Same slope forecasting method.
Pasic, Mugdim ; Bijelonja, Izet ; Sunje, Aziz 等
Abstract: In this paper a quantitative forecasting method has been
developed, which stands out by its simplicity, but at the same time it
also shows very good results in terms of forecasting the price of stock
in comparison to the other existing methods of the same complexity
level. To demonstrate the efficiency of this forecasting method we
tested it on forecasting the price of stock for five issuers of Sarajevo
Stock Exchange.
Key words: Forecasting, Quantitative Forecasting Models, Stock
Price Forecasting, Weighted Forecasting Factor.
Forecasting is an activity necessary for success of any individual
and organization. There are two general approaches to forecasting i.e.
two types of forecasting methods: qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative methods are further divided into causal methods and time
series methods, what is focus of this paper.
All time series forecasting methods use historical data on demand
based on which they forecast an outcome of an event in the future
(future demand) e.g.: demand for a product, stock price and so on. Basic
premise of all time series methods is that demand can be separated into
components such as an average level, trend, seasonal peaks, cycles and
errors that must be taken into consideration if relevant results are to
be achieved (Heizer & Render, 2004).
To the present day majority of time series methods has been
developed (Poon & Granger, 2003). Basic models of these methods,
characteristic by simplicity, do not take into consideration all
elements of demand (Render et al., 2003).
There are certainly more advanced versions of these methods, which
include all elements of demand, but these methods are more complex and
more demanding from the aspect of data application and analysis (Chase
et al., 2006).
The difference in terms of complexity of the basic model and
advanced one, which takes into consideration all elements of demand, can
be noticed on the example of exponential smoothing (Gardner, 2006).
Efficiency of a model certainly depends on the nature of demand,
thus we cannot speak of general superiority of one model over the others
(Poon & Granger, 2003).
It has been established that stock price forecasting in one of the
most demanding forecasting areas (Granger, 1992).
ARCH (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) model
describes the forecast variance in terms of current observables (Engle,
Forecasting of the large covariance matrices relevant in asset
pricing, asset allocation, and financial risk management applications
and formal links between realized volatility and the conditional
covariance matrix are developed in (Andersen et al., 2003)
Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SSE) is not an exception. Apart from the
level and random error behavior of stock prices of the issuers on
Sarajevo Stock Exchange demonstrates some other demand components such
as cycles, trends and seasonal peaks. The model developed in this paper
is applied to SSE.
This method is based on the idea that the growth (decline) of stock
price (demand) in the future period will have the same slope (trend) as
in the prior period.
This idea can be presented mathematically as:
[F.sub.t] = [D.sub.t-1] - ([D.sub.t-2] - [D.sub.t-1]) (1) where:
[F.sub.t]--Expected value of stock price for the period t,
[D.sub.t-1]--Stock price in period t-1,
[D.sub.t-2]--Stock price in period t-2.
Figure 1. depicts functioning of the method developed in this
It can seen from equation (1) that in order to forecast demand for
the period t this method takes demand [D.sub.t-1] as a starting point and continues with the same trend the demand has had between the periods
t-1 and t-2.
Mathematical equation of this method can be presented as follows:
[F.sub.t] = [D.sub.t-1] - [beta]([D.sub.t-2] - [D.sub.t-1]) (2)
This equation enables forecasting in a way to allow for the trend
in the period between t and t-1 to be different from the trend the
demand has had in the period between t-1 and t-2 periods. Depending on
the value of coefficient [beta], we can have some of following
[beta] <1--Forecasts smaller change rate in the period t to t-1
than in the prior period.
[beta] =1--Forecasts the same change rate in the period t to t-1
than in the prior period. This scenario presents the initial idea
described in equation (1).
[beta] >1--Forecasts bigger change rate in the period t to t-1
than in the prior period.
This method shows major errors when demand function goes through
local minimum or maximum. Figure 1. shows situation when demand function
goes through local minimum, where demand starts climbing up, while the
method falls a step behind and continues to fall, but right in the next
step the method reacts to changes properly. The coefficient [beta] can
be optimized by minimizing the forecast errors.
