Best chance--an educational system oriented toward the development of business competencies.
Ciobanu, Romeo Mihai
Abstract: The Best Chance is a proposal for a project based on an
original idea. It aims to intensify the pro-active measures in order to
develop the entreprenorial and managerial competencies. The students who
belong from families with difficulties from the social and economic
point of view define the target group. The project can contribute to the
stabilization of the Romanian high-educated human resource and
development of business environment. The research directions, training
components, and working methodology define the innovative feature of the
Key words: entrepreneur, students, practice firms/simulated
companies, learning-by-doing, learning-by-interacting.
The fast globalization, increasing of the clients exacting,
progress in the IT field, and diversity of the offer are just a few of
the specific transformation that define the actually technological,
social and economical environment. The genesis of the over-industrial
society enforces a mentality change at the both individual and community
level, as an essential element to transform the passive attitude into
active attitude.
Therefore, the key of success of the young persons in a hard
in a real economical-spasm, depends on two essential factors such as
to be a good entrepreneur and/or a good manager. What should be done?
Today, the Romanian market of higher educated workforce is
characterized by a lot of fluctuations and anomalies. Some graduates
want to leave Romania in order to find better jobs and dreaming to
prosperity, some of them don't have jobs, and others have
difficulties in the social and professional integration process because
of the lack of education.
Many young people are thinking to run a business, but they wait for
an opportunity. Others are planning their business and search for the
opportunity to begin. To run a business means more than other job,
because it represents other lifestyle, sometimes totally different, and
it is a big challenge and endeavour. Each young person who want to run a
business must start with the next question: Am I prepared to do this?
Even that person searches for a partnership, the last one should answer
to the same question.
Alfred Herrhausen, from Deutsche Bank, characterizes the young
generation of managers as a little bit of Harvard, a little bit of
Hollywood and a little bit of Prussian prince. The education and the
experience are parts of the preparatory elements necessary to run a
business. What could be done?
The Best Chance is a proposal for a project based on a personal
idea and it could be a novelty in the Romanian social and economical
area. The project target is to develop a complex system of education and
research in order to form the future young entrepreneurs and managers
that could come from the students of poor families.
The necessity of education in the same conditions as those from the
real economy and the requirement of the fast adaptation to the concrete
conditions of a firm have determined the foundation of the practice
firms/simulated companies. The first simulated companies have been
founded in western European countries, and later in many others
countries around the world. The practice firm represents an educational
system in which the students have the opportunity to work according the
procedures, documents and legislation as in the real firms. The only
difference consists in two simulated elements: the money and
products/services. ROMSIM Iasi was founded in 1999 and it is a component
of RISROM (the Romanian simulated firms network), and it is also
included in EUROPEN (the international simulated firms network.). The
professors' experience during the last years and the endowment
(computers, software, handbooks, manuals, and magazines) offer the
possibility for a managerial and entrepreneurial education at a high
level (Condurache et al., 2002).
The project Best Chance aims to intensify the pro-active measures
to provide a scientifically managerial base for the students that have a
social and economic disadvantages, in order to a deeply understanding of
the challenges generated by the European Union integration.
The project objectives are the following:
* To identify the fundamental premises in order to grow the quality
life of students that have any social and economic disadvantages.
* To stimulate the initiation, development, and promotion of the
entrepreneurial and managerial behaviors.
* To get knowledge, skills, and entrepreneurial and managerial
competencies for the business environment.
The innovative feature of the Best Chance project comes from the
following research directions:
* Quantitative and qualitative researches regarding on the
identification of the necessary entrepreneurial and managerial skills
(the best skills).
* Quantitative and qualitative researches regarding on the
ralationships between the personal skills and requirements of business
* Quantitative and qualitative researches regarding on the
identification of training needs in order to form and develop the
entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
* Quantitative and qualitative researches regarding on the
establishment of entrepreneurial and managerial training methodology
(the best practices).
