Role of pressure in coking of thin films of bitumen.
Gray, Murray R. ; Le, Tuyet ; Wu, Xin A. 等
Cracking processes are important for conversion of the vacuum
residue fractions of oil sands bitumen and petroleum. The most commonly
used process is delayed coking, but several processes based on moving
beds and fluidized beds are in use or are under development in order to
increase liquid yields. The fluid coking process is used at a very large
scale by Syncrude Canada to convert up to 5.6 x [10.sup.4] [m.sup.3]/d.
Liquid feed is cracked by spraying it into a fluidized bed of fine coke
particles. Other processes under development propose the use of
fluidized sand or other reactor geometries (Gray, 2002). All of these
hot-particle processes operate at temperatures in excess of
500[degrees]C, which gives some vaporization of the vacuum residue
components (524[degrees]C+), in addition to the gas oil and lighter
fractions (< 524[degrees]C). For example, Olmstead and Freund (1998)
found that components with boiling points up to approximately
650[degrees]C were subject to a combination of volatilization and
cracking. The reactors operating in this high-temperature regime usually
involve thin liquid films reacting on the surfaces of solid particles
that serve as a heat medium (Gray, 2002), therefore, the geometry of the
reacting liquid phase promotes the transport of high-boiling components
to the liquid phase. During the cracking reactions, light components and
gases form in the liquid phase. Depending on the rate of reaction and
the diffusion transport of volatile out of the liquid phase, bubbles may
form in the liquid (Gray et al., 2001). This combination of transport
and reaction is fundamentally different from processes such as
evaporation or boiling in thin films. The formation of bubbles by
reaction changes the transport processes in the liquid phase, and may
have mechanical implications when the feed liquid is aggregated with
fine solid particles, as would normally occur when spraying liquid in to
a fluidized bed (Gray, 2002). Some prior reports considered reaction and
product evolution from softening coal (Attar, 1978; Oh et al., 1989), a
system that offers some analogies, but the physical properties were
dramatically different from bitumen fractions and the temperature
arrange of interest was much higher, up to 1000[degrees]C.
Although coking processes are considered low-pressure operations,
they can operate at a range of pressures above ambient, up to circa 700
kPa. Higher operating pressure will increase the residence time of the
vapours inside the reactor, but the impact on the reacting liquid phase
is more subtle. The objective of this research was to measure the
kinetics of coking over a range of pressure, using carefully controlled
conditions of temperature and film thickness. This approach ensured that
all of the relevant transport processes (heat transfer and product
evolution from the liquid phase by diffusion and bubble formation) are
properly controlled so that their role in the observed kinetics is fully
defined. Our hypotheses were:
a) An increase in reactor pressure will reduce the evolution of
bubbles, when liquid films are over 20-30 [micro]m in thickness, and
thereby increase the yield of coke;
b) The rate and extent of vaporization of liquid components into
the vapour phase will depend on temperature, liquid composition, and the
partial pressure of the components in the vapour phase, rather than
total pressure.
The experiments used Athabasca vacuum residue, supplied by Syncrude
Canada Ltd. The properties of this material are given in Table 1.
Solvents (methylene chloride and toluene) were obtained from Fisher
Scientific (Mississauga, ON) and used as received. Compressed gases
(nitrogen and carbon dioxide) were supplied by Praxair.
