A genetic-algorithm-based optimal scheduling system for full-filled tanks in the processing of starting materials for alumina production.
Yang, Chunhua ; Gui, Weihua ; Kong, Lingshuang 等
In the blending process of starting materials for sintering in the
production of alumina, the bauxite, the raw limestone, the anthracite,
the alkali, the returned lye and waste liquid are mixed together in
certain percentages to form raw slurry. The quality of raw slurry
directly influences the quality of sintered clinker and the final
products (Zhou and Chen, 2004). Nevertheless, there exists a great
composition fluctuation in the processing of raw slurry due to the
instability of mine sources, the uncertainty of the composition of
returned lye and waste liquid, and large time-delay of composition
analysis (Yang et al., 2005). In order to obtain the qualified raw
slurry for sintering, a batch of full-filled tanks were employed, in
which the raw slurry is mixed together to meet technological
requirements. The mixing process is called the scheduling of full-filled
At present, in most alumina smelteries, the operators have to
select the number of full-filled tanks based on their individual
experience and to determine an appropriate combination by repeatedly
computing the average quality indices of raw slurry in each batch of
full-filled tanks selected. It is too difficult for manual scheduling
methods to find an optimal combination due to the limitation of
individual experience and the complexity to consider all technological
requirements synthetically. Thus two-times scheduling of full-filled
tanks is necessary to obtain qualified raw slurry, where the first
scheduling is to obtain raw slurry with more steady quality, and the
second scheduling is required to further improve the quality of raw
slurry. Such two-times scheduling increases the computation burden of
operators and brings much complexity of production process, which leads
to energy waste and limits throughput of raw slurry as well. Therefore,
it is imperative to find an efficient approach to implement optimal
scheduling of full-filled tanks so as to relief the computation burden
of operators and to simplify the production process.
In the scheduling process, the relationships of quality indices
between the raw slurry mixed by scheduling and the raw slurry from
selected tanks are non-linear. At the same time, some technological
requirements have to be considered as inequality constraints to ensure
high product quality and normal production. If digital 1 and 0 are used
to denote one certain tank is chosen or not, the problem to get an
optimal scheduling scheme is formulated as a non-linear 0-1
combinatorial optimization problem subject to technological constraints.
It is theoretically solvable by the enumeration algorithm (thereafter
referred to as EA), which is a traditional approach to solve 0-1 integer combination programming problem. However, with the increasing scale of
problems, their computation time increases exponentially. Genetic
algorithms (thereafter referred to as GAs) are global probabilistic
search algorithms based on the mechanisms of natural selection and
"survival of the fittest" from natural evolution, which can
find an optimal solution faster than the conventional algorithms due to
its ability to direct the search towards relatively
"prospective" regions in the search space. GAs have been
applied to many fields with good results, such as job-shop scheduling
and combinatorial optimization, etc. (Cheng et al., 1996; Alexandre and
de Vasconcelos, 2002; Kacem, 2003). In the other hand, it is convenient
to represent 0-1 variables by binary encoded strings. Therefore, GAs are
good candidates for solving the 0-1 combinatorial optimization problems.
In order to maintain diversity in the population and to sustain the
convergence capacity of the basic genetic algorithm (thereafter referred
to as BGA), a number of improved strategies for genetic operators have
been developed by adapting probabilities of crossover and mutation (Davis, 1989; Srinivas and Patnaik, 1994). In this article, based on the
specific industrial background of alumina production, an improved GA is
proposed to solve the optimal scheduling problem of full-filled tanks.
Firstly, an optimization model for scheduling of full-filled tanks is
developed based on material balance principle and expert experience,
whose objective is to minimize the error between average quality indices
of raw slurry in the selected batch of full-filled tanks and the
expected quality indices on condition that all technological
requirements are met. Then the proposed genetic algorithm (thereafter
referred to as IGA) is used to solve the optimal scheduling problem,
where the intervention strategy is introduced into the random process of
population initialization to obtain a well-proportioned initial
population and the difference between the fitness value of the best
solution and the average fitness value of better solutions and the
difference between the fitness value of the best solution and the
average fitness value of the current population are together used as the
yardstick for detecting the convergence of the GA, in which the better
solution is defined to be those individuals whose fitness values are
less than or equal to the average fitness value of the current
population. The probabilities of crossover and mutation (thereafter
referred to as [p.sub.c] and [p.sub.m], respectively) are adaptively
changed depending on the two differences. The IGA-based optimization
system has been applied to the processing of starting materials for
alumina production. The application results show that the quality of
mixed raw slurry can meet the technological requirements only with the
first scheduling, which not only enhances the quality of the raw slurry
ready for sintering, but also simplify the blending process by removing
the second scheduling process.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Optimal Scheduling
Model of Full-Filled Tanks Section builds an optimal scheduling model of
full-filled tanks for the blending process of alumina production with
sintering. In Optimal Scheduling Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
Section, an improved genetic algorithm is proposed for solving the
optimal problem. Industrial Applications Section describes an industrial
application and the conclusions are summarized in Conclusions Section.
