical fibre length, which is defined as the length at which energy
for fibre breakage equals energy for fibre pull-out, is the determining
factor for composite fracture mechanism. The critical fibre length
[l.sub.c] is inversely related to the interfacial shear strength (Kelly
and Tyson, 1965; Lunt and Shortall, 1980; Mallick, 1993).
[l.sub.c] = ([[sigma].sub.f] / 2[[tau].sub.i]) [d.sub.f] (2)
in which [[sigma].sub.f] is the ultimate fibre strength,
[[tau].sub.i] is the shear strength at the fibre/matrix interface or the
shear strength of the matrix whichever is less, and d is the fibre
diameter. Equation (2) implies that for a given fibre diameter and
length, the critical fibre length can be changed relative to composite
fibre length by increasing or decreasing the interfacial shear strength
of the composite. This is important because a composite having fibres
whose length is greater than the critical length will be strong and
stiff and failure will occur due to fibre breakage, while a composite
having a fibre length less than the critical value will be tough but not
as strong and stiff. In the latter case, fibre debonding and fibre
pull-out occur if poor adhesion is encountered. However, at high
interfacial shear strength, i.e., good fibre-matrix adhesion, failure
occurs in the matrix material.
As a practical matter, the toughness of brittle or semi ductile polymers is increased by incorporating a rubber phase into the polymer
matrix since rubber particles act as stress concentrators, forcing
material to yield at a lower stress. The matrix material must deform,
and, as a consequence, one observes shear yielding and/or crazing
(Bucknall, 1977). Crazing consists of an array of voids and fibrils
whose diameters are in the range of 10-20 nm and 10-40 nm, respectively.
This network of fibrils and voids can break down to form cracks when
tensile stress is applied on the polymeric material (Bucknall, 1977;
Collyer, 1994). The drawback of the process of rubber toughening is the
drastic decrease in some important properties such as modulus and
tensile strength as the rubber concentration increases in the blend. A
number of factors can contribute to the failure of toughened polymer
when impact occurs. These factors include rubber phase size and
distribution, notch and surface flaws, temperature, rubber type, and its
reactivity with matrix material. Miscibility between polymer matrix and
rubber phase has to be very good in order to have a system that is
thermodynamically stable. For both brittle and pseudo-ductile polymers,
the maximum toughness may be achieved at an optimum rubber phase size
(Wu, 1985; Oshinski et al., 1992). The inter-particle distance is also
an important factor in rubber-toughening of thermoplastics. It has been
reported that a transition from brittle to tough mode as measured by
notched Izod impact strength is observed at a critical particle-particle
distance regardless of the rubber volume fraction (Wu, 1985; Margolina
and Wu, 1988; Wu, 1988). Several theories have been suggested in the
past to explain this phenomenon. According to the damping theory, the
rubber phase absorbs impact energy by mechanical damping (Bucknall,
1977). Despite its early appeal, the damping theory has failed to fully
explain some other rubber toughening aspects such as large strain
deformation. Some other theories that have been suggested as
improvements over the damping theory are: "microcrack theory"
by Merz et al. (1956); "multiple crazing theory" by Bucknall
and Smith (1965); and "shear yielding theory" by Newman and
Strella (1965). The theory of multiple crazing takes into account the
role of matrix material that has been ignored by the microcrack theory.
Despite all its success in describing the behaviour of some
rubber-toughened materials, the multiple crazing theory has failed to
predict the behaviour of some toughened polymers that exhibit notable
necking under tensile yielding without detectable stress whitening
(Bucknall, 1977). Also, since the shear yielding theory cannot explain
many aspects of rubber toughening such as stress-whitening, density
change, and elongation without necking, it has been suggested that
crazing is the principal mechanism of toughening, and shear yielding may
contribute to the toughening process mainly in ductile polymers where
interaction between crazes and shear bands is expected to take place
(Bucknall, 1977).
The yield strength of a polymer is another important property. For
rubber-toughened polymers, this may be predicted by the effective area
model (Ishai and Cohen, 1968):
[[sigma].sub.b] = [[sigma].sub.m] (1 - .21 [[phi].sub.r.sup.2/3])
where [[sigma].sub.b] is yield strength of the blend,
[[sigma].sub.m] is the yield strength of the matrix, and [[phi].sub.r]
is rubber volume fraction. Since rubber particles are considered as
voids in the model, an over or underestimation of yield stress may be
obtained depending on the type of yield stress test (compression or
tensile) considered (Bucknall et al., 1986).
