Experimental studies of hydrodynamics and regime transition in bubble columns.
Thet, May Khin ; Wang, Chi-Hwa ; Tan, Reginald B.H. 等
The detailed flow structures in bubble columns with and without
internal draught tube have been investigated using the PIV technique.
The onsets of transition due to vortex formation and different flow
patterns with and without draught tube have been studied using the
drift-flux model and the experimentally measured Reynolds stresses. The
role of solid particles and liquid viscosity, as well as bubbling
orifice configuration on the flow patterns and regime transition has
also been studied and discussed.
On a etudie par la technique PIV les structures d'ecoulement
detaillees dans des colonnes a bulles avec et sans tube
d'aspiration interne. L'apparition de la transition due a la
formation de vortex et a differents profils d'ecoulement avec et
sans tube d'aspiration a ete etudiee a l'aide du modele de
flux d'aspiration et des contraintes de Reynolds mesurees
experimentalement. On a egalement examine le role des particules solides
et de la viscosite du liquide ainsi que de la configuration des orifices
de bullage sur les profils d'ecoulement et la transition de regime.
Keywords: transition regime, PIV, Reynolds stresses, liquid phase
viscosity, solid particle
Bubble columns are widely used for their simple construction and
economically favourable operation. Gas is usually sparged upwards
through a perforated plate or a series of nozzles into a continuous
liquid phase. The liquid phase may contain solids such as catalyst,
reagent or biomass, etc., which are distributed in the column. Modified
bubble columns including external loop airlift reactors, internal loop
airlift reactors are sometimes used to increase liquid circulation and
gas residence times. The hydrodynamics of the bubble column generally
depends on the gas-liquid or gas-liquid-solid physical properties as
well as column geometry and internal configuration.
This paper presents experimental studies of hydrodynamics and
regime transition in bubble columns. The liquid velocity distribution in
terms of flow pattern and Reynolds stresses in bubble column with and
without draught tube using multiple orifices are addressed and liquid
phase viscosity and solid particle effects on transition regime
described. Finally, the measurement of liquid flow patterns of single to
quadruple bubbling orifices using the particle image velocimetry (PIV)
are presented and discussed.
Knowledge of hydrodynamic behaviour in a bubble column is very
important for prediction of the design parameters such as heat and mass
transfer coefficients, critical gas flow rates, etc. The hydrodynamic
behaviour of bubble columns consists of the macroscopic or large-scale
phenomena and the microscopic or local phenomena (Deckwer, 1992). The
macroscopic flow phenomena include flow regimes, gas hold-up and the
gross liquid circulation. From the overall gas hold-up and superficial
gas velocity, three different flow regimes namely homogeneous,
transition and heterogeneous regimes are observed in bubble column.
Liquid phase behaviour caused by gas distribution and regime
transition has been studied in gas-liquid systems using Laser-Doppler
Anemometry (LDA) (Mudde et al., 1997a and b; Vial et al., 2001b; Olmos
et al., 2003) and in three phase systems by applying PIV (Chen and Fan,
1992; Chen et al., 1994; Lin et al., 1996; Tzeng et al., 1993). Vial et
al. (2001b) and Olmos et al. (2003) reported that transition was
characterized by local liquid recirculation near the wall where the mean
liquid velocity is negative (downwards). High positive values were
observed at the centre of the column. In addition, the magnitudes of
horizontal normal stresses were found to be twice that of vertical
normal stresses. Another non-intrusive method that works independently
from the void fraction is the Computer-Aided Radioactive Particle
Tracking (CARPT) (Chen et al., 1999). It is a single point method that
tracks a single radioactive particle over a long period of time and can
provide the radial profiles of the Reynolds shear stress, and the axial
and radial normal stresses. Yang et al. (1993) found that it was
difficult to measure the Reynolds shear stress near the column centre
and close to the column wall. Interestingly, they reported that the
axial and normal stresses were considerably greater than the Reynolds
shear stress. The present study proposes to examine the full field
measurement of Reynolds shear stress and normal stresses at the wall
region in 2D bubble column with and without draught tube through the use
of a PIV system.
The geometry of the gas distributor is known to have a significant
effect on the flow regime. Furthermore, the flow structure in the
absence or presence of draught tube system is extended in this present
work where the liquid velocities are generally higher than in bubble
columns (Wild et al., 2003).