The experimental apparatus is illustrated in Figure 1. For the
kinetics experiments, measuring yields as a function of time and
pressure at 503 and 530[degrees]C, the reactor consisted of inductively heated strips of Curie-point alloy (25 cm x 2 cm x 0.04 cm), each
spray-coated with residue to give a film thickness of circa 20 [micro]m
and an area of 46 [cm.sup.2]. Up to six strips were held in ceramic
holders to form an annulus within a glass reactor tube. In order to
study the role of film thickness, thin films of bitumen were deposited
in shallow pans of Curie-point alloy then reacted in a controlled
environment using rapid induction heating. The basic design of the
reactor followed Gray et al. (2004); except that the vacuum residue
material was coated onto pans of Ni/Fe alloy (Ametek Special Metals,
Wallingford, CT) with Curie-point temperatures in the range of 503 and
530[degrees]C. For reactions of thicker films, strips of Curie-point
alloy (25 cm x 2 cm x 0.04 cm) were formed into pans by bending the
edges to a depth of approximately 2 mm. This design ensured that the
liquid phase did not drip off of the alloy surface during reaction of
thick films. The coated area of residue on each pan was approximately 46
[cm.sup.2]. The Curie-point temperatures of the alloys were verified
using fine-gauge thermocouples that were spot-welded to the metal
surface. Thin films of vacuum residue material were created by
dissolving the feed in methylene chloride, then spraying the solution
onto the strips or pans. The strips were dried overnight and reweighed
to determine the amount of vacuum residue. The minimum mean film
thickness was 20.0 [+ or -] 1.5 [micro]m, calculated as volume of
residue divided by the area coated. Thicker films of up to circa 140
[micro]m were prepared by repeated applications of the methylene chloride-vacuum residue solution.
The pans of vacuum residue were maintained in a controlled gas
environment during reaction. Solenoid valves controlled the gas flow
through the apparatus. Pressure relief valves were installed before and
after the reactor for safety reason, and a pressure control (Tescom, Elk
River, MN) was installed downstream to provide backpressure control to
the reactor system. The reactors were 5 cm and 2.5 cm diameter beaded
glass (Fred S. Hickey Corp., Schiller Park, IL). The 5 cm tube had a
safe operating pressure limit of 446 kPa, and was operated at a maximum
pressure of 377 kPa. The 2.5 cm tube had a maximum pressure limit of 790
kPa, and was operated at a maximum pressure of 652 kPa. This
high-pressure tube was coated in resin, except for the central portion,
as a safety measure in case of breakage. The pans holding the vacuum
residue were supported inside the glass tube by ceramic holders.
Both the alloy strips and the glass tubes were held within an
induction coil to allow rapid heating (Ameritherm Inc., Scottsville, NY,
Model XP-30). The induction coil was in turn surrounded by a Faraday
cage of perforated metal sheet to control radio-frequency noise from the
apparatus, and to provide an additional safety barrier in case of
breakage of the glass tubes. A fibre-optic viewer (Titan Tool Supply
Inc., Buffalo, NY) was threaded through the cage and the induction coil
and placed on top of the glass reactor to allow observation of the
formation of bubbles during reaction.
A dry test meter was located down stream of the reactor tube, after
the pressure control unit, to determine the gas flow rate for the
experiment. The condenser was immersed in liquid nitrogen to condense the gas and cracked liquids produced from the reactor.
Experimental Procedure
Nitrogen sweep gas was introduced at one end of the glass tube
through a sintered metal diffuser and exited the opposite end through a
conical section. The gas flow rate was set at 10 sL/min at ambient
pressure. The pressure was slowly increased to 377 or 470 kPa by the
pressure controller. A leak test was then performed. Once the system was
leak free, the pressure was relieved through the vent, and the reactor
was purged at 10 sL/ min for 15 min for the 5 cm diameter reactor and 10
min for the 2.5 cm diameter reactor.
When the purging step was completed, a computer program would run
the experiment with a standard 5 min purge, followed by a period of
induction heating and an immediate cooling at the end of the reaction
with a purge of liquid carbon dioxide. For the kinetic experiments with
constant film thickness of 20 [micro]m, the reaction time varied from 5
s to 60 s. For experiments conducted with thicker films, higher than
20[micro]m, the reaction temperature was maintained for 240 s to ensure
that the ultimate coke yield had been reached. For these experiments
with complete conversion of the liquid film to coke and products, the
coke yield was determined gravimetrically by weighing the pan before and
after reaction.
