Some considerations concerning the gap evolution during the electrochemical machining.
Coteata, Margareta ; Slatineanu, Laurentiu
Abstract: The electrochemical machining uses a dissolution process
to remove the material from the workpiece. For a profile of the active
part of the electrode tool obtained as an intersection of two lines
under a certain angle and for an electrochemical erosion process without
work motions of the two electrodes, a theoretical model for the work gap
was elaborated. The experimental researches proved the validity of
principle of the theoretical model.
Key words: electrochemical erosion process, work gap
The electrochemical machining is based on the electrochemical
(anodic) dissolution of the workpiece material within some
characteristic processes of electrical charge and mass changes among the
electrolyte, the anode and the cathode. Even the electrochemical
machining was industrially applied since the beginning of the XX
century, there are yet some problems concerning the control of the work
gap size between the workpiece and the electrode tool.
The gap size could be influenced by different factors. The
researchers established that the gap size firstly depends on the shape
of the surface to be obtained; the workpiece zones found at a small
distance in comparison with the active part of the electrode tool are
more intense affected by the dissolution process, due to concentration
of the electric field lines on the tops of the workpiece prominent zones
(Gavrila[degrees] & Marinescu, 1991; Rajurkar et al., 1999;
Slatineanu et al., 2004). A mathematical model for numerical modeling of
the electrolyte flow in the work gap during the electrochemical
machining process was elaborated by L. Dabrowski and T. Paczkowski
((Dabrowski & Paczkowski, 2005). The current distribution study in
electrochemical systems to elaborate an adequate model was made by Maria
Georgiadou (Georgiadou, 2003). We must mention that the electrochemical
erosion process develops in closed spaces (in the so-called electrolytic cells) and this situation does not permit to directly follow the
evolution of the work gap during the machining time.
Firstly, we will suppose an electrochemical erosion without
relative motions between the electrodes and without electrolyte
circulation; of course, the machining process will develop in immersion.
We know [De Ba rr, 1973] the mathematical relation for defining the gap
size between the two electrodes:
s = [square root of (2Ct + [s.sub.0.sup.2])], (1)
where C is a constant, t - the machining time and [s.sub.0] - the
initial gap size. The constant C is given [De Barr, 1973] by the
C = A(U - [delta]U)[KAPPA] / [F][[rho].sub.m], (2)
where A is the equivalent gram of the substance affected by the
electrochemical dissolution process, U--the voltage applied on the
electrodes, [DELTA]U- the voltage necessary for the electrodes
polarization, k--the electroyte electric conductivity, F--the
Faraday's constant, and [[rho].sub.m]--the substance mass density
(for steel, nm= 7.8 g/[cm.sup.3]).
We will take into consideration the case of a profiled electrode
tool; the active zone of the electrode tool is obtained by the
intersection of two plane surfaces under an angle 2 a = 90[degrees]
(fig. 1). The work gap size corresponds to the relation:
[s.sub.0] = [s.sub.min]+ [DELTA]s, (3)
where smin is the minimum gap size before the machining,
respectively, in this case, the distance between the electrode tool
corner and the workpiece surface, [DELTA]s--the difference between the
real gap size and the minimum size of th initial gap, in a certain point
of the active surface of the electrode tool. We will use a cartesian
coordinate system xOy, having the origin O in the top point of the
electrode tool. Geometrical consideration permit us to write:
tg[alpha] = x/[DELTA]s, (4)
where x is the size of the side AB belonging to the right triangle
ABC. From the above written relation, we have:
[DELTA]s = x/tg[alpha]. (5)
Introducing the expression for the difference As in the relation
(3), we obtain:
[s.sub.0] = [s.sub.min] + x/tg[alpha]. (6)
Thus, the relation (1) becomes:
S = [square root of (2Ct + [([s.sub.min] + x/tg[alpha]).sup.2]].
If we take into consideration the relation (2), we obtain:
s = [square root of 2t A(U - [DELTA]U)k/F[[rho].sub.m] +
[([s.sub.min] +/tg[alpha]).sup.2]]. (8)
The mathematical relation (8) characterizes the profile of the
machined surface by taking into consideration the erosion time t, the
geometry of the active part belonging to the electrode tool
(here, by the angle of the electrode tool corner, 2 a), the work
voltage U, the electric conductivity of the electrolyte k.
Specialized software in Basic medium was elaborated to determine
the coordinates of the points which define the profile of the machined
surface, when using the electrode tool having the active surface
obtained by the intersection of the two plane surfaces under an angle of
90 degrees.
Within the nontraditional technologies laboratory of the Technical
University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi, some experiments were made in
order to verify the above mentioned theoretical considerations. We used
an electrode tool and a workpiece made of thin plates (the thickness of
the workpiece was [t.sub.w]=0.18 mm and the thickness of the electrode
tool was []=0.10 mm).
The electrode tool was made of thin copper sheet. The workpiece was
stainless steel sheet; we preferred to use the stainless steel as
workpiece material in order to avoid the chemical erosion when the
electric field is not present. Initially, the electrodes were isolated
by the using of a transparent insulating layer; the transparency
permitted us to directly observe and measure the evolution of the
machined surface.
As electrolyte, an aqueous solution containing 5% of sodium
chloride was used. The verifying of the mathematical model validity was
achieved by means of an electrolytic cell; we used a forced circulation
of the electrolyte through the work gap and the obtained profile was in
a certain measure similar to the profile defined by the relation (8). In
figure 2 we can see the work zone before to start the electrochemical
dissolution and minutes of developing of the erosion process (b) the
same zone after 5 minutes of developing the erosion process.
The presence and the circulation of the hydrogen bubbles can be
observed in figure 2, b, emphasizing yet the direction of the
electrolyte circulation (from the right side to the left side). The
intensity of the electric current was of about 1.4 A; thus, an electric
current density of about 0.27 A/[mm.sup.2] was ensured. By the using of
the mathematical relation (8), where we took into consideration A=28, U-
[DELTA]U=40 V, k=0.2, F=1608 Axmin [[rho].sub.m]=7.8 g/[cm.sup.3], t=5
min and [x.sub.min]=0.44 mm (corresponding to the initial gap), we
obtained the theoretical sizes of the work gap in different points
belonging to the axis Ox.
On the other hand, we measured the size of the real gap by means of
the graphical representation included in figure 2, b; the sizes obtained
thus were used to elaborate the graphical representation from the figure
3. We can see that for small sizes of the distance x, the theoretical
sizes of the work gap are bigger than the effective sizes; an
explanation of this situation could be based on the less intense
circulation of the electrolyte at the electrode tool corner.
Even the electrochemical machining process was discovered long time
ago, there are yet problems concerning the machining accuracy and the
design of the electrode tool, so that the profile of the machined
surface to correspond to the desired profile.
A theoretical model concerning the work gap size evolution for a
certain shape of the active part belonging to the electrode tool was
Some experimental researches destined to verify the theoretical
model were made within the laboratory of non-conventional technologies
from the Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi.
The experimental researches proved the validity of principle of the
theoretical model.
In the next period, we have the intention to extend the theoretical
researches for other types of the electrode tool corner shape.
On the other hand, the experimental researches could be directed to
the study of the influence exerted by other different factors (chemical
composition of the electrolyte, temperature, viscosity and pH of the
electrolyte, chemical composition of the workpiece material etc.) on the
work gap size evolution.
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