Van Benthum et al. (1999) identified three flow regimes in
internal draught tube bubble columns, namely, (regime I) no air bubbles
(when liquid velocity in the downcomer is lower than slip velocity of
bubbles in the liquid) (regime II) bubbles remain stationary (when
liquid velocity in the downcomer is equal to the slip velocity of
bubbles in the liquid) and (regime III) bubbles flow downwards and into
the riser (when liquid velocity in the downcomer is higher than slip
velocity of bubbles in the liquid). Their study shows that transition
from regime II to III occurred at a gas hold-up of 10% to 12%. Our study
aims to provide further information on the Reynolds stresses at these
regimes. Wild et al. (2003) reported that in airlift reactors, no
maximum of the gas hold-up is observed, even with efficient gas
distribution systems; this is due to the relation between the gas and
the liquid velocity, which have opposite effects on the gas hold-up. An
increasing gas velocity leads to an increase of the overall liquid
velocity, which reduces in turn the increase of the gas hold-up. Deckwer
(1992) suggests that microscopic flow phenomena are more likely to be
associated with gas phase phenomena such as bubble wake interaction with
the continuous phase, bubble coalescence, and bubble break up.
Thus, in any reactor design or modelling of bubble columns, both
the macroscopic and microscopic flow regimes have to be taken into
account. There are many influencing factors that affect the flow
phenomena such as column dimensions, pressure effect, particle
concentrations, liquid phase properties, orifice plate configurations,
as reported in several studies on homogeneous to heterogeneous regime
transition (Ruzicka et al., 2001a; Vial et al., 2001a). Firstly, the
effect of solid loading in the bubble column on gas hold-up has been
studied both experimentally and by CFD simulation (Jamialahmadi and
Muller-Steinhagen, 1993 and ref: there in; Saxena and Chen, 1994;
Garcia-Ochoa et al., 1997; Gentile et al., 2003). Increasing solid
concentration, particle size and solid-liquid density difference results
in a decrease in gas hold-up. This trend was reported to be reversed if
the particle size is below 10 [micro]m. However, there have been very
limited studies on the effect of solids on transition gas velocity in
bubble columns. It should be mentioned that although addition of
catalyst particles enhanced the regime transition as reported by Krishna
et al. (1999), no significant effect was found for dilute particle
concentration of 1 to 10% using 0.5 mm glass beads and 1.5 mm acetate
beads (Chen et al., 1994).
In addition, the particle effect on macroscopic flow structure was
studied by Tzeng et al. (1993) and Lin et al. (1996). The vortex size,
wavelength, frequency, and vortex descending velocity were strongly
influenced by increasing bubble coalescence rate. Due to the limitations
of experimental measurements in three phase systems, there is still a
lack of detailed understanding of the effect of particles within the
transition regime, such as the particle size and density effect on the
flow structure and the liquid phase properties in different operating
Another influencing parameter on microscopic flow structures is
the liquid phase viscosity and its effect on the gas hold-up, as studied
by Krishna et al. (1997) and (2000). An increase in liquid viscosity
lowered the bubble break up rates as reported by Saxena and Chen (1994).
They found that [[epsilon].sub.g] increases with viscosity in the range
1 to 3 cp and then decreases sharply till about 11 cp and then decreases
slowly up to about 39 cp. The changes were relatively sharp at higher
gas velocities. This was explained on the basis of the bubble
coalescence phenomena on liquid-phase viscosity. But the viscosity
effect on the transition regime in bubble column is not yet well
understood. Zahradnik et al. (1997) explained that the effect of
viscosity of saccharose solution on the transition regime is found to be
significant because an increase of drag forces promotes bubble
coalescence in the distributor region. Reduction in the surface tension
of the liquid led to a decrease in bubble stability and thus to smaller
Several authors have studied the influence of different aspect
ratios and distributor configuration on the flow structure (Tzeng et
al., 1993; Becker et al., 1994; Borchers et al., 1999; Becker et al.,
1999; Deen et al., 2000). In a shallow column when the air is injected
from the central part of the column, the "gulf stream"
phenomena was observed, in which a pair of symmetrical liquid
circulation cells were formed. Becker et al. (1994) measured the flow
pattern with LDA in the case of a decentralized gas inlet for a number
of different aspect ratios and gas flow rates. The gas inlet was placed
at the left of column. They found that the lower part of the bubble
plume was stationary at low gas flow rates and directed to the left
wall, under the influence of a large liquid vortex on the right-hand
side. The upper part of the bubble plume was meandering in a
quasi-periodic way. For high gas rates the meandering behaviour was not
observed. Experiments on the flow of a bubble plume in a 3D bubble
column were performed by Deen et al. (2000).