For the experiments where the reaction time was less than 240 s,
the products were recovered as coke, extract, and overhead product. The
non-condensable gases were not measured in this study, due to the low
yield and poor experimental accuracy of measuring these components in
the diluted gas stream (Gray et al., 2001). The Curie-point alloy strips
or pans were sonicated in toluene. The coke yield was the increase in
the mass of the alloy pieces after cleaning plus the mass of insoluble
solids removed from the toluene. These coke solids were recovered by
filtering the wash solvent through a 0.2 [micro]m Millipore filter. The
extract was the toluene-soluble portion of the material washed off of
the alloy pieces, recovered by evaporating the toluene. The overhead
product was the condensed liquids, which were recovered from the reactor
components and downstream filter by washing with methylene chloride and
then evaporating the solvent. Liquid products were sent to the Syncrude
Research laboratory for simulated distillation (SDA) and microcarbon
residue (MCR) analysis.
Kinetic Results from 20 [micro]m Thick Films
In order to verify that the reactor performance was unaffected by
the pressure of the gas in contact with the Curie-point strips, the
temperature was measured directly by attaching a thermocouple. At 101.3
kPa, the strip reached 95% of its final temperature in 3.96 s, while at
377 kPa the time to heat to 95% of the final temperature was 3.95 s.
Consequently, the heating rate of the alloy strips was unaffected by the
gas pressure. As a further check, the gas density was varied from
0.1-1.6 g/L by using helium and nitrogen at 101.3 and 377 kPa. The yield
of extractable liquid, from strips coated with a 20 [micro]m film of
vacuum residue, after 20 s of reaction at 503[degrees]C was 18.8 [+ or
-] 3.5 wt.% ([+ or -] standard deviation), independent of the gas
density. Similarly, the amount of overhead product recovered after 20
and 240 s of reaction at 503[degrees]C was unaffected by gas density.
Consequently, the heating of the strips and the amount of liquid
remaining on the strips were independent of the gas-phase environment.
At a constant film thickness of 20 [micro]m, the yields of coke and
extractable liquids as a function of time at 503[degrees]C and
530[degrees]C were almost identical at 101.3 kPa and 377 kPa (Figures 2
and 3). The yields of extractables after 20 s of reaction were the most
variable, likely due to the sensitivity of the results to small errors
in time or temperature. The differences in extractable yield were no
significant given a standard deviation of 3.5 wt.% on replicate
experiments. The final coke yield was insensitive to pressure at
503[degrees]C, as illustrated in Figure 4. The coke yield increased
significantly with temperature (95% confidence) at both 101.3 kPa and at
377 kPa. The yield of coke increased with pressure at 530[degrees]C,
from 14.09 [+ or -] 0.18 wt.% at 101.3 kPa to 14.74 [+ or -] 0.14 wt.%
at 377 kPa (95% confidence limits). Although these changes in the coke
yield were statistically significant, they indicate a weak dependence on
temperature and pressure. This result is consistent with the
thermodynamics and mass transfer of product release. In the absence of
bubble formation, the diffusion of products out of the liquid film will
depend on the thickness and composition of the liquid film and the
partial pressure of product in the gas phase adjacent to the film
surface. The purge of nitrogen gas would keep the product concentration
low, regardless of pressure, therefore the yield of coke should be
insensitive to pressure. In contrast, an increase in reactor pressure
should increase the coke yield in thick liquid films because the high
pressure will suppress the evolution of bubbles. A longer residence time
for cracked products in the liquid film will enhance recombination reactions that increase the yield of coke.
