Aspects of the recovery of nonferrous metals from solid residues by magnetic separation.
Nemes, Toderita ; Petrescu, Valentin ; Deac, Cristian 等
Abstract: The paper presents some considerations on the process of
separating nonferrous metals from solid residues, using the method of
magnetic separation in specially designed separators. This method is
based on the induction, in the nonferrous particles, of eddy currents
generated by a variable magnetic field originating in a rotating barrel.
The efficiency of the separation process was evaluated for different
metals and process parameters.
Key words: nonferrous metals, magnetic separation, eddy currents
The recovery of nonferrous metals and their separation with the
help of eddy currents is based on the phenomenon of inducing electric
currents by a variable magnetic field, currents that exercise attraction
forces on the metallic particles.
The most frequently employed systems are HRD-type separators with
eddy currents, with horizontal rotating barrel, where the active part is
a rotating barrel covered with strings of permanent magnets of
alternating polarity, placed parallel to the barrel axis. The
separator's feeding is done by means of a conveyer band that brings
the particles to the barrel, where they are accelerated at different
rates, according to electrical conductivity. There can appear, however,
problems with separating conductive particles of nonferrous metals with
sizes less than 5 mm from other non-conductive particles. This
inconvenience can be solved by using a dynamic separator with eddy
currents and with sloped barrel (IDECS) (Lungu & Schlett, 1997;
Nemes & Petrescu, 2004).
The IDECS separator consists of a rotating barrel covered with an
alloy of NdFeB and with permanent magnets alternatively oriented N-S and
S-N, fastened directly on the shaft of an electric motor.
The barrel's vertical position allows the mounting of magnets
with lengths of only 4 ... 6 mm and the separation of nonferrous
metallic particles from mixtures with low conductivities.
The particles to be separated are brought in the magnetic field by
the conveyer belt on a trajectory that is sloped both in the horizontal
plane and in the vertical plane and they fall on the surface of the
rotating barrel. On the particles there acts the combined effect of the
deviation caused by the collision with the barrel and of the
electrodynamic forces generated by the variable magnetic field, so that
the strongly conductive particles are deviated at greater distances than
the less conductive ones and thus they can be separated. The vertical
sloping of the barrel allows a stronger deviation of strongly conductive
particles after the exit from the separation area.
At the IDECS separator, as in the case of the other separators with
eddy currents, the variable magnetic field generated by the rotating
barrel induces eddy currents in the conductive nonferrous metallic
particles moving inside the barrel. According to Faraday's law,
eddy currents are induced as consequence of the magnetic field's
high variation frequency, and they propel the particle by means of the
Lorentz forces. The particle's trajectory is given by the size and
orientation of the magnetic field, but also by the own rotation and
translation motion.
When the particle's dimensions are small compared to the width
d of a barrel pole, the variations of the field induced in the particle
are smooth and the force F and the torque T can be expressed function of
the field's gradient and the magnetic moment M of the particle
(Lindley & Rowson, 1997).
The torque T sets the particle in a rotation motion in the same
direction as the one of the magnetic field and in the opposite direction
from the rotor. As a result, the forces acting on the particle get
smaller and the particle closes in on the rotor.
The particle's final deviation depends on the tangential force [F.sub.t], on the torque T but also on the deviation produced by the
impact with the barrel's surface.
The separation process is strongly influenced by the separation
factor [sigma]/[rho]. The values of this factor for the main nonferrous
metals Al, Cu, Zn, Pb are given in table 1 (Rezlescu & Barbu 1989):
3.1 The IDECS separator
Figure 1 shows the principle scheme of an IDECS separator made of
following main parts (Lungu, 2005):
--the barrel 1 is made of weakly magnetic steel and covered with
permanent magnets, alternately oriented N-S and S-N;
--the electric motor 2 ensures a speed that can be adjusted between
0 and 4500 rpm;
--the motor shaft 3, on which the barrel is fastened with a slope
[[alpha].sub.2] from the horizontal
The material to be separated is brought in the active area of the
magnetic field by means of a conveyer belt that provides for the
particles a trajectory sloped by [[alpha].sub.1] from the horizontal.
The values of [[alpha].sub.1] and [[alpha].sub.2] are determined by
successive tests for each type of residue, so that weakly conductive
particles have a minimal deviation ([d.sub.1]) from the vertical plane
and the strongly conductive particles have a maximal deviation
The strongly conductive particles (with high separation factor)
that reach the active area of the magnetic field, fall, under the
influence of the electromagnetic force Ft, of the torque T and the
impact with the surface of the rotating barrel, in compartment III of
the collecting device, while the weakly conductive particles fall in
compartment I. Compartment II will contain an intermediary product
containing particles of both types. This is then resubjected to
The angle [beta] between horizontal and the particle's
incident trajectory (figure 2) on the barrel surface and the
barrel's rotation speed n (rpm) are the main functional parameters
of the separator.