Therefore, we aim to study the effect of different number of
orifices and their relative positions on the column hydrodynamics using
PIV technique as part of this work. In addition, more work on the
investigation of whole field velocity data with high spatial and
temporal resolution is necessary to obtain new experimental information
about the flow fields of interest.
PIV (TSI Company, Shoreview, Minnesota, U.S.) was used to observe
the liquid phase flow structure. The liquid phase images were captured
by PowerView[TM] 4M 2K ??2K camera that is connected to LaserPulse[TM]
Computer Controlled Synchronizer.
A colour filter was used to increase the image contrast between gas
and liquid phases. Thus the scattered light from the 20-40 [micro]m
Rhodamine-B dye particles in the liquid phase was captured, but direct
laser light was filtered out. The measurement was done under atmospheric
condition. 30 image pairs were recorded near the wall when the gas was
introduced at critical value of superficial gas velocity for transition
in each bubble column with and without draught tube. Instantaneous
velocity vectors were obtained after calibration and image processing.
Figure 1 represents the schematic diagram of the experimental
apparatus. The bubble column had a height of 1.2 m, 0.15 m by 0.15 m
square area and was open to atmosphere at the top. Different perforated
orifice plates of 3 mm thick Plexiglas[R] could be installed (Figure 2).
The internal draught tube had a height of 0.455 m and a clearance of 0.1
m from the bottom of the column. The annular space was 0.02 m wide.
Water is filled in the column up to 0.55 m height so that the liquid can
circulate from the top to the annular region until bottom of the column.
The combinations of operating conditions are listed in Table 1. For the
partial aeration system Figure 2 three different orifice conditions were
applied, namely one orifice, (1) two orifices (1, 2) and four orifices
(1, 2, 3, 4). Three test sections near the bottom, y = 0.03-0.11 m,
middle, y = 0.11-0.21 m, and top of the column, y = 0.21-0.26 m were
investigated. PIV measurements were taken at three X-Y planes at Z =
0.065 m.
Gas hold-up can be calculated as [[epsilon].sub.g] H' - H /
H' where H' is aerated liquid height and H is static liquid
height. Filtered tap water ([[rho].sub.L] = 1000kg/[m.sup.3], [sigma] =
0.07N/m) was used and the experiments were done at room temperature and
at a gas supply (compressed air) pressure of 60 psi to obtain gas
velocities up to 0.07 m/s. For the three phase systems, low density
polycarbonate particles and high density glass beads were used (Table 2,
Hartman et al., 1994). Glucose, the viscosity modifier, was well mixed
with deionized water before adding to the column. The column was then
operated at a high gas flow rate for approximately 20 min to ensure
that the system has reached a steady state.
Characterization of Flow Regime With and Without Draught Tube
Figure 3a represents the characterization of different flow regime
transition points with gas voidage vs. superficial gas velocity in the
column with and without draught tube (DT). Also the flow regime
transition points can be determined by using Wallis' drift-flux
model (Wallis, 1969) as shown in Figure 3b. From Figure 3a, it is clear
that the gas hold-up in the case without DT has a local maximum value
occurring at a certain point of superficial gas velocity. The value of q
corresponding to this point is denoted as [q.sub.max] the maximum gas
superficial velocity corresponding to maximum gas voidage in the
transition regime.
This physical quantity will be further discussed in this paper. In
the column with DT, no local maximum voidage was found throughout the
trend (Figure 3a). Changes of slope in Figure 3b suggest that the regime
changes from regime I to regime III (regime descriptions according to Van Benthum et al., 1999) as noted earlier. The gas hold-up at the
transition is found to be approximately 13% by visual observation of the
superficial gas velocity corresponding to the onset of bubbles in the
Time Averaged Flow Structures
In Figure 4a, the profiles of the time averaged flow field of the
liquid without DT were determined by averaging the information of 30
dual frames PIV vector fields per profile with a height of 0.03-0.11m at
an inlet superficial gas velocity of q = 0.04 m/s. It is observed that
the existence of a small pair of liquid vortices in the time averaged
flow field is caused by the liquid circulation structure that consists
of bubbly upward flow in the column core region and bubble-free liquid
downward flow region near the side wall (Figure 4a). At low gas
velocities, gross liquid circulation is not observed (homogeneous
regime). Deckwer (1992) reported that a radial cross-exchange of .uid
elements leads to axial circulation and gives rise to high radial
intermixing. In the heterogeneous regime, liquid down flow was very
pronounced. At gas velocities intermediate between those causing
homogeneous and heterogeneous regimes, the trend of bubble streams
appears to oscillate in the column core and to show a tendency towards
recirculation. Simultaneously, vortices appear near the sidewall caused
by the momentum transfer to central region from wall region. These
vortices have been termed descending vortices (Tzeng et al., 1993).