The project will be developed on the following coordinates:
a) Educational and professional coordinate
The project will allow to develop the specific entrepreneurial and
managerial skills and knowledge that will complete the base education
(Ciobanu, 2006).
b) Social and economic coordinate
The young graduates will have the possibility to integrate faster
and more efficient in the society and can reach an adequate status based
on a reputation and image founded on the real values. These kinds of
individual will action with more courage, in the spirit of competition
and with more wishes of fulfillment (Tripa et al., 2007).
c) Ethical and moral coordinate
The young graduate will have more chances to use his high education
for benefits of his family, society and himself. He/she will show his
gratitude to those that had supported him. The future entrepreneurs and
managers will promote a correct attitude based on the business ethics knowledge, and they will contribute to a healthy business environment
(Chryssides & Kaler, 1997).
The actually results are concerning the main components of the
project general framework, as follows: a) The training directions,
regarding on (Ciobanu et al., 2004):
* Learning--by--learning, through the access to the educational
materials necessary in order to develop the entrepreneurial spirit and
formation of the future managers.
* Learning-by-doing, through a diversity of real cases that will be
analyzed as the trading operations, supply, marketing, human resources,
* Learning-by-interacting, through the access to the national and
international virtual market. b) The working methodology, regarding on:
* The practical component
The project will follow the achievement of knowledge and abilities
that can be applied by the students as the future entrepreneurs and
managers in the real firms (the individual knowledge correlated with the
work team, and the development of the responsibility through continuous
learning will lead to the development of the authority inside the
* The interaction
The project is based on an interactive learning environment that
offers for the future entrepreneurs and managers a large variety of
doing business.
* The transnational character
The students will have the possibility to operate a lot of business
contacts with the practice firms into the EUROPEN international system.
* The understanding of intercultural aspects
The virtual international business environment will allow the
formation and development of a new behavioral and organizational culture
elements in order to manage the firms in the globalization context.
c) The specific activities that have been established according the
project objectives.
d) The identification of project team members. These professionals
have been involved in other previous activities of the ROMSIM, RISROM,
The further research will be oriented on the following directions:
a)To obtain the necessary financial support.
b)To develop every component of the project general framework.
c)To identify the components of the target group based on a social
The students that belong from families that have difficulties from
social and economic point of view will define the target group. The poor
families that are confronted with critical situations compose the
community of such students. The children' education becomes a great
difficulty for these families (low incomes, orphans bring up by the
grandparents so on). The pointed students are part of a special category
of young people, namely the vulnerable category. These kind of students
are exposed to many risks that push them to a lack of adaptation in
different situations with a negative impact to the social changes at the
Romanian society level, and it also affects the students'
integration in the civilized Europe.
The members of the target group will be selected according to the
following criteria:
* The capability and availability to start and lead a business.
* The average between the monthly expenses necessary to maintain a
student and student family income.
* The conditions referring to the dispensations from the taxes
according to the Romanian laws.
d)To proceed for the quantitative and qualitative researches.
e)To promote and disseminate the project and its results.
In business world, maybe more than in other area, the performance
is achieved hardly and the benefit comes later and sometimes very late.
It is the entrepreneur's wreath and the joy of the managerial
fulfillment. Sam Walton has started with a small shop of trifles in
Arkansas, and later he has founded the Wal-Mart stores network. Bill
Gates has left the college to found Microsoft Corp.
The logo of Olympic Games could be the same for the future
entrepreneurs and managers: Citius, Altius, Fortius!
At the same time, the project has to promote entrepreneurial
behaviors based on the fair-play and business ethics. Thus, I think the
Pierre de Coubertin's words have to define the attitude of the
young future businessmen: At the Olympic Games, the most important thing
is not to win, but to participate; such as in our life the most
important thing is the fight, not the victory. The essential is not to
win, but to fairly fight! I'm hoping this project can be indeed the
best chance for many Romanian students to increase the quality of their
life, and to grow the Romanian economic environment.
Chryssides, G. & Kaler, J. (1997). An Introduction to Business
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