Here we have worked with nylon 66. This is a high melting-point
engineering-thermoplastic with excellent mechanical properties and good
chemical properties. The toughness of nylon 66 may be increased by
blending the nylon with thermoplastic elastomers such as EPDM. The
subject of rubber toughening of neat nylon 66 has been extensively
investigated in the past, and the reader is referred to the literature
for details (Wu, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990; Margolina and Wu, 1988;
Wu and Margolina, 1990). We merely mention that styrene/ethylene/
butylene/styrene copolymer and ethylene propylene elastomer grafted with
maleic anhydride (SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA) have been recommended as good
impact modifiers for nylon (Kohan, 1995). Indeed, SEBS-g-MA blended with
nylon 66 has been employed to formulate a super tough nylon that has a
very high value of Izod impact strength (Gelles et al., 1988; Modic et
al., 1989; Takeda et al., 1992; Oshinski et al., 1992).
Combining rubber and glass fibres with a neat polymeric material
should result in a trade-off relationship between two important
properties: toughness and stiffness. Thus, while tensile strength and
modulus may be drastically reduced in rubber toughened thermoplastics,
by proper addition of glass fibres to rubber toughened thermoplastics,
one should be able to restore tensile strength and modulus to a large
extent. Consequently, blending of both glass fibres and rubber with
thermoplastics seems to be a logical way to optimize important
properties of thermoplastics. Surprisingly, though, the number of such
studies conducted, mainly in the last decade, is small (see, for
example, Kinloch et al., 1985; Kelnar, 1991; Nair and Shiao, 1992;
Pecorini and Hertzberg, 1994; Shiao et al., 1994; Wong et al., 1995;
Azari and Boss, 1996; Din and Hashemi, 1997; Nair et al., 1997a; Nair et
al., 1997b, 1998; Laura et al., 2000; Cho and Paul, 2001; Sui et al.,
2001). Among these studies, nylon 66 has received less attention in
terms of selecting the appropriate impact modifiers for it (Pecorini and
Hertzberg, 1994; Wong et al., 1995; Nair et al., 1997a; Nair et al.,
1997b, 1998; Sui et al., 2001). In fact, toughening of
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 with SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA, appears not
to have been investigated at all. In this study, we report the effect of
separately adding SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA to a glass-fibre-reinforced
nylon 66 on the mechanical properties (i.e., tensile, impact, and
flexural) of this reinforced polymer. Our initial motivation for
conducting this research was to develop a method of recycling
post-industrial nylon 66 waste that was generated during the compounding
of this polymer with glass fibres.
Materials Used
Glass-reinforced-nylon 66 (GRZ 70G) with two different glass
contents, i.e., 13 and 33 wt.% was obtained courtesy of the DuPont
Company. According to the manufacturer, the expected tensile and notched
Izod impact strengths of this material are 120.67 MPa (17.5 kpsi) and
48.13 J/m (0.9 ft-lb/in) at 13 wt.% glass fibre content and 186.16 MPa
(27 kpsi) and 117.65 J/m (2.2 ft-lb/in) at 33 wt.% glass fibre content,
The elastomers used in this study were EP-g-MA (Exxelor VA 1801)
and SEBS-g-MA (KRATON FG1901X), and these were supplied by ExxonMobil
and KRATON polymers, respectively. These two rubbers are semicrystalline
and are typically produced by a maleic anhydride grafting process. The
maleic anhydride group is expected to react with the amine group in
nylon 66, and this should promote the miscibility of the blend during
melt extrusion (Kohan, 1995). Table 1 gives some of the properties of
these two rubbers.
Glass Fibre Content
The glass fibre content in the samples was verified by means of the
ash test (ASTM D2584). This was done by burning a pre-weighed sample at
650[degrees]C and measuring the ash weight.
Sample Composition
The research was not carried out using the as-received,
glass-reinforced nylons. Instead, the two nylons were mixed together in
order to match the glass percent of a recycled nylon 66 that was
investigated in our prior study (Alsewailem, 2002). The resulting glass
percentages in the nylon, and these were used in this study, were 14.79
wt.% and 23.62 wt.%. These two percentages were checked and confirmed
after each extrusion run by the use of the ash test. In addition, 5, 10,
15, and 20 wt.% of rubber (based on total sample wt.), i.e., EP-g-MA and
SEBS-g-MA, were melt blended with the nylon 66 at the two glass fibre
loadings (i.e., 14.79 and 23.62 wt.%).
Sample Preparation
Although one may dry mix materials and directly injection mold them
without pre-blending them in an extruder, this can result in mouldings
having composition variations. This is because an injection moulding
machine screw is not intended to perform mixing, but instead it is used
as a metering device. For this reason, it is important to have good
blended samples that represent all constituents involved prior to the
injection-moulding step. Blending rubbers and nylon using a twin-screw
extruder should give a homogeneous blend. Consequently, a C. W.
