The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence.
Vukovic, Aleksandar ; Ikonic, Milan ; Pavletic, Dusko 等
Abstract: The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence provide us with
the frameworks for achieving a Total Quality Management. They are based
on the principles of TQM. The current move within economic and political
integration in Europe should eliminate the remaining pockets of economic
and social backwardness and boost the continent's political and
economic strength using these concepts. Quality, which is a cultural
issue first and a technical issue second, is no exception as far as
diversity is concerned. There is no such thing as European quality.
There is a need for an National Quality Award to support the national
scope of Total Quality Management.
Key words: Fundamental Concepts of Excellence, Total Quality
Management, Quality Award, Business Excellence.
In the past 10 or 20 years a few companies have radically
transformed their business performance. Many of the concepts and methods
they have used are now collectively called total quality or total
quality management. Many other terms have also been used. These include
business transformation, performance excellence, business excellence,
and six sigma. The successes of these companies have dramatically
changed how they and others see both quality and business management
today. They are rethinking how they are organized, how they manage
themselves, and even what businesses they should be in. Achieving
quality became the key question to be answered in the business today.
As the importance of achieving quality increased, the quest to
learn how to achieve it has grown also. The emergence in the European
Union of the European Quality Award (EQA), and its many offspring's
at the national level, have promoted the development of quality by
providing a comprehensive, homegrown organizational model for the
achievement of quality, and by opening to view organizations that have
applied this model successfully. It is difficult to overstate the
importance of these models of excellence in the promotion of quality
practice over the past two decades. They have provided managers at all
levels with evidence that it can be done here and, more important, they
have provided in unusual detail, roadmaps of how it was done. Various
nations and regional bodies have established quality awards. The most
widely known of these are the Deming Award in Japan, the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) in the United States of America and the European Quality Award in the Europe. These awards incorporate
concepts and principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and they
provide criteria for assessing business excellence throughout the entire
organization. TQM is a philosophy of perpetual improvement and ISO 9000
is a Quality System Management Standard that sets in place a system to
deploy policy and verifiable objectives. An ISO 9000 implementation is a
basis for a Total Quality Management implementation.
This paper discusses the fundamental concepts of excellence and
these concepts are the basis for the national quality awards. In
addition, the paper is proposing the concepts of excellence that should
be implemented in the non existing Croatian Quality Award.
As we stated before, there are several Quality Awards, such as the
European Quality Award in Europe, the Deming Prize in Japan, the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award in the United States of America. The
broad aims of these awards are to increase awareness of TQM because of
its important contribution to superior competitiveness, encourage
systematic self-assessment against established criteria and market
awareness simultaneously, stimulate sharing and dissemination of
information on successfully deployed quality strategies and on benefits
derived from implementing these strategies, promote understanding of the
requirements for the attainment of quality excellence and successful
deployment of TQM and encourage firms to introduce a continuous
improvement process. Each award model is based on a perceived model of
2.1. The European Model for TQM
The primary purpose of the EQA is to support, encourage, and
recognize the development of effective TQM by European firms. The model
of the EQA is divided into two parts, Enablers and Results (Introducing
EFQM, 2007). The enablers are leadership, people management, policy
& strategy, resources, and processes. These five aspects steer the
business and facilitate the transformation of inputs to outputs. The
results are people satisfaction, customer satisfaction, impact on
society, and business results. The EQA model consists of nine primary
elements, which are further divided into a number of secondary elements.
The primary elements are listed in table 1.
2.2. The Deming Prize Model for TQM
The Deming Prize main purpose is to spread the quality gospel by
recognizing performance improvements flowing from the successful
implementation quality control based on statistical quality control
(Juran, & Blanton, 1998). The Deming Prize proved an effective
instrument for spreading TQM philosophy throughout the Japanese
industries. There are ten primary elements in the Deming Application
Prize, as well as a checklist that is used to evaluate the performance
of senior executives. This checklist emphasizes the importance of top
management's active participation in quality management activities
and understanding of the main requirements of quality improvement
programs. It is also provides senior executives with a list of what they
need to do (Ritchie, 2000). The primary elements in the Deming
Application Prize are listed in table 1.
