Simulations of bubble column reactors using a volume of fluid approach: effect of air distributor.
Akhtar, M. Abid ; Tade, Moses ; Pareek, Vishnu 等
Bubble column reactors have a variety of applications in the
chemical, biochemical and petrochemical industries due to their
relatively simple construction; favourable heat and mass transfer
properties and low operating cost (Degaleesan et al., 2001; Deckwer,
1992). In such reactors, the gas rises in the form of bubbles through a
continuous liquid phase. These rising bubbles have an important role in
the liquid mixing and mass transfer. Based on bubble size distribution,
the flow in these systems is characterized by the homogeneous and
heterogeneous regimes. The homogeneous regime (also called bubbly flow
regime) is obtained at low superficial gas velocities (<5 cm/s). In
the homogeneous regime, bubbles have more or less equal size (generally
in mm), with a uniform gas holdup in the reactor. Because of their
relatively low rise-velocity, the gas throughput with small bubbles is
limited. As superficial gas velocity increases, the heterogeneous regime
(also known as churnturbulent regime) is obtained, in which coalescence
and breakup occurs and large bubbles with sizes (1-10 cm or more),
depending on the column diameter, are formed. These large bubbles have
much higher rise velocities (up to 1.5 m/s) and are mainly responsible
for high throughputs of gas at high velocities (Ranade, 2002; Krishna
and van Baten, 2002). The characteristics and hydrodynamics of bubbles,
bubble size distribution, superficial gas velocity and gas distributor
configuration are a few factors which govern the performance of a
bubbling system. Among these, the bubble size is the most important
parameter because it not only affects the bubble rise velocity but also
has a direct influence on the gas holdup and interfacial area;
consequently, this is an important criterion for evaluating the
efficiency of a bubble column reactor. Therefore, a study on the effect
of bubble size is needed for the better understanding of the gas
dispersion mechanisms (Lehr et al., 2002; Krishna and van Baten, 1999).
Finally, in view of its importance in the heat and mass transfer rates,
it is necessary to thoroughly understand the effect of different
parameters (such as superficial gas velocity and distributor
configuration) that affect the bubble size (Liu et al., 2005a; Chen et
al., 2005; Karamanev, 1994; Clift et al., 1978).
Among the different modelling techniques for bubble column reactor,
the Eulerian-Lagrangian model can be used to track the individual bubble
using the equation of motion, with external forces accounted for using a
set of constitutive equations (Van Wachem and Almstedt, 2003; Lain et
al., 1999). The advantage of this approach is that bubble dynamic
characteristics can be accessed, including the bubble trajectory and
bubble-bubble interaction. However, in this approach, the gas bubbles
are assumed to be spherical, which limits its application to the bubble
columns with small bubbles in the homogeneous regime. In the
heterogeneous regime, the consideration of large, deformable bubble
becomes important in order to simulate different aspects of the large
bubbles, such as bubble breakage and coalescence (Li et al., 2000). This
drawback may be overcome by using the interface tracking methods.
In the interface tracking methods, two different approaches can be
used: the front-tracking approach based on the Lagrangian grid system
and the volume-tracking approach based on the Eulerian framework. The
front-tracking approach constructs a mesh system on the interface to
track the movement of bubble surfaces (Van Sint Annaland et al., 2005b;
Hirt and Nichols, 1981) and the entire Lagrangian grid mesh system moves
with the interface. This approach can achieve a high degree of accuracy
but requires substantial CPU time.
The volume of fluid (VOF) (Hirt and Nichols, 1981) is one of the
most well known methods for the volume tracking. It relies on the fact
that two or more phases are not interpenetrating. In this approach, the
motion of all phases is modelled by solving a single set of transport
equations using appropriate jump boundary conditions at the interface
(Krishna and van Baten, 1999; Tomiyama et al., 1998; Delnoij et al.,
1997). The fluid location is recorded by employing a volume of fluid
function, or colour function, which is defined as unity within the field
regions and zero elsewhere. In practical numerical simulations employing
a VOF algorithm, this function is unity in computational cells occupied
completely by fluid of phase 1, zero in region occupied completely by
phase 2, and a value between these limits in cells which contain a free
surface. In this approach, some interface related forces, such as
surface or adhesion forces can also be modelled accurately (Van Wachem
and Almstedt, 2003). The only drawback of VOF method is the so-called
artificial (or numerical) coalescence of gas bubbles which occurs when
their mutual distances is less than the size of the computational cell.