Description of the Blending Process
The blending process of raw slurry is shown in Figure 1. Several
kinds of raw material, including bauxite, limestone, anthracite, alkali,
returned lye, and waste liquid, are firstly put to ball mills with
appropriate percentages and ground wetly to form raw slurry. The raw
slurry is then sent into tank A1 to AN. A significant fluctuation of raw
slurry composition exists because of the instability of mine supplying,
the composition uncertainty of returned lye and waste liquid, and large
time-delay of composition analysis. In order to obtain the slurry with
expected composition, two-times scheduling of full-filled tanks is
adopted to find appropriate combinations of full-filled tanks selected,
and three batches of tanks are prepared to store raw slurry. The first
batch of tanks from tank A1 to AN stores the raw slurry from ball mills.
In the first scheduling process, the raw slurry from full-filled tanks
selected among tank A1 to AN is mixed to form more steady raw slurry,
and then to be pumped into the second batch of tanks from tank B1 to BM.
In the second scheduling process, the raw slurry from full-filled tanks
selected among tank B1 to BM is mixed again to form qualified raw slurry
following the technological requirements. Then the qualified raw slurry
is pumped into the third batch of tanks from tank K1 to KL ready for
sintering. At last it is sent to clinker kiln to be sintered as clinker.
In the scheduling process, the considered technological
requirements are mainly about three quality indices of raw slurry,
including the mol ratio of [Na.sub.2]O to [Al.sub.2] [O.sub.3] and
[Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3], the mol ratio of CaO to Si[O.sub.2], and the mass
ratio of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] to Si[O.sub.2] (thereafter referred to as
[N/R], [C/S], and A/S, respectively) in raw slurry. The three quality
indices are calculated respectively by
Equations (1) to (3):
[N/R] = a x N/A + b x F (1)
[C/S] = c x C/S (2)
A/S = A/S (3)
The assay compositions of raw slurry, that is, A,C,F,N,S, are mass
percentages. In order to directly utilize the assay compositions to
calculate the ratios of [N/R] and [C/S], Equations (1) and (2) transform
the mol ratio to the mass ratio according to the relationship between
mol and mass of corresponding composition, in which the transformation
coefficients a, b, and c are 1.645, 0.6375, and 1.071, respectively.
Optimization Model for Full-Filled Tanks Scheduling
In the process of full-filled tanks scheduling, the essential
requirement is that the average quality indices of selected tanks should
approximate the expected values as close as possible. Thus the objective
of the optimal scheduling is to minimize the square errors between them
as Equation (4).
min[[[f.sub.[N/R]](X), [f.sub.[C/S]](X), [f.sub.A/S](X)].sup.T] (4)
In order to stabilize the production process, the average quality
indices of the raw slurry in tanks remained have to be in an acceptable
range. So it is necessary to guarantee that the average quality indices
of the raw slurry in the remaining tanks meet certain technological
requirements, which are treated as constraints with lower and upper
bounds as Equation (5).
In addition, the number of the selected tanks must be in a suitable
range to keep the steady-state production. If the number of selected
tanks is too large, more tanks will be occupied for mixing the raw
slurry. Not enough empty tanks remained to store the raw slurry from
ball mills, which may lead to interruption of the continuous production.
If the number of selected tanks is too small, not all quality indices of
mixed raw slurry from the selected tanks are satisfied with the expected
quality indices, which means that the qualified raw slurry cannot be
timely pumped into clinker kiln. Thus, the number of selected tanks has
to subject to the following constraint.