Brabender intermeshing counter-rotating twin-screw extruder with 42 mm
diameter screws and ~ 4 kg/h (8 lb/h) maximum flow rate was used to
prepare samples of glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 containing rubber. It
should be recognized, though, that this procedure can result in
reduction in glass fibre lengths that exist in the nylon; however, this
factor was ignored since all samples were prepared using the same
conditions of temperature and screw speed (rpm). In order to minimize
fibre attrition in the extruder, a moderate screw speed of 40 rpm was
used. The extrusion temperature used was 275[degrees]C. Before each
extrusion run, samples were dried overnight at 82[degrees]C, and, when
performing extrusion, the hopper was purged by argon gas to prevent
polymer degradation. Samples of the two rubbers and the two
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 were dry mixed and fed into the
extruder. The extrudates were then drawn into long strands in a water
bath and pelletized using a Brabender strand pelletizer. In order to
mold test samples, i.e., Izod bars and dog-bone shapes, by injection
moulding, at least 2 kg of material was produced during each extrusion
run. Pellets of glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 blended with SEBS-g-MA
or EP-g-MA rubbers (prepared by the process of extrusion just described)
were injection moulded using a Unilog B4 injection moulding machine
manufactured by Battenfeld. In each case, the sample thickness was ~
3.18 mm (0.125 in). After injection moulding, the samples were
immediately put into double-sealed plastic bags and stored in a sealed
container containing silica gel desiccant in order to prevent moisture
pickup by the nylon. The samples were later taken out of the container
only at the time of the test, and all tests were conducted at "dry
as moulded" condition.
Mechanical Tests
Izod impact strength
Notched Izod impact strength was measured according to ASTM D 256.
The test was done by employing an impact testing machine (Instron model
BLI) with a pendulum capacity of 2.7 J (2 ft-lb) at room temperature. A
manual Notchvis device manufactured by Ceast was used to make notched
samples. The energy required to fracture the sample was measured from
the reading dial. The correction due to wind friction was made, and the
actual energy was then divided by the thickness of the sample at the
notch. The measurements were conducted over five specimens for each test
and the average was reported. Also the pendulum machine was put in a
heated chamber, and the test was conducted at several temperatures to
examine the behaviour of impact resistance at elevated temperatures.
Tensile strength
Tensile properties were measured according to ASTM D 638 using an
Instron machine model 8501 at an extension rate of 5.08 mm/min (0.2
in/min). Elongation at break was measured by the help of an
extensometer. Five samples were tested for each composition, and the
average was reported.
Flexural strength
Flexural strength was measured according to ASTM D 790.
Glass fibre length
In order to assess any reduction in glass fibre length due to the
processes of extrusion and injection moulding, the glass fibre diameter
and length in samples as received, after extrusion, and after injection
moulding were measured by an optical microscopy technique. The procedure
involved burning the sample and spreading the remaining fibres on a
glass slide gently with a drop of silicone oil. The fibres then were
viewed under a microscope with a digital camera attached to a computer.
Fibre lengths were measured by an image analysis program. The expected
value of the fibre diameter was confirmed manually from the pictures (D
= 13 [micro]m). The fibre length was computed from the area calculated
by the program. At least 200 fibre lengths were measured, and the
average was reported.
Morphology of the fractured surface
The fracture surface of the samples, mainly the Izod and tensile
samples, was sputter coated with gold by an SPI sputtering machine. The
coated samples were then tested for the morphology of the fracture
surface using AMR model 1000 scanning electron microscope at a voltage
of 10 kV.
Tensile Properties of the Composites
Unless otherwise specified, in all the results presented in this
study, glass fibre weight percentage is based on nylon 66 plus glass,
while the rubber weight percent is based on total sample weight. The
tensile strength of the various composites is plotted against weight %
of rubber at the two glass fibre loadings in Figure 1. As demonstrated
by Figure 1, the addition of rubber to glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66
tends to lower strength. This is because the rubber phase acts as a
stress concentrator forcing material to yield at lower values of stress.