Forecast error is difference between the forecast value and actual
demand. In quantitative methods and statistics these errors are called
residuals. Every forecast contains errors. The aim is to develop a model
that will minimize these errors, and thus to get a model that will best
describe future events.
To determine reliability (preciseness) of a forecasting method
several measurements have been developed:
* Cumulative sum of forecast errors:
CFE = [n.summation over (t=1)] ([D.sub.t]-[F.sub.t]) (3)
where ([D.sub.t]-[F.sub.t] is forecast error for the period t.
* MSE--mean square error or model variance:
MSE [n.summation over (t=1)][([D.sub.t] - [F.sub.t]).sup.2] (4)
where n stands for number of periods for which the model error is
* Standard deviation is result of square root of variance:
[sigma] = [square root of MSE] = [square root of [n.summation
(t=1)][([D.sub.t] - [F.sub.t]).sup.2]/n (5)
Error measurement will be used to determine which of the
forecasting methods is the most efficient for forecasting in the given
Forecasting method developed in this work has been tested on
forecasting of stock prices of Sarajevo Stock Exchange issuers.
Forecasts are performed through some other established methods in order
to demonstrate the efficiency of the method developed. Models of other
methods used are of approximately the same level of complexity as the
method developed in this work.
Since the stocks of the selected issuers have not been traded every
day, the forecasts are made for average monthly stock price. The
forecast was made for all months from September 1, 2004 to March 30,
2006 for five (of ten) issuers.
Error measures for certain methods and selected issuers are
presented in Table 1. Signs given in the Table 1 stand for:
Stock companies:
* D1--BH Telecom,
* D2--Bosnalijek,
* D3--Energoinvest,
* D4--Hidrogradnja,
* D5--Sarajevo-Osiguranje.
Methods used:
* M1--Moving average method for n = 3
* M2--Weighted moving average for n = 3,
* M3--Exponential smoothing for [alpha] = 0,9,
* M4--Same Slope Method developed for [beta] = 1,
* M5--Same Slope Method developed for [beta] = 0,5.
It can be seen from Table 1. that the model developed in this paper
shows the best performances in general. As it was explained in the
previous paragraph, forecast errors can be minimized by choosing the
proper value of [beta], as it is shown Table 1 comparing results using
[beta]=0,5 and [beta]=1. Coefficient [beta] is sometimes called weighted
forecasting factor, since it gives a weight to certain value of gradient
of demand in the prior period.
The method developed is very simple and it reacts quickly on all
changes in demand and it uses very little historical data (two prior
Results of the research have shown that this method is more
efficient than the other methods of the same complexity used for
forecasting stock prices for the five issuers.
The method can be made even more efficient and it can keep its
simplicity without making any detailed analyses of historical data. One
of the approaches could be to determine the value of coefficient [beta],
using the tools of operational studies. For the goal function, which
should be minimized and which depends on coefficient [beta], one should
take the sum of forecast errors made by this method in previous periods.
The future research should be focused on testing developed model on
other cases in different fields.
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Engle, R. (2004). Risk and Volatility: Econometric Models and
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Gardner, E. (2006)., Exponential smoothing: The State of the
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Table 1. Error measures of forecasting methods.
measures M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
D1 CFE 1,26 0,87 0,74 -0,11 0,25
MSE 10,92 6,36 4,42 3,93 2,92
[sigma] 3,30 2,52 2,10 1,98 1,71
D2 CFE 1,46 1,06 0,79 0,18 0,47
MSE 7,91 5,01 3,56 4,47 3,23
[sigma] 2,81 2,24 1,89 2,12 1,80
D3 CFE 0,32 0,20 0,19 0,00 0,09
MSE 3,28 1,97 1,37 1,68 1,19
[sigma] 1,81 1,40 1,17 1,30 1,09
D4 CFE 0,40 0,30 0,17 0,05 0,12
MSE 1,91 1,16 0,83 0,87 0,64
[sigma] 1,38 1,08 0,91 0,93 0,80
D5 CFE 0,95 0,67 036 0,06 0,25
MSE 5,72 3,44 2,43 2,75 1,93
[sigma] 2,39 1,85 1,56 1,66 1,39