Some remarks on the agricultural production model in the European Union.
Dogaru, Vasile ; Duda Daianu, Dana Codruta
Abstract: In the context of the European Union's enlargement,
the maintenance/increase of the farming performance becomes a matter of
utmost importance. The reduction of the food product weight in the
consumption basket--an important index when measuring the economic
development of a country -, directly influenced by farming sector
competitiveness, and the agricultural issue are reference points to the
Single Market. Comparison with the American or global farming
performances keeps being a constant concern in the next decade. Thus,
modelling the influence of the agricultural production factors
represents a basic premise of analytical study. In this way, one can
state some limited remarks for the improvement of the European model of
Key words: competitiveness, agriculture, Roegenian modelling,
Common Agricultural Policy
The target of the systematic increase of the EU's
competitiveness in the next decade has as a direction of study the
Common Agriculture Policy. Besides the so-called agricultural issue, one
of the basic problems of this sector is competitiveness of farming
products, which will further influence the size of this indicator in
other sectors. The agricultural issue refers to the need of finding
solutions for the redistribution of labour force, once it is being drawn
out from farming sector as total productivity is getting higher
(Eatwell, 1987).
One of the performance indexes of an economy, taken in
consideration more and more, is the weight of food products in the
people's consumption basket. As the weight of food products, and
especially in enlargement context, vacillates around an average of about
20% for UE-27, it is necessary to study the production factors of the
food sector. Moreover, in some New Member Countries, this weight exceeds
30%, likely to its value from some countries in The Commonwealth of
Independent States. In the USA, during the last two and half decades,
the food product weight in the consumption basket decreased from 14% to
about 7%.
Some studies (Dogaru, 2003) have identified different models of
agricultural production development, for groups of countries, according
to their level of income (gross domestic product). These models changed
significantly during the two last decades of last century (1980-1998).
Consequently, it is further necessary to study the production model for
a group of countries with relative homogenous economic development. The
issues related to food security that past Europe did not know, face some
Eastern countries now (Ben-David, 1999) and possibly in the future,
requiring a more systematic study of the farming sector efficiency. As a
matter of fact, farming and mining provide resources for all other
economic sectors (Georgescu-Roegen, 1971), either economists and other
experts do admit or do not.
A high pressure regarding consumption will keep acting in the next
decades (World Resources Institute, 2000) on available resources which
are in relative decrease because of larger and larger exploitation
rates. Some more systematic studies reveal, from this prospect, certain
farming problems which tend to affect the food sector too (Alexandratos,
The study was carried out on the basis of information that concerns
the production factors and the level of agricultural production, from
the data base of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2007). The lack
of other information on production factors of other products, as well as
limits imposed by the study length, restrained the research to the
cereal production only.
The main reason for using the electronic FAO data base is the fact
that studies made by World Bank and other international organizations
generally use this data base for information on farming. Information
taken from FAO data bases was analysed in the following steps:
--Establishing the production factors to be considered in the
analysis, i.e. agricultural population (thousands of people),
agricultural area used (thousands of miles), agricultural equipments
(tractors), fertilisers used (tons), agricultural area irrigated
(thousands of miles);
--Selection of data regarding production factors and cereal
production for the Member States (UE 27), for 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000 and
The data referring to Luxemburg and Belgium are cumulated within
FAO data base. For the other countries, due values for production
factors and cereal production already existed or it was possible to
calculate them separately. New countries having come into existence
after 1990, as a result of dividing the Ex-Soviet Union, as for instance
Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, or some countries from the former
Yugoslavia (Slovenia), or from the Central Europe (Czech Republic and
Slovakia), made necessary to find suitable solutions. Consequently,
either data from the most recent period have been used or (simple)
extrapolation has been involved. In agricultural population's case,
existing data only for 1980, 1990 and 2000 were extrapolated for the
other years, by the method of average rate.
The missing data for the Check Republic and Slovakia were
calculated by taking the data for Czechoslovakia as a reference point.
The proportionality principle was used, percentages of structure from
the nearest period being applied to the concerned value. The suggested
regressive relation between the cereal production and the main
production factors is as follows:
[P.sub.c] = [[beta].sub.1] x [P.sub.a] + [[beta].sub.2] x [P.sub.m]
+ [[beta].sub.3] x [T.sub.r] + [[beta].sub.4] x [I.sub.n] +
[[beta].sub.5] x [I.sub.r] (1)
where: Pc is the cereal production, Pa is the agricultural
population, Pm quantifies the arable land areas with permanent crops, Tr
represents the tractor utilities, In is the fertiliser quantity
administrated, and Ir the irrigated area. [[beta].sub.1],
[[beta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.3] [[beta].sub.4], [[beta].sub.5]
coefficients correspond to these variables, and is the constant.
The choice of the regression relation considered some assumptions
from methodological research of last decades. Consequently, there has
been chosen a simple model, which would mathematically and literally
describe simultaneously the observed reality. We had in view the
impossibility of seizing the trend exactly and using in a rigorous
manner the result of the model to calculate the further development of
the sector, because of the qualitative leap. The use of a simple model
was the option of some famous economists, who had a deep insight in
Mathematics, as J. M. Keynes, S. Kuznets, J. Tobin and N.