Figure 1 also shows that strength varies fairly linearly with rubber
content, in accord with the rule of mixtures. This behaviour contrasts
with the reported tensile strength versus rubber content behaviour of a
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 toughened with ABS (containing 14 wt.%
butadiene) wherein the tensile strength of the reinforced nylon 66
increased upon increasing ABS content until around 50 wt.% based on
total weight of nylon 66 and ABS (Nair et al., 1997a); this increase
indicates a lack of toughness that is supposed to be the major role of
the rubber phase, perhaps due to incompatibility of the nylon 66/ABS
blend even though a compatibilizer was used (Nair et al., 1997a). For
the present study, both rubbers contain the maleic anhydride group that
can react with the amine group in nylon 66, helping make a miscible blend. Here, all composites showed a decrease in tensile strength upon
increasing both SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA rubber content. It is also seen
from Figure 1 that, as glass fibre content increases, composites with
SEBS-g-MA give better tensile strength than composites with EP-g-MA
rubber. It is also worthwhile to note that unprocessed (virgin)
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 has a higher tensile strength but
smaller elongation at break (estimated based on DuPont data) than that
of similar composites prepared and tested in the current study (see
Table 2). A reason for this difference may be the reduction in glass
fibre length during processing by extrusion and injection moulding. Note
also that the nylon 66, by itself, is more ductile (but not as stiff) as
the glass-reinforced nylon, but it is stiffer (but not as ductile) than
the toughened glass-reinforced polymer.
In Figure 2, the elongation at break is plotted against rubber
content. The measured elongation of the glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66
alone is slightly higher than the value expected based on interpolating
the data reported by the manufacturer. This is probably due to the
reduction in fibre length upon processing by extrusion and injection
moulding. Increasing the amount of rubber in the composites is seen to
increase the elongation at break. Also, at the highest rubber content
(i.e., 20 wt.%) no significant change in elongation was observed when
the glass content was almost doubled. Further, composites with SEBS-g-MA
have a higher elongation at break than those with EP-g-MA rubber,
especially at the high rubber content (i.e., 20 wt.%). This may imply
that SEBS-g-MA is more ductile than EP-g-MA. However, both rubbers,
i.e., SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA, are seen to increase elongation of the
composites as rubber content is increased. Despite the increase in
elongation upon increasing rubber content, the presence of glass fibres
does limit the ductility of the composites even at high rubber loadings.
The modulus of elasticity of some of the composites is given in
Figure 3. The values of modulus were calculated from the slope of the
initial (linear) portion of stress-strain data. From Figure 3, it can be
clearly seen that addition of rubber to glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66
reduces modulus. This is not unusual since rubber has a low value of the
modulus. Note that composites containing SEBS-g-MA rubber show better
modulus retention than composites with EP-g-MA rubber.
Flexural Properties of the Composites
Flexural strength of the composites is given in Figure 4. It is
seen that adding EP-g-MA and SEBS-g-MA rubbers to glass-fibre-reinforced
nylon 66 tends to decrease flexural strength, and this mirrors the same
trend seen in tensile strength data. However, composites with SEBS-g-MA
rubber show relatively higher values of flexural strength. Indeed, the
composites did not break within the strain on the outer surface of the
fibres, i.e., 5%, as specified in ASTM D 790. This is not an unusual
observation since composites become more ductile upon incorporating the
rubber phase. In case of composites with 0 wt.% rubber, breakage did
happen. The breaking of sample within the 5% strain may be attributed to
glass fibres length or aspect ratio. As in the case of tensile strength,
the variation of flexural strength of the composites with rubber content
seems to conform to the rule of mixtures.
Yield Strength of the Composites
The dependence of the yield stress on rubber volume fraction in
rubber-toughened polymers may be predicted theoretically by use of the
effective area model (Equation (3)) developed by Ishai and Cohen (1968).
However, for the current research, one expects that this model will
underestimate the yield stress data since both rubber and glass fibres
are present in the nylon. Glass fibres, which act as reinforcement
agents, tend to increase yield stress of the composite material. Ishai
and Cohen have also proposed a relation for calculating yield stress for
reinforced polymers in the absence of rubber as:
[[sigma].sub.c] A + B log [epsilon] + C [[phi].sub.f] (4)
where [[sigma].sub.c] is composite yield stress, [epsilon] is
strain rate that is defined as extensional rate applied to the specimen
divided by the original length of the specimen, [[phi].sub.f] is volume
fraction of the reinforcement, and A, B, and C are constants. Equation
(4) is based on the fact that strain rate and reinforcement content
influence yield stress independently. At a fixed strain rate, yield
stress of the reinforced polymer is found to increase linearly with
increasing reinforcement content. Similarly, at a fixed content of the
reinforcement, yield stress increases linearly with increasing strain
rate (Ishai and Cohen, 1968). The constants A, B, and C depend on the
matrix material used, and Ishai and Cohen mention that the equation is
valid for up to 50 vol.% reinforcement. Also, the range of strain rate
that they used varied from 0.0027 [min.sup.-1] to 1.35 [min.sup.-1].
