Velocity field uniformity analysis of an electrostatic precipitator.
Neimarlija, Namir ; Dzaferovic, Ejub
The flow field characteristics of an electrostatic precipitator are
very important for the particles collecting process inside precipitator
box. Usually the problem of an insufficient efficiency of precipitator
can be related to no uniformity of the velocity field distribution in
the precipitation space. For these reasons, proper design of flow
control devices within an ESP is a critical design function. The
electrostatic precipitation theory considers that gas flow through the
precipitation space should be uniform with respect to the standards,
usually ICAC (Institute of Clean Air Companies) conditions required to
be fulfilled (Dumont & Mudry, 2003). Modeling in some geometry
ratio, usually performered under adiabatic and without voltage
conditions, is still common method to obtain the necessary information.
An alternative to this approach is the use of numerical methods and the
mathematical modeling of the process what is our approach too.
Numerous papers on electrostatic precipitation phenomena exist
ranging from the experimental and theoretical investigation electrical
characteristics, in the past, to the complex numerical models of
ESP's developed during last decade. The most of them research only
some aspects of ESP's problem. They include also papers which deal
with hydrodynamic problems in electrostatic precipitators. Some of them
consider ambient air as media in numerical modeling of ESP (Dumont &
Mudry, 2003) or simply offer the review of some ESP's problems
(Parker, 1997). Several documents refer to the same ESP as the subject
of this analysis: a numerical analysis an older version of the ESP
(Teskeredzic & Dzaferovic, 1999), part of thesis (Neimarlija, 2006)
and the test measurements data of the actual ESP (Internal documents,
1995-2003). The latter one contains data of the air velocity
distribution analysis conducted on the considered actual ESP at Thermo
Power Plant (TPP) Kakanj.
The actual electrostatic precipitator of unit 5 in Thermo Power
Plant Kakanj consists of two parts (figure 1). Because both
precipitators are equal, symmetric related to vertical plane which
separates them, we chose one, left side. The main elements of
precipitator are the precipitator box, inlet and outlet duct with
perforated plates and turning vanes, dust hoppers, the electrode pairs,
and so on.
The main data of the ESP are: number of the sections 4; the
precipitator box width and height are 10.2 and 11.3 m, respectively;
distance between the collecting electrodes is 400 mm; distance between
the discharge electrodes is 495 mm; the flow rate of the gas is 543000
[Nm.sup.3]/h (both sides); the applied voltage is 50 kV.
For obtaining more realistic results, in case of numerical modeling
ESP's flow pattern, it is better to present actual geometry as
authentic as possible. But, because of real reasons (computer limits),
it was necessary to introduce some approximations of the geometry. We
neglected the hoppers and the discharge electrodes while the so called
"sigma" collecting electrodes being observed as the plain
plates (as smooth walls). However, even with these simplifications we
can expect valuable and useful results.
Mathematical model consists of averaged equations of the mass and
the momentum balance. The standard k-s model is used for turbulence
modeling. Closed form of these equations is impossible to find for real
configurations such as an ESP's complex geometry. The implemented
finite volume method (Demirdzic, 1995) uses vectors and tensors
expressed through their Cartesian components. Possibility of the use the
unstructured mesh with polyhedral control volumes are very attractive
properties of the numerical model easing creation numerical mesh of the
complex geometry. Also, all dependent variables are stored at the cell
center. Central differencing scheme is used for diffusive terms. For
convection upwind difference scheme combined with central difference
scheme are used. The segregated approach is used to solve the resulting
set of coupled non-linear algebraic equations, for each dependent
variable what leads to the set of decoupled linearized algebraic
equations for each dependent variable. More information about the
numerical method implemented here, especially about discretization schemes, verification and efficiency, can be found in (Demirdzic &
Muzaferija, 1997). The very efficient computer code is built to perform
the calculation.
In order to realize numerical calculation as first task it is
necessary to perform discretization of the domain space. The
discretization procedure resulted by dividing the domain space on 578170
control volumes with refined numerical mesh near location of perforated
plates. The main support vertical beams are also defined with respect to
their significant dimensions and so influence on the air flow current.
The minor construction elements contained in the ESP are neglected.