2.3. The MBNQA Model for TQM
In 1987, the US Congress passed the Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Improvement Act, and thus established an annual quality award in
the US. The aim of the award is to encourage American firms to improve
quality, satisfy customers, and improve overall firms performance and
capabilities. The model framework can be used to assess firms current
quality management practices, benchmark performance against key
competitors and worldclass standards, and improve relations with
suppliers and customers. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
model framework is listed in table 1.
The principal goal of TQM is to attain competitive quality. The
criteria of the National Quality Awards is to provide a widely accepted
definition of comprehensive quality management. The EFQM criteria
support a model which includes success measured in terms of delighted
customers, empowered employees, higher revenue, and lower operating
costs, attainment of success through management processes which include
quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement,
organizational infrastructure on which these processes depend, including
a documented quality system ISO 9000, customer-supplier collaboration in
partnerships, involvement of everyone in the organization in the quality
effort, measurement and information systems for key business variables,
and education and training of all in the organization, when and as
required and foundation of the quality effort which includes strategic
planning and management to the plan. These elements of the EFQM model
provide a framework for assessing an organization's ability to
progress toward TQM.
The different Levels of Excellence are based on the EFQM Excellence
Model. We are going to discuss further, what is the main objective of
National Quality Award.
The National Quality Awards for Business Excellence must be the
most rigorous and prestigious business awards in one nation, allowing
organisations to assess how well you are doing and to benchmark your
achievements against other organisations (Sclickman, 2003). Winning the
National Quality Award recognises your organisation as being among the
best in the nation. Not only are you recognised as a leader and
champion, importantly, you will receive detailed written feedback from a
team of assessors to help your organisation continuously improve its
performance. Winning the National Quality Award should mean that the
organization has gained the higher level of quality and business
excellence and represent only one step to achieving overall TQM.
National Quality Award should be situated just below the EQA in the
piramid shown in the figure 1. Recognised for Excellence is designed for
organisations, or organisational units, with experience of
Self-Assessment using the EFQM Excellence Model. It offers Applicants
the benefits of a structured approach to identify organisational
strengths and areas for improvement. Self-assessment is a comprehensive,
systematic and regular review of an organisation's activities and
results against a model of business excellence (EFQM, 1994.).
Committed to Excellence level is designed for organisations, at the
beginning of their journey to Excellence.
In the past two decades we have moved quickly from believing that
managing quality just means conformance to specifications and
requirements. Quality also means meeting and even exceeding the needs
and expectations of customers. Quality includes the right features,
correct documentation, and error-free invoices. It also includes the
proper functioning of critical business processes, on-time delivery,
user friendly and accurate technical support and no failures. Quality
involves reducing all the costs of poor quality.
Fundamental Concepts of Excellence are providing us with the
frameworks for achieving that level of quality. They are based on TQM
principles. There is no assurance that implementation of TQM will guide
us to the business excellence, but there is quite large probability that
we gained business excellence if we are the prize winner.
From that arise the basic idea of this paper. It is essential that
country like Croatia establish the National Quality Award as a key
element of improving the organizational competitiveness.
This paper is result of researches on scientific project supported
by Ministry of Science, education and sport, Republic of Croatia,
Modeling of advanced production structures at intelligent manufacture
Juran, J. & Blanton Godfrey, A. (1998). Juran's quality
handbook, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-034003-X, New York Macleod, A. &
Baxter, Lynne (2001). The Contribution of
Business Excellence Models in Restoring Failed Improvement
Initiatives, European Management Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2001) pp. 392-
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Ritchie, L. & Dale, B.G. (2000). Self-assessment using the
business excellence model: A study of practice and process,
International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 66, (2000) pp.
241-254, S0925-5273(99)00130-9
Introducing EFQM, Available from: Accessed:
Schlickman, J. (2003). ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System
Design, Artech House inc. ISBN 1-58053-526-7, Boston
Table 1. Fundamental Concepts of Excellence
European Deming Prize MBNQA
Leadership Policies Leadership
Policy and strategy Organization Strategic planning
People management Information Customer and market focus
Resources Standardization Information and analysis
Processes Human resources Human resource focus
Customer satisfaction Quality assurance Process management
People satisfaction Maintenance Business results
Impact on society Improvement --
Business results Effects --
-- Future plans --