The yields of overhead product were less repeatable than the yields
of extractable liquid, due to the larger errors in recovering the
material from the reactor components. The material balances (calculated
as coke + extract + overhead product) were better than 95%, and the
overhead product yields were not sensitive to pressure within
experimental variation. The overhead products were collected and
analyzed by simulated distillation and MCR content. Within the accuracy
of the methods, the composition of the overhead was insensitive to
pressure, for example, as illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. At least three
replicate samples from independent reactor experiments were analyzed at
101 and 377 kPa, which gave yields of overhead products of 81.2 [+ or -]
1.8% and 82.5 [+ or -] 1.1%, respectively. The error bars show the
standard deviation. The yields of overhead product were similar at 652
kPa, but the amounts of sample were much smaller because only one pan
could fit in the reactor. The overhead product from several pans at
identical reaction conditions were, therefore, pooled for analysis. The
data of Figure 6 clearly show that the heavy material that contributes
the MCR in the products increases through the first 30 s of reaction,
reaching a constant level of 12-14% once the evolution of products from
the liquid film is complete. This evolution pattern was insensitive to
Coke Yield as a Function of Temperature and Film Thickness
To investigate the effect of liquid film thickness on ultimate coke
yield (coke yield after 240 s of reaction time) a series of experiments
were conducted at 503[degrees]C and 530[degrees]C at pressures from
101.3 to 652 kPa and with film thicknesses from 22 [micro]m to 120
[micro]m. The data of Figure 7 show that at 503[degrees]C, the ultimate
coke yield increased with increasing film thickness and pressure. The
increase in coke yield with film thickness was consistent with previous
observations by Gray et al. (2001). The yield was insensitive to
pressure for any film thickness up to 377 kPa, then increased
significantly at the higher pressure of 652 kPa as illustrated in Figure
7. In contrast, at 530[degrees]C, the coke yield increased with pressure
for thin films in the range of 20-40 [micro]m, then the yield from films
> 40 [micro]m was the same at 377 and 652 kPa. Experiments with films
thicker than 40 [micro]m were not conducted due to significant bubble
formation (discussed below). The results at 503 and 530[degrees]C
suggest that coke yield may be significantly altered by pressure
depending on the balance between product formation and evolution from
the liquid film.
The MCR content of the overhead from the experiments as a function
of film thickness at 503 and 530[degrees]C is shown in Figure 8. This
reduction in the MCR yield in the overhead with increased film thickness
is consistent with higher coke formation. Within the variation of the
data, the MCR in the overhead was not sensitive to pressure. The data
from simulated distillation showed a significant increase in the
fraction of distillate (< 524[degrees]C) as a function of film
thickness (Figure 9). This trend was in agreement with the trends for
MCR and coke yield, indicating that less high-boiling material was
released from the thicker films.
Observation of Bubble Formation
The formation of bubbles on the surface of the film of liquid in
the reactor pan was observed with a fibre-optic viewer. This viewer
allowed safe observation of bubble formation in situ, but did not
provide enough brightness for recording images. Consequently, the
results are reported from written notes for each observation. As soon as
the induction heat was turned on, for films of bitumen thicker than 20
[micro]m, the layer of bitumen swelled due to bubble formation under the
liquid surface. Each bubble then broke up to give zones of exposed metal
surface as the reaction progressed. The duration of bubbling depended on
the thickness of the bitumen film; the thicker the film, the longer the
bubbling time. Whenever bubbles formed, they were apparent very early in
the reaction before the fluid properties had time to change
significantly. At the end of the reaction, the evidence for the bubbles
could often be observed in the coke layer, as illustrated in Figure 10.
The area of exposed metal surface provided a measure of the extent of
bubble formation, as illustrated in Figure 11, but direct observation
was more accurate. The evaporation of liquid film at 503[degrees]C was
slower than that at 530[degrees]C, so the onset of bubbling was easier
to observe at the lower temperature. Once the film thickness was greater
than 30[micro]m, the bubbling was very obvious at both temperatures both
during and after reaction (Figure 10 shows examples at 503[degrees]C).
Visual observation was more difficult at higher pressures, since the
efficiency of nitrogen carrier gas for sweeping the product aerosol out
of the field of view was reduced.
As the pressure increased the formation of visible bubbles was
suppressed in successively thicker and thicker liquid films. Direct
observation showed that at 503[degrees]C, bubbles first formed at film
thicknesses of 26 [micro]m at 101.3 kPa, increasing to 78 [micro]m at
652 kPa (Figure 12). At a reaction temperature of 530[degrees]C, the
onset of visible bubbling started at much lower film thicknesses and was
less sensitive to pressure, increasing from 22 [micro]m at 101.3 kPa to
43 [micro]m at 652 kPa.