Georgescu-Roegen. Moreover, according to Georgescu-Roegen (1971), proper
(re)organization of information concerning the agricultural production
factors allows us the passage of the most difficult statistical tests.
The study of inputs in farming has taken as a starting point the
finding that farming efficiency differed in various countries, according
to the endowment with production factors.
The analyse we achieved at EU-27 level was preceded by /also
includes/ comparison of results of the four regressions carried out for
the three groups of identified countries (at the level of the years
1980, 1990, 1995 and 2003), according to the income. The first group of
countries includes 8 states, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia, with a GDP per capita (PPS)
ranging between 35-70% out of 100% of the EU-25;. The second group
includes Portugal, Malta, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus,
Spain and Italy with values ranging between 70%-105%, while the third
consider France, Germany, Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium,
Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg, with values of
105%-240%. The article publishes only the results concerning 2003. They
do not differ significantly from those obtained for previous years.
The results obtained through regressive calculations for the 3
groups of states and, globally, for the EU-27, for 2003, are presented
in Table 1.
The relation between the cereal production and the five production
factors for 2003 is satisfactorily seized for EU-27, R2 being 0.785, and
by 25% higher for every country from the three groups. The F test is
passed for all four regressions at signification level of 0.05.
At the same signification level, the test t-Student is passed for
the coefficients of the variables 'population' and
'agricultural irrigated land' in the first and third groups of
countries, and on constant for all the regressions too. On the other
variables, the test t-Student is not passed.
During the period 1980-1994, EU-27 cereal production raised, while
during 1995-2003 there was a decrease of 10.1%. For the first group of
states, in the period 1990-2003, there was identified a decrease in the
factors 'agricultural population' (-32%) and
'agricultural irrigated land' (-16%). One can observe the
growing importance of technological progress implementation for
first-group states, while for the secondgroup states there was
identified an increasing importance of agriculture irrigated land.
The Common Agricultural Policy aims at competitiveness increasing
in the EU farming, through implementation of technical progress and
optimal use of production factors, especially the working force.
Internal and external competitiveness increase is intended to help
European agricultural producers to adjust to developments of foodproduct
global market.
The deduced models partially justify the expression "Common
Agricultural Policy" within the Single Market. The choice of a
simple model was based on some remarks of experts of the last
half-century. It enabled us to identify some common tendencies inside
this sector, for the Member States arranged in three groups. As the
countries concerned by our analyse belong to the same geographic and
economic area, the further study can be extended to other important
agricultural and non-agricultural products too.
Alexandratos, Nikos (1995). World Agriculture. Towards 2010, Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester, ISBNs 0-471-9537-8, 92-5-103590-3, New York, Brisbane
-Toronto, Singapore
Ben-David, D; Nordstrom, H; Winters, L. (1999). Trade Income
Disparity and Poverty, Geneva--World Trade Organisation
Dogaru, V. (2003). The Population Income and the Prices of
Agri-Food Products. Comparative analysis of countries trend between
1950-2002, Expert Publishing House, ISBN 973-8177-68-5, Bucharest
Eatwell, J. and others, editors (1987). The New Palgrave. A
Dictionary of Economics, tome I-IV, The Macmillan Press Limited, ISBN
0-333-372352, London
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) (2007). FAOStat
Agriculture Data aspx accesed
Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1971). The Entropy Law and the Economic
Process, Harvard University Press, ISBN 674-25780-4, Cambridge,
World Resources Institute. (2000). The Weight of Nations, Material
Outflows from Industrial Economies, ISBN-13: 978-1569734391, New York.
Table 1. The regression of cereal production, in accordance with
farming inputs, 3 groups of countries and EU-27, 2003.
R1-EU27 R2-Gr 1 R3-Gr 2 R4-Gr 3
[[beta].sub.1] -1.382 8.962 2.162 7.130
(1,443) (4.603) (0.874) (14.688)
[[beta].sub.2] 0.271 0.881 -1.363 0.050
(0.131) (0.610) (0.466) (0.122)
[[beta].sub.3] 0.012 -0.043 0.019 0.026
(0.005) (0.027) (0.003) (0.021)
[[beta].sub.4] 0.004 -0.001 0.039 0.000
(0.001) (0.003) (0.009) (0.003)
[[beta].sub.5] 0.545 -6.0386 1.3249 4.2058
(1.639) (4.364) (1.4813) (4.3468)
[[beta].sub.0] -1380.23 -4123 665 -3891
(2034.69) (3439) (486) (2626)
R2 0.785 0.9807 0.9982 0.9700
F 14.63 20.37 224.63 25.88
ESE (thousands) 3465458 427450 502917 3005492
Source: FAO, 2007. Note: R 1, 2, 3 and 4 - 1, 2, 3 and 4 regression;
Gr. 1, 2, 3 and EU-27 - 1, 2, 3 group and EU-27; own calculations; the
figures between brackets are the t Student values of the coefficients.
Critical values (1 regression, UE-27): [F.sub.0.05 ;5 ;20] test = 2.7;
t [Student.sub.0,05 ;20] = 2.09; Critical values (II and III
regression): [F.sub.0.05 ; 5 ;2] test = 19.3; t [Student.sub.0,05 ;2]
= 4.30; Critical values (IV regression): [F.sub.0.05 ; 5 ;4] test =
6.3; t [Student.sub.0,05 ;4] = 2.78, ESE - Error standard estimation.