Virtual instrumentation in data acquisition and analysis of tool wear monitoring.
Anghel, Alina ; Sarbu, Ionel ; Scurtu, Dan 等
Controlling and estimating machining tool wear is one of the
aspects of monitoring machining tool state and conditions. This domain
is grounds for research to increase the autonomy, productivity and
quality of the manufacturing and reduce the economic loss caused by
unexpected failures. Among the elements that make up the machine-cutting
and device-work piece tools system, the machine cutting tool has the
lowest reliability and can cause major defects.
Among the cutting tool wear monitoring methods, vibration analysis
plays an important part and the main reason to consider vibration
signals for wear monitoring lies in their capability to respond to
excitations occurring at sources that are practically inaccessible, like
the tool-work piece interface. The ease of incorporating sensors into
the machining tool structure, its low price and the better performances
comparing with other methods, are among the other reasons. This method
is viable in spite of the inherent difficulties.
The methods that process vibration signals to evaluate the tool
state are based on the comparison of the average amplitude signal with a
reference signal.
The analysis of the signal picked up by the vibration sensor is
made in the time domain, as well as in the frequency and amplitude
domains to investigate which of these methods is most efficient for the
desired monitoring. Estimating the wear state of the turning tool is
made by correlating the information provided by the analysis functions.
By designing an entire package of virtual instruments dedicated to
the monitoring of the wear of the turning tool, the authors provide a
modern and efficient method that can easily replace the traditional
monitoring equipment.
This paper's goal is to carry out experimental research using
virtual instrumentation on diagnosing tool wear state for turning
machining operation by vibration analysis.
The goal of these experiments is to determine a relationship
between the tool's condition and the characteristics of the signal
picked up by the vibration sensors.
From the analysis of the tool wear monitoring equipment by
vibration analysis, it is made clear that the signal analysis is
required in the amplitude domain as well as in the time and frequency
domains. There are a variety of methods used, depending on the school
and researcher that used them, but many times these methods aren't
systematic and cannot be reproduced. The conclusions drawn are often
The turning operation was chosen since it is the most widespread
cutting operation. The installation of the vibration sensor can be made
in the proximity of the tool-work piece contact, so that the detected
signal is not distorted.
Monitoring systems that use vibrations as tool-wear information
carriers operate using the following general scheme: the complex signal
generated in the machining process is captured by a sensor, transformed
into an electrical signal and sent to a preprocessing block (containing
hardware and software elements) that increases the signal/noise ratio
and performs data reduction. The next block extracts the features and,
after an analog-digital conversion, carries out signal analysis in the
time, amplitude and frequency domains (Dongfeng & Axinte, 2006).
Through comparison between the analyzed signal and the reference signal,
we can obtain information on tool-wear and identify the trends in its
In this article, the general scheme for monitoring the wear process
is applied using a virtual instrument for acquiring and saving to files
the signals received from the sensor. Data acquisition and transducers
signal processing were realized using a NI-DAQ board and LabVIEW
software (Wu & Liu, 2008).
The file data is processed by a main modulated program, containing
four levels: time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, amplitude
domain analysis and dynamic analysis. After the file data is loaded, the
analysis domain can be chosen (Fig.1).
In time domain analysis, the cross-correlation function is used.
This function describes joint properties of the reference signal and the
test signal. By normalizing this function, its calculation is obtained
for the two sequences acquired in different manufacturing conditions and
envelope detection.
In our program, the analysis in the frequency domain is based on
the estimation of the spectra for two signals, the reference and the
test signals, with dedicated virtual instruments. Another virtual
instrument was designed to display two graphs: the first for the
differences between spectra and the second for comparison with the
warning and alarm levels. The virtual instrument for frequency domain
analysis allows direct observation of the differences between the power
spectra of the reference vector and the test vector. Spectra are
displayed simultaneously and with contrasting colors. The calculation
and the display of the spectra differences allow reading the difference
of the spectra amplitude on the vertical axis.
The two vectors' spectra and the warning and alarm levels are
displayed together on the virtual instrument's front panel and
eventual equalities or overloads are made visible.
One of the necessary conditions for using these virtual instruments
with good results is the correct setting of the warning and alarming
levels and the widening number. The high sensitivity of the instruments
is such that any warning or alarm situation will be signaled. The risk
of false alarms is high if these levels are chosen incorrectly. However,
the high sensitivity allows the advantage of being able to observe the
tool wear from its very first appearance in the power spectrum. Based on
his experience, the operator chooses the multiplying values for the
reference spectra to obtain the warning and alarm levels. If these
levels are too high then all the negative effects of tool wear will
occur and the higher level of maximum wear is observed too late. If the
predefined levels are too low, there is the risk of false alarms (Bajic
& Lela, 2008).