[N.sup.min] [less than or equal to] N(X) [less than or equal to]
[N.sup.max] (6)
The n-dimensional vector X = ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], ..., [x.sub.n])
[member of] [R.sup.N] denotes a scheduling scheme supposing that the
number of full-filled tanks is n, where [x.sub.i] is either 1 or 0:
[x.sub.i] = 1 represents the ith tank is selected and [x.sub.i] = 0
means that the ith tank is not selected. Thus, combining the indices
Formulas (1) to (3), [f.sub.[N/R]](X), [f.sub.[C/S]](X), and
[f.sub.A/S](X) in the objective Function (4) can be formulated as
[f.sub.[N/R]](X) = [(a x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1]
[x.sub.i][v.sub.i][A.sub.i] + b x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1]
[x.sub.i][v.sub.i][F.sub.i] - [S.sub.[N/R]]).sup.2] (7)
[f.sub.[C/S]](X) = [(c x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1] [x.sub.i]
[v.sub.i][C.sub.i]/[[summation].sup.n.sub.1] [x.sub.i]
[v.sub.i][S.sub.i] - [S.sub.[C/S]]).sup.2] (8)
[f.sub.A/S](X) = [([[summation].sup.n.sub.1] [x.sub.i] [v.sub.i]
[A.sub.i]/[[summation].sup.n.sub.1][x.sub.i][v.sub.i][S.sub.i] -
[S.sub.A/S]).sup.2] (9)
Similarly, [R.sub.[N/R]](X), [R.sub.[C/S]](X), and [R.sub.A/S] (X)
in Equation (5) and N(X) in Equation (6) can be formulated as:
[R.sub.[N/R]](X) = a x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][N.sub.i]/[[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][A.sub.i] + b x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][F.sub.i] (10)
[R.sub.[C/S]](X) = c x [[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][C.sub.i]/[[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][S.sub.i] (11)
[R.sub.A/S](X) = [[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 - [x.sub.i])
[v.sub.i][A.sub.i]/[[summation].sup.n.sub.1] (1 -
[x.sub.i])[v.sub.i][S.sub.i] (12)
N(X) = [n.summation over (i=1)] [x.sub.i] (13)
The raw slurry in each tank is nearly in the same density, so the
variable has been eliminated in Equation (7) to (12). Combining Equation
(4) to (13), the optimization model of full-filled tanks scheduling is
obtained. Obviously, it is a typical multi-objective non-linear
combinatorial optimization problem with inequality constraints.
Multi-Objective Function Transformation
To solve the optimization problem with lower computation cost, a
well-known fitness function in the form of "sum of weights" is
introduced. The idea is to associate each objective function with a
weighting coefficient standing for the importance grade of its
corresponding objective function, and to minimize the weighted sum of
sub-objectives, such that a multi-objective problem is turned into a
single objective problem (Alexandre and de Vasconcelos, 2002; Yang et
al., 2002; Chen et al., 2004; Ramzan and Witt, 2006). It is described
F(X) = [[omega].sub.1][f.sub.[N/R]](X) + [[omega].sub.2]
[f.sub.[C/S]](X) + [[omega].sub.3][f.sub.A/S](X) (14)
[[omega].sub.1] + [[omega].sub.2] + [[omega].sub.3] = 1 (15)
where F(X) denotes the normalized objective function related to
[f.sub.[N/R]](X), [f.sub.[C/S]](X), and [f.sub.A/S](X), [[omega].sub.1],
[[omega].sub.2], and [[omega].sub.3] are adjusted according to the
importance of [f.sub.[N/R]](X), [f.sub.[C/S]](X), and [f.sub.A/S](X)
taking into consideration of actual production requirements.
Fitness Function With Penalty
The penalty strategy plays a very important role for the
optimization problem with constraints, especially when the optimal
solution lies on or approximates the boundary of the feasible search
places. So the inequality constraints in Equation (5) and (6) are
handled by using the penalty terms to define the fitness value of an
individual. Considering that the optimization objective is to solve the
minimum problem in Equation (14), the fitness function with penalty
strategy is constructed as follows:
Z(X) = F(X) + [[lambda].sub.1][([R.sub.[N/R]] (X) -
[R.sup.lim.sub.[N/R]].sup.2] + [[lambda].sub.2][([R.sub.[C/S]](X) -
[R.sup.lim.sub.[C/S]].sup.2] + [[lambda].sub.3] [([R.sub.A/S] (X) -
[R.sup.lim.sub.A/S]).sup.2] + [[lambda].sub.4][(N(X) -
[N.sup.lim]).sup.2] (16)
where, the penalty factors [[lambda].sub.i] (i=1,2,3,4) take enough
large values so as to satisfy the constraints, [R.sup.lim.sub.[N/R]],
[R.sup.lim.sub.[C/S]], [R.sup.lim.sub.A/S] defined as:
Encoding of Chromosome
The code in the improved genetic algorithm is expressed by a
natural binary code, which is denoted as a chromosome. And each gene on
the chromosome represents a variable. The chromosome length depends on
the number of variables in the problem considered, which denotes the sum
of full-filled tanks. In this case, the optimal individual is the
optimal combination and there is no need for decoding. For example,
Chromsome : [[1001 ... 1100].sub.n]
The value of the ith in the binary string denotes the state of the
ith tank: selected or not, 1 represents "selected" and 0
represents "not." And the total number of bit "1" is
the sum of full-filled tanks that are selected for mixing.