Therefore, very fine meshes should be used, which makes this approach
memory intensive for the simulation of the dispersed multiphase flows in
large equipment (Ranade, 2002).
Hydrodynamic modelling of bubble column reactor using the
Eulerian-Eulerian (Akhtar et al., 2004; Sokolichin et al., 2004) and
Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches (Zhang and Ahmadi, 2005; Chen and Fan,
2004; Li et al., 2000) has been a popular subject. In comparison, VOF
has received little attention and most of the available studies deal
with a single bubble. This is because the motion of single bubbles is
relatively well understood and extensive experimental data on shape and
terminal velocity are available in the literature (Clift et al., 1978).
Using these experimental data, simulations have been performed for
single bubbles rising in stagnant fluid by many researchers mostly in
twodimensions (Liu et al., 2005a; Essemiani et al., 2001; Krishna and
van Baten, 1999) and some in three-dimensions (Van Sint Annaland et al.,
2005a; Olmos et al., 2001). The rise trajectories of bubbles, their size
and shape, the rise velocity, the effect of fluid properties on the
bubble dynamics, and the gas holdup have been analyzed. The calculation
of air bubble terminal velocities and shapes in stagnant water have also
been investigated (Krishna et al., 1999; Rudman, 1997). The effect of
column diameter on the bubble size was studied by Krishna (2000) but it
was limited to the rise of a single bubble. For a precise prediction of
ellipsoidal bubble properties, three-dimensional system with sufficient
small grid scales was considered by Olmos et al. (2001) and small
spherical bubbles were simulated using a two-dimensional axi-symmetric
model. Sankaranarayanan and Sundaresan (2002) simulated a single bubble
rising in water in a periodical domain. The effect of drag and lift
forces, and virtual mass on gas holdup was also studied but their study
was restricted to low values of gas fraction. Chen and Fan (2004)
applied the VOF approach to simulate bubble motion for two- and
three-phase system and studied the rise behaviour of a single gas bubble
in liquids but they ignored the effect of superficial gas velocity on
bubble size distribution. In a recent study, Bertola et al. (2004) have
investigated the influence of bubble diameter and gas holdup on the
hydrodynamics of bubble column reactor using VOF approach. The effect of
turbulence models on the buoyant motion of fluids has been studied in
detail by Cartland Glover and Generalis (2004) and gas-liquid simulation
on an airlift bubble column reactor were successfully compared with the
experimental data by Blazej et al. (2004). Although all of these studies
are useful in predicting the dynamic behaviour of single bubbles, they
cannot accurately model the behaviour of a bubble swarm. Also, because
of the bubblebubble interaction in an actual reactor, a model for the
interphase forces based on single bubble simulations does not provide
good results when adapted to simulate a bubble swarm. Finally, a bubble
stream causes an up-welling flow that results in the bubbles to rise
faster than if they were alone therefore, the information obtained on
the rising of one isolated bubble cannot be considered valid. Despite
all of these significant efforts in predicting the characteristics of
bubbly flows with single bubbles, the hindering trajectory of bubbles in
an otherwise stagnant fluid is still one of least understood aspects of
bubble hydrodynamics. Consequently, there is need to develop both
qualitative as well as quantitative understanding about this aspect of
bubbles by performing multi-bubble simulations.
In this study, we have simulated hydrodynamics of a continuous
chain of bubbles for bubble column reactor. The VOF approach available
in the commercial CFD code FLUENT has been used in two- and
three-dimensional simulations. The effect of gas distributor (hole-size)
and superficial gas velocity on the bubble size distribution, bubble
rise velocity and its trajectory has been investigated by performing
simulations on a 20 cm diameter and 1 m high cylindrical bubble column
reactor. The predictions have been compared with the experimental
studies reported in the literature.
