The influence of input parametersin case of cold plastic deformation.
Tanasa, Raluca ; Iuras, Emilia ; Carp, Iulia 等
The smoothening through plastic deforming using centrifuged balls
is considered a simple and economic method of fine processing and also
of hardening for the metal surfaces; is a complex phenomenon that
includes dynamic interactions between the metallic structure of the tool
and the work piece (Stepanenko--Aizenberg M.V., 2007). The method can be
successfully applied for cylindrical surfaces (internal and external)
and for plane surfaces, as well.
Refering at cold deformation smoothing by mechanical shocks, one
regards as an easy and efficient method of the smoothing and hardening
surfaces (Shiou F-J. et al., 2003).
Among many advantages of this method (Draghici G., 1984) we could
mention the most important ones a) the possibility to be applied on
common machine-tools usually used for turning, grinding etc, b) the
possibility to be applied by the operators that do not possess a high
qualification; c) applying for a large set of external and internal
cylindrical surfaces; d) the significant increasing of the fatigue
strength etc. As disadvantages, one can consider the lack of the surface
continuity, the possibility that the results be influenced by the
variation of the initial hardness of the workpiece material etc.
The simplest technological equipment which can be successfully used
in superficial plastic deformation processing by percussion, is
constituted of a device which can be mounted on a universal
machine-tool, lathe or milling-machine, and depending on the shape of
the surface to be processed could be revolved or plane, respectively. To
process external revolved surfaces, a device as the one from fig.1 can
be used, being mounted on a universal lathe's carriage.
The device has an electric motor which, through a cinematic
transmission induces the rotary motion [n.sub.s] of the portballs disc.
The tool-disc, mounted on the lathe's carriage can be displace
along the generatrix of the workpiece, assuring the feed motion
The revolved surface is assured by rotating the workpiece with a
certain number of rotations per minute [n.sub.p], which is reffered as
the circular feed motion [s.sub.c].
During smoothing procedure, the tool-disc is placed very close to
the processed surface for the balls to hit the workpiece when it
The frequency of the percussions will be dependent on the disc
number of rotations per minute and on the number of balls on the disc.
The studies made till now consider that the surface smoothening can
be realized in good conditions also by cold plastic deforming. After the
collision of some balls with a surface, this is locally deformed and its
micro-relief modified. During processing micro-craters appear on the
surface, having the shape of spherical calotte. In the theory of the
plastic deformations that consider the collision of two bodies, the
local deformation is evaluated as the distance between the two bodies
after collision, on the direction of their displacement. To observ the
modification of the height of micro-irregularities we are using the
mathematical relations for local plastic deformations (Ponomariov S.D.
et al., 1964) and the equations from the contact theory. We can
calculate the elements of the trace left by the deforming ball, i.e. the
depth of the micro-crater (the maximum deformation) and its diameter as
well. These parameters have been compared with the micro-irregularities
of a surface finished through other methods.
3.1. Theoretical considerations
The irregularity assemblies represent the real surface relief.
These irregularities appear due to oscillation movements of the tool
tip, friction of the tool edge on the surface, high frequencies
vibrations of the tool or of the machine-tool. The presence of
irregularities on the surface has, in hard work conditions, some
disadvantages, as narrowing the effective contact surfaces, worsening
the friction and functioning conditions of the part, decrease the
resistance to alternate efforts of the material by tensions summing,
decreasing the tightness and variation in the effective dimensions of
the piece. On the other hand, the absence of these elements makes
impossible maintaining the oil film on the contact surface by normal
The parameters that influence the roughness are: the geometric
parts of the tool (by the beam of the pin tool, tool clearance, rake
angle, angle of inclination), the cutting edge micro geometric (by usage
tool, the roughness of the back edge and front face), the cutting
conditions parameters (speed, feed, depth of cut), the physics-mechanic
properties of the material piece, cutting oil and the technological
system hardness.
