Analysis of dynamic conditions of contact of elements of mechanism with rotational cam and translational bar.
Voloder, Avdo ; Cohodar, Maida ; Karic, Seniha 等
Abstract: Mechanisms with rotational cam and rotational bar have
big application as mechanisms for regulation of motion of other
mechanisms, which transmit force. In target of regular work of this
mechanism, contact between bar and cam must be provided, in other words,
force between cam and bar must exist. For satisfaction this conditions,
we often use elastic elements (springs). This paper presents analysis of
influential parameters on this conditions.
Key words: rotational cam, translational bar, conditions of contact
Owing to motion of elements of cam mechanisms, break of contact
between cam and bar can be. In some last investigations this problem is
analysed (Ozgul & Pasin, 1996, Wu & Angeles, 2001). Figure 1.
presents mechanism with rotational cam (1) and translational bar (2),
where cam has angular velocity [??] and angular acceleration [??].
Mechanism has spring (3) which is need for contact between cam and bar.
In target analysis of conditions of contact between these elements it is
need analyse dynamic conditions of motion. The target of this analysis
is obtaining of term which shows influence of single parameters on these
Let we introduce next signs (fig. 1): [phi]-angle of rotation of
cam; [tau], n-tangent and normal axis in point of contact of these two
elements of mechanism; [??],[??]-perpendicular force and force of
friction between cam and bar; [y.sub.0]-beginning displacing between
pick of bar and horizontal axis which goes through centre of rotation of
cam; s- working displacing of bar; [??]-velocity of pick of bar.
We put dynamic equation of rotation of bar (Hibbeler, 1995)
[m.sub.B] [d.sup.2]s/[dt.sup.2] = [SIGMA][F.sub.y], (1)
where: [m.sub.B] - mass of bar, t - time.
On other side, we can write
[d.sup.2]s/[dt.sup.2] = [d.sup.2]s/d[[phi].sup.2] + ds/d[phi]
[epsilon] = s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]. (2)
According terms (1) and (2) we obtain
[m.sub.B] (s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]) =
Ncos[alpha] - Tsin[alpha] - [F.sub.C], (3)
where: [alpha] - pressure angle of mechanism, [F.sub.C] - force of
spring which is need for contact between cam and bar.
Pressure angle is defined as angle between normal on cam in point
of tangent between cam and beam and velocity of pick of bar of
mechanism. Absolute value of pressure angle of cams must be in definite
borders, in target prevention of blockade of such mechanisms. On other
side, with increase of absolute value of pressure angle we have decrease
level of utility of mechanism. For mechanism with rotational cam and
translational bar pressure angle has value (Voloder, et al., 2004)
[alpha] = arctg e+s'/[y.sub.0]+s = arctg e+s'/[square
root of ([R.sup.2.sub.0]-[e.sup.2])+s, (4)
where is: e - eccentricity between cam and bar, [R.sub.0] -
fundamental radius of cam.
Maximal permissible pressure angle is directly connected with
characteristics of friction between bar and cam of mechanism. This angle
in technical practice has value until 350 (Norton, 1992).
Force of spring has value
[F.sub.C] = [F.sub.C0] + cs, (5)
where: [F.sub.C0] - beginning force of spring, c - stiffness of
spring. 0 C F
T = [mu]N (6)
where: [mu] - coefficient of friction between cam and bar, it is
[m.sub.B](s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]) = N x
(cos[alpha] - [mu]sin[alpha]) - ([F.sub.C0] + cs). (7)
According last term we obtain perpendicular force N
N = [m.sub.B](s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]) +
[F.sub.C0] + cs / cos[alpha] - [mu]sin[alpha]. (8)
Condition that contact between cam and bar exists, is: N>0. From
term (8) and last condition we obtain
[m.sub.B](s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]) +
[F.sub.C0] + cs / cos[alpha]-[mu]sin[alpha] >0. (9)
With regard to maximal permissible pressure angle is
[[alpha].sub.max] = [35.sup.0], and: [mu] [approximately equal to] 0,1
(for still at still), it is following
cos[alpha] - [mu]sin[alpha]>0, (10)
from (9) next term following
[m.sub.B](s" x [[omega].sup.2] + s' x [epsilon]) +
[F.sub.C0] + cs>0. (11)
Last term presents fundamental condition of contact between cam and
bar for mechanism with rotational cam and translational bar.
For mechanism with rotational cam and rotational bar, low of change
of displacing of cam is (fig. 2):
in interval: 0 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or equal
to] [pi]/4, s = 15 x (1 - cos4[phi]),
in interval: [pi]/4 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] [pi]/2, s = 30
in interval: [pi]/2 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] 3[pi]/4, s = 15 x (1 + cos4[phi])
where is: s - mm
It is need calculate beginning force of spring [F.sub.C0],
necessary for contact of cam and bar, if next values are known: mass of
bar: [m.sub.B] = 0,2 kg; number of revolutions of cam in minute: n = 550
r/min (= const.); stiffness of spring: c = 3000 N/m.
Second derivation of displacing of bar by angle of rotation of cam
in interval: 0 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or equal
to] [pi]/4, s" = 240 x cos4[phi],
in interval: [pi]/4 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] [pi]/2, s" = 0,
in interval: [pi]/2 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] 3[pi]/4, s" = -240 x cos4[phi].
Figure 3. presents second derivation of displacing of bar by angle
of rotation of cam.
Angular velocity of bar is
[omega] = [pi]n/30 = [pi] x 550/30 = 57,5958 [s.sup.-1].
According term (11) and when [omega] = const. we obtain
[([F.sub.C0]).sub.min] = [(-[m.sub.B]s" x [[omega].sup.2] -
We observe function
[xi]([phi]) = -[m.sub.B]s" x [[omega].sup.2] - cs,
which for our example has form
in interval: 0 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or equal
to] [pi]/4:
[xi]([phi]) = -0,2 x 0,24 x cos4[phi] x [57,5958.sup.2] - 3000 x
[xi]([phi]) = -114,2292 x cos4[phi] - 45 N,
in interval: [pi]/4 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] [pi]/2:
[xi]([phi]) = -90 N,
in interval: [pi]/2 [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or
equal to] 3[pi]/4:
[xi]([phi]) = 0,2 x 0,24 x cos4[phi] x [57,5958.sup.2] - 3000 x
0,015(1 + cos4[phi]), [xi]([phi]) = 114,2292 x cos4[phi] - 45 N.
Maximal value of function [xi]([phi]) is:
[[[xi]([phi])].sub.max] = 69,2292 N.
Consequently, minimal value of beginning force of spring
[F.sub.C0], necessary for contact of cam and bar, is
[([F.sub.0C]).sub.min]. = 69,2292 N.
In target of determination of conditions of contact between cam and
bar of mechanism with rotational bar and translational bar, equation
which describe these conditions is derived. These conditions are depend
of: lows of motion of cam, first and second derivation of displacing of
bar by angle rotation of cam and of stiffness of spring which is need
for contact between cam and bar. In target illustration this problem,
one example is shown.
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