FLUENT 6.1 has been used to simulate the motion of a continuous
chain of bubbles rising in the stagnant liquid. In the FLUENT's VOF
model, the movement of the gas-liquid interface is tracked based on the
distribution of [[alpha].sub.G], the volume fraction of gas in a
computational cell, where [[alpha].sub.G] = 0 in the liquid phase and
[[alpha].sub.G] = 1 in the gas phase. Therefore, the gas-liquid
interface exists in the cell where [[alpha].sub.G] lies between 0 and 1.
The geometric reconstruction scheme that is based on the piece linear
interface calculation (PLIC) method was applied to reconstruct the
bubble-free surface. The surface tension was included by assigning it a
constant value (0.072 N/m), while the turbulence was modelled with the
k-[epsilon]?turbulence model.
Modelling Equations
The VOF approach used to simulate bubble motion is based on the
Navier-Stokes equations for a mixture phase and are described as bellow:
The Continuity Equation
[delta]/[delta]t ([rho]) + [nabla].([rho] v) = 0 (1)
The Momentum Equation
A single momentum equation, which is solved throughout the domain
and shared by all the phases, is given by:
[delta]/[delta]t ([rho]v) + [nabla].([rho] v v) = -[nabla] p +
[nabla].[[micro] ([nabla]v + [[nabla]v.sup.-T]] + [rho]g + F (2A)
where F is the surface tension force and according to Brackbill et
al. (1992), it may be expressed as:
F = [sigma]K[nabla][rho]/<[rho]> (2B)
where [sigma] is the surface tension, K is the curvature of the
surface, and <[rho]> is the average density:
<[rho]> = [[rho].sub.L] + [[rho].sub.G]/2 (2C)
The Volume Fraction Equation
The tracking of the interface between the gas and liquid is
accomplished by the solution of a continuity equation for the volume
fraction of gas, which is:
[delta]/[delta]t ([[alpha].sub.G]) + v.[nabla] [[alpha].sub.G] = 0
The volume fraction equation is not solved for the liquid; the
liquid volume fraction is computed based on the following constraint:
[[alpha].sub.G] + [[alpha].sub.L] = 1 (4)
where [[alpha].sub.G] and [[alpha].sub.L] is the volume fraction of
gas and liquid phase, respectively.
Surface Tension
The surface tension model in FLUENT is the continuum surface force
(CSF) model proposed by Brackbill et al. (1992) (FLUENT 6.1 Manual). In
this approach, the surface tension in the VOF calculation is modelled as
a source term in the momentum equation at fluid interfaces having finite
thickness. In this study, simulations are performed with a constant
value of the source term (0.072 N/m).
In the interfacial multiphase flows, the importance of surface
tension effects is determined on the basis of the Weber number:
We = [[rho].sub.G][U.sub.b]D/[sigma] (5)
where [[rho].sub.G] is the density of gas, D is the diameter of the
bubble, [U.sub.b] is the bubble rise velocity and [sigma] is the surface
tension. Surface tension effects can be neglected if We >> 1 and
in other cases the Weber number determines the shapes and motion of
bubbles (Clift et al., 1978). However, because the motion of individual
bubbles was not tracked hence the effect We on the bubble shapes and
motion was not evaluated.
Turbulence Modelling
The turbulence in the continuous phase has been modelled using a
modified k-[epsilon]?turbulence model available in FLUENT 6.1, which is
the most widely used turbulence model to simulate turbulence eddies.
This model accounts for the transport not only of the turbulence
velocity scale but also of the length scale. It employs a transport
equation for the length scale that allows the length scale distribution
to be determined even in complex flow situations like those in bubble
column reactor.
