Risk management in prototyping phase.
Negoescu, Florin ; Axinte, Eugen ; Nagit, Gheorghe 等
Abstract: Scientists considers that the innovation processes are
conventionally divided into a number of progressive steps. An important
stage of a new product is the prototyping stage. This stage comports a
major risk because the errors of this stages are transmitted and
multiplied to the final product. This work presents some usual aspects
of innovation processes, describes the prototype stage, describe the
risk concept and the risk perception and give some solutions (guideline)
for the risk management in prototyping phase of a product.
Key words: prototype; innovation; risk; management; guidelines
Literature described the product innovation process as a steady
progression of events which led systematically from research to
production. For convenience, the process was broken down into a number
of stages, but viewed purely as a management problem all stages were
similar in that they were activities carried out by groups of people
which had to be coordinated and guided, that is "managed".
The armour of management techniques which had been built up over
the years was therefore expected to apply throughout.
In their genuine form the evolutionary stages of a new product are
usually as follows (Bergwerk, 1988) There is a research or feasibility
stage when various ideas are examined and alternatives are explored. The
objectives are specified only in very broad terms and the staffs engaged
in the work are allowed a good deal of discretion.
The work may include the construction of rigs and working models
but their specification is largely left to their creators and there is
no commitment by the company to take them further in this form.
The next stage is a decision by the company to use the work carried
out so far to attempt to add a product to its range. A specification for
the new product is drawn up and agreed by the various interested
departments. The ideas and proposals are then converted into an
engineering design, mainly on the drawing board but often aided by
further experimentation and test work.
When the design is sufficiently far advanced the next stage can be
started, namely the design, construction and evaluation of one or more
These prototypes are quite different from the rigs or working
models made during the feasibility stage because there is now a direct
correspondence to the design of the product in marketable form.
The design of the prototype will be as close as possible to the
design of the product but it will rarely be identical because
manufacturing methods are likely to be different for small numbers.
Depending on the circumstances the design of the prototype may proceed
simultaneously with the design of the product, may follow it, or may
even anticipate some part of it.
The prototype is then made and undergoes a number of evaluations
which are likely to result in modifications to the design. It may have
to be re-evaluated several times so that prototype work is a reiterative
process which continues till a decision is made to go into production.
The decision to take this final step may be divided into sub-stages, for
example by limited releases, pre-production models, etc.
The objectives of the prototype stage are considered to be so
self-evident as not to require spelling out at all, but if pressed is
generally put in terms of evaluating the design and its
performance'. It may also include some reference to customer
reaction or manufacturing methods but invariably it will be put in terms
of a data-gathering process leading to a more refined design. It will be
regarded as a continuation of the design phase, a sort of extended
product development Unfortunately these objectives describe only very
indirectly the overriding problem which is at the back of
everybody's mind. The prototype is really a device for controlling
the risk which will have to be taken when the time comes to go into full
production and to put the product on the market. If it were not for the
concern felt over this risk there would be no point in the delay and
expense of prototypes. After all, the product specification was drawn up
to the best of everybody's knowledge and the designers did their
best to transform it into an attractive engineering design. The only
reason for not going into production immediately is the very real risk
that there is something wrong somewhere and that the mistake will incur greater costs than the cost of making and evaluating one or more
prototypes, Individuals are also conscious at the personal level that
they may have been in error and are keen to try out their designs before
committing themselves and so risk losing face, or worse, their job.
The prototype stage is therefore not merely a way of obtaining some
information-though it is of course that as well-but the group's way
of dealing with risk. The true objective of the prototype phase is to
manage risk and in order to realize the full implication of this
assertion we must examine more closely what is meant by risk.
Risk is a concept which is used very loosely in everyday language.
Although it is readily acknowledged that risk is an element of all human
activities there is less agreement about what we mean by that statement.
It engenders fear, however, and has accordingly given rise to
elaborate behaviour patterns to allow us to cope with it. The use of
certain words in our language gives some indication of the
rationalizations which take place in our perception.. For instance, when
discussing the chance of a particular machine failure occurring in the
future we may describe it as improbable, not expected, unlikely,
If asked to associate numerical odds with each of these
descriptions, different individuals will give quite different numbers
and even the same individual will give different values depending on the
circumstances and his or her frame of mind. A distinction must therefore
be made at the outset between the risk as defined by the statistical
probability of an event and the perception of risk as experienced by
individuals (Bergwerk, 1988). "Risk" is usually divided into
two factors generically named hazard and harm. Hazard refers to the
exposure to risk which is taking place. In the present context it would
include the degree to which the product incorporates untried engineering
features or the extent to which it needs a revolutionary marketing
concept to sell it. Harm refers to the effect which may result or the
damage which may be caused if things go wrong. Risk is experienced as a
complicated function of hazard and harm and the two factors should be
discussed in turn when discussing the risk involved in a proposed course
of action. In addition we remember that we only accept risk in order to
gain some benefit. The balance between acceptable risk and benefit is by
no means a straightforward cost/benefit analysis but the principle is
there all the same. A balance must be struck between risk and benefit
and a decision made accordingly.