Population Initialization With Intervention Strategy
As mentioned above, in order to keep the steady-state production,
the number of selected tanks should be in the range from [N.sup.min] to
[N.sup.max]. In the practical scheduling process, it is limited between
3 and 8. If the initial population can meet the requirement and be
distributed uniformly, it would be fast to find an optimal combination
needed by the production technology.
However, it is impossible to make the initial population to meet
the technological requirement only by the random function. So the
intervention strategy is adopted to affect the random process of
population initialization. By the strategy, the total number of
"1" in each chromosome of initial population is restricted to
the range from 3 to 8. But, when the number of full-filled tanks is more
than 10, more than 90% of chromosomes in initial population are the
combination of 7 or 8 tanks because of the influence of the longer
coding and the random of the initial function, which results in the
uneven distribution of initial population. In order to obtain the
well-proportioned initial population, the total number of "1"
in some chromosomes is constrained to between 3 and 6 by the further
intervention. The intervention strategy is automatically executed in the
implementation program of IGA.
Improved Genetic Operators
The probabilities of crossover and mutation have great effects on
the GA's performance such as the speed and probability to global
convergence (Deb and Beyer, 2004). In order to improve these
performances, Srinivas and Patnaik (1994) used the difference between
the fitness value of the best solution and the average fitness value of
the current population to detect the convergence of the GA. However, if
the better solutions have the same or closer fitness values, they will
be copied to the next generation with larger probability, which may
result in premature convergence of the GA to a local optimum. In order
to overcome the problem, it is also essential to identify whether the GA
is converging to a local optimum by observing the average fitness value
of the better solutions in relation to the fitness value of the best
solution. So, the two differences are together adopted to detect the
convergence of the GA in our article. The chosen expressions for
[p.sub.c] and [p.sub.m] are in the form of:
[[bar.f].sub.total] is the average fitness value of the current
population, [[bar.f].sub.better] is the average fitness of the better
solutions whose fitness values are less than or equal to
[[bar.f].sub.total]. In order to constrain [p.sub.c] and [p.sub.m] to
the typical ranges 0.0-1.0 and 0.0-0.5, respectively, set [P.sub.c0] =
0.5, [P.sub.c1] = [P.sub.c2] = 1.0, [P.sub.m0] = 0.25, [P.sub.m1] =
[P.sub.m2] = 0.5.
The improved adaptive algorithm assures that [p.sub.c] and
[p.sub.m] for some of better solutions vary inversely with [f.sub.min] -
[[bar.f].sub.better], and for the other better solutions they vary
inversely with [f.sub.min] - [[bar.f].sub.total]. The inferior
solutions, the fitness values of which are larger than
[[bar.f].sub.total], are disrupted with maximum probabilities [p.sub.c]
and [p.sub.m].
Evolution Strategy
If there is no interference in GA evolution progress of raw slurry
optimal scheduling system, it is possible for the individual to become
an inferior one after employing crossover and mutation, especially when
the number of the selected tanks in the individual is more than 8.
Adopting the interfering strategy, those individuals that have the
first ten smallest fitness values of the current generation are directly
copied to the next generation without applying any genetic operators and
the last 20 inferior ones are reproduced by the initial function, which
guarantees that the better individuals are preserved in future
Implementation of Optimal Scheduling of Full-Filled Tanks
The implementation steps of IGA are as follows:
Step 1: Randomly generate an initial population with the natural
binary code by utilizing a random function. The intervention strategy is
performed to firstly assure the total number of "1" in each
individual is constrained to between 3 and 8. When the number of
full-filled tanks is more than 10, the total number of "1" in
some chromosomes is constrained to between 3 and 6 to make the
individuals distribute uniformly in the range from 3 to 8.