The results of this study suggest that the yield of coke was at
most weakly dependent on pressure and temperature, for the range
500-530[degrees]C and 101.3-652 kPa, when bitumen was reacted in thin
films (20 [micro]m) to minimize mass transfer resistance in the liquid
phase. The total pressure did not affect the vaporization from the thin
film in the absence of bubble formation. The yield of cracked products
and the MCR content of the products did not vary significantly for thin
films over this range of conditions. Over the same range of operating
conditions, the yield of coke increased from circa 12% to 17% as the
film thickness increased from 20 [micro]m to circa 120 [micro]m. At a
reactor temperature of 503[degrees]C, a further increase in the pressure
to 652 kPa increased the yield of coke over a wide range of film
thicknesses, with a maximum value of 19.7 wt.% from a 120 [micro]m-thick
film. The content of distillate fractions in the overhead product was
insensitive to film thickness within experimental error, but the total
concentration of distillable material in the overhead products (i.e.,
the < 524[degrees]C + fraction) increased with film thickness. The
trend of MCR content and coke yield was consistent with this
observation; thin films gave more vaporization of heavy material, which
reduced the coke yield.
The most obvious conclusion from this study is that the total
operating pressure of fluidized-bed cokers will have little impact on
the liquid phase reactions over a wide range of operating conditions.
The total operating pressure is distinct from the partial pressure of
hydrocarbons, which could have an impact through vapour-liquid
equilibrium. The reactor in these experiments was swept with nitrogen to
ensure a low partial pressure of hydrocarbon products at the liquid
surface. This sweep gas also ensured that the vapour phase was much
cooler than the reacting liquid. In an actual reactor, an increase in
the pressure also increases the residence time of the cracked vapours in
the reactor, thereby increasing the severity of the gas-phase reactions.
This feature of commercial cokers was not included in this study, nor
did we determine the coke formation from a recycled residue stream at
various pressures.
The most important impact of total pressure observed in this study
was the suppression of bubble evolution. As the pressure on a bubble of
vapour increases, the size of the bubble decreases so it is less able to
rise and break out of the liquid phase. In the context of coking
reactions in a fluidized bed of particles, increased operating pressure
would suppress bubble development in both thick layers of liquid feed
and in agglomerates of coke and liquid feed. In both cases, the increase
in operating pressure would give smaller bubbles at a given time,
temperature and feed composition. The volume of a bubble of vapour
product will diminish in proportion to the absolute pressure. The data
of Figure 12 indicate that at 503[degrees]C, a decrease in operating
pressure enhances bubble evolution significantly. Pressure was less
significant in changing the threshold for bubble evolution at
530[degrees]C, likely due to the more vigorous reaction rate.
The threshold for bubble formation in Figure 12 is potentially
important in the context of agglomerates of liquid and bed particles. If
we assume spherical uniform bed particles, then the smallest agglomerate of interest contains 5 particles in close-packed configuration. For a
mean particle diameter of 150 [micro]m, then the liquid at the centre of
the agglomerate is over 40 [micro]m from the vapour phase, over the
threshold for bubble evolution at 530[degrees]C and 377 kPa. Larger
agglomerates, or agglomerates with thicker liquid films, would have much
larger characteristic lengths, making bubble formation inevitable as the
liquid reaches reactor temperature and products are evolved. For the
liquid inside agglomerates, therefore, the initial effective film
thickness can be quite large even if the ratio of liquid to coke in the
agglomerate is low. If the agglomerate is not broken up in the reactor
by fluid-dynamic forces, then the yield of coke from the liquid inside
the agglomerate will tend to be at the top end of the data sets in
Figure 7. Higher operating pressure, which would suppress bubble
expansion inside coke-liquid agglomerates, will tend to make these
structures more physically stable.