Differencing Schemes
A first-order up-wind differencing scheme was applied for the
solution of momentum equation. The pressure-implicit with splitting of
operators (PISO) pressure-velocity-coupling scheme, a member of the
SIMPLE family of algorithms, was used for the pressure-velocity-coupling
scheme, which is recommended for usual transient calculations. Use of
PISO allows for a rapid rate of convergence without any significant loss
of accuracy. Pressure was discretized with a PRESTO scheme. Other
schemes (linear or second-order schemes) took longer to converge (a
comparison is shown in Figure 14). As large body forces (namely, gravity
and surface tension forces) exist in multiphase flows, the body force
and pressure gradient terms in the momentum equation were almost in
equilibrium, with the contributions of convective and viscous terms
small in comparison. Segregated algorithms converge poorly unless
partial equilibrium of pressure gradient and body forces is taken into
account. FLUENT provides an optional "implicit body force"
treatment that can account for this effect, making the solution more
robust. The volume fraction equation for gas (Equation (3)) was solved
using an explicit time-marching scheme and the maximum allowed Courant number was set to 0.25. Under relaxation factor used for pressure and
momentum were 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. For turbulence parameters,
intensity and hydraulic diameter specifications were used. A time step
value of 5 x [10.sup.-4] s was used throughout the simulations. At
start, for few time steps, the solution was converged in about 50
iteration per time step. Once the solution was converged then it took
less than 30 iterations per time step. Simulations were run for 5 and
2.5 s in two- and three-dimensional simulations, respectively.
Physical Properties
The properties of air and water were used in the transport
equations when the computational cell was in pure liquid or pure gas
phase, respectively. At interface between the gas and liquid phases, the
mixture properties of gas and liquid phases were based on the volume
fraction weighted average. The density and viscosity in each cell at
interface were computed by the application of following equations:
[rho] = [[alpha].sub.G] [[rho].sub.G] + (1 - [[alpha].sub.G])
[[rho].sub.L] (6A)
[micro] = [[alpha].sub.G] [[micro].sub.G] + (1 - [[alpha].sub.G])
[[micro].sub.L] (6A)
where [[rho].sub.G], [[rho].sub.L], [[micro].sub.G] and
[[micro].sub.L] is density and viscosity of gas and liquid phase,
respectively, while [[alpha].sub.G] is the volume fraction of gas.
Interface Tracking
To overcome the problem of numerical diffusion which most standard
differencing schemes suffer, the geometric reconstruction was performed
with piecewise-linear (PLIC) scheme, which is the most accurate scheme
in FLUENT and is also applicable for general unstructured meshes (Fluent
6.1 Manual). It assumes that the interface between two fluids has a
linear slope within each cell, and uses this linear shape for
calculating the advection of fluid through the cell faces. The first
step in this reconstruction scheme is to calculate the position of the
linear interface relative to the centre of each partially filled cell,
which is based on the information about the volume fraction and its
derivatives in the cell. The second step is to calculate the adverting
amount of fluid through each face using computed linear interface
representations and the information about the normal and tangential velocity distribution on the face. The third step is to calculate the
volume fraction in each cell using the balance of fluxes calculated
during the previous step (Rider and Kothe, 1998).
Domain Description
Simulations were performed both in two- and three-dimensional
manners with different size distributors. Table 1 summarizes different
geometrical configurations used in the present work. Results with gas
size ranging from 2-10 cm are reported in this paper. Simulations
were run for different mesh sizes and reported numbers of cells are for
a grid independent solution. Detail about mesh size used as well as
number of grids and solution time taken by different cases has also been
presented in Table 1. Velocity inlet and pressure outlet boundary
conditions were applied at inlet and outlet, respectively. At the walls,
no-slip boundary condition was imposed. The column was simulated as an
open system, so the pressure in the gas space above the initial liquid
column was equal to the ambient pressure (101.325 kPa).
In order to reduce the computational time for these memory
intensive calculations, all simulations were performed on high-speed
XeonTM dual processor computers (having four 2.66GHz processors).
Simulations were performed till a fully developed flow field was ensured
by examining the overall mass balance and time history of the relevant
flow variables. Depending on the distributor size, each simulation
required between approximately 100 000--250 000 iterations, which
corresponds to 1-5 d of CPU time. Overall continuity equation and the
volume fractions of the phases were used to monitor the convergence to
fully developed flow.