Step 2: Compute the fitness values of all individuals using (16) by
applying the penalty function to the operating cost of each solution.
Step 3: Selection: arranging the individuals according to their
fitness values and choosing the first ten better individuals to get into
the next generation directly and the last twenty inferior ones
reproduced by the initial function.
Step 4: Crossover: randomly choosing pairs of individuals from the
current population with probability [p.sub.c] in (21). That is, firstly
assign a random value to a temporary parameter p by a random function,
if p is less than the crossover probability [p.sub.c], the current
individual and next individual are selected to be crossover pairs. Then
randomly deciding a single crossover bit and exchanging the bit at the
Step 5: Mutation: randomly changing the value of each bit of the
solution with probability [p.sub.m] in (22) to produce new individuals.
That is, firstly assign a random value to a temporary parameter p by a
random function, if p is less than the crossover probability [p.sub.m],
the current bit of the individual is changed.
Step 6: Check the termination condition. If the evolving process
satisfies the convergence condition or reaches the maximum generation
predetermined, the evolution terminates and returns the best solution in
current population; else loop to Step (2).
The flow chart of the IGA procedure is shown in Figure 2.
The algorithm can effectively guarantee the diversity of
population, however, it cannot always find the optimal solution due to
the limitation of the evolution generation. So, the IGA is more suitable
to satisfactorily solve the optimization problems which are predominant in industry process.
Comparison of IGA With BGA and EA
Comparison of computation complexity
One of the main requirements in the optimal scheduling of
full-filled tanks is to find the optimal combination of selected
full-filled tanks as fast as possible so as to keep the continuous
production. In general, the allowed computation-time to obtain a
combination scheme is constrained within 2 min. To demonstrate the
computation performance of IGA, the experiments are performed repeatedly
with different number of full-filled tanks 10 times. In all experiments,
the population size for the GAs is 100. For the BGA, [p.sub.c] and
[p.sub.m] take the static values of 0.6 and 0.001, respectively. For the
IGA, [p.sub.c] and [p.sub.m] are determined according to Equations (20)
and (21), and the intervention strategy is introduced into the initial
process of population. The average consumed time to find the optimal
solution is listed in Table 1. Also tabulated is the number of instance
where the GAs stuck at a local optimum.
From Table 1, it is clear that EA always finds the optimal
solution, but it takes more than 120 s to complete the optimization
computation when the number of full-filled tanks is more than 22. Though
the BGA can find the optimal solution in less than 1 min, it stuck at a
local optimum with greater probability than IGA. The IGA outperforms the
BGA both in terms of the speed and probability to global convergence.
Comparison of solution quality
The running data in Table 2 are used to test the quality of IGA
solutions. In Table 2, the first column is the tank number which is
fully filled with raw slurry, while columns 2-6 represent the mass
percentage of calcium oxide (CaO), sodium oxide ([Na.sub.2]O), silicon
oxide (Si[O.sub.2]), ferric oxide ([Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]), alumina
([Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]) of raw slurry in the corresponding tanks. Here,
the total number of tanks is 30 and there are 18 full-filled tanks. The
optimal scheduling results of IGA and EA are shown in Table 3. According
to the technological requirements, the associated parameters in the
optimization model are set as follows:
1) The lower and upper bound of selected tank numbers:
[N.sup.min]=3, [N.sup.max]=8.
2) The desired indices values: [S.sub.[N/R]] = 0.98, S[C/S] =
2.010, [S.sub.A/S] = 4.80.
3) The minimum and maximum of [N/R] in the left tanks:
[R.sup.min.sub.[N/R]] = 0.98, [R.sup.max.sub.[N/R]] = 1.10.
4) The minimum and maximum of [C/S] in the left tanks:
[R.sup.min.sub.[C/S]] = 1.950, [R.sup.max.sub.[C/S]] = 2.050.
5) The minimum and maximum of A/S in the left tanks:
[R.sup.mix.sub.A/S] = 4.70, [R.sup.max.sub.A/S] = 4.85.
The optimization parameters of IGA are given as follows:
1) The population size = 100.
2) The convergence condition: [square root of Z(X)] [less than or
equal to] 0.05, the maximum generation = 200.
3) The weighting coefficients: [[omega].sub.1] = [[omega].sub.2] =
[[omega].sub.3] = 1/3.