Conceptually, one may argue that since the current study deals with
incorporation of rubber to a glass-fibre-reinforced matrix, combining
both equations, i.e., Equations (3) and (4) would account for the
presence of both the rubber and the glass reinforcement. The result is:
[[sigma].sub.c] = C[[phi].sub.f] + [[sigma].sub.m](1 - 1.21
[[phi].sup.2/3]) (5)
where [[phi].sub.f] and [[phi].sub.r] are volume fraction of glass
fibre and rubber, respectively, based on total weight of sample. Note
that the first two terms in Equation (4), i.e., A + B log [epsilon], are
not included in Equation (5) due to the fact that they represent the
yield strength of the matrix at a fixed strain rate that is already
included in Equation (3) as [[sigma].sub.m]. By examining Equation (5),
it is easy to notice that when no rubber is present, i.e., when
[[phi].sub.r] = 0, Equation (5) reduces to Equation (4), which is the
yield stress relation for the reinforced material. On the other hand, in
the absence of reinforcement (glass fibres), i.e., .f = 0, Equation (5)
reduces to Equation (3). Figure 5 shows a comparison between the yield
stress predictions and data for rubber-toughened nylon 66 at the higher
glass fibre content (23.62 wt.%). It is clear that while the Ishai and
Cohen model given by Equation (3) underestimates the actual experimental
data since it does not account for the effect of the reinforcement,
Equation (5) does a good job of predicting the experimental data.
Impact Properties of the Composites
Figure 6 gives Izod impact strength data for glass-fibre-reinforced
nylon 66 toughened with EP-g-MA and SEBS-g-MA. Figure 6 clearly shows
that the addition of 5-20 wt.% of EP-g-MA or SEBS-g-MA to
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 increases toughness significantly. The
two rubbers seem to be equally effective at toughening the reinforced
nylon at the lower fibre content, but at the higher fibre content,
EP-g-MA appears to be superior. The reported Izod impact strength for
un-reinforced nylon 66 toughened by SEBS-g-MA at a weight ratio of
(20/80) (SEBS-g-MA/nylon 66) (Oshinski et al., 1992) is about 1070 J/m
(20 ft-lb/ in). Needless to say, the cause of the lower Izod impact
strength in the present study is the presence of glass fibre in the
matrix. In order to examine the effectiveness of these two rubbers for
toughening nylon 66, blends containing 15 wt.% of both rubbers, i.e.,
SEBS-g-MA and EP-g-MA, were formulated with nylon 66 (Zytel 101 L), but
with no glass fibres. These blends were prepared by extrusion and
injection moulding using the same conditions as used with the reinforced
composites. The measured Izod impact strength for (15/85) wt.% of
(EP-g-MA/ nylon 66) and (SEBS-g-MA/nylon 66) were 166.5 and 289.1 J/m
(3.11 and 5.40 ft-lb/in), respectively. This indicates that both rubbers
are effective in toughening nylon 66. While the reinforced blends having
15 wt.% of SEBS-g-MA and 23.62 wt.% glass fibre suffers ~ 40% reduction
in toughness, the blend consisting of 23.62 wt.% glass fibres and 15
wt.% EP-g-MA has a slightly increased toughness when compared to the
un-reinforced blend (Alsewailem, 2002). This may imply that composites
with EP-g-MA have some brittleness that would lead to some increase in
toughness upon reinforcing with glass fibres. Note here that
incorporating 33 wt.% glass fibre into nylon 66, which is semiductile at
room temperature, increases its toughness by a factor of 2.2. The
increase in impact strength when a material is reinforced may be related
to the elongation. The elongation at break data given in Figure 2
clearly indicate that reinforced nylon containing EP-g-MA has less
elongation than in the case of SEBS-g-MA. It seems that the extent of
reaction between EP-g-MA and nylon 66 up to the weight percent of rubber
specified in this study made the rubber phase not sufficient enough for
super toughness. A similar observation has been reported by others
(Oshinski et al., 1992).