Simulations were performed with a VOF approach to study the effect
of superficial gas velocity and gas distributor on the bubble size
distribution and hydrodynamics (bubble rise velocity and bubble
trajectory). The effect of superficial gas velocity on the bubble
hydrodynamics and gas holdup was studied as a function of the gas
distributor and superficial gas velocity. All simulations were carried
out both in two- and three-dimensions. A quantitative comparison of the
bubble rise velocity and volume average gas holdup was made with
correlations from the literature (Deckwer, 1992; Hikita et al., 1980;
Joshi and Sharma, 1979). The qualitative comparison of the bubble
trajectory and bubble size distribution was also in good agreement with
the experimental observations (Clift et al., 1978).
Effect of Superficial Gas Velocity on Bubble Size Distribution
In order to study the effect of superficial gas velocity on bubble
size distribution, simulations were performed with a single-hole
distributor (hole size = 10 cm) and different superficial gas velocities
ranging from 1 - 10 cm/s. Figures 2 and 3 show snapshots of volume
fraction of air for two- and three-dimensional simulations,
respectively. It is clear that bubble size was a function of superficial
gas velocity, which is in accordance with the experimental observations
of Clift et al. (1978) and other researchers (Chen and Fan, 2004). Small
bubbles produced at low superficial gas velocity (for example with 1
cm/s) had low bubble rise velocity, which was measured using the rise
position of the nose of the initial bubble produced from the orifice (Figure 2). It was also noted that the coalescence times with the
air-water interface (i.e time taken by the leading bubble to emerge from
liquid) with 1.0, 5.0 and 10 cm/s superficial gas velocity were 4.5, 3.5
and 2.75 s, respectively (precise calculation of the time was made by
saving data files with small intervals). The leading bubble produced
from orifice had bigger diameter when compared to the trailing bubbles
which might be due to less effects of wall and other surface forces on
the trailing bubbles. The trailing bubbles were observed to move in a
rectilinear manner at low superficial gas velocities (1.0 cm/s) while at
higher superficial gas velocities these bubbles exhibit a slightly
zigzag or oscillatory behaviour. This can be explained by considering
the behaviour of a single rising bubble. A rising bubble pushes the
liquid in front of it while the liquid behind it is sucked by the bubble
wake which lies directly behind the bubble; therefore, it is due to the
greater degree of turbulence and the formation wake behind the bubbles
which is responsible for the oscillatory behaviour of the trailing
bubbles behind large rising bubbles, which is in accordance with
experimental observations of Olmos et al. (2001) and Chen and Fan
In the case of three-dimensional simulations, the effect of
superficial gas velocity similar to that observed in two-dimensional
simulations (Figure 3). For example, a similar qualitative increase in
bubble size and zigzag trajectory of trailing bubbles was observed with
the increase in gas velocity. However, under the same conditions,
quantitative comparisons of bubble position have shown some interesting
trends in bubble rise velocity in case of 3-D simulations when compared
with those shown under 2-D simulations. For example, at 5 cm/s
superficial velocity, the first bubble ejected in 2-D simulation had
taken 3.5 s to reach to the top of the column (coalescence) while in
case of 3-D simulations, it took only 2.5 s. This difference in 2-D and
3-D simulations may attributed to the way 2-D simulation are formulated
in FLUENT (as well as in most CFD calculations) as the depth of the
geometry in a 2-D simulation is considered as unity (in FLUENT 1 m) and
therefore, a circle in 2-D is essentially a cylinder of unit length
In order to validate these qualitative results in Figures 2 and 3,
bubble rise velocities were calculated from a linear regression of the
z-coordinates of the nose of the bubble during its upward motion (a
similar approach to that used by Krishna et al. (2000)). Figure 4 shows
the position of z-coordinate of the nose of bubble at different times.