4.1 Industry' risk perception
Most risk judgments made in industry are based on judgment of
previous projects. (Lee, 1981) Historical figures are usually not
available so no serious statistical analysis can be attempted, even if
managers could be persuaded to act on the results. Good industrial
managers regard risk as a normal part of industrial activity and expect
appropriate risk taking in the behaviour pattern of their employees.
During the prototype stage of the innovation process, the risk
perception of a large number of employees of all ranks becomes of
importance. A great number of studies have taken place in relation to
the safety of the nuclear power the chemical industries. In industry the
risk of failure is considered a "necessary bad " (Turner &
Leech, 1981).An industry with high risk is the assurance industry and
here exists sophisticated mechanisms to evaluate and to manage the
Industry usually regards the making and evaluation of the prototype
as primarily an engineering task. It is carried out either within the
engineering group of the task force is established, the leader generally
has strong connections within the design and engineering departments.
Although the production and marketing groups of the company have to make
very significant contributions they are often placed in a subsidiary
role and provide a service to the project group by carrying out certain
tasks to an agreed programme.
Manufacturing departments has to manufacture the prototype and must
contribute to a decision how the new product must be designed,
manufactured and assembled.
The programme is usually in the form of a list of dates by which
the prototype has to be made and various tests carried out. More
elaborate programmes may allow for a series of modifications and
retesting as well as for stage authorization of expenditure.
The final outcome is generally a report to the senior management
group which can authorize the next phase of the project. The following
guidelines (Pinchot III, 1985; Bergwerk, 1988) are put forward on the
assumption that the conventional engineering company organization is
retained. (Table 1)
The prototype is no longer regarded as a continuation of the
development process but as a means of managing the business risk. Risk
can never be eliminated entirely and the effort devoted to the prototype
and the degree of risk which is regarded as acceptable is a fine
business judgment.
The prototype is not the prerogative of the project team. It is
related to the business as a whole and all departments must make their
contribution to risk control because they all have to carry their share
of the risk inevitable in a new product. (Fox, 1981)
The difficulties associated with the prototype are part of the
larger problem of maintaining the spirit of innovation in large
companies. Even in cases where project initiation is left to individuals
or very small groups, the complexity of most engineering products
requires the resources of large organizations so that the crucial step
of drawing them into the project has to be faced at some time.
This step should be taken with accept and in a way which takes the
natural understand of the rest of the organization.
Bergwerk, W, (1988), The role of prototype in managing product
innovation risks, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, vol. 203, ISSN 0954-4054, London
Turner, B. T. & Leech, D. J. (1981) Management of engineering
change. Chart. Mech. Eng., 28, June, 58-61, .London
Peters, T. J. & Waterman, R. H. (1982) In search of excellence,
Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies, Harper and Row, ISBN:
0-446-37844-5., London
Bannister, R. (1986) Product champions needed for industrial
jousting. Chart. Mech. Engineering., September, 33. 70-72. London.
Pinchot III, G (1985) Intrapreneuring,, Harper and Row, ISBN:
0060153059 New York, US
Lee, T. R. (1981) The public's perception of risk and the
question of irrationality. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,
376A, 5-16., London
Fox, A. J. (1981) Mortality statistics and the assessment of risk.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and
Physical Sciences, Volume 376, Issue 1764, pp. 65-75, ISSN 1981RSPSA,
Table 1. Guidelines of risk management (adapted from
Bergwerk, 1988)
crt. Common principles of risk management
1. Risk management is the main objective
2. Senior management must set the tone on risk taking
3 Select the project leader for risk management ability
4 Unify risk perception throughout the company by suitable
rewards and training
5 Ensure that decisions based on risk perception are made at the
right level
6 Allow 'service' departments formal access to prototype decision
7 Do not proceed till all departments have committed themselves
8 Treat health and safety risks in a separate category