Since one of the important uses of glass fibre reinforced nylon 66
is under-the-hood applications in automobiles where the temperature may
be high, it is important to know the impact strength behaviour of the
reinforced nylon 66 when toughened with rubber at high temperatures. In
case of nylon 6 toughened with EP, it has been shown that increasing
glass fibre content in the composite tends to drastically reduce the
transition in impact strength versus temperature (Dijkstra et al.,
1991). For the present study, Figure 7 shows Izod impact strength for
composites with EP-g-MA as a function of temperature. The impact
strength increases as temperature increases at all rubber contents
except for those composites that contain 20 wt.% of EP-g-MA rubber where
the impact strength at temperatures greater than 50[degrees]C remains
almost unchanged. The transition from brittle to tough upon increasing
temperature is not seen to be large. The presence of glass fibres seems
to suppress the transition from brittle to tough in impact strength
versus temperature relationship for reinforced nylon 66 toughened by
EP-g-MA rubber. At a temperature below the [T.sub.g], nylon 66 is
considered semi ductile material because the amorphous part is below the
[T.sub.g] where chains are frozen. Therefore, the nylon phase in the
composite will probably not contribute to enhancement in elongation of
the blend so that the presence of glass fibres in the composite will not
affect elongation significantly and impact strength increases. In this
case, increasing glass fibre content is seen to increase impact
strength. Beyond the [T.sub.g], the chains that occupy the amorphous
part start to move and become rubbery and when impact occurs they act as
stress concentrators, which leads to absorption of energy before
failure. However, the presence of glass fibres will drastically reduce
the elongation and, as a result of that, impact strength does not
change, especially at high rubber contents (>5 wt.%). Here,
increasing glass fibre content does not change impact strength
regardless of the content of rubber phase in the composite. Figure 7
also shows that for untoughened composites (i.e., composites having 0
wt.% rubber) the transition in impact strength occurs at temperature
above 70[degrees]C while, when rubber is introduced, the transition
occurs at a temperature below 70[degrees]C. Note here that a typical
[T.sub.g] for nylon is between 70 and 80[degrees]C. It seems that
addition of reacted rubber to glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 may have
resulted in a reduction in [T.sub.g].
Toughness-Stiffness Trade-Off Relation
Generally, toughness of thermoplastics tends to drastically reduce
or remain unchanged upon glass fibre incorporation. At the same time,
important properties such as strength, stiffness and dimensional
stability are improved. On the other hand, the addition of rubber can
improve toughness, but there is a reduction in the strength and
stiffness. It is interesting to note that by adding both glass fibres
and rubber to thermoplastics, one may optimize the mechanical properties
of the polymer. To show this trade-off relationship between toughness
and strength, the Izod impact strength has been plotted against tensile
strength for the composites with SEBS-g-MA at different glass fibre and
rubber contents as given in Figure 8. Figure 8 clearly shows that
increasing rubber content leads to increase in impact strength, but, at
the same time, tensile strength decreases. This clearly shows the
possibility of balancing strength and toughness by adding appropriate
amounts of rubber and glass fibres to the polymer. For example, tensile
and impact strengths of nylon 66 may increase by 28.3% and 167%,
respectively, upon incorporating 23.62 wt.% and 10 wt.% of glass fibre
and SEBS-g-MA rubber, respectively. It is interesting to note that the
tensile strength-impact strength relationship, given by Figure 8, for
the current research is fairly linear. The linear equations that govern
the experimental data are:
(TS) = 21.959 - 2.355 (IS) 23.62 wt.% glass fibre (6)
(TS) = 15.577 - 1.284 (IS) 14.79 wt.% glass fibre (7)
where TS refers to tensile strength, while IS to impact strength.
This says that for nylon 66 toughened with the rubbers employed in this
study, i.e., EP-g-MA and SEBS-g-MA, and reinforced with short glass
fibres, at given glass fibre and rubber contents, it is possible to
predict the tensile strength when knowing the value of the impact
strength and visa versa. Similar analysis may be done with the
stiffness-toughness relationship where modulus may be plotted against
impact strength.
Effect of Processing Type on Fibre Length
It is known that during plastic fabrication by injection moulding,
fibre breakage (attrition) is likely to occur. This may lead to a large
population of fibres in the moulded article that have lengths that are
very small to be effective in ensuring good mechanical properties such
as strength and stiffness. For the current study, the average glass
fibre length for the composites was determined for the following cases:
I. As received;
II. After extrusion;
III. After injection moulding;
IV. Extrusion followed by injection moulding;
V. After extrusion with 20 wt.% rubber;
VI. Extrusion followed by injection moulding with 20 wt.% rubber.
The situations listed above arise in practice, and it is necessary
to assess the change in fibre length when the material is subjected to
different processes such as injection moulding and extrusion. The
results of fibre length analysis are presented in Table 3. As can be
seen from this Table, a drastic reduction in fibre length occurs when
material is processed by extrusion followed by injection moulding.
Material that has been processed by direct injection moulding (method
III) has a smaller fibre length than material that has only been
extruded. This is probably due to the mild shear conditions (low screw
speed) chosen for extrusion.
In the injection moulding machine, a high shear rate is expected to
be applied to the material that would cause significant fibre breakage.
