Mechatronic conception for automat dimensional inspection systems.
Cristea, Luciana
Abstract: The integrated mechatronics design methodology is a
powerful rapid system development tool that can be used for the
development of optimised, flexible automation technologies and systems.
This paper proposes an alternative design methodology, integrated
mechatronics, which could be used for the rapid, cost-effective
development of automated systems. The application of the integrated
mechatronics design approach in the development of an automated
dimensional inspection system is presented. The results are usually
compared to specified requirements and standards for determining whether
the item or activity is in line with these targets. An automatic
dimensional inspection system combines the core aspects of mechatronics
(system modelling, simulation, sensors, actuation, real-time computer
interfacing, and control) with practical industrial applications.
Key words: Mechatronics, dimensional inspection, flexibility,
Evolution and intelligence are the major known tools in producing a
beneficial response to anything that may happen to a living creature.
They help the creature survive in most situations, expected and
Many modern technological products result from integrating
mechanical, electrical and computer systems. This combination of
technologies is known as mechatronic systems engineering and such
mechatronic systems are found in numerous applications.
Mechatronics comprises today almost any field of instrumentation,
from optical and medical technology through to domestic appliances,
metrology, automatic control engineering, office automation and systems
engineering. An Automated mechatronic system is capable of handling
materials and energy, communicating with its environment and is
characterised by self-regulation, which enables it to respond to
predictable changes in its environment in a pre-programmed fashion. A
typical type of problem in Mechatronics combines precision mechanics,
optics, electro-mechanics, electronics, data processing and applied
computer science and requires a very high standard of precision,
reliability and miniaturization.
Generally speaking, a mechatronic system consists of several layers
(fig. 1), where each layer is able to perform correctly only when the
underlying one is behaving correctly, too. The number of interfaces
between layers leads to an explosion of the overall complexity of the
system, thus rendering the development error prone, and the testing
extremely difficult.
In order to optimise an automatic inspection system it is necessary
to treat the entire sub-system in an integrative way during the design
process. In the world, remarkable preoccupations were achieved in the
field of the development and optimisation of the parts handle and in the
field of the mechanical characteristic correlation of the automation.
Issuing from the results obtained in the world in this field, the
author propose him selves to study the parts' behaviour in automat
inspection system modulus, and to determine new methods to increase
productivity and dynamic performances these systems utilised in bearing
production and inspection.
In this paper are being approached a few aspects concerning the
dynamic and static behaviour of automatic systems for bearings rings
control with the aim of achieving the best structures from the
efficiency point of view. The research objectives have been underlined
within the frame of solving a specific problem raised in the field of
machine manufacturing industry for dimensional control productivity
improvement characteristics and performances.
Theoretical studies consist of mathematical models and methods for
technical systems optimisation. Mathematical tools are of
ever-increasing importance in control- system analysis. In optimisation
of transport and feeding systems, numerical methods are indicated to be
used. By using the classical mathematics optimisation in the cases of
feeding and transport systems as an optimal problem, a few problems can
be proved: -the optimisation criterion is closed; -it can not be used
when the optimisation criterion is "bi" or "multi"
variables function; -the operating conditions are not used; - in linear
optimisation the Lagrange multiplier method, (which is a mathematical
method) can not solve the optimisation problem.
Concisely stated, the optimal problem in cases of transport and
feeding systems reduces to the problem of finding the optimal
operational factors as an optimal transport and feeding strategy that
optimises an index of performance, cost index, criterion subject to
various imposed constraints (Balachandra R. 2002). In such
circumstances, there have been underlined a series of methods to improve
the performances of automat inspection systems used in the bearing and
assembling component production.
Considering the theoretical results, the authors have perfected a
new testing plant to realise the static and dynamic
characteristics' correlation with the specific functional
characteristics and to determine the main and the most important optimal
working parameters.
Considering the theoretical analysis, the author gives emphasis to
the influence factors that can determine the optimised structure
realisation (Tomatis & Brega 2001). Some of the most important
factors are: the holding elements speed; the tank rake; the parts'
dimensional characteristics; the pats' features of constructions;
the parts' quality coefficient; the holding elements dimensional
characteristics; the holding elements features of constructions; the
looping unit mechanical characteristics.
The authors contrived a new testing plant to generate optimise
feeding and transport systems. In order to analyse the correlation of
the static and dynamic characteristics and the specific functional
conditions, the authors devised and realised an original testing plant
(figure 2.). The testing plant reproduces the mechanical structure of
some topes of feeding and transport systems in varied operating
characteristics (hooked disks, carved disks and catch pin disks).
The computer traces the whole process of deposition, catching,
handling, transport and exhaust of the parts from the tank, analysing
the necessary information and signals from the sensors and generates the
decisions on the optimised conditions of the feeding system. The
handling, catching and transporting elements must turn round with a
rotation speed with a variation range between 1 and 18 rotations per
minute. The tank rake must vary between 0 and 90 degrees, namely from
horizontal position to vertical position. The primary data that will be
processed by the computer are: the speed of the manipulation elements,
the tank rake, the time, the working productivity and the part
characteristics (shape, dimensions, appearance, material and inspection
characteristics). The general structure of the testing plant routine is
presented in figure 3.
The computer processes the information about the experiment and
presents the optimal parameters of the inspection systems analysed.
Figure 4, a presents an example of a chart generated inside the
experimental process for the tapered rollers. The chart underlines the
tank rake and the speed values for which the analysed system has a
maximal range for productivity. Figure 4, b presents an example of a
chart generated inside the experimental process for the spherical parts.
It also presents the correlation among the static, dynamic behaviour and
the specific functional characteristics. Analysing this chart, the
author can remark the tank rakes and the speeds that assure a high
productivity for each of part types. The main purpose of this research
is to generate optimised feeding, transport, proportioning, measuring
and alignment systems for more mechanical efficiency. The computer
processes all the information, testes the analysed system and sets the
working parameters to obtain an optimised mechanical system.
All these studies are very important in the field of precision
mechanics and mechatronics systems. The main purpose of this research is
to generate optimised feeding and transport systems for more mechanical
efficiency. This method provide an automatic optimised process for
dimensional inspection as well as an important data base for selecting
the optimal working parameters that can assure the most efficient
mechanical structure used in automation of dimensional control systems.
This method provides an automatic process control as well as a data
base for the select on of the working parameters that can assure the
most efficient. In the near future models of the micro inspection will
be added to the methodology. This will enable optimisation of all vital
parts of the structure of a mechatronic module. Later on, dynamic
properties and controller design will be included into the methodology,
which will allow for integrated design and optimisation of structure and
control properties.
Balachandra, R. (2002). Modular Design and Technological
Innovation, Report 2002-0, Information Storage Industry Centre, Univ. of
Tomatis, N. & Brega, R. (2001). A Complex Mechatronic System
from Design to Application, IEEE ASME International
Conference"Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics" Proceedings
Italy, 2001, pag. 278-283.