Figure 4b shows the time averaged flow field at q = 0.04 m/s in the
column with DT. The results show a predominant downflow near the wall
region, showing the effectiveness of the DT in facilitating liquid
circulation. The area enclosed by the dashed line is the region where
the liquid changes direction prior to entering the riser. A similar
flow pattern was observed for all values of gas flow rate. No
wall-region vortex was observed in the case of columns with DT.
Interpretation of Wall Region Flow
The downward liquid flow region near the sidewall represents the
descending flow region (Tzeng et al., 1993). There appears to be no
bubbles occupying this region at very low gas velocities. As the gas
velocities increase, small bubbles were observed in the descending
liquid as evidenced by small scale liquid recirculation.
In the case of the fluid flow field without DT, a vortical flow
region is observed close to the descending flow region (Figure 4a).
Vortices seem to be formed at the confluence of descending liquid flow
and the upward bubble plume region. The sizes of vortices increased in
size and instability with increasing gas velocities. The development of
vortical structure near the wall is disappeared with the presence of DT
and pure descending region is only observed at wall region (Figure 4b).
A third region may be discerned in Figure 4a that is the central
descending region located between the two vortical flow regions. This
central region is characterized by complex flow associated with bubble
wakes or liquid slip flow between bubble streams in the core region. The
size of this region depends on the geometry of the column. In this
region, the liquid velocity is lower than that in the sidewall region.
Reynolds Stresses
Figure 5a shows the typical Reynolds stresses profiles at various
radial positions in a bubble column with no DT. The longitudinal normal
stress profile is flat in the middle with two distinct maxima close to
each sidewall. The lateral normal stresses on the other hand, display a
flat maximum in the centre and minima at the walls. Our earlier
observation of vortices migrating towards the core region could explain
the result that vertical normal stresses are higher at the walls. The
Reynolds shear stresses are generally lower than the normal stresses.
Similar profiles for Reynolds stresses have been reported by Olmos et
al. (2003) in a two-dimensional bubble column. Mudde et al. (1997a)
reported that "the shear stress had its greatest absolute value in
the region where the axial velocity gradient was highest and had a value
of zero where the averaged axial velocity was maximum, that is, the
column centre, thereby suggesting a Boussinesq type of correlation
between the averaged axial velocity and the shear stress."
In Figure 5b, the typical Reynolds stresses profiles are shown for
a bubble column with DT since no vortices are formed, normal stresses
are lower as compared with Figure 5a, and the shear stresses are
virtually zero. The DT allows a regular circulation pattern of liquid
upwards in the central DT and downwards through the annulus.
Effect of Solid Particles on Flow Regime Figure 6 shows the
drift-flux plot as a function of gas hold-up at different concentrations
of 0.5 mm diameter glass beads (C = 0 to 14% wt.). At low particle
concentrations (C<1%), the data are virtually indistinguishable from
those for C = 0%. The effect of solids loading on [q.sub.max], the gas
superficial velocity corresponding to local maximum gas voidage in the
transition regime, can be clearly seen from these results. The
corresponding results with 3 mm diameter polycarbonate beads are shown
in Figure 7. It was found that, at corresponding gas flow rates, the gas
hold-up was slightly higher in the system with glass spheres of small
particles as compared to the larger and less dense polycarbonate beads.
A possible explanation is that the smaller and denser glass beads had a
less pronounced effect on the effective suspension viscosity as compared
with larger particles with density close to the liquid density.
At high solids loadings around 14% wt., the curves in Figures 6 and
7 do not show a distinct kink as is the case for lower values of
particle concentration. This is due to the high interaction between
bubbles and solid particles, leading to instabilities in the flow
regime, and no clear value of [q.sub.max] can be obtained. Tzeng et al.