These curves were used to determine the rise velocities for both two-
and three-dimensional simulations. A fifth-order polynomial was fitted
to get more accurate values of bubble rise velocity. Calculated values
of bubble rise velocities are plotted against superficial gas velocity
and are shown in Figure 5. This quantitative increase in bubble rise
velocity with increase in superficial gas velocity is consistent with
the qualitative behaviour. The bubble rise velocities were varied from
34-45 cm/s in 3-D and from 24.5-27 cm/s in 2-D simulations. Calculated
rise velocities in 2-D simulations were ~ 30% lower than those in 3-D
simulations which is in accordance with Krishna et al. (2000) results
obtained with 2-D circular cap bubble and 3-D spherical cap bubble. This
discrepancy with 2-D simulations can be explained on the basis of the
3-D wake exhibited by the bubbles (Olmos et al., 2001), which cannot be
accurately modelled with 2-D simulations. Therefore, for a precise
prediction of bubble rise velocity and other hydrodynamic
characteristics of bubble, 3-D simulation is better choice. In order to
provide further verification of CFD simulations, a comparison of bubble
rise velocity was made with experimental correlation from Deckwer
(1992). Dotted line plotted with Deckwer equation in Figure 5 was very
close to the calculated rise velocities with 3-D
simulations--particularly at lower superficial gas velocities. A slight
deviation at higher superficial gas velocities could be attributed to
the use of single 10 cm distributor instead of actual gas distributors.
The results with 2-D simulations were significantly different from
Deckwer's correlation which indicates the significance of 3-D
simulations for bubble rise velocity prediction.
Effect of Gas Distributor (Hole size) on Bubble Size Distribution
Effect of distributor hole size on bubble size distribution and
hydrodynamics was studied at constant superficial gas velocity (1.0
cm/s). Three distributors with hole size ranging from 2-10 cm (Table 1)
were selected for two- and three-dimensional simulations. Figure 6 shows
two-dimensional effect of gas distributor on the bubble size
distribution. Although these results appear similar if just looking at
bubble sizes, but one can observe decrease in rise velocity with a
decrease in the hole-size which for example, becomes quite apparent by
comparing bubble rise trajectories for 5 and 2 cm size distributor (with
the average plume rise velocity of 20.7 cm/s for 5 cm hole and 16.7 cm/s
for 2 cm hole). However, there was relatively smaller difference in the
rise velocities between the simulations for 5 and 10 cm holes (20.7 cm/s
and 21.2 cm/s, respectively). This may be attributed to the predominance of the wall effect for the relatively bigger leading bubbles coming from
these larger holes. Therefore, it can be inferred that the bubble size
has similar dependency on the hole-size as superficial gas velocity.
Small bubbles usually formed from small size distributor and have low
rise velocities. A steady-state rise of these bubbles without much
deflection from centre position can also be observed. Three-dimensional
simulations shown in Figure 7 show a similar behaviour. Relatively
bigger size bubbles were formed with 10 cm hole when compared with 5 and
2 cm and their rise time to the same height of column was less. A
comparison between Figures 6 and 7 shows that at relatively low
superficial gas velocity, bubbles exhibited rectilinear trajectory.
These results are in good agreement with the earlier work reported by
Cartland Glover and Generalis (2004) for an identical problem by using
an algebraic slip mixture model. In that study, inlet velocity
conditions were applied to 80% of the base of the column in contrast to
the 50% in present work, still the rectilinear trajectory of bubbles is
comparable for the range of superficial gas velocity considered in our
Figure 8 plots calculated bubble rise velocities as a function of
hole-size at constant superficial gas velocity (1.0 cm/s). For the
investigated range of hole-sizes (2-10 cm), bubble rise velocities
varied from 13-23 cm/s and 15-34 cm/s in two- and three-dimensional
simulations, respectively. Interestingly, as in bubble rise velocity
curves (Figure 5), there was an offset between 2-D and 3-D results (10 -
30%), however, this difference was not prominent with small size
distributor at low superficial gas velocity. When compared with
Deckwer's equation, both 2-D and 3-D simulations failed to agree at
smaller distributor diameters. However, this apparent disagreement can
be attributed to the use of single hole-size in these simulations that
resulted in very low perforations compared to those used in
Deckwer's work. Even so, 2-D simulations, in general gave a very
poor comparison with Deckwer's equation throughout the entire
domain. In contrast, 3-D simulations gave reasonable quantitative
approximation of bubble rise velocities, particularly those with bigger
distributor hole-sizes.
