Shafts measuring and analysing sound produced by a splined shaft hob with changeable teeth during milling process of grooves.
Ciofu, Ciprian Dumitru ; Nedelcu, Dumitru ; Pruteanu, Octavian 等
Abstract: The accuracy of a machined part depends on the precision
motion delivered by a machine tool under static, dynamic, and thermal
loads. Improper working parameters is often a serious limitation to
achieving higher rates of removal, as it adversely affects the surface
finish, reduces dimensional accuracy, and may damage the tool and
machine. The adaptation of process variables for the purpose of
enhancing process efficiency is addressed within the area of control for
process optimization. Machine tool monitoring and control provide the
bridge between machining research and the production line (The
Mechanical systems design handbook, 2002).
Key words: splined shaft hob, milling, monitoring, process
The accuracy of a machined part depends on the precision motion
delivered by a machine tool under static, dynamic, and thermal loads.
The accuracy is evaluated by measuring the discrepancy between the
desired part dimensions identified on a part drawing and the actual part
achieved after machining operations (Altintas & Yellowley 1987).
Usually, sound produce by a machine tool is used to identify any
anomaly that could appear during production process (Moriwaki, 1980).
But the sound intensity depends also by the cutting force
(Koenigsberger, 1967). This correlation permits us to use measurement of
the sound to appreciate the cutting force intensity and variation.
2.1 Equipments
For testing we used a sound level meter from "Chauvin
Arnoux" and measure with it sounds emitted by a milling machine for
gear tooth FD-320 during production process. The device was bringed near
working zone tool and it take over the noise produced during milling
process. (fig.1.).
Measurements were made using a new gear milling hob for grooves
shafts and compare results obtained for each ten work piece obtained
with different milling parameters and with different tool wear stage and
different materials. After we obtained an significant lot of pieces,
using sound spectral density of the process signal delivered by the
sound level meter, using Sigma Plot 2000 software, Fig. 2., we trace a
graph where we superpose data obtained on one type of material with
another one using same working parameters, or on the same material using
different parameters and last same material, same working parameters but
different stage of wearing of the tool.
2.2 Methodology
The data from the decibel meter was stored in a data file (.dat
extension) which later was processed with SE322 program supplied by
manufacturer. The data from file was exported in Sigma Plot 2000 program
that allowed us to compare working behavior of the splined shaft hob and
determinate the regress curves of noise models.
Using Sigma Plot software capabilities, the data form retrieved
from decibel meter was statistically analyzed, obtaining mathematical
models of variation in time of the noise. To not affect the result, was
rejected all noise data corresponding to the approaching stage to the
material of the tool. Mathematical models tested, was from Waveform
family, chose from Equation Categories menu (fig. 3).
Mathematical equation most appropriate with sound variation is:
y = [y.sub.0] + a x sin(2[pi]t/b + c), [dB] (1)
where: [y.sub.0], a, b and c are constants and which are calculated
by the software; t - time [s].
Mathematical function it's a sinusoid, displaced with
[y.sub.0] value from origin, with 2a amplitude, 2[pi]/b frequencies and
phase difference c.
There are statistical parameters and constants calculus
(correlation coefficient, standard error) - fig. 4.
Regression equation obtained is:
y = 80,009 + 0,93 x sin (2[pi] x t / 12,38 + 3,775), [dB] (2)
Sigma Plot software permits us a graphical representation of this
equation (fig. 5):
After processing of the experimental data, was obtained the
followed regression equation: -OL60 material sample
y = 78,929 + 0,47 x sin(2[pi]t / 12,92 + 3,313 (3)
-OLC45 material sample
y = 78,957 + 0,37 x sin(2[pi]t / 12,17 + 3,18 (4)
- 34MoCr11material sample
y = 78,949 + 0,64 x sin(2[pi]t / 12,32 + 3,41 (5)
Resultant graphs from equations, for that 3 materials, was
superpose for a better interpretation - fig. 6.
As result, using this method of measurement and control, we was
able to control milling process results modifying the milling regime and
parameters therefore noise produced to be as lowered as possible, to
avoid or control chatter appearance before it could reach dangerous
values for wok piece and hob by modifying milling parameters and
re-sharpening the hob before tooth failure appear.
Also this method of control allow us to identify any kind of
misaligned or whipping of the work piece or hub indicate by the general
shape of the graph which could had wave form or excessive values for
some work tooth's of the hob.
Expanding research, we think that is possible to partially predict
behavior of the tool with different materials or different working
Koenigsberger, F. & Tlusty, J. (1967). Machine Tool Structures,
Vol. I: Stability against Chatter, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
Moriwaki, T. (1980), Annals of the CIRP, Detection for tool
fracture by acoustic emission measurement, 29, 1, 35-40
Altintas, Y. & Yellowley, I. (1987), Sensors for Manufacturing
Process detection of tool failure in milling using cutting force models,
ASME, New York, 1-16
The Mechanical systems design handbook--Modeling, Measurement and
Control, (2002) CRC Press LLC
C. Ciofu--PhD Thesis--unpublished results