The wearing out compensation of diesel engines combustion chambers by modern systems implementation.
Ostoia, Daniel ; Negoitescu, Arina ; Tokar, Adriana 等
The increase of the environment pollution generated by the internal
combustion engines the vehicles are equipped with, represent a
desideratum both for the manufacturers and for those who use them.
The problems generated by this pollution are complex and their
causes are various (Negrea, 2001). Most researches refer to the new
product's technology, but the influences of the wears that appear
as a result of the exploitation are more difficult to underline and to
This study approaches both the possibility to take over information
regarding the wear of some engine devices and the possibility to mend
the efects of these inerent wears by mending the engine's
actuators' parameters. The modern engines cannot satisfy the
requests imposed by pollution but by using the electronic and
informatics elements, thus it results a mechatronic complex. The present
work is a method for quantifying and reducing the wear effects in the
combustion chamber by using the electronic and informational up-dating
systems of some functional parameters. Thus, up-dating the new data of
the mechanic parameters in the electronical administration of the engine
(ECU), new configurations for the new functioning situations of the
engine can be created.
The experimental study of the pressure loss in the combustion
chamber was achieved on a M 511 diesel engine. It is characterized by a
power of 5 kW for 2500 rot/min speed and is switched on with the engine
through the C coupling.
The engine parameters (the indicate pressure into the cylinder, the
injection pressure) are measured with two transducers, a position
photoelectric transducers, a Kistler type and an Elkon one. These
transducer signals are introduced in a signal converter and than are
captured in an acquisition device type Labview. The converter signals
are processed by this device and with LabView software are saved in
ASCII files for further computations.
The engine speed and smoke are measured with a Type AVL device. The
sealing degree of combustion chamber is a result of wearing out
compensation and the important parameters of degree comparison.
In order to simulate and control the sealing degree of combustion
chamber, it was assembled a device that allows fitting gauged holes into
the combustion chamber. Through these holes the motor fluid is lost and
the performances of the combustion chambers decrease.
The tests on test stand were achieved in the following cases:
--engine under normal working conditions which means the hole
diameter of chamber is equal to 0mm, so there are no loses in combustion
--engine under working conditions characterized by the hole
diameter equal to 2 mm, so through this hole are supplementary losses.
The test stand is presented in Figure 1.
The testing method purpose was to achieve verification on partial
automated experimental installation that can be found in the Internal
Combustion Engines lab of MMUT Department of University Politehnica of
Timisoara (Ostoia, 2006; Ostoia et al., 2005). The stall land auxiliary
installations were equipped as to obtain some parameters established at
tests objectives.
The device has a good accuracy for a relevant experimental study
duet o fact that convergent results were also experimental obtained for
piston rings with different wear degrees.
The experimental program was achieved as every testing case was
recurring for a convenient number of times and the resulted values are
representing average values of these tests. The device was assembled
into the combustion chamber and into the device can be achieved fitting
gauged holes in order to simulate the losses through leakiness caused by
piston rings wear.
In order to compare the simulation cases were achieved tests for
the engine equipped as it follows:
--new piston rings
--weared piston rings
--new piston rings with fitting of 2mm device
To compensate the loss caused by the non-tighten of the combustion
chamber due to the wears, it is proposed a change in the injection
pressure from 175 bar standard to 200 bar.
Thus, together with the information received from the sensor in the
combustion chamber, the engine's actuators' parameters can be
corrected by changing the values of the Electronic Central Unit (ECU).
These changes must be corrected for each phase, together with their
own diagnosis on board (OBD), but i tis preffered to be made together
with the change of parameters in the combustion chamber (Madaras, et
al., 2006).
The diagram block of connection between transducer pressure from
combustion chamber TP, electronic control unit (ECU) and injection
pressure actuators I.A. is shown in Figure2.
The main experimental data regarding the performance parameters of
the engine (the effectiv power [P.sub.e], the engine speed n, the cyclic dosage [d.sub.c], the injection pressure p) are plotted in Figure3 and
Figure 4 (Ostoia, et al., 2005).
By analyzing the accomplished researches regarding the modification
of conditions from the combustion chamber, results the following
--The modulating methods allow the losses through leakiness
evaluation of the engine piston rings
--By knowing the engine behavior in losses case, functional and
constructive parameters can be adjusted as the engine working conditions
to be optimum
--The tested engine and the ones of its family are energetically
influenced by the sealing of the combustion chamber
--The compression and sealing degrees of the combustion chambers
are corroborated with the wear of the sealing element. This fact was
observed on the comsumption increasing together with the increase of
leakinsess the combustion chamber
--The compensation of the leakeage due leakiness could be achieved
through an electronic management of injection system until a certain
value of these losses.
--The parameters correction of engines will be realized by unit
electronic control (ECU) when the transducers of pressure indicate a
different value of standard.
This study makes a connection between mechanics parameters (wearing
out, effective power, pollution degree) and the electronics and
informatics device which equipped the new generation of modern engine.
The study can be especially applied for high capacity diesel
engines. These engines usually are related to heavy vehicles (trucks,
buses) with an exploitation period larger than the cars one and they
presume a high exploitation price.
The results for pollution and energetic performances improvements
create the possibility of the combustion chambers wear degree
The experimental results of this study represent a research
direction which must be in accordance with the studies regarding the
engine operation optimization.
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