Table 3 demonstrates all optimal combination schemes in different
number of selected tanks. It is shown that the quality of mixed raw
slurry related to the IGA is as good as that of EA except the case when
the number of selected tanks is 7. But it is noticeable that the
solution is not optimal but still satisfactory because its fitness and
the average quality index of the full-filled tanks remained are all in
the desired range. Therefore, the optimization solutions of the IGA not
only assure that the average quality indices of raw slurry in the
selected tanks are satisfactory, but also guarantee that the quality
indices of raw slurry in each full-filled tank remained are in the
desired ranges.
Choice of [[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], and [[omega].sub.3]
In order to evaluate the effects of [[omega].sub.1],
[[omega].sub.2], and [[omega].sub.3] on the solution quality of the IGA,
the solution quality of the IGA has been investigated by varying
[[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], and [[omega].sub.3]. The experiment is
performed by using the data in Table 2 and the experimental results are
listed in Table 4. On analyzing the results, it is noticed that the IGA
can find the satisfactory solution when the sub-objectives are given
different attention as [[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], and
[[omega].sub.3] is changed. Smaller is the value of [[omega].sub.i], the
corresponding average index of selected tanks will be paid less
attention. In general, the three sub-objectives in Equation (14) are
assigned the same weight to obtain three eligibility indices of mixed
raw slurry. However, [[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], and
[[omega].sub.3] take different values when there does not exist the
optimal combination which makes three indices of mixed raw slurry meet
together the technological requirements with the same attention. In this
case, A/S is paid more attention than the other two indices because of
its importance, that is, its corresponding weight should take greater
value than other quality indices.
An IGA-based optimization system is developed for the blending
process of alumina production, which consists of an optimization
computer, six real-time monitoring computers, and three distributed
controllers. The optimization computer exchanges real-time information
with real-time monitoring computers by an Ethernet network, the main
function of which is to implement the optimization computation. The
monitoring computers are used to control and monitor the whole
production process in real-time and to communicate with the distributed
controllers by DH+ Network. The distributed controllers, including 36
closed-loops, are constructed to implement the real-time control of feed
rate of raw materials for 6 ball mills.
The application software is developed by VC++ 6.0 on the
optimization computer, which is mainly composed of an expert
optimization module, an optimal scheduling module, database and user
interface. The expert optimization module is used to obtain the optimal
mixing percentages of raw materials, and the optimal scheduling module
is to find an optimal combination of full-filled tanks. The database
holds the measurement data and the quality requirements of raw slurry
and to store the optimization results. The user interface is used to
configure optimization parameters and to display and to print data,
graphs, optimization results, etc.
The developed optimization system has been running in Zhongzhou
Branch of China alumina industry since November 2005. To investigate the
application advantages of IGA in long term, 60 groups of production data
were continuously collected in October 2006, where each group of data
includes the average [N/R], [C/S], A/S of selected tanks by IGA, the
three average indices of the left tanks and the desired indices that
will slightly change with the production condition. At the same time, in
order to compare the two approaches of intelligent scheduling and manual
scheduling, 60 groups of data of mixed raw slurry based on manual
scheduling were also collected from the operation log in October 2004
before the developed system started running. These data are used to
illustrate the application results of IGA-based optimization system
shown in Figure 3. The results show that three average indices of mixed
raw slurry based on IGA (unmarked solid lines on left panel) are very
close to the desired indices (circle lines), and the maximum error of
[N/R], [C/S], and A/S is 0.02, 0.03, and 0.09, respectively, which
improves the quality of mixed raw slurry apparently. From the right
panel, it is shown that the average indices of the left tanks by IGA are
kept in the required ranges, which guarantees the succession of the
whole production process.
Since the optimization system was put into service in the alumina
smeltery, the eligibility rate of [N/R], [C/S], and A/S of mixed raw
slurry is raised to 99%, 96%, and 94% only with the first scheduling.
The blending process is simplified from two-times scheduling to one-time
scheduling, and the first two batches of tanks, including tank A1 to AN
and tank B1 to BM, can be used to store raw slurry, which would increase
enormously the throughput of raw slurry. Furthermore owing to the less
composition fluctuation of mixed raw slurry, the eligibility rate of
clinker is increased a lot, whose eligibility rate of [N/R], [C/S], A/S
increases by 0.34%, 0.46%, 5.95%, respectively, such that contributes to
stabilizing the subsequent process of alumina production.