The data of Figure 4 are quite striking in showing the
insensitivity of coke yield to operating conditions in the thin film
limit. As the film thickness is increased, the yield of coke increases
as illustrated in Figure 7, with an accompanying decrease in MCR content
of the overhead product. The work of Aminu et al. (2004) showed that the
viscosity of the liquid phase increases rapidly with time. This increase
in viscosity would make the escape of products more difficult during the
latter stages of reaction, due to lower diffusion rates and less
favourable bubble evolution. In such a viscous mixture, the thickness of
the initial liquid film would have a major impact on the release of
material to the vapour phase.
The observations of bubble evolution as a function of pressure and
film thickness, summarized in Figure 12, are not conclusive on the role
of vapour bubbles in removing products from the liquid phase. Increasing
pressure definitely suppressed bubble evolution, but the resulting
impact on coke yield was inconsistent. The data for coke yield at
503[degrees]C (Figure 7) did not exhibit any clear change in slope due
to the onset of bubble evolution at a film thickness of 60 [micro]m at
377 kPa or at 80 [micro]m at 652 kPa. If bubbles were an important path
for removal of cracked products, we would expect the coke yield to
remain relatively constant with increasing film thickness after the
onset of bubble evolution a given temperature and pressure. The increase
in coke yield with film thickness, regardless of the onset of bubbling,
suggests that diffusion of products from the liquid film was the main
transport mechanism over the entire range of film thickness. An
important limitation to the apparatus does need to be considered very
carefully. When the liquid film is uniform, the temperature will also be
uniform and very close to the Curie-point alloy, based on heat transfer
calculations for very thin films. As soon as bubbles become visible, the
heat transfer conditions change. The liquid in the liquid film covering
the bubble is no longer in contact with the metal substrate and,
therefore, it will be cooler because the convective losses to the
exterior gas will remain significant even as the vapour within the
bubble insulates the liquid cap from the hot metal. The results for the
films with bubbling, therefore, are for non-isothermal experiments where
portions of the liquid were cooler than the rest of the film. Given the
insensitivity of the coke yield to temperature in the thin-film limit,
this effect may not be significant.
In the case of thin liquid films (ca. 20 [micro]m), the effect of
pressure on reaction kinetics was insignificant and the coke yield
depended only weakly on pressure at 530[degrees]C. Thicker liquid films
gave an increase in final coke yield increased with increasing film
thickness. At 503[degrees]C reaction temperature, the final coke yields
at ambient and 377 kPa were almost the same. There was a significant
increase in ultimate coke yield as the pressure was raised to 652 kPa,
especially when film thickness was greater than 40 [micro]m. At
530[degrees]C reaction temperature, the effect of pressure on ultimate
coke yield was minimal. The liquid film evaporated so rapidly that the
effect of pressure on mass transfer was insignificant.
Visible bubbling of the liquid due to cracking reactions during
coking was suppressed by increasing pressure. The transition from the
quiescent film to bubbling increased from circa 26 [micro]m at 101.3 kPa
to 78 [micro]m at 652 kPa when reaction was done at 503[degrees]C.
Higher reaction temperature reduced the critical film thickness for
bubbling and gave less sensitivity to pressure.
The authors are grateful for financial support from Syncrude Canada
Manuscript received August 23, 2006; revised manuscript received
October 17, 2006; accepted for publication January 5, 2007.
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Murray R. Gray (1) *, Tuyet Le (1) and Xin A. Wu (2)
(1.) Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2G6
(2.) Syncrude Canada Ltd., 9421-17 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6N
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
[email protected]
Table 1. Properties of Athabasca vacuum residue
Toluene insolubles, wt.% 1.8
MCR, wt.% 27.8
Sulphur, wt.% 5.7
Nitrogen, wppm 7206
Density, kg/m3 @ 20[degrees]C 1086.8
Boiling fractions, wt.%
524[degrees]C- 10
524-650[degrees]C 40
650[degrees]C + 50