The response analysis of the CFRP laminated plates due to low velocity impact.
Dogaru, Florin ; Baba, Marius Nicolae
The CFRP material presents an increased susceptibility to damage
due to impact. The weak behavior of the polymeric composite material
reinforced with carbon fibers is due to the reduced absorption capacity
of kinetic energy of the projectile.
There are many solutions in literature that were presented for
different impact cases. Sun & Chattopadhyay (1975) used a complete
model for studying a rectangular plate in the case of impact influenced
by the wave propagation when the maximum displacement of the plate is
out of phase with the projectile's displacement. Olsson (1992) gave
an approximate solution for case of impact influenced by the wave
propagation. Abrate (1998, 2005) studied deeper the impact response
taking into account different models proposed by researchers in past
years. Swanson (1997) showed that when the mass of the plate is much
smaller than the projectile's mass the response is quasistatic.
In this paper the authors give a simple solution using complete
model on the basis of Kirchhoff's plate theory concerning the
impact response of CFRP laminated plate.
A complete model takes into consideration the structure's
dynamic, the projectile's dynamic and the contact force, (Sun 1975,
Abrate 2005). In case of simply supported plate at the edges, Navier
resolution can be used to obtain a closed-form solution to the
transitory response. In accordance with the classic plate theory, for a
symmetrically laminated plate, without bending-twisting coupling
([D.sub.16]=[D.sub.26]=0), the displacement equation of the plate loaded
by a concentrated force may be written in the form:
[D.sub.11] [[partial derivative].sup.4]w/[partial
derivative][x.sup.4] + 2([D.sub.12] + 2[D.sub.66]) [[partial
derivative].sup.4]w/[partial derivative][x.sup.2] [partial
derivative][y.sup.2] + [D.sub.22] [[partial derivative].sup.4]w/[partial
derivative][y.sup.4] + + [I.sub.1] [??] = F(t), (1)
where [D.sub.ij] stands for bending and torsion stiffness,
[I.sub.1]=ph, [rho] is density of the plate, h thickness of the plate,
F(t) contact force and w stands for the transversal displacement of the
Considering a plate with axb dimensions we obtain the transversal
plate's displacement of point (x,y), for the impact case in point
([x.sub.1], [y.sub.1]):
The projectile's displacement, [w.sub.1], is the sum of the
local displacement due to contact, [delta] and plate's
displacement, [w.sub.2]. Considering the equilibrium projectile's
equation with initial conditions [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], and so, through integration, the
projectile's displacement becomes:
where V and [M.sub.1] are the velocity and the mass of the
projectile. In order to model the contact, Hertz's contact law was
used. It was supposed that the projectile has spherical shape and the
Hertz's contact law is valid for the dynamic case as well:
F(t) = [[kappa].sub.c][[delta].sup.3/2], [[kappa].sub.c] =
4/3[E.sub.3][R.sup.0.5], [E.sub.3] = [E.sub.2], (4)
where [[kappa].sub.c] is contact stiffness' coefficient.
Taking out [delta] from Eq.(3.1) and considering Eq.(3.3, 2) after
substituting in Eq.(4.1), the non-linear integral equation, for central
plate's impact becomes:
Trapezoid formula is used to solve Eq.(5). For particular case of
equation (5), two kinds of functions under integral exist:
[f.sub.1]([tau]) = F([tau]) x (t - [tau]), [f.sub.2]([tau]) =
F([tau]) x sin[[omega](t - [tau])] (6)
Solving separately dividing (0, t) in i equidistant intervals,
[t.sub.0], t = [t.sub.0] x i. The result is:
where F(i) = F(i x [t.sub.0]), and for the moment t=0 the two
elements get into contact, F(0) = 0 . Quite in the same way, for the
second function, taking in account m x n participating mode of the
plate, the result is:
Using Eq.(7, 8) the Eq.(5) was solved iteratively with MATLAB program (Dogaru et al., 2005).
The analytical and experimental analyses were conducted on a
composite plate made of epoxy vinyl ester matrix (Derakane 470-30-S)
reinforced with carbon fibers with dimensions 150x100[mm.sup.2] and
2.5mm thickness, 8 unidirectional laminae and symmetric orientation
[[0/-45/+ 45/90].sub.s]. The characteristics of lamina's plate
were: (E.sub.1)=54GPa, [[upsilon].sub.12]=0.3,
[E.sub.2]=[E.sub.3]=4.5GPa, [G.sub.12]=[G.sub.23]=1.65GPa. The plates
used to cut off the specimens were manually manufactured and the resin
was impregnated by brushing-on action and the fibers volumetric ratio
was about 35%.
The impact test was done by the use of a device designed for this
particular study, having the energy capacity of 1-50J obtained by
adjusting the height and/or the weight. The specimen was simply
supported at the edges against a metal plate (30mm thickness) with
interior cutting-out of 125x75[mm.sup.2] by the intermediary of a wooden
plate (6mm thickness) in order to avoid the specimen crushing at ends.
The specimen was fixed at the edges during the impact at four points
with screws having rubber disposed on the tip and manually screwed. The
projectile had a 16-mm diameter semispherical head made of alloyed steel
with increased hardness, 1.9kg weight and the impact was targeted at the
plate's center. Behind the projectile, an accelerometer was
attached (screwed), in order to measure the projectile's
acceleration and then to calculate the contact force during the impact.
The results were recorded by using an acquisition plate NI USB 6251 BNC.
The velocity and the displacement of the projectile during the impact
were calculated through integration of the measured acceleration curve
using LabVIEW program (Dogaru et al., 2005).
A new static study was done because the impact is quasi static, it
meant that the maximum force and the maximum displacement are reached
simultaneously (Swanson 1997), using FEM (Ansys), in which the force was
applied statically on the projectile which is considered in contact with
the laminated plate. A 1000 elements were used, SHELL181 elements for
plate's simulation, SOLID187 for projectile's simulation and
CONTA174, TARGE170 for contact's simulation. The force applied on
projectile was the maximum value recorded in dynamic experimental
investigation, F=3750N. The analysis is done on quarter of the model due
to the symmetry considering the large displacements and contact effects.
The analytical response of the composite plate was calculated using
analytical solution, taking in account 5x5 modal parameters, for
different cases of impact velocity.
Fig.(1) illustrates the variation of the maximum contact force due
to impact related to the central maximum transversal displacement of the
plate obtained analytically and experimentally. For comparison, the
static solution obtained with FEM is presented, too. The solution due to
Eq.(5) is accurate only for small displacements, generally for maximum
transversal displacement smaller than the thickness of the plate fg.(1).
Notice that for a projectile initial velocity higher than 1.5m/s,
the results obtained using dynamical experiment are quite scattered and
the mean value of the forces recorded, is between linear analytical
solution and nonlinear numerical solution obtained with FEM. This
occurred because at this loading level, the damages are introduced in
the plate and they reduce the stiffness and also the contact force
value. Also notice the concordance, for small displacement case, between
the results obtained analytically, numerically using FEM static solution
and experimentally. In the future the authors intend to investigate the
damage introduced by impact, the level of the contact force that causes
the damage and its effect on the residual properties. On the basis of
these observations, the concept of a new equivalent model shall be also
considered in the future in order to simulate the damage effects
occurred in the composite plate, on the residual properties and impact
Acknowledgements. This research was done with financial support of
MECT and ANCS, contract PN II--IDEI, ID_187, 110 / 1.10.2007.
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