Effect on Bubble Shape and Rise Trajectory
Qualitative effects of superficial gas velocity and gas distributor
on bubble shape and bubble rise trajectories are shown in Figure 9.
Effect of gas velocity was studied for the distributor 5 cm diameter at
two different velocities (0.25 and 1.0 cm/s). Comparison between Figures
9 (a) and (b) shows a formation of small spherical bubbles at low
velocities and large ellipsoidal bubbles at higher velocities. The
obtained bubble shapes are in agreement with previous experimental
observations (Clift et al., 1978). In Figure 9 (a) an oscillatory or
zigzagging behaviour was exhibited by small spherical bubbles which are
produced at low superficial gas velocities. It can also be seen that the
onset of path oscillation, which was dominated by the vortex behaviour,
was much slower than the natural shape relaxation. The observed
behaviour is consistent with experimental results reported by Liu et al.
(2005b). This zigzagging behaviour could be attributed due to the
ability of small bubbles to travel toward the wall as indicated by
Tomiyama et al. (1993). It is also evident from Figure 9 (a) that nearly
same size bubbles were produced at comparatively low superficial gas
In Figure 9 (b) ellipsoidal cap bubbles can be observed at high
superficial gas velocity as compared to Figure 9 (a). The bigger size
bubbles exhibited rectilinear trajectory, which is also in accordance
with Liu et al. (2005a) experimental observations.
Effect of distributor hole-size on the bubble shape and rise
trajectory is shown in Figure 9 (c). For this simulation, gas was
injected through a 20 cm distributor with a superficial velocity of 10
cm/s. Consequently, a very big ellipsoidal bubble was produced which
moved in a plug flow manner. As discussed in the previous section, the
large leading bubble has a rectilinear movement and a wake is expected
to be formed behind it. Due to the wake formation, the trailing bubbles
exhibit an oscillatory behaviour. One can also observe a shedding of
small bubbles from large bubble, which is a limitation of the VOF
approach and causes inaccurate results for interfaces in a high shear
flow as also mentioned by Delnoij et al. (1999). Variation in the shape
and size of trailing bubbles from the leading bubble is also obvious in
Figure 9 (c). It can be explained on the basis of the fact that the
trailing bubbles are rising in the wake region of the leading bubble;
hence one can expect the effect of high degree of turbulence on the
shape and size of the trailing bubbles. This is the main reason for the
formation of bubbles with different size and shape with a wobbling motion in that region.
Effect of Grid Size and Discretization
The effect of mesh size on the accuracy of numerical solutions was
investigated for the 2-D column by performing simulations with three
different grids (size ranging from 3 to 6 mm) for one of the gas
distributors (10 cm diameter). Comparative results for the calculated
shape of the bubbles at t = 2.5 s are depicted in Figures 10 and 11
where contours of volume fraction of gas have been overlayed on meshed
planes. Comparison of these snapshots shows only minor effect of the
grid size on the qualitative behaviour of bubbles. To demonstrate the
effect of mesh size quantitatively, its influence on the calculated
bubble rise velocities was also studied. It is clear from Figure 12,
that the difference between bubble rise velocity patterns in three plots
was insignificant. Therefore, it may be concluded that the intermediate
grid size (5 mm) yielded solutions with sufficient accuracy (with
respect to the trade-off between computational cost and the features
being studied), and was chosen for the results presented in this paper.
In order to study the effect of discretization scheme on the
numerical solution, simulations were performed with both first-order and
third-order Quick schemes available in FLUENT. Figure 13 shows a
qualitative comparison between the discretization schemes and it is
clear that the two plumes are very similar. Therefore, on a qualitative
basis use of the third-order scheme did not provide any significant
advantage although it took about 50% more time to converge than the
first-order scheme. Furthermore, use of the PRESTO scheme for pressure
discretization (in Figure 14) gave identical results to those with the
first- or third-order schemes. However, with the body force weighted
scheme for pressure discretization the bubble rise velocity was
excessively low.