3.2 Materials subjected to the magnetic separation For the
experimental determinations, two groups of nonferrous residues were
--type I residues--mixture of Zn-Cu with 75% Zn particles of 3 ...
6 mm in size and irregular shapes and Cu wires with the length of 5 ...
7 mm and diameters of 2.2 mm (25%);
--type II residues--mixture of Pb-Al with 70% Pb particles of 3 ...
5 mm in size and irregular shapes and Al wires with the length of 3 ...
5 mm and diameters of 1,5. ... 2 mm (30%).
3.3 Experimental results
In order to quantify the efficiency of the separation process,
experiments were made for various values of the engine speed (n = 3000;
3500; 400 and 4500 rpm) and of the angle [beta] (15[degrees];
30[degrees]; 45; 60[degrees]).
After the separation, the quantities of materials collected in the
compartments I and III were weighed and the following parameters were
--G (%) the ratio between the mass of a metal's fraction in
the mixture--the whole quantity collected in a compartment--and the
residue's overall mass;
--R (%) the ratio between the mass of a metal's fraction in
the mixture and the mass of the same metal's fraction in the feed.
The results of the experiments for the two types of residues are
presented in tables 2, 3 and 4.
Following the analysis of results, it can be concluded that:
--for a given value of angle [beta], the maximal separation degree
is obtained at an intermediate value of engine speed, n=4000 rpm, since
at higher speeds conductive particles are repelled stronger, hit weakly
conductive particles and fall into compartment II;
--at the same barrel speed, the separation degree is maximal for an
incidence angle [beta] = 30[degrees];
--through an adequate positioning of [d.sub.1] and [d.sub.2], the
product collected in compartment II might contain particles in strict
proportion to that of the fed residue, and thus it is possible to pass
it again through the separator, without changing the separator's
Lindley, K.S., Rowson, N.A. (1997) Charging of Particles Prior to
Electrostatic Separation, Mangnetic and Electrical Separation, vol. 8,
no. 2, p. 101-113, ISSN 1055-6915
Lungu, M., Schlett, Z (1997) Electrical Separation of Metals from
Wastes of Printed Circuits, Journal of Mineral Resource Engineering,
Vol, 6, no. 2, p.89-95.
Lungu, M. (2005) Methods for Separating Recyclable Materials (in
Romanian), Publishing House of the Western University, Timisoara.
Nemes, T., Petrescu V. (2004) Materials Technology (in Romanian).
Publishing House of the Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu.
Rezlescu, N., Barbu, E.B. (1989) Aplications of magnetic separation
of materials, Publishing House of the Academy, Bucharest.
Table 1 Values of the separation factor
Material Al Cu Zn Pb
[sigma]/[rho] x [10.sup.3] 13.1 6.6 4.3 0.4
Table 2. G (%) and R (%) for Cu collected in compartment I
[beta] ([degrees]) 3000 3500 4000 4500
15 37,2 42,5 57,3 45,2
30,6 36,3 46,4 37,8
30 55,4 64,2 78,8 66,5
45,2 58,1 65,4 58,3
45 26,4 28,5 37,5 28,8
20,6 24,2 28,8 23,5
60 23,2 26,7 30,2 24,7
17,8 21,4 26,3 20,8
Table 3 G (%) and R (%) for Zn collected in compartment III
[beta] ([degrees]) 3000 3500 4000 4500
15 80,2 82,6 88,4 84,2
76,5 78,9 80,9 80,6
30 89,3 92,8 94,2 93,1
84,2 86,7 88,4 86,8
45 78,4 80,5 86,3 82,1
71,2 75,2 78,8 78,8
60 72,5 78,4 81,2 80,3
68,8 71,3 75,4 73,7
Table 4 G (%) and R (%) for Pb collected in compartment I
[beta] ([degrees]) 3000 3500 4000 4500
15 48,7 53,4 62,5 58,8
42,4 46,2 51,7 51,2
30 62,8 73,2 82,6 79,5
56,4 60,5 71,4 68,3
45 35,4 38,7 52,6 51,2
26,6 30,1 48,8 46,3
60 22,8 29,4 38,4 36,4
17,5 21,2 32,6 30,2