Some influences about the regenerative energy effect in the optimal functioning of the linear actuators.
Nasui, Vasile ; Lobontiu, Mircea ; Banica, Mihai 等
The technical and technological evolution towards the integration
in mechatronic included the stages of development of the module of
linear acting of the actuator type marked by the integration of the
microprocessors. The development of the mechatronic technology within
this context contributed to the development of the actuators as elements
of execution capable with this which have besides the cinematic chain,
energetic and informational material. In the dynamic study of the
actuators we have to consider the whole actuators, in spite of the
effects the transitory functional regime (Catrina & Constantin,
Thus results the necessity of the analysis of the influence of the
energy regenerated in the system as a consequence of the periods of
deceleration in the functioning on all the mechanic, electrical,
electronically components (Dumitru et al., 2004). Suppose there is a
form of kinetic energy recovery system which is considerably less
efficient at gathering energy and using it again, particularly at high
peak power and energy flow levels. The optimization problem for the
actuator is formulated with material, packaging, and performance
constraints. Since loads are continuously being accelerated and
decelerated, actuators absorb energy as frequently as they output
energy, but power is required from the supply regardless of the
direction of power flow in the actuator. The absorbed power is simply
dissipated in the actuator or power supply (Boiangiu, 2003).
The correct definition of the economic functioning regime of an
electro mechanic linear actuator must take into account, on one hand,
the clues that characterize the economic regime. The main component
parts of an actuator (fig. 1), including the electric engine of acting,
the transmission itself, the filling and the control devices. The
parameters which characterize the economic regime are the training
electric power and the efficiency of all the structural components.
(Nasui, 1993).
Saving the electric energy can be done by important measures in the
whole chain of the actuator system starting from the filling point,
passing to the control one or the regulating one and going on with the
acting engine and the cinematic transmission.
The basic problem in order to obtain a profitable regime is to
correctly establish the nominal power according to the efficiency, the
transmission report, the increase or decrease in the speed and the
cinematic moment. In the situation of the actuators, to establish acting
power is very important owing to the conditions of transitory regime of
The opportunity of the research results from the fact that the
authors are in general for real functioning situations with under load
power. When calculating the overall efficiency of the actuator s
transmission we approximate taking into consideration the only losses
that occur while the friction within the mechanism, neglecting these
depending among others on the degree of covering as well (Nasui, 2006).
To take into consideration all the losses we write the relation of
the overall efficiency according to the total / overall moment [M.sub.t]
and to that clue to the constant [DELTA][M.sub.c] and variable
[DELTA][M.sub.a] mechanical losses as it follows:
[[eta].sub.t] = [M.sub.t]/[M.sub.t] + [DELTA][M.sub.c] +
[DELTA][M.sub.a] (1)
If we define: the loading coefficient, [K.sub.i] =
[M.sub.t]/[M.sub.n] and the loss coefficient, [K.sub.p] =
[DELTA][M.sub.t]/[M.sub.t], using the relation (1) results:
[[eta].sub.t] = [[eta].sub.n]/1 - [[eta].sub.n] [K.sub.p] (1 -
1/[K.sub.i]) (2)
For this, we make real assessment of the value of the efficiency of
the actuator s transmission considering the overall of the power losses
within the actuator and for partial loading. For the transitory regimes
of functioning, the efficiency can be calculated deterring the two
components of the moment of losses within the transmission according to
the relation (2) including the dynamic moment (Dumitru et al., 2008).
The experimental determination of power losses specific to the
mechanical transmission of an actuator has shown its dependence
according to the degree of loading and functioning regime. The minimal
value of these losses represents 2 - 6 % out of the transmission power,
load nearly to the nominal one but not exceeding it.
Establishing the loading coefficient is necessary in view of the
choice of the acting engine and of the calculation of the overall
efficiency of the mechanical transmission of the actuator.
Thus results the great importance of the correct establishment of
the functioning in this functioning regime by mathematical modeling of
these influences (Maties et al., 2000).
This regenerated energy in the system results from the weight by
amplifications from the energy supplier. At the actuators, in order to
reduce the stopping time of the acting system, it is frequently applied
the dynamic braking or recuperative braking in continuous power regime.
The electric machine in this case functions as a generator transforming
the rotation kinetic energy or the potential energy of the working
machine into electric energy debit ate dons the braking resistance. The
whole of the kinetic energy of the weights in movement is transformed in
electric power which in its turn is dissipated on the circuit, being
controlled in this way.
The catching up braking is similar to the dynamic braking with the
difference that the electric engine generates in the continuous power
flux. The potential energy is transformed by the engine in electric
energy recuperating by itself and being used by other consumers.
The pattern of dynamic control is shown in figure 2. At the
actuators with asynchrony engines in recuperating energy regime, the
braking is obtained for speeds of the superior's rotor, the speed
of the rotator field, generating within the net of active power, but
continuing to obtain reactive power.
Because the actuators have a significant control, the recuperative
energy has a major part which can influence the optimum functioning of
the whole system. Regenerative energy is transferred from the motor load
through the amplifier to the power supply during deceleration. If this
energy is not managed it will boost the voltage which may damage the
Since the electrical energy stored within the motor is small, it
usually can be neglected. However, the driver must be able to handle the
motor and load mechanical energy [E.sub.R] = 1/2 x J x [[omega].sup.2],
less the energy dissipated by the cable and motor, [E.sub.R] = [I.sup.2]
x R x t
E = 1/2 x J x [[omega].sup.2](4,2 x [10.sup.5]) - [I.sup.2] x R x t
t = J x [omega]/[M.sub.T] x I [2 x [pi]/60] (4)
E--amplifier regenerative energy capacity;
J--inertia of motor plus load;
[omega]--velocity load;
I--current limit setting of driver;
R--resistance of cable and motor;
t--deceleration time, [sec.];
[M.sub.T]--motor torque constant.
The energy handling capacity of the driver power supply must beat
least the value calculated. (Aerotech, 1990) suggests a 50% margin on
this value. Also, give consideration to simultaneous deceleration in
multi-axis systems. The actual systems focus on the energy recovery by
dynamic or regenerative braking and less on the direct recovery of
kinetic energy and on its rendering at the appropriate moment.
The first systems produce heat which is then internally or
externally dissipated and they are not energetically efficient.
Regenerative recovery depends on the use of appropriate batteries, non
Also these systems of electronic regulation require regulation
equipment, compatible with the type of acting electric engines. All
these make the kinetic systems performances of recovery successful as
their weight is smaller and smaller.
The research focuses on the improvement of the energetic
performances, such as superior efficiency and the achievement of
structural changes especially regarding the solutions for transmission
mechanisms of movement, and its control. We propose original innovative
solutions from this point of view with new mechanism actuator of
movement (Nasui, 1993).
The development perspectives aim optimum solutions equipped with
mechanisms of transmission and transformation of the movement with high
efficiency and fiability. The problem consists in solving an
incompatibility among the functional and constructive of the components
of the system actuator.
The conception and its manufacture assisted on the computer has as
application field the assembly of the process of developing new
products, covering the conception aspects, manufacture and the link
between them. The control of the movement of the system actuator is the
key factor on which depend the capacity and their availability. Owing to
the dynamic regime particular to the functioning of the actuators, it is
necessary to know the influence of the regenerated energy in the system
in order to take the technical measures most appropriate as far as the
performances of the control equipment of the actuators are concerned.
When designing a linear motion system, it is necessary to consider
the effect of the variables operation will have on performance. In the
future the researches can continue for the development of new
applications on other types of mechanical transmission using this method
and different modular control laboratory.
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