In order to achieve quantitative validation of simulation results,
volume-averaged gas holdups for different distributors were plotted as a
function of superficial gas velocity. As shown in Figure 15, the gas
holdup increased with superficial gas velocity and this was in
accordance with the data available in the literature. Predicted values
of volume-averaged gas hold ups for 3-D simulations have been compared
with the experimental work of Joshi and Sharma (1979), and Hikita et al.
(1980). It is clear that simulation results showed a near-complete
agreement with the experimental work of Joshi and Sharma (1979)
throughout the superficial velocity range studied. However, the
correlation of Hikita et al. (1980) showed significant deviations
particularly those at higher superficial gas velocities. It may be
observed from these plots that there was slight increase in gas holdup
value with a decrease in hole-size, which can be attributed due to the
formation of smaller bubbles from smaller holes. Interestingly, this
dependency of gas holdup on superficial gas velocity was less at
relatively low and high superficial gas velocities, which is also in
agreement with the Andou et al. (1996) experiments.
An experimental validation of the present VOF model was achieved by
performing a series of experiments with 10 cm (ID) and 80 cm high column
at Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory (CREL), Washington
University in St. Louis, USA. A single hole distributor (5 mm) was
utilized for this work. Figure 16 compared overall gas holdup results
obtained from experiments and simulation. A close agreement between
experiments and 3-D simulations is evident which has further validated
the significance of VOF simulations with for bubble column reactors.
In this paper, a volume of fluid (VOF) approach was used to study
the effect of air distributor on the hydrodynamics of a bubble column
reactor. The effect of superficial gas velocity and distributor
hole-size on the bubble hydrodynamics were studied both in two- and
three-dimensional geometries. Both bubble rise velocity and bubble size
increased with increase in gas superficial velocity. The bubble rise
velocity, bubble shape, typical rise trajectories and gas holdup were
compared both qualitatively and quantitatively with the experimental
data available in the literature. In general, 3-D VOF model computed the
shape and the motion of continuous bubble chain more accurately than
those using 2-D simulations.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided
by the Australian Research Council (ARC) to conduct this research (Grant
Application ID: DP0451314). MAA also thanks the Western Australian
Energy Research Alliance (WAERA) for providing a top-up scholarship.
Authors also express their thanks to Prof Dudukovic and Prof Al-Dahan
for granting permission to MAA to perform experiments in their labs at
Washington University at St Louis.
Ug gas superficial velocity [[ms.sup.-1]]
v velocity vector [[ms.sup.-1]]
g acceleration due to gravity [[ms.sup.-2]]
F external body force [N]
t time [s]
p static pressure [Pa]
D column diameter [m]
l characteristic length [m]
d hole diameter [m]
Greek Symbols
[[alpha].sub.G] volume fraction of the gas phase in the
computational cel[--]
[[alpha].sub.L] volume fraction of the liquid phase in the
computational cell [--]
[[rho].sub.L] liquid density [kg[m.sup.-3]]
[[alpha].sub.G] gas density [kg[m.sup.-3]]
[[micro].sub.L] liquid viscosity [kg[m.sup.-1][s.sup.-1]]
[[micro].sub.G] gas viscosity [kg[m.sup.-1][s.sup.-1]]
[sigma] surface tension [N/m]
Manuscript received August 10, 2006; revised manuscript received
January 11, 2007; accepted for publication January 15, 2007.
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M. Abid Akhtar, Moses Tade and Vishnu Pareek *
Process Systems Computations Laboratory, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth,
Western Australia
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Table 1. Various configurations of distributors used for simulation
2-D 3-D
Hole size Ug (cm/s) Mesh size No of Time (h)
D (cm) (mm) mesh nodes
10 1,5,10 0.46 9 900 8
5 0.25,1,5,10 0.44 10 020 9
2 0.01,1,5 0.4 12 050 10
Hole size Hole size Ug (cm/s) Mesh size No of Time (h)
D (cm) D (cm) (mm) mesh nodes
10 10 1,5,10 0.5 33 440 25
5 5 1,510 0.25 90 984 72
2 2 1,510 0.2 97 512 78