We considered different initial roughness obtained with a lathe
tool reinforced with ceramics plate, having radius angle 0, 8 mm, and
different working regime for steel OLC45, according to STAS 791-80.
In order to establish an empirical model of the surface roughnesses
obtained during the plastic deformation process the experiments were
made at different working parameters, presented in table 1. The
parameters are: [n.sub.p]-piece revolution, [f.sub.1]-longitudinal feed,
[d.sub.b]-balls diameter, [] [[micro]m]--initial surface
roughness parameter. In figure 2 we indicate the profile of the initial
roughness, and figure 3 (a and b) presents the final surface roughness
surface after machining using different working conditions. The
influence of the initial surface roughness on the final surface
roughness parameter is shown in figure 4; one can observe the influence
of the initial roughness; if the initial roughness (marked II in graph)
is important after manufacture the roughness surface improvs as
indicated by dependence (I).
The analysis of the experimental data on the surfaces roughness,
obtained after the manufacturing process was realized using home-made
computer software written in GWBASIC language.
Using an alghoritm based on the least square method (Cretu, Gh.
1992), from experimental result we have determined the following
empirical relation, that describe in the most adequate way the studied
[] = 1,008391 + 0,005464[n.sub.p] - 0,14367f +
0,02795[d.sub.ball] = 0,2869167 (1)
In order to determine what element has the highest influence on the
[R.sub.a] surfaces roughness parameters, we have established a function
type power:
[R.sub.a] = 5,953731 - 17,93975/[n.sub.p] - 0,05896/f - 3,791355/
[d.sub.ball] - 13,15997/[R.sub.ain] s(5) = 0,1735373 (2)
From the empirical model obtained for the [R.sub.a] - roughness
parameter, and studying the size of the exponents (2), it can be
observed that the initial roughness of the workpiece [R.sub.ainit]
[[micro]m has the most influence on the [R.sub.afinal] parameter
followed by the [n.sub.p] - piece revolution [rot/min],
[f.sub.1]-longitudinal feed [mm/s] and [d.sub.ball] - ball diameter
When the ball diameter and the speed of work piece are increased,
the surface roughness value decreases. These experimental observations
confirm our initial hypothesis.
In general, it is indicated to have an initial high roughness,
obtained with a low cost procedure in order to obtain in the end a
material with excelent roughness properties.
We could remark that taking into consideration the absolute sizes
of the exponents belonging to different factors; we can put in order
these factors on the base of their importance. Some simplifying
hypothesises were accepted to develop theoretical models for the surface
roughness parameter Rz which characterizes the finished surface. In the
future, are planned to use autocorellation equation to verify the
validity of the theoretical models.
Cretu, Gh. (1992). Fundamentals of the experimental research.
Handbook for the laboratory activities (in Romanian). Institutul
Politehnic, Iasi
Draghici G. (1984), Manufacturing machines technologies (in
Romanian), Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti
Ponomariov S.D. et al. (1964) Resistance calculation in machine
manufacturing (in Romanian), Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti
Shiou F-J. & Chen C-H. (2003), Freeform surface finish of
plastic injection mold by using ball-burnishing process, Journal of
Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 140, pp. 248-254
Stepanenko-Aizenberg M.V. (2007), Model of high velocity
penetration of an indenter into a medium. Journal of Minning Science,
Vol. 43, pp. 254-272
Tab. 1. Input parameters values
[n.sub.p] [R.sub.a] [R.sub.a]
Nr. [rot/ f [d.sub.ball] init final
Crt. min] [mm/s] [mm] [[micro]m] [[micro]m]
1 20 0,05 6,78 7.73 1.77
2 160 0,05 6,78 4.23 1,4
3 20 0,224 6,78 4.94 1,8
4 160 0,224 6,78 5.45 2,13
5 20 0,05 10 5.46 1,0
6 160 0,05 10 4.15 0,98
7 20 0,224 10 3.83 1.02
8 160 0,224 10 4.82 3,10