In this article, an optimal model of full-filled tanks scheduling
has been presented for the blending process of alumina production by
combining material balance principle with expert experiences, and an
improved genetic algorithm with penalty strategy has been proposed to
solve the optimization problem by considering the multi-objective
function, non-linearity and multiple inequality constraints existed in
the optimal model. The improvements increase the convergence speed of
the GA and effectively prevented the GA from getting stuck at a local
minimum, and enhanced the performance of the global convergence, which
made the optimal scheduling of full-filled tanks completed in within 1
min of the computation-time constraint.
This IGA-based optimization system was applied to an alumina
smeltery in China. The application results showed that the optimal
scheduling scheme met the technological requirements and reduced the
composition fluctuation of raw slurry. The mixed raw slurry is qualified
for sintering only with the first scheduling, which simplifies the
blending process by removing the second scheduling process, and also
increases enormously the throughput of raw slurry. Owing to the less
composition fluctuation of mixed raw slurry, the eligibility rate of
clinker is increased a lot, which contributes to stabilizing the
subsequent process of alumina production.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the National
Natural Science Foundation (grant number: 60574030, 60634020), 973
Program (grant number: 2002CB312200), NCET Program of China (grant
number: 04-0751), and 863 Program (grant number: 2006AA04Z181).
[N/R] one of quality index of the raw slurry,
mol ratio of [Na.sub.2]O to both of [Al.sub.2]
[O.sub.3] and [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]
[C/S] one of quality index of the raw slurry, mol
ratio of CaO to Si[O.sub.2]
A/S one of quality index of the raw slurry, mass
ratio of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] to Si[O.sub.2]
a,b,c transformation coefficients in Equations
(1) to (3)
A total mass percentage of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]
in raw slurry
[A.sub.i] mass percentage of [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] in the
ith tank
BGA basic genetic algorithm
C total mass percentage of CaO in raw slurry
[C.sub.i] mass percentage of CaO in the ith tank
EA enumeration algorithm
[f.sub.[N/R]](X) the square error between the average [N/R]
of the selected tanks and the desired value
[f.sub.[C/S]](X) the square error between the average [C/S]
of the selected tanks and the desired value
[f.sub.A/S](X) the square error between the average A/S of
the selected tanks and the desired value
f fitness of the mutation individual
f' smaller fitness in the two crossover
[[bar.f].sub.better] average fitness of the better individuals of
current population
[f.sub.min] smallest fitness of current population,
fitness of best individual
[[bar.f].sub.total] average fitness of current population
F(X) objective function
F total mass percentage of [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]
in raw slurry
[F.sub.i] mass percentage of [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] in
the ith tank
GAs genetic algorithms
IGA improved genetic algorithm
N total mass percentage of [Na.sub.2]O in raw
[N.sub.i] mass percentage of [Na.sub.2]O in the ith tank
N(X) number of the selected tanks
[N.sup.max] allowed maximum number of selected tanks
[N.sup.min] allowed minimum number of selected tanks
[p.sub.c] crossover probability
[p.sub.m] mutation probability
[R.sub.[N/R]](X) average [N/R] of the raw slurry in the
left tanks
[R.sub.[C/S]](X) average [C/S] of the raw slurry in the
left tanks
[R.sub.A/S](X) average A/S of the raw slurry in the
left tanks
[R.sup.max.sub.[C/S]] allowed maximum of average [C/S] of raw
slurry in left tanks
[R.sup.min.sub.[C/S]] allowed minimum of average [C/S] of raw
slurry in left tanks
[R.sup.max.sub.[N/R]] allowed maximum of average [N/R] of raw
slurry in left tanks
[R.sup.min.sub.[N/R]] allowed minimum of average [N/R] of raw
slurry in left tanks
[R.sup.max.sub.A/S] allowed maximum of average A/S of raw
slurry in left tanks
[R.sup.lim.sub.A/S] allowed minimum of average A/S of raw
slurry in left tanks
S total mass percentage of Si[O.sub.2] in
raw slurry
[S.sub.i] mass percentage of Si[O.sub.2] in the
ith tank
[S.sub.[C/S]] desired value of [C/S]
[S.sub.[N/R]] desired value of [N/R]
[S.sub.A/S] desired value of A/S
[v.sub.i] volume of the ith tank
X vector of control variables, [x.sub.i]
Z(X) fitness function
Greek Symbols
[[omega].sub.i] weighting factors
[[lambda].sub.i] penalty factors
Manuscript received July 21, 2007; revised manuscript received
December 1, 2007; accepted for publication December 1, 2007.