Incorporating rubber into glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 leads to
further fibre length reduction. During blending in the extruder, the
rubber phase tends to disperse in the nylon. This interaction between
rubber and nylon and glass fibres may result in fibre breakage. Taking a
typical value for fibre strength as 2470 MPa (Din and Hashemi, 1997) and
assuming good matrix-fibre adhesion so that shear strength of the
material may be taken as shear strength of nylon 66 (typically 66.2
MPa), the critical fibre length in the present case may be calculated
using Equation (2). After introducing the numbers, the critical fibre
length is found to be ~ 234 [micro]m. The typical critical fibres length
for glass fibre-nylon 66 system is about 230 [micro]m (Folkes, 1982).
The fibre lengths of the specimens tested morphologically are less than
the critical length (see method IV and VI in Table 3). This implies that
the fracture mechanism of the composites will be dominated by fibre
pull-out, and this is indeed what the morphology of the fracture
surfaces revealed as shown in the following section. Also, since fibre
length is less than the critical length, the failure is expected to be
due to matrix fracture or fibre-matrix debonding if the adhesion is
Morphology of the Fractured Surfaces of the Composites
Studying the fracture surface of the samples is a useful way to
assess different aspects of the toughening process. Electron microscopy allows one to actually see fibres upon fracture. Whether fibres are
pulled out from the matrix or are broken the degree of adhesion with the
matrix may be easily visualized. Also, one can see the degree of
alignment of fibres in the sample. In principle, fibres tend to align
themselves in the direction of flow during injection moulding. For the
current research, we examined the fracture surface of rubber-toughened
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 at two extremes of strain rate: Izod
samples that represent a high strain rate (impact speed ~ 3.05 m/s (10
ft/sec)), and tensile samples, which represent a low strain rate.
Figures 9 and 10 show the morphology of the fracture surface of some
Izod samples of the composites. The test was done at room temperature,
which implies that the matrix, i.e., nylon 66, was semibrittle since its
[T.sub.g] is above room temperature. Therefore, in the absence of rubber
phase, nylon 66 is not expected to absorb much energy before fracture.
As is clearly evident from the fracture surfaces, fibre pull-out is
dominant with the blends with 0 wt.% rubber. When rubber is introduced
to the glass-fibre reinforced nylon 66, the extent of fibre pull-out is
reduced considerably (see Figures 9a and 9c). A maximum toughness is
expected to be achieved at the fibre critical length. Here the
morphology of the fracture surface of the Izod samples shows that the
addition of rubber to glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 reduces fibre
pull-out. Indeed, fibre breakage was observed with some of the blends
(see Figure 10d). This morphology correlates with mechanical properties,
i.e., an increase in impact strength of the composites. The rubber phase
increases ductility of the composites resulting in large deformations
that increase the energy absorption before fracture. While composites
with no rubber have less deformation and clean surface of fibres being
pulled out, those composites with high rubber content have a large
degree of plastic deformation and fibres that are surrounded by much
matrix material. In other words, there is good adhesion between matrix
and fibres (see Figures 9, 10, and 11). The morphology of the fracture
surface of the Izod samples also shows evidence of shear yielding and
cavitation. Shear yielding and cavitation are believed to be the main
mechanisms for rubber toughening in nylon 66. Figure 9d clearly shows
that shear bands were formed around a fibre in circular pattern. Also,
cavitation around the fibre is seen in Figure 10d. Since the properties
of the glass-fibre-reinforced composite are greatly dependent of the
orientation of fibres in the moulded samples, one needs to examine this
important parameter. As mentioned previously, fibres are expected to
align in the flow direction in processes such as injection moulding. For
the current research, Izod bars were cut in a direction parallel to the
flow direction and examined by SEM. Figure 12 shows that, in general,
fibres were aligned in the flow direction as expected. The morphology of
fractured Izod samples tested at a temperature of 103.5[degrees]C was
examined and is shown in Figure 13. At this temperature, the matrix
material, i.e., nylon 66, is at a temperature above its [T.sub.g], which
will make nylon 66 act in a ductile fashion. Consequently, shear
deformation is very likely to take place as a mechanism of absorbing the
energy of impact. Figure 13, in fact, demonstrates that deformation has
been increased in comparison with Izod samples tested at room
temperature. Unlike the fracture surface of the Izod sample that has
23.62 wt.% glass fibre with no rubber (tested at room temperature) as
given in Figure 9(a), here nylon 66 looks more deformed and the glass
fibres that are pulled out from the matrix have some matrix material
sticking on them (see Figure 13a). This observation becomes clearer when
rubber content increases as demonstrated by Figures 13b-13e. However,
when rubber content is increased, the extent of fibre pull-out is
diminished. The morphology of the fracture surface of the tensile
samples reveals similar behaviour as seen with Izod fracture surface.