The amplitude domain analysis displays the evolution of the
peak-factor and the trend index, where the peak-factor is the ratio
between the maximum and the effective values of the vectors and the
trend index is the product of the mean intensity and the mean frequency
of occurrence.
The analyzer is a modified complex virtual instrument from the
LabView Library. Its adaptation for processing the vectors from the
experiments plan enabled the access to different functions and the
verification of some of the concluding remarks.
We consider that the possibility of accessing these functions is
useful for using the program in other applications.
Theoretically, it can be considered that the complex signal
produced during the machining operation can be described by a function,
depending on multiple variables: cutting conditions, dimensions, form
and homogeneity of the work piece, tool geometry and so on. Practically,
solving this function is very difficult, from mathematical reasons and
requires a very large quantity of experimental data. This function is
replaced by other functions that partially characterize the process
(Bradley & Wong, 2006). For the theme of this paper, five
independent variables were considered: revolution, n [rev/min]; feeds, s
[mm/rev]; depth, t [mm]; hardness, HB; wear along the clearance face, VB
[mm]. For each variable, five values are set up: medium, minimum,
maximum and two intermediate values (Table 1). In order to reduce the
number of experiments, an experimental project was used with factorial programming, second order, with central rotation. This experimental
program reduces the number of experiments and obtains good results
because it doesn't lose experiment significance (Dasic &
Natsis, 2008). The trend index values seem well correlated with the
tool-wear. Increasing these values indicates an active wear mechanism.
The practical implications of this remark are the introducing of the
trend index in monitoring schemes for other tool wear. For tool wear
monitoring, the peaks that trend to zero of the Hilbert transform for
the normalized cross-correlation function can be used. The presences of
certain tight areas where the mentioned peaks are more wear sensitive,
The modification of a complex virtual instrument from the LabVIEW
Library and its adaptation to process the vectors from the experiments
plan enabled access to different functions and the verification of some
of the concluding remarks.
This paper presents a method of monitoring tool wear using virtual
instrumentation that estimates the wear, constructed by wiring together
objects that send and receive data, perform specific functions and
control the execution flow.
For the research that led to this paper, the authors have leveraged
theoretical and experimental methods for tool wear monitoring, in order
to apply them to the turning operation
The factorial centered experimental program is also briefly
described in this paper, in order to highlight the influence of the tool
wear, cutting parameters and hardness of the piece work on the signal
that is picked up by the vibration sensor during the turning operation.
A package of virtual instruments operating in the amplitude, time
and frequency domains has been conceived to process the vectors
containing the experimental data.
The use of this program allows complex processing by selecting
different functions and comparative graphical display of the variables.
The modular and flexible structure allows usage in other programs and
makes it useful for digital signal processing.
The virtual instrumentation that was designed around this topic was
utilized in experimental research. The results obtained recommend
introducing virtual instrumentation for vibration analysis monitoring
and diagnosing.
Other tool state monitoring systems for cutting operations can be
based on the research method presented in this paper.
Moreover, future research could associate a greater number of
parameters of different nature to establish a technical diagnosis of the
machining tool and the machining process.
Bajic, D. & Lela, B. (2008). Examination and Modeling of the
Influence of Cutting Parameters in Longitudinal Turning. Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 5/2008, pp 322-333, ISSN 0398-8673.
Bradley, C.& Wong, Y.S. (2006). Surface Texture Indicators of
Tool Wear. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, Vol. 17, No. 6/2006, pp. 435-443, ISSN 0268-3768.
Dasic, P. & Natsis, A. (2008). Models of Rehabilitee for
Cutting Tools. Examples in Manufacturing Engineering. Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 2/2008, pp 122-130, ISSN 0318-6572.
Dongfeng, S.& Axinte, D.A. (2006). Online Machining Process
Monitoring. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology, Vol. 23, No.
8/2006, pp 281-286, ISSN 1091-5281.
Wu, C.Y. & Liu, X.L. (2008). A Study of Cutting State
Monitoring System Based on Virtual instrument. Applied Mechanics and
Materials, Vol. 10, No 3/2008, pp. 568-572, ISSN 165-6424.
Tab. 1. Independent variables for tool wear monitoring
n [rev/min] s [mm/rev] t [mm] HB VB [mm]
260 0.025 1 165 0
425 0.05 1.25 180 0.15
660 0.1 1.6 200 0.3
850 0.12 2 210 0.5
1040 0.25 2.5 230 0.7