(1993) reasoned that the development of vortices can be retarded at high
solid hold-ups due to the disappearance of gross circulation pattern,
and the interaction between solid and fluid phases become significant
and results in changes in the macroscopic flow behaviour.
Saxena and Chen (1994) reported that the presence of particles
changes the rheology of two- and three-phase dispersions in bubble
columns. Increasing solid concentration in a liquid tended to increase
the effective viscosity of the slurry. Krishna et al. (1999) added fine
silica catalyst particles of 40 [micro]m to the liquid phase and found
that the presence of particles promotes regime transition due to bubble
Our results for the effect of solids on the gas superficial
velocity corresponding to local maximum gas voidage in the transition
regime (as characterized by [q.sub.max]) can be summarized in Figure 8,
where results for [q.sub.max] are plotted for three particle types. The
results show that the larger 3 mm particles of glass and polycarbonate
tend to promote earlier transition, as shown by the decreasing trend of
[q.sub.max], whereas increasing concentration of small particles (0.5 mm
glass spheres, up to 8% by weight) tended to extend the homogeneous
For these experiments, the small glass beads were of the same size
as the orifice diameter and poorly suspended particles circulated near
the bottom of the column could cause misdistribution of the sparged gas
and possibly lower bubble rise velocity and liquid circulation velocity.
This may be a reason why presence of the small glass beads tended to
extend the transition regime by inhibiting the transition from
homogeneous to heterogeneous flow.
On the other hand, low density polycarbonate beads were observed to
be suspended throughout the liquid. The presence of these particles
increased particle-bubble interactions and promoted bubble
coalescence/breakage, which would result in earlier regime transition to
heterogeneous flow.
It was also observed that in the experiments involving the larger
glass spheres, the solids tended to settle towards the bottom of the
bubble column. For solid concentration greater than about 3% wt. of 3 mm
glass spheres, complete suspension could not be achieved, and the
clustering of particles above the distributor resulted in a purely
heterogeneous flow regime.
Effect of Liquid Viscosity on Transition Regime
Figure 9 shows the drift-flux profiles for solutions with different
glucose concentrations. Glucose concentrations between 3.2 and 41 wt. %
with the range of viscosities from 1.2 to 6.7 mPa.s were used (Table 3).
It is found that gas hold-up generally decreases with increasing
viscosity as expected.
The value of [[epsilon].sub.g] corresponding to [q.sub.max], the
gas superficial velocity corresponding to local maximum gas voidage in
the transition regime, decreased with increasing liquid viscosity,
showing a narrowing of the homogeneous regime at high viscosities.
Beyond about 4 mPa.s, the bubbling was in the heterogeneous regime for
all superficial gas velocities, and no value of [q.sub.max] was
measurable. Zahradnik et al. (1997) also found that the homogeneous
bubbling column was suppressed at high liquid viscosities.
Figure 10 shows the values of [q.sub.max] due to the effect of
solution viscosity for columns with different aspect ratios. It is clear
that earlier transition was observed with increasing viscosity up to 3.5
mPa.s. At a high viscosity, shear stresses between the liquid and bubble
phase are higher. Bubbles remain in the liquid for a longer time, and
this in turn enhances the possibility of bubble coalescence and
fluctuation of fluid flow patterns. Thus, higher viscosity promotes the
transition from homogeneous towards heterogeneous flow by increasing
the instability of the flow regime. The results also show that
increasing the height to diameter aspect ratio caused earlier transition
for the range of viscosities studied. Jamialahmadi and Muller-Steinhagen
(1993) and Wilkinson et al. (1992) observed that a higher column height
to diameter ratio decreases the gas hold-up due to bubble coalescence.
Ruzicka et al. (2001b) and Sarra. et al. (1999) also found that the gas
velocity for transition decreased with column size.
Experiments were carried out to study the liquid flow patterns for
different combinations of a small number of orifices by employing plate
type 2 (Figure 2) without DT.
Single Aeration Effect
Figure 11 shows the 3D surface plot of time averaged liquid flow
pattern from 30 frames for a single non-centrally placed orifice. Liquid
flow induced by a single bubble stream closer to the left wall can be
seen. The intensity of shading corresponds to the turbulence intensity.
To the right of the rising bubble stream, the liquid velocity is stable
and negative (downward flow), showing that an effective pattern of
liquid circulation has been formed.
Some gas bubbles were observed to be entrained into the downward
flowing liquid, and when these bubbles encounter the primary upward
flowing bubble stream, small vortices are formed and these can be
discerned in the contour plot.