Increasing rubber content is seen to enhance the adhesion between matrix
and fibre and cause nylon 66 to deform more.
The current research has demonstrated the effect of incorporating a
ductile rubber phase, i.e., SEBS-g-MA or EP-g-MA, into a semi brittle
material, i.e., nylon 66, reinforced with glass fibres on the properties
of the composite. The approach of combining both reinforcement and
tougheners with a thermoplastic material is the appropriate way to
balance strength, stiffness and toughness of the material. The results
of the current research have shown that both rubbers, i.e., SEBS-g-MA
and EP-g-MA, are effective in toughening glass-fibre-reinforced nylon
66. Tensile test results have shown that as rubber content increases,
tensile strength decreases. This is not an unusual finding since the
rubber phase acts as a stress concentrator forcing material to yield at
lower stress. Elongation at break was found to increase with increasing
rubber content. All elongation data were less than 11% even at the
highest rubber content (i.e., 20 wt.%); this is perhaps due to the
dominant role of glass fibres in the blends. This finding is consistent
with previous work done by others (Laura et al., 2000; Cho and Paul,
2001). Note that glass fibre typically has a value of elongation at
break ~ 5%. The variation of both tensile and flexural strengths with
rubber content was found to obey the behaviour given by the rule of
mixtures. Although the effective area model developed by Ishai and Cohen
was found to underestimate the yield data obtained in the present
research due to the presence of the glass fibres, a combined equation
based on the work of these same authors (Ishai and Cohen, 1968), which
accounts for both rubber and glass reinforcement, showed good agreement
with the data. The experimental data of the yield stress versus rubber
volume fraction were in good agreement with the results predicted
theoretically. As expected, impact strength of the composites was found
to increase with increasing rubber content. The plot of strength or
stiffness vs. toughness shows that it is possible to optimize strength
or stiffness and toughness of nylon 66 by incorporating both glass
fibres and rubber. For example, a composite having 23.62 wt.% glass
fibre and 10 wt.% SEBS-g-MA resulted in 28.3% and 167% increase in
tensile and impact strengths, respectively, of a neat nylon 66. Thus,
adding rubber and perhaps additional glass reinforcement to
glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66 recovered from obsolete cars may be
considered a good strategy for polymer recycling since this provides
flexibility in tailoring polymer properties to potential applications.
The morphology of the fractured surfaces was successfully related to the
mechanical properties of the composites. When rubber content was
increased, composites exhibited a great degree of plastic deformation in
the form of cavitation and shear bands as revealed by SEM micrographs,
and fibre pull-out was greatly diminished. This allowed the material to
absorb much energy before fracture so that impact strength was raised.
The polymers and elastomers used in this study were obtained
courtesy of Mr. J. F. Lathrop of DuPont, Mr. K. Ankney of Kraton and Mr.
R. Liotta of ExxonMobil.
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Manuscript received December 23, 2005; revised manuscript received
June 29, 2006; accepted for publication July 25, 2006.
Fares D. Alsewailem (1) and Rakesh K. Gupta * (2)
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
[email protected]
(1.) King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Petroleum and
Petrochemicals Research Institute, P.O. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi
(2.) Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University,
P.O. Box 6102, Morgantown, WV 26506, U.S.
Table 1. Rubber properties *
Property EP-g-MA SEBS-g-MA
Maleic Anhydride content 0.45-0.75 1.4-2.0
Polystyrene content (wt.%) -- 30
Specific gravity 0.87 <1
Melt flow index (g/10min) 9 (10 21.2 (5
kg/230[degrees]C) kg/230[degrees]C)
Tg ([degrees]C) -42
* Provided by the suppliers
Table 2. Comparison of the properties of glass-fibre-reinforced nylon
66 used in this study with the corresponding virgin material
Glass fibre content (wt.%)
Virgin (unprocessed)
Material used in this study
Virgin (unprocessed)
Material used in this study
Tensile strength (MPa)
Virgin (unprocessed) 126.52
Material used in this study 98.28
Virgin (unprocessed) 155.41
Material used in this study 134.16
Elongation (%)
Virgin (unprocessed) 3.00
Material used in this study 3.77
Virgin (unprocessed) 3.00
Material used in this study 5.74
Table 3. Effect of processing method on fibre length
for glass-fibre-reinforced nylon 66
Fibre length ([micro]m) Fibre length ([micro]m)
Method 14.79 wt.% glass fibres 23.62 wt.% glass fibres
I 305.08 305.08
II 285.86 277.99
III 243.04 230.39
IV 222.47 201.64
V 228.14 259.06
VI 223.27 195.81