To complete input data for the calculation purpose we need to know
boundary conditions and physical properties of the media. The boundary
conditions should be as closer as possible to the test conditions by
reason for obtaining more comparable numerical values. The volumetric
flow rate in amount of 108.3 [m.sup.3]/s is calculated on the basis of
averaged velocity [??] = 0.94 m/s and known cross-section of the
electrostatic precipitator. Hence, one is obtained the average velocity
at the inlet of precipitator of 13.48 m/s. The air density ([rho] =
1.188 kg/[m.sup.3]) and the molecular viscosity ([mu] = 1.824
[10.sup.-5] Pas) of the air are considered as a constant. In the
following presentation of results we are focused mainly on the velocity
vectors at the inlet precipitator box plane.
In figure 2 are shown contours of air velocity through inlet plane,
obtained by calculation and measuring. For the sake of easier
comparison, the contour levels of numerical calculation are adjusted to
contour levels of measure values. There is some similarity between
contours of two velocity fields. We could notice from the contours in
the figure 2 that calculation velocities exceed to some extent measured
one what is mainly due to the boundary conditions. The influence of
vertical central beams on velocity fields is visible on both contours.
For the left precipitator, the experimental analysis showed that
the average velocity at inlet plane is 0.94 m/s, and deviation from
average velocity is 38.27%, and at outlet plane average velocity is 0.78
m/s and deviation 21.92%. In relation with standard it is clear that
these deviations are significant.
Three top rows from table 1 provide a flow distribution statistics
for the ESP for the inlet and outlet plane. Obviously, ICAC 115%
conditions are approximately satisfied only for outlet plane, while this
deviation at inlet cross-section is above 14%. In second column of table
1 are given the participation percentages of velocities lower of 115%
from [??], and in the next column the percentages velocities which value
is between 115% and 140% of [??]. In third column are the rest of
velocities, part which values exceed 140% of [??].
In three bottom rows from table 1 are given data about another
parameter S (variation coefficient) defined as the ratio between
standard deviation o and average velocity [??] times 100%. The numerical
values of the parameter S are similar to those obtained with actual
field measurements. For the inlet cross-section, numerical and measure
values of S are 34.92% and S = 38.27%, respectively, while for outlet
cross-section in numerical calculation S = 16.67%, and value on the
measure basis is S = 21.92%. We see that numerical calculation gives
some better values of parameter S. However, these values are also above
prescribed value for parameter S of 15%.
The investigation of small velocities was also conducted. The
percentage of air velocities higher of 60% and lower then 85% of [??] is
about 20% in both planes. The fraction of smaller velocities (under 60%
of [??]) is relatively high, near 14%, in case of inlet plane.
The results of numerical analysis confirmed that there is
unsatisfactory uniformity of flow field inside considered actual
electrostatic precipitator and the certain flow corrections have to be
made. Numerical modeling has advantages because offers detailed data in
each control volume what is very hard to obtain by test measurements or
by physical model.
By other side, in case of electrostatic precipitators, there is a
necessity for development new and/or improvement present numerical
methods. The future investigation will go to the direction comprising
some others phenomena.
Demirdzic, I. (1995). Numerical Mathematics, Mechanical engineering
faculty of Sarajevo
Demirdzic, I. & Muzaferija, S. (1997). Introduction to
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lecture notes, Mechanical Engineering
Faculty, University of Sarajevo
Dumont, B. J. & Mudry R. G. (2003). Computational Fluid Dynamic
Modeling of electrostatic precipitators, Electric Power Conference 2003,
05 March, 2003
Internal documents of TPP Kakanj (Unit 5), (1995-2003)
Neimarlija, N. (2006). Numerical modeling fly ash precipitation in
electrostatic precipitator, Doctoral thesis, University in Sarajevo,
Sarajevo, may 2006
Parker, K.R. (1997), Technological advances in high-efficiency
particulate collection, Proc.Instn.Mech.Engrs. Vol.211, Part A
Teskeredzic, A. & Dzaferovic, E. (1999), Final Report for the
project: High-performance scientific computing in fluid dynamics,
(Ref.-No. GM 2048)
Table 1. Statistical parameters for hydrodynamic calculation.
<+15% +(15-40)% >+40%
Inlet 62.94 22.21 14.84
Outlet 79.13 19.50 1.36
[bar.v] [sigma] S (%)
Inlet 1.26 0.44 34.92
Outlet 0.96 0.16 16.67