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Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Lingshuang Kong * and Xiaoli Wang School
of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University,
Changsha 410083, China
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail addresses:
[email protected];
[email protected]
Table 1. Comparison of computation complexity of IGA, BGA, and EA
The number of Consumed time (s)
full-filled tanks IGA BGA EA
10 0.2 0.2 0.3
16 0.9 3.8 6.5
18 1.6 8.3 20.7
22 4.3 18.5 >120
28 10.6 30.6 >120
30 11.2 50.2 >120
The number of Stuck times
full-filled tanks IGA BGA EA
10 0 0 0
16 0 3 0
18 1 2 0
22 0 5 0
28 0 3 0
30 1 7 0
Table 2. Mass percentages of slurry composition in full-filled tanks
Full-filled tank CaO [Na.sub.2]0 Si[0.sub.2]
A6 11.00 18.73 5.22
A7 10.20 17.62 5.84
A8 11.28 17.02 5.77
A10 10.60 17.18 5.45
A11 10.38 16.92 5.80
A12 10.90 16.74 5.39
A13 10.50 18.43 5.05
A14 10.80 16.76 6.14
A15 10.10 19.63 5.12
A16 11.00 17.23 6.04
A17 11.35 18.25 5.36
A20 10.65 17.98 5.56
A21 10.75 17.91 5.94
A22 10.85 17.36 6.11
A24 11.00 16.83 6.11
A25 11.02 17.11 6.18
A27 10.10 17.53 5.77
A28 10.20 17.21 5.63
Full-filled tank [Fe.sub.2] [Al.sub.2]
number/mass [0.sub.3] [0.sub.3]
A6 3.25 25.93
A7 3.34 27.07
A8 3.36 27.75
A10 3.19 28.26
A11 3.41 27.23
A12 3.49 27.97
A13 3.22 26.84
A14 3.44 27.91
A15 3.26 26.42
A16 3.31 27.69
A17 3.21 25.91
A20 3.41 27.23
A21 3.36 26.95
A22 3.22 27.02
A24 3.38 28.00
A25 3.21 27.55
A27 3.42 27.46
A28 3.16 26.18
Table 3. Comparison of optimization results of IGA, BGA, and EA
Number of Algorithm Solution Average indices of
selected selected tanks
tanks ([N/R], [C/R], A/S)
3 IGA A11, A13, A25 0.98, 2.004, 4.79
4 IGA A12, A14, A15, 0.98, 2.014, 4.80
5 IGA A6, A7, A10, 0.98, 2.010, 4.80
A11, A16
6 IGA A12, A15, A16, 0.99, 2.018, 4.74
A20, A22, A27
EA A8, A12, A15, 0.98, 2.010, 4.80
A16, A22, A27
7 IGA A12, A13, A16, 0.98, 2.010, 4.80
A20, A21, A25,
8 IGA A7, A11, A12, A13, 0.98, 2.010, 4.80
A14, A17, A21, A27
Number of Algorithm [square root Average indices of
selected of Z(X)] left tanks ([N/R],
tanks [C/R1, A/S)
3 IGA 0.01 0.99, 2.015, 4.76
4 IGA 0.004 0.99, 2.014, 4.76
5 IGA 0 0.99, 2.015, 4.75
6 IGA 0.02 0.99, 2.018, 4.74
EA 0 0.99, 2.015, 4.75
7 IGA 0 1.00, 2.016, 4.75
8 IGA 0 0.99, 12.017, 4.74
Table 4. Effect of [[omega].sub.l], [[omega].sub.2], and [[omega].sub.3]
on the solution quality of the IGA
The solution Average indices of
selected tanks ([N/R],
[C/R], A/S)
1:1:1 A6, A7, A10, A11, A16 0.98, 2.010, 4.80
2:2:1 A12, A20, A21, A22 0.98, 2.010, 4.75
2:1:2 A12, A14, A15, A20, A25, A28 0.98, 2.004, 4.80
1:2:2 A12, A13, A16, A20, A21, 1.00, 2.010, 4.80
A25, A27
[square root of Z(X)] Average indices of
left tanks ([N/R],
[C/R1, A/S)
1:1:1 0 0.99, 2.015, 4.75
2:2:1 0.05 0.99, 2.015, 4.77
2:1:2 0.006 0.99, 2.018, 4.75
1:2:2 0.02 0.98, 2.016, 4.74