The hardness of the surface after the flat lapping.
Cohal, Viorel ; Serb, Adrian
The lapping operation, being a complex process because of the
numerous influence factors that appears, it is hard to be overall
analyzed, consequently, both theoretical and experimental research are
imposed An objective factor for evaluation of the lapping process is the
hardness value of the surface layer. Because of the contact temperature
the abrasive particle cut onto a modified surface layer, whose
properties are different from those that characterize the material. This
fact explains the absence of the steel hardness influence onto the
cutting workability that characterize the lapping operation, the
principal factors that determine the properties of the surface layer,
are the chemical composition of the steel and the properties of the
surface layer after the previous operation (usually, the grinding
Lapping consists in the final smoothing of previously grinding
surfaces. This is done by means of certain fine abrasive particles
impressed on the lap or freely interposed between the part to be
processed and the lap. Abrasive pastes applied on the lap can also be
used. Through the relative motion of the lap as compared to the part, in
the presence of abrasive grains, particles are being removed from the
processed material.
Most of the interactions between the workpiece and the granule occur when a load is applied by the lap. A variety of abrasive jet
cutting and bead blasting processes rely on granule kinetic energy
either shearing work material or initiating and propagating fracture.
Mechanical aspects of the interaction of a granule and a workpiece
surface have been widely studied. Significant insights are provided by a
body of work in indentation and scratch testing, although considerable
care needs to be exercised when applying such physical insights to
lapping. In lapping, penetration depths tend to be much smaller than in
most indentation and scratch testing, although this is not true for some
of the recent nano-indentation studies. Workpiece surfaces exhibit
property variation (subsurface damage) over a depth which will be a
larger fraction of the penetration depth in lapping than in scratch
testing. For polycrystalline work materials, the relationship between
grain size of the material and penetration depth must also be
considered. Combining this with insights from classical cutting
mechanics, we can describe granule interactions with materials as a
function of load and the mechanics of the contact. Simply stated, if the
workpiece yield stress is not exceeded, the granule will simply slide
across the surface imposing elastic deformation and removing no
material. Larger loads form dislocations, plastically deform material.
The extensive literature in these fields provide ample descriptions of
large scale single grit interactions; the challenge is to define the
contact conditions of granules used in lapping processes such that
predictive kinetic models (rather than parametric correlations) can be
In conventional lapping, the applied load is born by granules
embedded in the lap system. As more granules embed into the lap, there
are more sites, for material removal. However, the load per granule
decreases as the granule concentration is increased. These effects
cancel each other leading to the observation that in some circumstances
the conventional abrasive lapping rate is independent of (granule)
concentration. However, since the lap .area is finite, abrasive
concentration extremes give different behavior. At low abrasive
concentration, the individual abrasive particles may be pushed too
deeply into the lap or the workpiece and become ineffective. And at high
abrasive concentrations the lap can become saturated with granules and
form a sliding surface with the excess material (Konig, 1990).
The recent literature regarding the interactions of the
workpiece-lap-fluid triplet in chemical mechanical polishing consists of
studies carried out over a broad range of material combinations under a
variety of process conditions. As a result, models attempting to capture
the resulting physical behavior consist of an equally broad range of
assumptions and approaches. The range includes consideration of complete
wafer-pad separation and the hydrodynamic modeling of the
workpiece-lap-fluid contact to the case where there is pad and wafer
contact in the presence of a fluid (Evans & Paul, 2003).
In lapping, the tooling allowance is minimum and it over tops only
a little the height of the roughness resulting from previous grinding.
That is why mechanical lapping should be accompanied by the selfcentring
of the parts or of the tool and it cannot correct the geometrical shape
obtained as a result of the previous operation.
In the experimental frame were machined materials bearings hardened
steel (RUL 1). The abrasive material was the mechanical paste of chrome
oxide, having the precision FFF, which is characteristic for finishing
operations. The experiments utilized a plane-lapping machine with
The values of the hardness, before (t=0) and after the flat lapping
operation are presented in fig. 1. In order to obtain a better
visualization the experimental data were presented into a graphical way,
the working parameters being beside specified.
The optimal regression function was chosen from the five types of
regression functions (which are linear, logarithmical, power, polynomial and exponential), using the [R.sub.2] criterion. The value of the
[R.sub.2] criterion is between 0 and 1. As close the [R.sup.2] criterion
is to value 1, as close the drawn curve pass nearest the experimental
points. When [R.sub.2] = 1, the regression function pass through all the
experimental points. The presented mathematical model is valuable only
for the considered time interval. During the lapping process on to the
material bearings hardened steel the optimal regression function
([R.sub.2] = 1) is:
The rest of the working parameters that describe the plane lapping
process were maintained constants, their values being settled on the
basis of the previous experiments, into a manner that the roughness and
the working efficiency to be as productive as possible. The hardness
value of the surface layer during the lapping process decrease
approximately with 60 hardness units of measure in the very first minute
afterwards, the decrease trend continue less sharp until the value of
working time is close to t=3 minutes, later the growth of the hardness
is limited, having a maximum value for t=4,5 minutes. In this particular
case the obtained regression function have a 5 degree polynomial form
which on the considered interval of time is characterized by an
ascending trend (Cohal, 1998).
This result of researches was analysis with NCSS (fig.1). Number
Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS) is an advanced, easy-to-use
statistical analysis software package. Regression techniques analyze the
relationship between a dependent (Y) variable and one or more
independent (X) variables. NCSS has regression procedures for many
different situations.
The assumptions of the one-way analysis of variance (fig.1.) are:
1. The data are continuous (not discrete).
2. The data follow the normal probability distribution. Each group
is normally distributed about the group mean.
3. The variances of the populations are equal.
4. The groups are independent. There is no relationship among the
individuals in one group as compared to another.
5. Each group is a simple random sample from its population. Each
individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected
in the sample.
The assumptions of the Kruskal-Wallis test are:
1. The variable of interest is continuous (not discrete). The
measurement scale is at least ordinal.
2. The probability distributions of the populations are identical,
except for location. Hence, we still require that the population
variances are equal.
3. The groups are independent.
4. All groups are simple random samples from their respective
populations. Each individual in the population has an equal probability
of being selected in the sample.
There are few limitations when using these tests. Sample sizes may
range from a few to several hundred. If your data are discrete with at
least five unique values, you can assume that you have met the
continuous variable assumption. Perhaps the greatest restriction is that
your data come from a random sample of the population. If you do not
have a random sample, your significance levels will be incorrect
(Hintze, 2007).
Given that the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test finds a
significant difference among treatment means, the next task is to
determine which treatments are different. Multiple comparison procedures
(MCPs) are methods that pinpoint which treatments are different.
If the F-test from an ANOVA for this experiment is significant, we
do not know which of the three possible pairs of groups are different.
MCPs can help solve this dilemma.
Lapping is successfully applied in fine mechanics manufacturing,
increasing the cutting tools lifetime and precision and also in
finishing and superfinishing the ceramic workpieces.
The statement that during the lapping operation an improving of the
material structure occurs, could be accepted only after a superfinishing
of the surface and the removal of a part from the surface layer that is
deformed and cold-harden.
Cohal, V., Contributions about surfaces lapping. Doctor's
degree thesis., Iasi, Romania, 1998
Evans, C.J., Paul, E., Material Removal Mechanisms in Lapping,
Annals of the CIRP Vol. 52/2/2003
Hintze, J., NCSS Quick Start & Self Help Manual, Kaysville,
Utah, USA, 2007.
Konig, W., Finish Processing, Ceramic Materials, Zunch, 1990