The magnitudes of Reynolds stresses near the bottom of the column
are shown in Figure 12. Clearly, the stresses only exist close to the
position of the single orifice. Interestingly, the lateral normal
stresses are significant, and this is reflected in the fact that the
bubbles do not rise vertically but in an unsteady swirling helical path.
Double Aeration Effect
Figure 13 shows the effect of symmetrical double orifice bubbling
in the column. The average velocities show two distinct rising bubble
streams. The bubble plume is not stable and the two streams subsequently
merge to form a single bubble stream. Two distinct peaks can also be
seen in both the horizontal and vertical normal Reynolds stresses
(Figure 14).
Quadruple Aeration Effect
Figures 15 and 16 show the data of time-averaged liquid velocities
and Reynolds stresses respectively for the case of symmetrical bubbling
through four orifices. Four peaks are just discernible in Figure 15,
which also shows the existence of several small vortices. Figure 16
shows that the measured Reynolds stress values are rather low. These
data may not be reliable because of limitations of the PIV measurements
in a region of very high gas hold-up close to the multiple orifices.
In this work, the time-averaged liquid flow structures in fully
aerated bubble columns with and without DT have been measured using PIV
up to gas hold-up values of 19%. The liquid circulation structure at the
wall region has been observed in the transition regime. The Reynolds
stresses in columns without DT were larger than those in DT, reflecting
the influence of vortical structure. When a DT was introduced the normal
stresses were almost uniform across the column and a pure descending
region was observed at wall region.
It was observed that increasing the viscosity of liquid caused an
earlier transition from the homogeneous to heterogeneous regime, as
measured by a decrease in [q.sub.max]. Moreover, the transition gas
velocity was found to decrease with increasing aspect ratio in a glucose
aqueous solution. When solid particles were added to the bubble column,
the overall gas hold-up generally decreased. However, our results
suggest that solid particles either promote or inhibit the transition
from homogeneous to heterogeneous flow depending on the size and
density of particles. Earlier transition was observed with large and
high density particles. The configuration and position of the gas
sparger is another factor that may affect the regime transition and the
behaviour of the flow pattern.
The strong influence of the sparger configuration on the liquid
flow structure and the resolution of PIV have been highlighted by the
evolution of time averaged surface plots and Reynolds stresses. By
varying the number and placement of bubbling orifices, it was observed
that the number of vortices is low for asymmetrical aeration, and
symmetrical aeration generates symmetrical vortices. The PIV technique
is found to be a useful tool to characterize the number of aeration
modes through the time averaged surface plot of 30 dual frames in one
second, and PIV spatial resolution is applicable for up to four orifices
with a frequency of 60 Hz.
This work was funded by National University of Singapore under the
grant R279-000-095-112. The authors are grateful to Rensheng Deng for
consultation on PIV set-up.
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Manuscript received January 7, 2005; revised manuscript received
October 27, 2005; accepted for publication November 7, 2005.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National
University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore, 117576
May Khin Thet, Chi-Hwa Wang and Reginald B. H. Tan *
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Table 1. Different operating conditions for all experiments
System Orifice dia, No. of
mm orifice
Bubble column 0.5 49
Column with DT Plate 1(centre)
Bubble column 0.5 225
(Two- and three-phase) (Plate 1)
Bubble column 1.6 1-4
(Two-phase) (Plate 2)
System H/D, Test section
aspect ratio
Bubble column 3.7 y = 0.03-0.11 m
Column with DT at z = 0.011 m
Bubble column 1.7, 2.3, 3.7, 5
(Two- and three-phase)
Bubble column 1.7 y = 0.03-0.11 m
(Two-phase) y = 0.11-0.21 m
y = 0.21-0.26 m
at z = 0.065 m
Table 2. Physical properties of the particles.
Mean diameter Sphericity
([micro]m) [psi] = [A.sub.sphere]/
et al., 1994)
Type of material
Polycarbonate 3000 0.75
Glass sphere 500 1
Glass sphere 3000 1
Type of material
Polycarbonate 1200
Glass sphere 2500
Glass sphere 2500
Table 3. Apparent viscosity data for glucose-deionized water
Mass fraction Viscosity
(% wt.) (mPa s)
0 1.24
0.032 1.32
0.061 1.4
0.163 1.93
0.279 2.9
0.29 3.1
0.31 3.5
0.34 4
0.41 6.7